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Letters to Cyclingnews - April 18, 2008

Here's your chance to get more involved with Cyclingnews. Comments and criticism on current stories, races, coverage and anything cycling related are welcomed, even pictures if you wish. Letters should be brief (less than 300 words), with the sender clearly identified. They may be edited for space and clarity; please stick to one topic per letter. We will normally include your name and place of residence, but not your email address unless you specify in the message.

Please email your correspondence to

Just shut up and ride
USA Track Cycling
Little Indy 500 - Women's Race Article
Stuart O'Grady Team CSC Cervélo R3 Paris-Roubaix
What's happening to road tubeless?
Thanks Cyclingnews
Just think?
Tour of Georgia - Lame
No tour for Astana
Clever tactics by McQuaid expose ASO
Suggestions for the little bullies
Rock Racing rip off
LeMond Vs. Trek

Just shut up and ride

To whom it may concern,

Who are these people who write all these comments? If you love the sport stop crying and moaning and ride your freaking bike. I'm tired of listening to all these losers who are trying to"save"the sport. The sport does not need saving.

Bicycles will always be a part of the human race being that it brings so much joy to anyone who rides one. Stop the complaining and get out and ride.

The people that sit around thinking about the end of cycling are ridiculous. In my world cycling will always live whether there are professional teams or not, whether there is doping or not, whether there are races or not.

I love to ride my bike and that is all that matters. Thank you for your time.

Jorge Perez
Medford, Oregon, USA

Tuesday, April 15

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USA Track Cycling

Timothy, I agree with you. There aren’t enough people riding on the track in this country. But I never would have known it until last night, for last night, I watched a track race for the first time. (I’ve been riding and racing road, BMX and cross bikes since I was 9; I am now 23)

It was bitter cold, there were enough girls to make up a C-class, a decent B-group and then a group of amateur A-class trackies who, I must say, have the prettiest pedal strokes I’ve ever seen. Very few of these guys were sponsored. The ages ranged from a 19 yr-old National Team Member to a 55-year-old former US national champion and Olympic athlete! I was in awe.

The camaraderie, the speed, the sounds of steady cadence over smooth, bowed concrete. It was a night I’ll never forget. Now I sit, 18 hours later, my “brand new” two-year-old-used Specialized Langster frame and fork at my desk, searching for parts online. What a beautiful sport! I just wish I had been introduced to it much, much earlier!

To anyone who has never been to a velodrome, I recommend you go on one of these Wednesday night get-togethers. Just listen, watch the strategy unfold in the second turn of the Miss-And-Out…I can guarantee that you’ll want to give it a go.

Mark Adam Abramowicz
Specialized Bicycles

Thursday, April 10

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Did anyone else think CSC mugged the race? Obviously a total outsider’s point of view would have had me putting Stuart O’Grady on Tom Boonen and Fabian Cancellara on Stjin Devolder. Still what do I know, everyone’s an expert.

John Perry
Sydney, Australia

Monday, April 14

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Little Indy 500 - Women's Race Article

Dear Mark,

Great coverage of the Indiana University Little 500 - Women's Race. I've always enjoyed your coverage of the men's events and am very happy to see you writing about women's events. Keep up the great job!

See you at the races,
Patty Peoples

Sunday, April 13

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Stuart O'Grady Team CSC Cervélo R3 Paris

Dear Cycling News,

I noticed in your very informative article that Stuart O'Grady's wheels were built front and rear with the trailing spokes on the outside of the flanges. I was taught (too) many years ago that for a bike with a rear derailleur, rim brakes and three-cross pattern the rear wheel should be built with the trailing spokes on the inside of the flange. This is because, under braking, the trailing spokes are under more tension than the leading spokes and, if laid up the inside of the flange, where they cross the leading spokes they pull them in towards the center-line of the wheel giving more clearance to the rear derailleur when the chain is on the largest sprocket.

Have I been doing it wrong all these years?

David Lewis,
Rhodes, Greece

Respond to this letter

What's happening to road tubeless?

I have been running road tubeless ever since they hit the market almost two years ago. Ever since, I am fully convinced they are the best new thing since MTB tubeless.

