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An interview with Sarah Ulmer

Finding the recipe for success

After her record-breaking pursuit ride at the Commonwealth Games in Manchester, Sarah Ulmer was tipped to be an outside chance for the gold medal at this year's World Track Championships. She even went as far as to reduce her road racing schedule to a minimum, but come race day, things went off the boil. In the lead up to Athens, Anthony Tan speaks to the woman searching for the recipe to success.

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Sarah Ulmer

Born: March 14, 1976
Place of birth: Auckland, New Zealand
Marital status: boyfriend, Brendan Cameron
Teams: TDS Women's Cycling (2003- ), NZ National Team (2002), Autotrader.com (2001), Team Elita (1999-2000), Chathams Team 2000 (1998)

Career highlights


1st Individual Pursuit, Mexico World Cup
1st Individual Pursuit, Sydney World Cup
1st Stages 1 & 2, Fitchburg Longsjo Classic
1st Stages 2a, 4, 5, Trophée d'Or Féminin
4th GC, Nature Valley Grand Prix
4th Individual Pursuit, World Track Championships
5th GC, Fitchburg Longsjo Classic
6th GC, Trophée d'Or Féminin


1st Individual Pursuit National Track Championships
1st National Criterium Championships
1st Points Race National Track Championships
1st Stage 3, Tirreno Adriatico
5th GC, Circuit Cycliste de la Sarthe


1st Individual Pursuit, Mexico City World Cup
1st National Criterium Championships
1st Stages 3 & 5, Tour of Williamette
1st Stage 8, Tour de Snowy
1st Stage 8, Tour de l'Aude
2nd Mountains Classification, Tour de l'Aude


1st Athens Twilight Criterium
1st Individual Pursuit, Cali World Cup
1st Sprints Classification and 3rd GC, HP Women's Challenge
1st Stage 1, 2, 4 & 6 and 3rd GC, Tour de 'Toona
1st Stage 1, GP Féminine International du Québec
1st Stages 2 & 4, 1st Mountains Classification, Fitchburg-Longsjo Cycling Classic
2nd Individual Pursuit, Turin Track World Cup
2nd Stage 2, Tour de Snowy
3rd GC, Fitchburg-Longsjo Cycling Classic
4th Individual Pursuit, Oympic Games, Sydney


1st Stage 1 & 4, Tour de 'Toona
1st Stage 9, Hewlett Packard Women's Challenge
2nd Individual Pursuit, Texas World Cup
6th Individual Pursuit, World Track Championships
7th Points Race, Mexico World Cup
8th Points Race, Texas World Cup
12th GC, Hewlett Packard Women's Challenge


1st Individual Pursuit, Commonwealth Games, Kuala Lumpur
1st Points Race, National Track Champ
2nd Individual Pursuit, National Track Championships
2nd Points Race, Commonwealth Games, Kuala Lumpur
5th Individual Pursuit, Cali World Cup 4th Points Race, Cali World Cup


17th GC, Hewlett Packard Women's Challenge


1st Individual Pursuit, National Track Championships
2nd Points Race, National Track Championships
7th Individual Pursuit, Olympic Games, Atlanta


1st Individual Pursuit, Adelaide World Cup
1st Individual Pursuit, National Track Championships
1st Individual Pursuit, Quito World Cup
1st Individual Pursuit, Tokyo World Cup
2nd Points Race, National Track Championships
3rd Points Race, Adelaide World Cup
3rd Sprint, National Track Championships

WHEN I CALL SARAH ULMER FROM HER HOME IN CAMBRIDGE on New Zealand's North Island, she first asks me whether I mind if she prepares for a dinner party at the same time she to talks to me.

Not at all, I say to her. For a large portion of the male population (myself included), such a thought wouldn't even register on the psychological radar, yet for most women including Ulmer - a proven success on the track, on the road, and, apparently in the kitchen - it's all in a day's work.

Cleaned up at the Trophée d'Or
Photo: © James Victor
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So with the World Track Championships over and the road season drawing to a close, how has the Commonwealth Games individual pursuit champion been spending her time on the bike?

"I haven't," hoots Ulmer in a typically thick Kiwi accent. Well, that was supposed to be my first attempt at a serious question...

"I've just had a good break off the bike since I got back from overseas (her last race was the Trophée d'Or stage race at the end of August, where she won three out of the six stages and finished sixth overall). Although I did try doing a fun-run on the weekend... which was pretty disastrous [more laughs]. I'll get back on the bike next week though, but not within any structured programme."

This might not sound like a formula for success, however in 2002, Ulmer had an incredible season. The 27 year-old started the year taking national titles in the individual pursuit and points race as well as the national criterium championship, continuing her good form later on at the second round of the Track World Cup (the only round she contested) in Sydney, where she recorded her fastest time at sea level. However, the crowning moment was her glorious gold at the Commonwealth Games in Manchester, where she smashed the Games record for the 3000 metre individual pursuit in a time of 3 minutes 32.467 seconds, averaging 50.828 km/h.

