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90th Giro d'Italia - GT

Italy, May 12-June 3, 2007

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Stage 10 - Tuesday, May 22: Lido Di Camaiore - Santuario Nostra Signora Della Guardia, 250 km

Piepoli takes Santuario win - Noè new Rosa

GC favourites face-off - 38 year-old holds GC lead

By Gregor Brown and Tim Maloney

Champagne for Piepoli
Photo ©: Sirotti
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Leonardo Piepoli conquered the intimidating stage ten to Santuario Nostra Signora della Guardia when he flew away from an elite group with four kilometres remaining on the final climb and hammered to a solo win and his third career Giro d'Italia stage. He reponded to the initial move by Italian Danilo Di Luca (Liquigas), who had attacked but then reconsidered his strategy. When Saunier's Piepoli launched himself on the steep slopes of the final climb, nobody could respond.

A brave move by Andy Schleck (Team CSC) was reeled in by another attack from Di Luca, who rode up to the Luxemburger, and then dropped him in the final kilometre to finish second. A visibly agonized Schleck managed to hold off Piepoli's team-mates, Simoni and Riccò who finished fourth and fifth.

Previous race leader Marco Pinotti (T-Mobile), admittedly not the strongest climber, faded on the 14% gradients of Santuario and was forced to give up his pink jersey to 38 year-old Andrea Noè (Liquigas), who finished 10th on the stage, and now leads the overall classification by 1'08" over Marzio Bruseghin (Lampre - Fondital).

Piepoli's attack on the day's final climb reminded the tifosi of his two 2006 stage victories (La Thuile and Furcia) and just how strong of a domestique Simoni has. The rider from Puglia rocketed away from a select group of favourites once the remainder of the day's escapees had been caught (Baliani, Losada, Hincapie and then Parra - 173km of freedom).

"I did not have time to talk to Gibo but I knew it was the right move," remarked the 35 year-old Italian. Behind, team captain Simoni and his super-domestique, Riccò, marked the general classification rivals. Piepoli held off Schleck and then Di Luca over the final stiff 14% gradients. "When the final 300 metres came it was really, really difficult."

Once Piepoli attacked he remained solo for the rest of climb even though 21 year-old Giro-revelation Schleck came within a whisker of closing him down at 1800 metres to go. The CSC rider finished third for the day and was rewarded with the Maglia Bianca of best young rider.

"I hope to have this maglia in Milan," he said in French at the finish. The tall rider, younger-brother of Fränk, immediately came to a stand-still next to the barriers after crossing the line. "I had stopped at the finish because I had really given my all. Di Luca had closed on me and Simoni was chasing hard."

Schleck stayed with Di Luca
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Di Luca showed 'The Killer' look as he powered past Schleck with 1400 metres remaining. He had previously launched on Santuario at five kilometres out but then sat up; however, on his second attempt he was able to distance his GC rivals.

"It was a great test," said Di Luca, who took the Maglia Verde of best climber from Luis Felipe Laverde (Ceramica Panaria-Navigare). "I got a nice second place." He noted of the earlier launch, "I think my first attack went well but it was too soon."

Some doubt his form, saying that his willingness to show his cards on an early 'easy' mountain stage might mean he believes he does not have the legs to contend for the three-week title. "The first exam of the Giro... I am very happy. After Montevirgine, I think the Giro is going very well. I don't think I won the Giro today but it was an important part of the overall."

He could not match his stage win of seven days ago. "Piepoli was truly strong. If we had caught him right away then maybe the finish could have been different.

While Piepoli pounded on the Santuario slopes teammates Riccò and Simoni were watching the other favourites. Riccò was caught off-guard, looking back several times for Simoni, but he was later impressed by his captain's diesel engine.

"When Di Luca went I waited for Gibo. I only thought of him," explained an exhausted Riccò. "We showed to have a great team today."

Gilberto Simoni
Photo ©: Sirotti
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Simoni backed up his young companion. "I believe that Piepoli is not a surprise, and for our team it is great prize," the two-time Giro champion remarked of the stage win. "He did what he wanted to do and we are happy.

"Riccò did some great work. There were not great surprises by anyone. The Giro did not start today but every day it keeps getting tougher. The battle is day-by-day."

2004 Giro winner and Simoni's old teammate followed in the Saunier duo. Cunego was not able to keep up with Di Luca but, like Simoni, believes the big days are yet to come.

"I felt OK," he said of the ride. "I think that I demonstrated to be going well and that the attackers had their chance today. The team did well and we were always there. In other words, I am satisfied. I think the next stages will go even better for me."

"The Giro is long and it is just starting now. There are still many climbs. How did I finish?" he asked. "Seventh? Oh, good!" he concluded with a smile.

Pinotti struggles to keep the jersey
Photo ©: Sirotti
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The race lead slipped out of the grip of Marco Pinotti (T-Mobile). Pink Pinotti showed well over the last few days and confirmed his earlier prediction that the Santuario would be his last moment in the lead. Noè started the day 28" down and finished 3'39" up on Pinotti, enough to give the campaigner his second career Maglia Rosa.

"Today it was my day to try; to try to push out Pinotti and take the maglia," noted Noè in his raspy voice. "It is important to be in this jersey again. ... This morning, in the team meeting we decided that if there was a chance then I would be able to go for the maglia, as a prize. But from here on in I am completely for Danilo."

"Complements to Noè at 38 years-old for taking the Maglia Rosa," Di Luca added his praise.

How it unfolded

The peloton takes the road less traveled
Photo ©: Sirotti
(Click for larger image)

Under partly cloudy skies in the Tuscan beach resort of Lido di Camaiore, 180 riders started stage 10 at 10:34. At Marina di Carrara after 28.3 kilometres the town sprint was won by Drancourt (Bouygues Telecom) which provoked attacks from Brutt (Tinkoff), Klinger (Gerolsteiner), Rojas (Caisse d'Epargne) and Totò Commesso (Tinkoff).

Eventually 27 riders got a gap but were brought back before La Spezia. It had been full gas for the first hour of racing along the flat seaside road of Strada Statale 1, the ancient Roman road of via Aurelia that lead to the first climb in La Spezia after 52 kilometres, with 51.2 kilometres covered in the first hour.

On the climb up to Biassa, Lucky Baliani (Panaria) attacked and was joined by Bellotti (Crédit Agricole) and Wegelius (Liquigas) who was covering the move for captain Di Luca. Baliani took the sprint in Biassa after 58 kilometres and seven kilometres later, four others had bridged up, including World Champ Paolo Bettini (Quickstep-Innergetic), Iban Mayo (Saunier Duval-Prodir), Olivier Bonnaire (Bouygues Telecom) and Mauricio Ardila Cano (Rabobank). But this move was too dangerous and T-Mobile and Liquigas closed it.