I have trained and raced this new technology and have had no negative experiences with them what so ever. Tire life is great, puncture resistance is great, and grip is simply amazing. Additionally, I would like you to know that I am not happy with the report that"Road Tubeless is more difficult to install or repair on the road as compared to standard tube-type clinchers but not impossible". I cannot disagree with you more.

All you have to do is spritz the rim with water and the tires go right on with bare hands. Even my wife, who has had difficulties with standard clinchers, can do it. But I can understand the ease might come with experience like most simple bike repairs.

Tim Farnham

Sunday, April 13

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Thanks Cyclingnews

I just wanted to say....after all these years of regarding your site (and pretty much taking it for granted!), I feel it necessary to point out that you guys are AWESOME! From the news and results, to the photos and live coverage, you do an exceptional job. So, cheers to all of you, and thanks again for the incredible service (of passion!) that you provide.

Chapeau, Merci bien, mes chers amis...a la prochaine,

Adam Simms
California, USA

Saturday, April 12

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Why do the professionals only use little drink bottles while racing? I can understand that a large full bottle when climbing is extra weight, but on flat races I would have thought that larger bottles would reduce the overall amount of bottles required.


Friday, April 16

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Queensland, Australia

Just think? #1

Dale, you did a great job summarizing what is wrong with cycling. The reality is that the riders hold all the power. The unfortunate part of that reality is that they are unwilling to show the solidarity needed to actually use that power. As Dale said, if they acted together, the riders could break ASO very quickly and then they would be treated fairly. I would love to see it happen.

Murray Yazer
Halifax, Canada

Thursday, April 10

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Just think? #2

I completely agree. Until such time as the riders do stand up for themselves and vote with their feet, I wonder how many others like me have decided to forgo buying Versus this year, in favor of buying a racing license and taking my Litespeed off to the races. It’s ironic that the ASO’s little tantrum is in fact good for American cycling in this way.

In my experience, whenever someone takes such irrational action, with the overt intent to teach someone a lesson, the only lesson learned is that they are an idiot.

John Kendall,
Preston, USA

Thursday, April 10

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Tour of Georgia - Lame

Rock racing in the Tour of Georgia...what a joke! I guess the only way to get into these races is with money.

What next? A lawsuit against the Tour de France? Maybe Astana might consider that.

Rock Racing has produced some results this year – Eg. Santiago Botero winning Redlands - but the most consistent winner this season has been Colavita/Sutter Home. Count the stage wins. They didn't make California or Georgia. This fan would rather see them than Rock.

Brian Staby
Santa Rosa, California, USA

Tuesday, April 15

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Colavita, rode and amazing race in Redlands. I was at the men’s criterium stage of Redlands and Colavita was representing well. But let's remember Rock Racing took the yellow and was working to keep it, not win every stage. And BMC won a stage and has been working well this season as well.

Travis Sevilla
Los Angeles, California, USA

Wednesday, April 9

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No tour for Astana

I've noticed that since ASO banned Astana from the Tour the reactions have been overwhelmingly against the move. I for one support them 100 percent. Potential new sponsors and fans don’t know that this team is under new management or has begun a stringent testing program or any of the other positive moves they have made towards making this a cleaner sport.

If Astana were allowed in the race all these people would know is that a team that played a large part in making last year’s race a pathetic joke is right back at the start line. ASO and other organizers cannot afford to show the slightest sign of leniency in the fight against doping. For this reason Rabobank shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the race either.

As for the riders themselves? I have a hard time understanding how anyone could be so stupid to think ASO would do anything else. The right to pick the teams they do and don’t want in their race is one of the main issues in their fight against the UCI. I am actually a big fan of Levi Leipheimer but jeez man, what did you think was going to happen?

I have a close friend who is a marketing executive for a large computer services firm. I recently asked him what would his bosses’ reaction would be if he suggested they sponsor a pro cycling team. He said that at best they would assume he was joking and everyone would have a big laugh.

If they thought he was serious, his suggestion would be career damaging Eg."How can we rely on an employee who is so clueless about our company's marketing goals that he would make such an asinine suggestion?” This is my way of saying that at the professional level our sport is in a desperately serious situation. The time for being fair is long gone. Anyone who doesn’t realize this needs to give their head a shake.