"I thought that was very impressive. Absolutely incredible... absolutely amazing."

- Ulmer describing Katie Mactier's ride at this year's World Track Championships

After that, Sarah Ulmer was ready to take on the world. So it was no surprise to see her reduce her road racing schedule that has often seen her competing on the US and European scene in between rounds of the Track World Cup. "Yeah, that's about right", she says, "it was more of a controlled road racing calendar, rather than doing lots of road racing for the sake of doing lots of road racing."

In what was becoming a formality, the year began well for Ulmer, repeating her national championship wins in the individual pursuit and points race in March before contesting the second round of the Track World Cup in Mexico later that month. In Aguascalientes, she qualified fastest and finished fastest by a whopping seven seconds, making Erin Mirabella from the USA and Lithuanian Rasa Mazeikyte look like a bunch of weekend warriors. By the fourth and final round of the World Cup in two months later, Ulmer was clocking her fastest times to date; a few seconds off her record-breaking time in Manchester but considerably quicker than her opposition, this time a convincing winner over another Lithuanian, Diana Ziliute and up-and-coming Aussie Amy Safe at Sydney's Dunc Gray Velodrome.

Mammoth effort in Manchester
Photo: © D.J. Clark
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Despite her impressive winning streak, she wasn't letting success go to her head: "I think Manchester was one of the fastest [tracks] I've ridden on, so you have to keep in perspective things like venues, the event and your competition when analysing your performances," says a pragmatic Ulmer.

Which begs the question: with top riders like world record holder Zijlaard-Van Moorsel and Slusareva unable to compete due to commitments on the road or for reasons of cost, is lack of competition in endurance disciplines a problem at the World Cup?

I'm a little surprised Ulmer doesn't think so. "I don't think it's a problem in the pursuit. To be honest, no one expects to have four world championships at the World Cup events; I think for the purpose that the World Cup serves, the competition is good enough and I certainly keep that in perspective if I happen to win a round."

Irrespective of event or venue, with two national titles and two World Cup wins - as well as the overall series win - everything was coming together quite nicely. Returning home to NZ where she now spends one third of her year (Sarah tells me the rest is spent racing overseas, in a car, or on a plane), Ulmer opted for some R&R until mid-June before catching a flight to the States to race with the TDS Women's Cycling team, and afterwards to Pennsylvania for some local track racing.

As a part-time road racer, she certainly held her own. In her first stage race for the year, the Nature Valley Grand Prix, Ulmer rode consistently throughout the four-day event to finish fourth overall, outclassing riders from teams like T-Mobile and Diet Rite. Then less than two weeks later at the Fitchburg Longsjo Classic, she won the first two stages and took the lead before the might of Team Saturn stole her chances for overall victory, though still managing a very credible fifth. She also picked up a victory at the inaugural Quakertown Criterium, ahead of Saturn's Laura van Gilder. "I look back on my season and I had some good road results and some good track results, but obviously the main focus of the year was the World Track [Championships] in August," says Ulmer, her mind never wavering from the bigger picture as she recalls her thought process leading to Stuttgart. It appeared the Kiwi from Cambridge was on song for a great World's.

"I think it's hard for anyone to say they can do a sub-3'30 in Athens... I mean, they haven't even built the track yet!"

- Ulmer on Leontien Zijlaard-Van Moorsel's comments made after the World Track Championships

While it was no surprise to see race favourite Leontien Zijlaard-Van Moorsel qualify fastest in 3:32.002, there was a new kid on the block: Australian Katie Mactier, who qualified second-fastest by less than half a second.

"I thought that was very impressive. Absolutely incredible... absolutely amazing," says a Ulmer, sounding almost as gobsmacked as the day it happened. The 28 year-old Victorian only decided to contest the national titles a few months earlier when her working visa to the United States was initially denied, leaving Mactier stranded from her Saturn team-mates. Since winning the Australian pursuit title and her subsequent performance in Stuttgart, however, Mactier is now Athens-bound.

Other stuff

Was contesting the World's TT ever a consideration? "No, the trip to the Trophée d'Or was an attempt to get some more UCI points for New Zealand. At the moment, we've only qualified two road riders for the Olympic Games, so we're trying to crack the top 16 [countries] so we can send more guys to Athens next year."

Do you get the same sort of satisfaction winning on the road compared to your wins on the track? "Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Road and track racing are totally different, so the enjoyment I get out of both is also different. I love the team aspect of road racing, but I don't find it quite as exciting as the track. However, the road racing I did this year, with the TDS team and the composite team at the Trophée d'Or in France, was some of the best fun I ever had racing - not just the results, but the whole team environment."

What do you like to do when you're at home? "I've got two dogs which keeps me pretty busy, but apart from that, I'm teaching myself French which I absolutely love and I enjoy playing golf, although I haven't had much time for that lately."

