Win HED Jet 50 wheels
Designed to excel at road races and crits, the Jet 50 is the
newest Hed wheel. After 20 years designing TT wheels, Steve Hed
spent time last summer working out the details of wheel that would
give roadies some of the advantage that time trialers have enjoyed
for years.
"50mm is the right depth for a road wheel" says Hed.
"An aero road wheel has to be fast, but it can't be too deep.
As a wheel gets deeper, it gets heavier and crosswind performance
starts to drop off. Plus, a lot of guys are riding clinchers now,
so we wanted to make a fast, light, clincher with an alloy brake
surface. And let's face it, we want to sell some of these, so
we had to make the wheels fast, durable and affordable."
At 50mm deep, 1720g pair weight, with an alloy brake surface,
the jet 50 meets Hed's criteria for an ideal aero road wheelset.
Wheels are spoked using bladed spokes, 24 stainless spokes on
the rear wheel, 18 6/4 ti spokes on the front wheel. With a clincher
rim and machined brake track they are suited to any condition
and durable enough to use as season-long race wheels, there's
no need to save them for special events. Built with sonic hubs,
the wheels can be made for Campy or Shimano. Suggested retail
is $895.