The Giro d'Italia was now traversing the Cinque Terre area north of La Spezia, a series of incredibly beautiful seaside villages like Vernazza, on a tiny, winding coastal road along. The morning clouds had cleared and with a sparking blue sky, Stage 10 had become a spectacular advertisement for La Bella Italia and il grande ciclismo.

Ivan Parra
Photo ©: Sirotti
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Former Giro stage winner Ivan Parra (Cofidis) was in a hurry to get to Vernazza and went off the front after 72 kilometres. Caisse d'Epargne's Losada bridged up to Parra and Ardilla came along. The three were joined by four others; Hubert Dupont (Ag2r Prévoyance), Lucky Baliani (Panaria) and US Champion George Hincapie (Discovery Channel) and then there were seven off the front.

It was the right move at the right time and 10 kilometres further up the road, the escape had 4'24" (at km 85) on the descent to Levanto, the northernmost town of Cinque Terre. Big George Hincapie was in 14th on GC, 3'04" behind Maglia Rosa Pinotti so with this lead, the American champion was now Maglia Rosa virtuale, the race leader on the road. It was a genuine pleasure for George's American tifosi to see the Discovery Channel rider fly the stars and stripes on the roads of Italy.

After climbing out of the gorgeous seaside village and a drop through the day's first feed-zone on the back roads the average was 43.8km/h; the race was flying.

Kiwi sprinter Greg "Hendy" Henderson of T-Mobile abandoned his first Grand Tour at the feed-zone, as did CSC's JJ Haedo and both of Caisse d'Epargne's sprinters, Rojas and Markov. As the afternoon heat rose to almost thirty degrees, the break began the long gradual ascent up to the first GPM atop the Passo della Biscia, where their gap was 4'00" after 143.8 kilometres. Hincapie was still Maglia Rosa virtuale and after three hours the average speed was 42.4km/h.

No stopping at the pricey boutiques in Portofino for the escape as the seven were still working well and concentrated. At the day's second feed-zone in Rapallo, after 183 kilometres, the break was riding hard 3'15" ahead of the gruppo Maglia Rosa with Lampre and Liquigas chasing.

Ardilla was showing off some road rash on his right hip as the Colombian climber had crashed on the descent from the Biscia GPM.

At the Garibaldi intermediate sprint on Quarto delle Mille in Genoa with Parra first across the line the gruppo Maglia Rosa was at 2'40" with Liquigas on the front. As the escape traversed the urban landscape of Genoa with 30 kilometres to race, the lead of the break was now 1'50" and falling, with the short but difficult final GPM to Campi ahead on the green hills that encircled the ancient Italian port city of Genoa.

US Champ George Hincapie
Photo ©: Sirotti
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After 218 kilometres of fast racing on a hot day, the small climb to Campi would seem a lot bigger to the Giro d'Italia riders. Hincapie had a flat with 28 kilometres to go at the worst possible place, at the base of the tough penultimate climb. With the gap between the escape and gruppo Maglia Rosa now under 1'30", the team cars were barraged by the officials so Big George got neutral service and tried to chase.

Behind the break on the hot, steep ascent in the gruppo Maglia Rosa, Pinotti was already in trouble and was pedalling squares as he slowly slipped back through the gruppo. The break was now down to three as Baliani, Parra and Losada were still off the front but, incredibly, Hincapie had forced his way back to the break. At the GPM atop the Campi climb, Baliani took the points, with Dupont at 30" and gruppo Maglia Rosa at 1'10", which had absorbed Ardilla, and Pink Pinotti still hanging tough at the back of the chase group, led by Lampre.

Just before Pontedeicimo with 15 kilometres to go, the Lampre-led gruppo Maglia Rosa were just letting the four-man break hang about one minute off the front as the manoeuvres started with the steep final Santuario Nostra Signora Della Guardia ascent of 8.8 kilometres.

Suddenly, Gibo Simoni punctured and quickly got a wheel from a teammate as his other Saunier Duval teammates Mori and 'Litu' dropped back for the quick re-join. Liquigas hit the front with 10 kilometres to go as the white Santuario loomed above,

The final climb was an 8.8-kilometre ascent with an average gradient of 8% and steep spots up to 14%. Liquigas rider Charly Wegelius hit the front for the acid green team and cranked up the pace on the first steep ramps. Up front, Parra had attacked his break companions and although Hincapie hung tough for awhile, the chase pace behind was too fierce for the American champion who was absorbed after being away for 166 kilometres. Wegelius peeled and it was the turn of his Liquigas teammate Spezialetti to keep the pace high as Pink Pinotti was hanging on for dear life in the 20 strong gruppo Maglia Rosa.

Piepoli and Ricco
Photo ©: Sirotti
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With 5.5 kilometres to go, Parra was 10" ahead of the chase as suddenly, Di Luca attacked on a steep section and spun his small gear up to Parra. This move put the pressure on Lampre as Vila took over the chase. Old man Noè, Simoni and Riccò, Popovych, Savoldelli and Schleck were still in the chase group as Pinotti had finally been popped and was 30" behind and quickly losing time on Noè. But Di Luca realized he had gone too early and eased off and he and Parra were absorbed. The Cofidis Colombian had been off the front for 173 kilometres.

Suddenly, from the middle of the chase group, the tiny figure of Saunier Duval's pocket climber Leonardo Piepoli attacked on the left and all that the Lampre riders on the front could do was watch as the pocket rocket from Apulia just rode away. With four kilometres still to climb to the Santuario Nostra Signora Della Guardia, it was CSC's 21 year-old talent Andy Schleck who struck out after Piepoli.

He got as close 8", but then Di Luca attacked again and this time for keeps. Killer Di Luca quickly knocked off Schleck with 1.3 kilometres remaining and went after Piepoli, but the piccolo scalatore of Saunier Duval, who won two mountain stages at last year's Giro was just too strong on the steep slopes of the final kilometre. Piepoli took the stage win after over six hours of racing, with Di Luca runner-up at 17".

Andy Schleck
Photo ©: Sirotti
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CSC's Schleck had a brilliant ride to finish third at 27" and take over the Maglia Bianca of best young rider. Piepoli's team leader Gibo Simoni used the final kilometres to ride away from the others for a solid fourth at 33", while another Saunier Duval rider, young-gun Riccardo Riccò was fifth at 40", just ahead of Savoldelli and Cunego, who had lost 31" to Di Luca including time bonus.