Are you a fan of music or literature? "No one band or book in particular, but Brendan and I always have our car stacked full of CDs whenever we go on a long drive."

Favourite movie? "Four Weddings and a Funeral and A Fish Called Wanda come to mind."

What sort of program will you be following in 2004 leading up to the Olympic Games? "Generally speaking, I'll be keeping everything the same, but I'll change my structure a little bit to include more road racing."

Besides an Olympic medal, is there anything else you would like to achieve in the sport? "I'm basically looking as far as next year and focusing on enjoying the rest of the time I'm in the sport, because I'm not sure how much longer I'll be competing. I'll just try to enjoy the lifestyle and the competition while I can because obviously it's not going to last forever, so for me, it's a matter of trying to balance the enjoyment and performance aspects."

A Commonwealth Games gold is a big deal in NZ
Photo: © D.J. Clark
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Mactier's qualifying result and first round success, combined with Zijlaard-Van Moorsel's unwavering consistency, bumped Ulmer into the bronze-medal playoff against Russian Olga Slusareva. Just two-tenths of a second separated Ulmer from Slusareva in qualifying, so the fight for the remaining podium place was expected to be a close one.

It wasn't to be. Olga upped the ante and rode a blistering 3 minutes 31.938 seconds against Ulmer's 3 minutes 33.661. "I wasn't really surprised; I knew she was capable of a fast time," says Ulmer. "She's been at the top of the rankings for years, but given it was her last run and her initial qualifying time, it was an impressive performance."

For someone who had spent most of the year focussed on one race, the result was an embarrassing one, though profoundly inexplicable. "I just wasn't good enough," she laughs, although very half-heartedly. "I raced 110 per cent, I had a good build-up, and as far as I was concerned, I thought my preparation was as good as last year... but I simply couldn't produce anything better than fourth on the day. Pretty straightforward, really."

But we both know track cycling isn't straightforward at all; to be at your best - mentally, physically, spiritually - for just one day is a rare occurrence; to plan for it and pull it off is even rarer.

It's interesting to note that had Ulmer been up against Zijlaard-Van Moorsel or Mactier in the pursuit finals at Stuttgart, her time at the Manchester Commonwealth Games would have won her a rainbow jersey. While both track differ in length, surely that's worth considering?

Sarah Ulmer: Popular Identity
Photo: © Tom Balks
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"For performance, yes, but tracks around the world - even if two may be indoor and board - can differ quite markedly in pace," she says. "But having said that, I still look at the training I've done this year and my times at different tracks and do my analysis from there."

Pressure may also be a factor Ulmer hasn't fully considered yet. For countries like Australia and New Zealand, a Commonwealth Games gold medal is a big deal, and Ulmer admits her profile has elevated several-fold since her achievements in Manchester last year. In fact, she is, by some margin, the most popular - and heavily endorsed - cycling identity in the country, having shot television commercials for past and present sponsors including Watties, Qantas, Nike and just recently, McDonalds, where Ulmer is co-organising a fun-ride with the restaurant (I use this term in the loosest possible sense) chain to promote a message of "eating smart and getting healthy".

"It's not something that I would choose, to have this much exposure, but this is the way my career has gone," she says, preferring to shy away from the reality of having a certain celebrity-status in her home country which far exceeds that of her male counterparts Gordon McCauley (Schoeder Iron) and Julian Dean from Team CSC. Ulmer adds that she has a fantastic manager who has fought long and hard for her sponsorship deals, who has achieved much more than what she could have done on her own, emphasising the importance of professional management of sport stars, particularly in non cycling-oriented countries.

More road racing in 2004
Photo: © HP Challenge
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Soon after Katie Mactier sent an ominous warning to her competitors in Stuttgart for those daring to line up against her in Athens next year, recently-crowned hour record holder and Leontien Zijlaard-Van Moorsel said: "I know I have to do a 3'29 to beat her if she's in the same shape." So is Mactier the most serious threat, or is the Dutchwoman trying to divert some of the pressure away from her?

"Every single person that lines up is a threat," Ulmer says in a tone blunt enough that reveals her voraciously competitive nature. "If you're going to win it [the Olympic Games], you can't really look at one person being a threat, but rather the entire field, regardless of who you're racing."

Speaking about the possibility of going below the magical three minutes and 30 seconds barrier (Zijlaard-Van Moorsel's world record stands at 3'30.816), Ulmer's a little more cautious in her assessment: "My personal best is 3'32, and I know I'm definitely capable of going faster than that. But I think it's hard for anyone to say they can do a sub-3'30 in Athens... I mean, they haven't even built the track yet!" she laughs.

As the clanging of pots and pans becomes more audible, I believe I've been given a subtle hint to wrap up this interview. Ulmer may know tonight's recipe for culinary success like the back of her hand, but like race day in August next year, whether the result turns out to be a perfect one is still unknown.

See also: 2002 interview with Sarah Ulmer, 2003 World Track Championships
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