Dan Sprague
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada

Friday, April 11

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Clever tactics by McQuaid expose ASO

In response to"Can you name a surfing event that every surfer, pro or amateur, dreams to win?"

How about Pipeline Masters for surfers?

And in Triathlon, how about Ironman Hawaii?


Tuesday, April 15

Respond to this letter

Suggestions for the little bullies

Frank Revi hit the nail on the head regarding the childish rhetoric between McQuaid and ASO. The UCI is the governing federation and runs the sport. If it loses this battle the sport will enter a protracted Dark Ages where the promoters have all the power to capriciously do what they want.

We've already had a taste of what ASO will do given the power to rule the sport. The ProTour was an idea to assure the sponsors, who hold the real power in this sport, that their participation would be guaranteed and their investment rewarded. But ASO is too powerful to be dictated to in this fashion. It is time to scale back the ProTour ambitions and find a compromise for now.

Alex Murdock
Ithaca, New York, USA

Thursday, April 10

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Rock Racing rip off #1

In response to Cory's letter regarding Rock Racing. I would submit to you that the Rock fans do"get it"with their support and interest in this team.

Tyler Hamilton has served his suspension, and so have all of the other riders associated with Operation Puerto. I also would like to correct your facts as to his suspensions. He was not sanctioned, banned, nor stripped of his gold medal at the 2004 Olympic Games. Yes, that might have been for lack of evidence with his B sample, but it remains that it was in the Vuelta Espana that he abandoned early and was subsequently found guilty of blood doping, and has since served his ban.

The current"re-opening"of the Puerto case in Spain is specifically targeted at Dr. Fuentes and whether or not he endangered the public health. The investigators are not looking for any more riders to ban.

Ultimately, the situation is this. These riders have served their time, guilty or not, and have been given the right to ride again. It is a tragedy of the sport, and more importantly, a tragedy that here in the United States of America, where we are"innocent until proven guilty", that great, exciting teams are not invited to the best races.

So let them ride, support them if you like, or don't. What matters is that there are some great riders out there that have made stupid mistakes. If they make them again, then they should say goodbye to the sport. Otherwise if we don't let them ride, we look like hypocrites.

Travis Sevilla
Los Angeles, California, USA

Wednesday, April 9

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Rock Racing rip off #2

Show me. Operation Puerto has nothing. If you can't prove it then don't say anything. This is bulls***t that riders can't ride because somebody said ‘I have proof’, but no one is convicted. Let Rock Racing ride and if you think they should not, well sorry, but you need to wake up because there is no proof as of now. Show me the proof, then decide.

Until then let them ride.

D. Guillen
Buellton, California, USA

Thursday, April 10

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Rock Racing rip off #3

Operation Puerto first reared its ugly head in May or June 2006. Even if Tyler was involved, as two of his current team-mates supposedly were, and he’s been shamelessly lying through his teeth the whole time, the offenses most likely occurred over two years ago. According to Spanish law its riders are excluded from punishment as there were no laws against doping at the time in 2006.

The different national federations are dealing with it differently. In Colombia Santiago Botero was excused, of course Oscar Sevilla was excused in Spain as well as Alejandro Valverde. Either way, Tyler’s done his time and now has the right to slog his aging cyclist’s body over America’s smaller races with a continental team.

James Farinacci
San Francisco, USA

Friday, April 11

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LeMond Vs. Trek #1

Trek is right – this contract issue with LeMond is having a negative impact on its sales. I need to replace my mountain bike and – being a huge fan of Chris Eatough - was looking seriously at a Trek Top Fuel. However, having read the presentation that Trek made to its staff and the other information that Trek has posted on its website, I am really disappointed in the behaviour of the company; especially what I perceive to be an unwillingness to accept anyone’s right to question or criticise a public figure who is associated with their products.

As I perceive it, celebrity brings with it exposure to the whole gamut of public comment. From praise to criticism – and the exact mix of that comment is determined by a combination of the actions of the person involved and the whim of the public at large. In that regard, surely Lance Armstrong is the same as any other professional sports person, yet the response from Trek in their staff presentation implies that they consider that he should be treated differently. Why?