Discovery Channel's Yaroslav Popovych hung tough and just came off the pace on the steep slopes to finish 52" seconds behind Piepoli and 12" from Cunego. Garzelli was blown out with two kilometres to go and lost over two minutes, while courageous Maglia Rosa Marco Pinotti ended up 36th at 4'31", 20" ahead of Predictor's Dario Cioni who had a disaster of a day on the way to Santuario Nostra Signora Della Guardia. After a great day in the break, Discovery Channel's US Champion George Hincapie was 52nd, 8'08" behind Piepoli.

Andrea Noe salutes the crowd
Photo ©: Sirotti
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Liquigas' old pro Andrea Noè became the new Maglia Rosa for the second time in his long career. Nicknamed "Brontolo" (complainer), Noè last wore the Maglia Rosa for one day in 1998 and at 38 years old, is a key team rider for Liquigas leader Di Luca. Among the Giro d'Italia contenders, Danilo Di Luca was sitting in eighth, 1'31" ahead of Lampre's Damiano Cunego and 4'26" ahead of Gibo Simoni.

Discovery Chann el had two riders positioned well; Chechu Rubiera was 10th on GC, 3'22" behind Di Luca, while Yaro Popovych rode into 19th, 2'29" from Di Luca. Astana's Paolo Savoldelli rode well to move into 15th overall, 1'42" behind Di Luca. Once again, Liquigas showed they had the strongest rider at the 2007 Giro in Danilo Di Luca and the strongest team. The real Giro began today.

Stage 11 - Wednesday, May 23: Serravalle Scrivia - Pinerolo, 198 km

Stage 11 is a transition stage away from the Ligurian coast, across the rolling hills of the wine region of Langhe to finish in the ancient crossroads city of Pinerolo. With the first mountains starting the next day, it wil be a classic struggle between a breakaway and the sprinters' trains. Perhaps time for US Champion Big George Hincapie to fly his stars & stripes jersey in Pinerolo?


