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Six Days of Amsterdam - 6D

Netherlands, October 16-21, 2006

2005 results     Schedule     Preview    Start List     Past winners


Start list

1 Danny Stam/Peter Schep (Ned)                     
2 Juan Llaneras/Isaac Galvez (Spa)                 
3 Bruno Risi/Franco Marvulli (Swi)                 
4 Iljo Keisse/Marco Villa (Bel/Ita)               
5 Michael Morkov/Alex Rasmussen (Den)              
6 Aart Vierhouten/Alexander Aesbach (Ned/Swi)      
7 Matthé Pronk / Jos Pronk (Ned)                   
8 Niki Terpstra/Wim Stroetinga (Ned)               
9 Wouter van Mechelen/Dimitri Defauw (Bel)         
10 Jens Mouris/Marc Hester (Ned/Den)               
11 Bobby Traksel/Gerd Dorich (Ned/Ger)
12 Robert Barko/Andreas Beikirch (Ger/Bel)             

Past winners

2005 Bruno Risi/Kurt Betschart (Swi) 
2004 Robert Slippens/Danny Stam (Ned) 2003 Robert Slippens/Danny Stam (Ned) 2002 Silvio Martinello (Ita)/Marco Villa (Ita) 2001 Matthew Gilmore (Bel)/Scott McGrory (Aus) 1969 Peter Post (Ned)/Romain DeLoof (Bel) 1968 Jan Janssen (Ned)/Klaus Bugdahl (Ger) 1967 Palle Lykke (Den)/Freddy Eugen (Den) 1966 Peter Post (Ned)/Fritz Pfenninger (Swi) 1936 Adolphe Charlier (Bel)/Frans Slaats (Ned) 1934 Paul Broccardo (Fra)/M. Guimbretière (Fra) 1933 Jan Pijnenburg (Ned)/Cor Wals (Ned)   Past winners by Mario Stiehl, www.world-of-cycling.com