I can understand a company’s desire to protect its reputation and integrity, but nothing I read involved LeMond suggesting that Trek was complicit in anything to do with supplying riders with drugs or encouraged anyone to dope. As a result, and despite the emails quoted in the presentation, I’m at a loss to see how criticising a Trek sponsored rider is hurting the Trek brand.

I know that I am less “consumerist” than most people - I still buy on old fashioned concepts like quality, performance and fit, rather than who uses or endorses a product - so can someone enlighten me please?

Regardless, given Trek’s actions in this matter, I don’t want to support it or its product. Shame, ‘cos I quite like the way the bike rides…

Craig Wadsworth
Wellington, New Zealand

Thursday, April 10

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LeMond Vs. Trek #2

How has Greg ever lied? He has only given his opinions and recounted what he has heard from others. As Lemond’s complaint says, the comment about Lance’s comeback being the greatest ever if achieved cleanly or being a fraud if based on doping is unremarkable. Who wouldn’t agree? Yet Lance allegedly takes offense and resorts to intimidation.

Greg was disappointed Lance worked with Dr Ferrari. Doesn’t Greg have the right to say that? Is it surprising he would say that about a coach who has a history of doping involvement?

Greg’s testimony at the Landis trial was an act of bravery for which he should be admired. It’s not Greg’s fault the Landis camp resorted to dirty tactics of intimidation.

I admire Greg for speaking out at great cost to his reputation and his business interests. He has a view and will not be intimidated from making it known. If some are angry that their “heroes’” reputations are being tarnished, perhaps they should re-examine their choice of heroes?

Perry Braun
Scarsdale, New York, USA

Thursday, April 10

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LeMond Vs. Trek #3

I don't think Lemond is a sore loser or someone that still wants the spot light, but he is someone that has a short fuse in regards to doping. I would have to think that he has a strong moral conscious about what he feels is happening to this vehicle that took him to fame, riches and a life of notoriety. Not many have been as outspoken has Greg has been, I think he was opinioned as a cyclist in his prime, wasn't he?

Scott Washington
Augusta, Georgia, USA

Friday, April 11

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LeMond Vs. Trek #4

I've sold Trek and LeMond bicycles for several years and can definitely say I have first hand experience with a lot of cyclists who will not ride LeMond cycles because of Greg LeMond’s behavior. I personally have a lot of respect for Greg and his accomplishments on the bike. I ride a LeMond and will continue to do so.

It is hard to respect the man with regards to his business decisions and the way it appears he has dealt with multiple business partners throughout the years. I applaud his anti-doping stance but scratch my head when it comes to how he chooses to conduct himself in public forums.

Ultimately he has shot himself in the foot in a business sense and his anti-doping crusade has lost credibility with many fans.

Brian Kenney
Columbus, Ohio, USA

Thursday, April 10

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LeMond Vs. Trek #5

It may be news to his attorneys, but Greg LeMond is a drama queen, injecting himself into situations to stir the pot. Whatever the legitimacy of his contract dispute, loading up the complaint with innuendo and unsupportable tabloid allegations will not help his case.

When push comes to shove at trial, he'll need admissible evidence in the form of facts. If Greg actually had any personal knowledge of doping, we would have seen it by now. If we take away the audience, the drama will leave the stage.

Devan Mullins

Thursday, April 10

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LeMond Vs. Trek #6

Those Americans who missed the Tour in 1989 and know of cycling only in the Armstrong years have a large void in their understanding of the sport. Lance’s victories were dominating and well planned. His triumphs were fulfilling because he promised so much then delivered on those expectations. LeMond’s victory was a joyous and shocking result that has not faded over time.

Everyone needs to stop bashing LeMond, for if anything his greatness was derailed in a sudden madness that overtook the peloton, the widespread use of EPO. LeMond’s complaints regarding doping would not seem frivolous to the families of Connie Meijer, Johannes Draaijer, Bert Oosterbosch and numerous others who died prematurely.