For a thumbnail gallery of these images, click here

Images by Fotoreporter Sirotti

Images by Roberto Bettini/www.bettiniphoto.net


1 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                        6.19.07 (39.407 km/h) 
2 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) Liquigas                                           0.18
3 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                             0.27
4 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                            0.32
5 Riccardo Ricco (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                             0.41
6 Paolo Savoldelli (Ita) Astana                                               
7 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                  0.43
8 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas                                        0.45
9 Yaroslav Popovych (Ukr) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team              0.52
10 Andrea Noe' (Ita) Liquigas                                                 
11 David Arroyo Duran (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                                  
12 Emanuele Sella (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                       0.57
13 Evgeni Petrov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                              1.17
14 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                               1.22
15 Iban Mayo Diez (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                            1.41
16 Francisco Javier Vila Errandonea (Spa) Lampre - Fondital               1.48
17 Eddy Mazzoleni (Ita) Astana                                            1.52
18 Luca Mazzanti (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                        1.54
19 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                  2.07
20 Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                   2.16
21 Serguei Yakovlev (Kaz) Astana                                          2.32
22 Wim Van Huffel (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                                 2.43
23 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        2.58
24 José Luis Rubiera Vigil (Spa) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team       3.06
25 Matthias Russ (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                       3.12
26 Paolo Tiralongo (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                3.42
27 Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Liquigas                                             
28 Jussi Veikkanen (Fin) Française des Jeux                                   
29 Mario Aerts (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                                        
30 Koos Moerenhout (Ned) Rabobank                                         3.52
31 Amaël Moinard (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                  4.03
32 Andrey Mizourov (Kaz) Astana                                           4.11
33 William Walker (Aus) Rabobank                                              
34 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                               4.19
35 Rinaldo Nocentini (Ita) AG2r Prévoyance                                4.23
36 Marco Pinotti (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                      4.31
37 Steve Zampieri (Swi) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                 4.51
38 Dario David Cioni (Ita) Predictor - Lotto                                  
39 Julio Alberto Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare           5.11
40 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Crédit Agricole                               5.14
41 Pietro Caucchioli (Ita) Crédit Agricole                                    
42 Luis Felipe Laverde Jimenez (Col) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare          5.30
43 Yoann Le Boulanger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                  
44 Carl Naibo (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                           
45 Olivier Bonnaire (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                    
46 Hubert Schwab (Swi) Quickstep - Innergetic                             5.35
47 Aketza Pena Iza (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                              5.42
48 Dionisio Galparsoro Martinez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                 6.03
49 Pablo Lastras Garcia (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                            7.53
50 Aitor Perez Arrieta (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                                 
51 Alessandro Spezialetti (Ita) Liquigas                                  8.08
52 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                   
53 Matthew Lloyd (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                                      
54 Branislau Samoilau (Blr) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                    
55 Christophe Riblon (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                8.20
56 Massimo Codol (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                     8.28
57 Axel Merckx (Bel) T-Mobile Team                                            
58 Dmitriy Muravyev (Kaz) Astana                                              
59 Steve Morabito (Swi) Astana                                                
60 Vladimir Miholjevic (Cro) Liquigas                                         
61 David Zabriskie (USA) Team CSC                                             
62 Francis Mourey (Fra) Française des Jeux                                8.36
63 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                             8.47
64 Davide Rebellin (Ita) Gerolsteiner                                         
65 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                        
66 Addy Engels (Ned) Quickstep - Innergetic                                   
67 Sylvester Szmyd (Pol) Lampre - Fondital                                8.54
68 Charles Wegelius (GBr) Liquigas                                        8.58
69 Bingen Fernandez Bustinza (Spa) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone      9.30
70 Frantisek Rabon (Cze) T-Mobile Team                                    9.51
71 Mauricio Alberto Ardila Cano (Col) Rabobank                                
72 Hubert Dupont (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                   10.13
73 Oliver Zaugg (Swi) Gerolsteiner                                       10.19
74 Pavel Padrnos (Cze) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                11.26
75 Laszlo Bodrogi (Hun) Crédit Agricole                                  12.50
76 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2r Prévoyance                                       
77 Alexandr Arekeev (Rus) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                      
78 Markel Irizar Aranburu (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                           
79 Alexandr Kolobnev (Rus) Team CSC                                           
80 Volodymyr Bileka (Ukr) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                  
81 Jurgen Van Goolen (Bel) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                 
82 Frédéric Bessy (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                     
83 Christian Knees (Ger) Team Milram                                          
84 Eric Berthou (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne                                   13.39
85 Marco Marzano (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                 13.55
86 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                        15.02
87 Alessandro Cortinovis (Ita) Team Milram                               17.07
88 Mathieu Perget (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne                                 17.27
89 Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                              
90 Lilian Jégou (Fra) Française des Jeux                                      
91 Aitor Hernandez Gutierrez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                   17.35
92 Iban Velasco (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                                     
93 Mickaël Buffaz (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                18.11
94 Angel Gomez (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                   
95 Manuele Mori (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                  
96 David Canada Gracia (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                           
97 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                            
98 Nikolai Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                                 
99 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                                    
100 Salvatore Commesso (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                            
101 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Quickstep - Innergetic                          
102 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                               
103 Nicolas Roche (Irl) Crédit Agricole                                  18.23
104 Daniele Contrini (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                         18.55
105 Benoît Joachim (Lux) Astana                                          19.55
106 Lorenzo Bernucci (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                 21.20
107 Andrei Kunitski (Blr) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                      
108 Franck Renier (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                      
109 Pedro Horrillo Munoz (Spa) Rabobank                                       
110 Alexandre Pichot (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                   
111 Raivis Belohvosciks (Lat) Saunier Duval - Prodir                          
112 Kurt-Asle Arvesen (Nor) Team CSC                                          
113 Julian Dean (NZl) Crédit Agricole                                    21.56
114 Alexandre Usov (Blr) AG2r Prévoyance                                 22.10
115 Lloyd Mondory (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                  22.25
116 Simone Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                   
117 Steven Cummings (GBr) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team             22.35
118 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Team CSC                                          
119 Volodymir Gustov (Ukr) Team CSC                                           
120 Gorazd Stangelj (Slo) Lampre - Fondital                                   
121 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                         25.14
122 Hervé Duclos-Lassalle (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        25.33
123 Angelo Furlan (Ita) Crédit Agricole                                       
124 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                            
125 Maxim Gourov (Kaz) Astana                                                 
126 Thomas Fothen (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                          
127 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                          
128 Robert Förster (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                         
129 Brett Lancaster (Aus) Team Milram                                         
130 Oscar Gatto (Ita) Gerolsteiner                                            
131 Matthew White (Aus) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                    
132 Koldo Fernandez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                                 
133 Nicolas Crosbie (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                    
134 Anton Luengo Celaya (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                             
135 Joseba Zubeldia Agirre (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                          
136 Laurent Mangel (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                      
137 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                     
138 Andrea Pagoto (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                           
139 Matti Breschel (Den) Team CSC                                             
140 Dmitry Kozontchouk (Rus) Rabobank                                         
141 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) Team Milram                                     
142 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                     
143 Elio Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                                  
144 Martin Müller (Ger) Team Milram                                                          
145 Mirco Lorenzetto (Ita) Team Milram                                        
146 Tristan Valentin (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                  
147 Arnaud Gérard (Fra) Française des Jeux                                    
148 Dario Andriotto (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                      
149 Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Liquigas                                          
150 Matteo Bono (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                       
151 Alessandro Vanotti (Ita) Liquigas                                         
152 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Crédit Agricole                                        
153 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                           
154 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                              26.16
155 Christophe Kern (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                26.25
156 Assan Bazayev (Kaz) Astana                                           27.58
157 Fabien Patanchon (Fra) Française des Jeux                            30.57
158 Aaron Olson (USA) T-Mobile Team                                      31.00
159 Brian Vandborg (Den) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team              31.02
160 Gabriele Balducci (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo               34.36
161 Fabio Sabatini (Ita) Team Milram                                          
162 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                                     
163 Josep Jufre Pou (Spa) Predictor - Lotto                                   
164 Max Van Heeswijk (Ned) Rabobank                                           
165 Sven Krauss (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                            
166 Tim Klinger (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                            
167 Ivan Rovny (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                                    
168 Ricardo Serrano Gonzalez (Spa) Tinkoff Credit System                      
169 Nick Gates (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                                        
170 Mathieu Heijboer (Ned) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                  
171 Stefano Zanini (Ita) Predictor - Lotto                                    
172 Danilo Napolitano (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                            34.57
DNS Alberto Ongarato (Ita) Team Milram                                        
DNF Gregory Henderson (NZl) T-Mobile Team                                     
DNF Juan Jose Haedo (Arg) Team CSC                                                          
DNF Jose Joaquin Rojas Gil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                                                        
DNF Alexei Markov (Rus) Caisse d'Epargne                                      
DNF Paride Grillo (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                   
DNF Sergio Ghisalberti (Ita) Team Milram                   
DNF Arnaud Labbe (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                    
DNF Yohann Gène (Fra) Bouygues Telecom  
1 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                             25 pts
2 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) Liquigas                                             20
3 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                               16
4 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                              14
5 Riccardo Ricco (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                               12
6 Paolo Savoldelli (Ita) Astana                                             10
7 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                     9
8 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas                                           8
9 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone            8
10 Yaroslav Popovych (Ukr) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                7
11 Andrea Noe' (Ita) Liquigas                                                6
12 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                            6
13 David Arroyo Duran (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                                 5
14 Emanuele Sella (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                          4
15 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                  4
16 Evgeni Petrov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                                 3
17 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                       3
18 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                  2
19 Hubert Dupont (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                       2
20 Iban Mayo Diez (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                               1
21 Mauricio Alberto Ardila Cano (Col) Rabobank                               1
22 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Team CSC                                         -5
23 Jurgen Van Goolen (Bel) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team              -10
24 Koldo Fernandez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                               -15

Passo Della Biscia - Km 143.8
1 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                    5 pts
2 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team               3
3 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        1
Campi - Km 222.8
1 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                    3 pts
2 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        2
3 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                         1
Santuario Nostra Signora Della Guardia - Km 249
1 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                         15 pts
2 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) Liquigas                                         10
3 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                            6
4 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                           4
5 Riccardo Ricco (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                            2
T.V. Garibaldi

Quarto Dei Mille - Km 207.2
1 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        5 pts
2 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                         4
3 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team               3
4 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                    2
5 Hubert Dupont (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                    1
6 Mauricio Alberto Ardila Cano (Col) Rabobank                             
Most combative
1 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        7 pts
2 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                    7
3 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                          6
4 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) Liquigas                                          5
5 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team               5
6 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                            4
7 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                         4
8 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                           3
9 Riccardo Ricco (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                            2
10 Paolo Savoldelli (Ita) Astana                                         1
11 Hubert Dupont (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                   1
Azzurri d'Italia
1 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                          4 pts
2 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) Liquigas                                          2
3 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                            1
Trofeo Fuga Gilera
1 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone      173 pts
2 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team             171
3 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                  170
4 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                       170
5 Mauricio Alberto Ardila Cano (Col) Rabobank                          148
6 Hubert Dupont (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                  148
Trofeo Fast team
1 Saunier Duval-Prodir                                            18.58.34
2 Liquigas                                                            0.42
3 Lampre-Fondital                                                     2.40
4 Astana                                                              3.52
5 Ceramica Panaria-Navigare                                           3.54
6 Predictor-Lotto                                                    10.03
7 Cofidis-Le Crédit par Téléphone                                    10.39
8 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                                 10.53
9 Caisse d'Epargne                                                   15.25
10 Rabobank                                                          16.41
11 AG2r Prévoyance                                                   17.00
12 Quickstep-Innergetic                                              17.28
13 Acqua & Sapone-Caffe Mokambo                                      17.30
14 Team CSC                                                          20.32
15 Gerolsteiner                                                      21.05
16 T-Mobile Team                                                     21.37
17 Crédit Agricole                                                   22.05
18 Euskaltel-Euskadi                                                 23.22
19 Française des Jeux                                                28.32
20 Bouygues Telecom                                                  31.07
21 Tinkoff Credit System                                             36.26
22 Team Milram                                                       54.17
Trofeo super team
1 Saunier Duval-Prodir                                                  59 pts
2 Liquigas                                                              43
3 Lampre-Fondital                                                       26
4 Astana                                                                19
5 Team CSC                                                              18
6 Ceramica Panaria-Navigare                                             13
7 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                                    12
8 Caisse d'Epargne                                                      10
9 Tinkoff Credit System                                                  8
10 Acqua & Sapone-Caffe Mokambo                                          2
11 Predictor-Lotto                                                        
12 Cofidis-Le Crédit par Téléphone                                        
13 Gerolsteiner                                                           
14 Française des Jeux                                                     
15 Rabobank                                                               
16 Quickstep-Innergetic                                                   
17 AG2r Prévoyance                                                        
18 T-Mobile Team                                                          
19 Crédit Agricole                                                        
20 Bouygues Telecom                                                       
21 Euskaltel-Euskadi                                                      
22 Team Milram                                                            
General classification after stage 10
1 Andrea Noe' (Ita) Liquigas                                          46.06.09
2 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                1.08
3 David Arroyo Duran (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                               1.15
4 Francisco Javier Vila Errandonea (Spa) Lampre - Fondital                1.38
5 Evgeni Petrov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                               1.48
6 Emanuele Sella (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                        2.04
7 Serguei Yakovlev (Kaz) Astana                                           2.06
8 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) Liquigas                                           2.58
9 Marco Pinotti (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                       3.11
10 José Luis Rubiera Vigil (Spa) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team       3.22
11 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas                                       4.03
12 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                            4.04
13 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                 4.29
14 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                          4.32
15 Paolo Savoldelli (Ita) Astana                                          4.40
16 Riccardo Ricco (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                            5.06
17 Mario Aerts (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                                    5.20
18 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                           5.24
19 Yaroslav Popovych (Ukr) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team             5.27
20 Dario David Cioni (Ita) Predictor - Lotto                              5.44
21 Eddy Mazzoleni (Ita) Astana                                            5.51
22 Rinaldo Nocentini (Ita) AG2r Prévoyance                                6.07
23 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                  6.24
24 Iban Mayo Diez (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                            6.52
25 William Walker (Aus) Rabobank                                          6.57
26 Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Liquigas                                         7.09
27 Luca Mazzanti (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                        7.13
28 Hubert Schwab (Swi) Quickstep - Innergetic                             7.45
29 Paolo Tiralongo (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                7.51
30 Wim Van Huffel (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                                 7.57
31 Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                   8.03
32 Andrey Mizourov (Kaz) Astana                                           8.10
33 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        8.16
34 Luis Felipe Laverde Jimenez (Col) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare          9.21
35 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team               9.50
36 Matthias Russ (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                      10.02
37 Dionisio Galparsoro Martinez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                10.08
38 Steve Zampieri (Swi) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                10.43
39 Jussi Veikkanen (Fin) Française des Jeux                              10.46
40 Amaël Moinard (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                 11.04
41 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Crédit Agricole                              11.35
42 Julio Alberto Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare          12.04
43 Pietro Caucchioli (Ita) Crédit Agricole                               12.11
44 David Zabriskie (USA) Team CSC                                        12.23
45 Olivier Bonnaire (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                               12.51
46 Aitor Perez Arrieta (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                            13.02
47 Sylvester Szmyd (Pol) Lampre - Fondital                               13.03
48 Yoann Le Boulanger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                             13.27
49 Pablo Lastras Garcia (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                           13.28
50 Aketza Pena Iza (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                             13.34
51 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                            13.35
52 Francis Mourey (Fra) Française des Jeux                               13.37
53 Massimo Codol (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                    13.44
54 Alexandr Arekeev (Rus) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                 13.47
55 Dmitriy Muravyev (Kaz) Astana                                         13.59
56 Branislau Samoilau (Blr) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo               14.33
57 Matthew Lloyd (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                                 14.44
58 Koos Moerenhout (Ned) Rabobank                                        14.55
59 Charles Wegelius (GBr) Liquigas                                       14.59
60 Bingen Fernandez Bustinza (Spa) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone     15.22
61 Davide Rebellin (Ita) Gerolsteiner                                    16.11
62 Hubert Dupont (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                   16.16
63 Mauricio Alberto Ardila Cano (Col) Rabobank                           16.31
64 Marco Marzano (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                 17.40
65 Oliver Zaugg (Swi) Gerolsteiner                                       18.09
66 Carl Naibo (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                      18.28
67 Christian Knees (Ger) Team Milram                                     18.35
68 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                              18.53
69 Volodymyr Bileka (Ukr) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team             18.57
70 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                   20.09
71 Vladimir Miholjevic (Cro) Liquigas                                    21.34
72 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                        21.39
73 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2r Prévoyance                                  22.02
74 Pavel Padrnos (Cze) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                22.52
75 Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                         23.04
76 David Canada Gracia (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                      24.33
77 Steve Morabito (Swi) Astana                                           25.18
78 Aitor Hernandez Gutierrez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                   25.43
79 Markel Irizar Aranburu (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                      25.44
80 Alexandr Kolobnev (Rus) Team CSC                                      26.27
81 Frantisek Rabon (Cze) T-Mobile Team                                   26.28
82 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                               26.44
83 Volodymir Gustov (Ukr) Team CSC                                       26.51
84 Laszlo Bodrogi (Hun) Crédit Agricole                                  27.04
85 Axel Merckx (Bel) T-Mobile Team                                       28.06
86 Kurt-Asle Arvesen (Nor) Team CSC                                      30.29
87 Alessandro Spezialetti (Ita) Liquigas                                 30.30
88 Lilian Jégou (Fra) Française des Jeux                                 30.39
89 Iban Velasco (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                                31.15
90 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                 31.43
91 Jurgen Van Goolen (Bel) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team            32.19
92 Andrei Kunitski (Blr) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                  33.21
93 Christophe Riblon (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                               35.54
94 Salvatore Commesso (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                        36.12
95 Nicolas Crosbie (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                36.17
96 Frédéric Bessy (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                36.29
97 Lorenzo Bernucci (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                  37.09
98 Addy Engels (Ned) Quickstep - Innergetic                              37.11
99 Daniele Contrini (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                          37.25
100 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                      37.29
101 Andrea Pagoto (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                      38.36
102 Assan Bazayev (Kaz) Astana                                           40.09
103 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) Team Milram                                40.20
104 Alexandre Usov (Blr) AG2r Prévoyance                                 40.54
105 Gorazd Stangelj (Slo) Lampre - Fondital                              40.55
106 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                      41.09
107 Josep Jufre Pou (Spa) Predictor - Lotto                              41.22
108 Mathieu Perget (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne                                41.33
109 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                          42.01
110 Mirco Lorenzetto (Ita) Team Milram                                   42.06
111 Angel Gomez (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                             42.52
112 Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Liquigas                                     43.09
113 Ricardo Serrano Gonzalez (Spa) Tinkoff Credit System                 43.37
114 Eric Berthou (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne                                  44.16
115 Hervé Duclos-Lassalle (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        44.19
116 Manuele Mori (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                            44.36
117 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Quickstep - Innergetic                     44.45
118 Steven Cummings (GBr) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team             45.44
119 Franck Renier (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                 47.01
120 Julian Dean (NZl) Crédit Agricole                                    47.27
121 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                47.37
122 Alessandro Vanotti (Ita) Liquigas                                    48.15
123 Benoît Joachim (Lux) Astana                                          48.23
124 Matti Breschel (Den) Team CSC                                        48.48
125 Maxim Gourov (Kaz) Astana                                            49.13
126 Alessandro Cortinovis (Ita) Team Milram                              49.24
127 Matthew White (Aus) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team               49.28
128 Brett Lancaster (Aus) Team Milram                                    49.41
129 Angelo Furlan (Ita) Crédit Agricole                                  51.00
130 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Team CSC                                     51.05
131 Lloyd Mondory (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                  51.49
132 Pedro Horrillo Munoz (Spa) Rabobank                                  52.46
133 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                       53.05
134 Joseba Zubeldia Agirre (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                     53.16
135 Robert Förster (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                    53.33
136 Christophe Kern (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                53.39
137 Dmitry Kozontchouk (Rus) Rabobank                                    53.41
138 Thomas Fothen (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                     53.58
139 Raivis Belohvosciks (Lat) Saunier Duval - Prodir                     55.06
140 Dario Andriotto (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                 55.48
141 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                     57.37
142 Mickaël Buffaz (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone               58.39
143 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Crédit Agricole                                   59.47
144 Arnaud Gérard (Fra) Française des Jeux                             1.00.49
145 Martin Müller (Ger) Team Milram                                    1.01.38
146 Laurent Mangel (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                               1.03.02
147 Alexandre Pichot (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                            1.03.38
148 Mathieu Heijboer (Ned) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone           1.04.07
149 Simone Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo            1.04.44
150 Nikolai Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                         1.05.48
151 Ivan Rovny (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                             1.06.16
152 Tristan Valentin (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone           1.06.45
153 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                       1.06.48
154 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                            1.09.09
155 Fabien Patanchon (Fra) Française des Jeux                          1.09.10
156 Danilo Napolitano (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                          1.09.22
157 Nicolas Roche (Irl) Crédit Agricole                                1.10.54
158 Stefano Zanini (Ita) Predictor - Lotto                             1.12.51
159 Brian Vandborg (Den) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team            1.13.08
160 Tim Klinger (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                     1.14.23
161 Elio Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                           1.17.05
162 Koldo Fernandez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                          1.18.33
163 Nick Gates (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                                 1.20.31
164 Matteo Bono (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                1.23.01
165 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                              1.23.21
166 Max Van Heeswijk (Ned) Rabobank                                    1.24.12
167 Gabriele Balducci (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo             1.28.39
168 Oscar Gatto (Ita) Gerolsteiner                                     1.29.07
169 Sven Krauss (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                     1.31.49
170 Fabio Sabatini (Ita) Team Milram                                   1.35.49
171 Aaron Olson (USA) T-Mobile Team                                    1.36.40
172 Anton Luengo Celaya (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                      1.42.07
Points classification
1 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) Team Milram                                    110 pts
2 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                                     76
3 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                                74
4 Robert Förster (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                         57
5 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                     55
6 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Crédit Agricole                                        50
7 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) Liquigas                                             49
8 Alexandre Usov (Blr) AG2r Prévoyance                                      48
9 Danilo Napolitano (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                 45
10 Assan Bazayev (Kaz) Astana                                               37
11 Riccardo Ricco (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                              32
12 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                              30
13 Kurt-Asle Arvesen (Nor) Team CSC                                         29
14 Luis Felipe Laverde Jimenez (Col) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare            28
15 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                            27
16 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                   25
17 Christophe Kern (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                    24
18 Marco Pinotti (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                        24
19 David Arroyo Duran (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                                22
20 Evgeni Petrov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                                20
21 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                    20
22 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                 20
23 Emanuele Sella (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                         18
24 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas                                         18
25 Daniele Contrini (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                             18
26 Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Liquigas                                         16
27 Hubert Schwab (Swi) Quickstep - Innergetic                               16
28 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                             15
29 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                      13
30 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                 12
31 Dionisio Galparsoro Martinez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                   12
32 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2r Prévoyance                                     12
33 Hervé Duclos-Lassalle (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone            12
34 Lloyd Mondory (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                      12
35 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                             12
36 Markel Irizar Aranburu (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                         10
37 Paolo Savoldelli (Ita) Astana                                            10
38 Volodymyr Bileka (Ukr) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                10
39 Alessandro Spezialetti (Ita) Liquigas                                    10
40 Frédéric Bessy (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                   10
41 Luca Mazzanti (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                           9
42 Simone Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                   9
43 Serguei Yakovlev (Kaz) Astana                                             8
44 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone           8
45 Nicolas Crosbie (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                    8
46 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                            8
47 Mickaël Buffaz (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                    8
48 Rinaldo Nocentini (Ita) AG2r Prévoyance                                   8
49 William Walker (Aus) Rabobank                                             8
50 Alexandre Pichot (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                   8
51 Andrea Noe' (Ita) Liquigas                                                7
52 Yaroslav Popovych (Ukr) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                7
53 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                                   7
54 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                     7
55 Lorenzo Bernucci (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                      7
56 David Zabriskie (USA) Team CSC                                            6
57 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                            6
58 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                           6
59 Koldo Fernandez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                                 6
60 Max Van Heeswijk (Ned) Rabobank                                           6
61 Oscar Gatto (Ita) Gerolsteiner                                            6
62 Julio Alberto Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare              5
63 Aitor Perez Arrieta (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                                5
64 Alexandr Arekeev (Rus) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                     5
65 Francisco Javier Vila Errandonea (Spa) Lampre - Fondital                  4
66 Dario David Cioni (Ita) Predictor - Lotto                                 4
67 Aitor Hernandez Gutierrez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                       4
68 Andrei Kunitski (Blr) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                      4
69 Elio Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                                  3
70 Sylvester Szmyd (Pol) Lampre - Fondital                                   3
71 Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                             3
72 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                   3
73 Fabien Patanchon (Fra) Française des Jeux                                 3
74 Mario Aerts (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                                       2
75 Francis Mourey (Fra) Française des Jeux                                   2
76 Hubert Dupont (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                       2
77 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                                  2
78 Ricardo Serrano Gonzalez (Spa) Tinkoff Credit System                      2
79 Pedro Horrillo Munoz (Spa) Rabobank                                       2
80 José Luis Rubiera Vigil (Spa) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team          1
81 Iban Mayo Diez (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                               1
82 Paolo Tiralongo (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                   1
83 Mauricio Alberto Ardila Cano (Col) Rabobank                               1
84 Christian Knees (Ger) Team Milram                                         1
85 Martin Müller (Ger) Team Milram                                           1
86 Nikolai Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                                1
87 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Team CSC                                         -5
88 Marco Marzano (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                    -6
89 Jurgen Van Goolen (Bel) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team              -10
Mountains classification
1 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) Liquigas                                             25 pts
2 Luis Felipe Laverde Jimenez (Col) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare             23
3 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                             15
4 Emanuele Sella (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                          14
5 Riccardo Ricco (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                               12
6 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                               10
7 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                        8
8 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                                    8
9 Marco Pinotti (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                          8
10 Hubert Schwab (Swi) Quickstep - Innergetic                                8
11 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                    6
12 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                              4
13 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                           3
14 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone           3
15 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                  3
16 Steve Zampieri (Swi) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                    3
17 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                                  3
18 Christophe Kern (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                     3
19 Francisco Javier Vila Errandonea (Spa) Lampre - Fondital                  2
20 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                     2
21 Pietro Caucchioli (Ita) Crédit Agricole                                   2
22 Markel Irizar Aranburu (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                          2
23 Lorenzo Bernucci (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                      2
24 Fabien Patanchon (Fra) Française des Jeux                                 2
25 William Walker (Aus) Rabobank                                             1
26 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                            1
27 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2r Prévoyance                                      1
28 Frédéric Bessy (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                    1
29 Daniele Contrini (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                              1
30 Eric Berthou (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne                                       1

T.V. Garibaldi classification
1 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                           8 pts
2 Frédéric Bessy (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                 7
3 Markel Irizar Aranburu (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                       6
4 Simone Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                6
5 Serguei Yakovlev (Kaz) Astana                                          5
6 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        5
7 Nicolas Crosbie (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                 5
8 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                         5
9 Christophe Kern (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                  5
10 Mickaël Buffaz (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                5
11 Elio Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                              5
12 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                               5
13 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                              4
14 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                        4
15 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2r Prévoyance                                  4
16 Daniele Contrini (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                          4
17 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                       4
18 Marco Pinotti (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                     3
19 Dario David Cioni (Ita) Predictor - Lotto                             3
20 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team              3
21 Andrei Kunitski (Blr) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                  3
22 Luis Felipe Laverde Jimenez (Col) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare         2
23 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                                 2
24 Evgeni Petrov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                             2
25 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                   2
26 Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                         2
27 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                               2
28 Fabien Patanchon (Fra) Française des Jeux                             2
29 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) Team Milram                                 1
30 Mario Aerts (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                                   1
31 Hubert Schwab (Swi) Quickstep - Innergetic                            1
32 Hubert Dupont (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                   1
33 Marco Marzano (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                 1
34 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                              1
Most combative classification
1 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) Team Milram                                 25 pts
2 Luis Felipe Laverde Jimenez (Col) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare         20
3 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                                 18
4 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                            17
5 Danilo Napolitano (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                             14
6 Marco Pinotti (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                     12
7 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) Liquigas                                         11
8 Robert Förster (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                     11
9 Christophe Kern (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                 11
10 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Crédit Agricole                                   11
11 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                              10
12 Emanuele Sella (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                      9
13 Hubert Schwab (Swi) Quickstep - Innergetic                            8
14 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                   8
15 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                          8
16 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone       7
17 Markel Irizar Aranburu (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                      7
18 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                           7
19 Riccardo Ricco (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                           7
20 Frédéric Bessy (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                7
21 Assan Bazayev (Kaz) Astana                                            7
22 Simone Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo               7
23 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                         6
24 Kurt-Asle Arvesen (Nor) Team CSC                                      6
25 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team              6
26 Daniele Contrini (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                          6
27 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                       6
28 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                 6
29 Serguei Yakovlev (Kaz) Astana                                         5
30 Nicolas Crosbie (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                5
31 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                        5
32 Mickaël Buffaz (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                5
33 Elio Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                              5
34 Evgeni Petrov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                             5
35 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                              4
36 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                4
37 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                        4
38 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2r Prévoyance                                  4
39 Alexandre Usov (Blr) AG2r Prévoyance                                  4
40 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                          3
41 Dario David Cioni (Ita) Predictor - Lotto                             3
42 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                              3
43 Andrei Kunitski (Blr) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                  3
44 Fabien Patanchon (Fra) Française des Jeux                             3
45 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                 2
46 Dionisio Galparsoro Martinez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                2
47 Steve Zampieri (Swi) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone                2
48 Pietro Caucchioli (Ita) Crédit Agricole                               2
49 Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                         2
50 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                               2
51 Koldo Fernandez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                             2
52 Francisco Javier Vila Errandonea (Spa) Lampre - Fondital              1
53 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas                                      1
54 Paolo Savoldelli (Ita) Astana                                         1
55 Mario Aerts (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                                   1
56 Hubert Dupont (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                   1
57 Marco Marzano (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                 1
58 Lorenzo Bernucci (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                  1
Azzurri d'Italia classification
1 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) Team Milram                                 11 pts
2 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) Liquigas                                          6
3 Robert Förster (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                      6
4 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                                  6
5 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                             5
6 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                          4
7 Luis Felipe Laverde Jimenez (Col) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare          4
8 Kurt-Asle Arvesen (Nor) Team CSC                                       4
9 Danilo Napolitano (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                              4
10 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Crédit Agricole                                    4
11 Marco Pinotti (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                     2
12 Riccardo Ricco (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                           2
13 Christophe Kern (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                 1
14 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                           1
15 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                                1
16 Assan Bazayev (Kaz) Astana                                            1
17 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                 1
Trofeo Fuga Gilera
1 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                         314 pts
2 Elio Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                             304
3 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                              303
4 Frédéric Bessy (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone               268
5 Simone Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo              240
6 Mickaël Buffaz (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone               218
7 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                      206
8 Fabien Patanchon (Fra) Française des Jeux                            206
9 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                             174
10 Ivan Ramiro Parra Pinto (Col) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone     173
11 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                      172
12 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team            171
13 Fortunato Baliani (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                 170
14 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                      170
15 Hubert Dupont (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                 148
16 Mauricio Alberto Ardila Cano (Col) Rabobank                         148
17 Marco Pinotti (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                   118
18 Luis Felipe Laverde Jimenez (Col) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare       118
19 Alexandre Pichot (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                             115
20 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2r Prévoyance                                109
21 Markel Irizar Aranburu (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                    104
22 Andrei Kunitski (Blr) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo                 94
23 Nicolas Crosbie (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                               94
24 Hubert Schwab (Swi) Quickstep - Innergetic                           92
25 Daniele Contrini (Ita) Tinkoff Credit System                         92
26 Christophe Kern (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                92
27 Dario David Cioni (Ita) Predictor - Lotto                            15
29 Julio Alberto Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare          8
Young rider classification
1 Andy Schleck (Lux) Team CSC                                     46.10.13
2 Riccardo Ricco (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                         1.02
3 William Walker (Aus) Rabobank                                       2.53
4 Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Liquigas                                      3.05
5 Hubert Schwab (Swi) Quickstep - Innergetic                          3.41
6 Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                3.59
7 Matthias Russ (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                    5.58
8 Amaël Moinard (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone               7.00
9 Olivier Bonnaire (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                             8.47
10 Alexandr Arekeev (Rus) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo              9.43
11 Branislau Samoilau (Blr) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo           10.29
12 Matthew Lloyd (Aus) Predictor - Lotto                             10.40
13 Carl Naibo (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                                  14.24
14 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                          14.49
15 Alberto Losada Alguacil (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne                    17.35
16 Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Predictor - Lotto                     19.00
17 Steve Morabito (Swi) Astana                                       21.14
18 Aitor Hernandez Gutierrez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi               21.39
19 Frantisek Rabon (Cze) T-Mobile Team                               22.24
20 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                           22.40
21 Andrei Kunitski (Blr) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo              29.17
22 Andrea Pagoto (Ita) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare                   34.32
23 Mathieu Perget (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne                             37.29
24 Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Liquigas                                  39.05
25 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramica Panaria - Navigare             43.33
26 Matti Breschel (Den) Team CSC                                     44.44
27 Lloyd Mondory (Fra) AG2r Prévoyance                               47.45
28 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) Quickstep - Innergetic                    49.01
29 Dmitry Kozontchouk (Rus) Rabobank                                 49.37
30 Thomas Fothen (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                  49.54
31 Arnaud Gérard (Fra) Française des Jeux                            56.45
32 Alexandre Pichot (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                           59.34
33 Mathieu Heijboer (Ned) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        1.00.03
34 Nikolai Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                      1.01.44
35 Ivan Rovny (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                          1.02.12
36 Tristan Valentin (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit par Téléphone        1.02.41
37 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Tinkoff Credit System                    1.02.44
38 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                         1.05.05
39 Fabien Patanchon (Fra) Française des Jeux                       1.05.06
40 Nicolas Roche (Irl) Crédit Agricole                             1.06.50
41 Tim Klinger (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                  1.10.19
42 Matteo Bono (Ita) Lampre - Fondital                             1.18.57
43 Oscar Gatto (Ita) Gerolsteiner                                  1.25.03
44 Sven Krauss (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                  1.27.45
45 Fabio Sabatini (Ita) Team Milram                                1.31.45
Trofeo fast team classification
1 Lampre-Fondital                                                137.13.15
2 Liquigas                                                            1.10
3 Ceramica Panaria-Navigare                                           3.32
4 Astana                                                              5.54
5 Saunier Duval-Prodir                                               10.40
6 Predictor-Lotto                                                    13.43
7 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                                 14.59
8 Caisse d'Epargne                                                   22.55
9 Cofidis-Le Crédit par Téléphone                                    23.12
10 Acqua & Sapone-Caffe Mokambo                                      24.37
11 Team CSC                                                          26.18
12 AG2r Prévoyance                                                   27.27
13 Quickstep-Innergetic                                              27.55
14 Rabobank                                                          30.28
15 Crédit Agricole                                                   31.26
16 Euskaltel-Euskadi                                                 33.43
17 T-Mobile Team                                                     34.48
18 Gerolsteiner                                                      39.14
19 Tinkoff Credit System                                             45.31
20 Française des Jeux                                                47.18
21 Bouygues Telecom                                                  49.04
22 Team Milram                                                     1.15.34
Trofeo super team classification
1 Lampre-Fondital                                                      190 pts
2 Ceramica Panaria-Navigare                                            181
3 Liquigas                                                             160
4 Caisse d'Epargne                                                     141
5 AG2r Prévoyance                                                      126
6 Team Milram                                                          122
7 Team CSC                                                             116
8 Quickstep-Innergetic                                                 114
9 Saunier Duval-Prodir                                                 103
10 Predictor-Lotto                                                      96
11 Astana                                                               94
12 Acqua & Sapone-Caffe Mokambo                                         91
13 Crédit Agricole                                                      88
14 Tinkoff Credit System                                                82
15 Gerolsteiner                                                         80
16 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                                   75
17 Euskaltel-Euskadi                                                    64
18 Rabobank                                                             47
19 Bouygues Telecom                                                     47
20 T-Mobile Team                                                        40
21 Cofidis-Le Crédit par Téléphone                                      30
22 Française des Jeux                                                   13
Fair play classification
1 Liquigas                                                                
2 Caisse d'Epargne                                                        
3 Ceramica Panaria-Navigare                                               
4 Astana                                                                  
5 Predictor-Lotto                                                         
6 AG2r Prévoyance                                                         
7 Quickstep-Innergetic                                                    
8 Cofidis-Le Crédit par Téléphone                                         
9 Française des Jeux                                                      
10 Team Milram                                                            
11 Gerolsteiner                                                          5 pts
12 Crédit Agricole                                                      13
13 Saunier Duval-Prodir                                                 20
14 Tinkoff Credit System                                                25
15 T-Mobile Team                                                        25
16 Acqua & Sapone-Caffe Mokambo                                         25
17 Bouygues Telecom                                                     25
18 Rabobank                                                             38
19 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                                   50
20 Euskaltel-Euskadi                                                    95
21 Team CSC                                                            120
22 Lampre-Fondital                                                     180

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