If only someone had the strength of character in the early 90s, who knew of doping, to sound the alarm regarding the dangers to individuals and to the sport. It is regrettable that LeMond was not aware that his failures were the result of an odious specter that overtook the sport, not lead pellets lodged near his heart.ert

Scot Montague
Dallas, Texas

Thursday, April 10

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LeMond Vs. Trek #7 have the wrong"good"ones. These are people that you don't know and probably have never met. All you know is what you read and we all know how reliable the media is these days.

Why would someone you don't even know be your"hero"or roll model? Just because they won a few bicycle races? You may think that you know Lance or Greg but the reality is that you and I don't and probably never will.

You want heroes? What about your family, the people who raised, supported, and encouraged you when you were growing up and probably still help you when you need it today? What about your wife/friends who are always there for you? Or do these people not count for much and are not worthy of"hero"status?

I would encourage you to do a little test. When your bike lets you down on a long ride, in the middle of nowhere, and you have to call for help, make two calls, one to Lance and one to one of your buddies or a family member; then see who shows up first. That would be my"hero".

Dennis Noward
Toledo, Ohio, USA

Thursday, April 10

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Recent letters pages

Letters 2008

  • April 10: Suggestions for the little bullies, Pat McQuaid, Clever tactics by McQuaid expose ASO, Just think, Trek vs. LeMond, Rock Racing rip off, Homepage overhaul, Some praise, USA track cycling, Team car order just the first gamble, Come on Greg & Lance, LeMond vs. Armstrong
  • April 3: Pat McQuaid, April fools, Carbon Wrap-It System, Sylvain Chavanel, Astana vs. Rabobank vs. Slipstream Chipotle, Cadel Evans, Clever tactics by McQuaid expose ASO, Colavita, Let VDB ride?, Race radios, Rock Racing rip off
  • March 27: Riccardo's manner of professionalism, Rock Racing rip off, Chavanel's Paris - Nice shoes, Cadel Evans, Cadel Evans at Paris - Nice, Let VDB ride?, ASO vs. Astana, ASO vs. UCI help me with my memory, Astana vs. Rabobank vs. Slipstream Chipotle, Police kill cyclists,"PRO"cycling teams
  • March 20:"Pro"Cycling Teams, AIGCP does have a choice, ASO vs UCI help me with my memory, ASO vs. Astana, Chavanel's Paris - Nice shoes, Kevin van Impe's doping control, Cadel Evans at Paris - Nice, Hamilton, Operacion Puerto, and the ToCA, Paris - Nice: What it could have been, Police kill cyclists, The Astana affair, UCI hypocrisy
  • March 13:"Pro"Cycling Teams, ASO vs. Astana, ASO vs. UCI, ASOh well, UCI'll see you later, Cycling fans must let their voices be heard, Denounce ASO's actions for what they are, Hamilton, Operacion Puerto, and the ToCA, Knife between the ribs?, Paris Nice, Police kill cyclists, British track sprinters' helmets?, Rock Racing and Michael Ball, The Astana affair, The real ASO problem, Tour and ASO, UCI - very bad poker players, UCI hypocrisy.
  • March 6: Zirbel and the"ride of his life", British track sprinters' helmets, Hamilton, Operacion Puerto and the ToCA, Three grand tours or five monuments?, Rock Racing and Michael Ball, Pro cycling is dead, Paris - Nice, Knife between the ribs?, Doping and the Tour, Astana, the ASO and the UCI, ASO vs. Astana, The Astana affair, ASO vs. UCI vs. AIGCP vs. the non existent riders, The real ASO problem, Denounce ASO's actions for what they are, Sponsorship code of ethics, Where are the other ProTour teams?, ProTour vs. ASO
  • February 28: ASO vs. Astana, Passion and sponsorship, Crash or crash through, Pro cycling is dead, Why we must have the ProTour, Rock Racing and Michael Ball, ToC and Rock, The hidden message behind banning Astana, ASO is killing cycling, ASO could be right, The real ASO problem, UCI - draw a line in the sand, ASO has lost the plot, The Astana affair, Astana and ASO/RCS, the Astana decision, Operacion Puerto, Old rider classification
  • February 15: Doping controls, Tour of California moving up!, Why I love the Tour of California, Operation Puerto, Astana rejected by ASO, Boycott ASO, ASO - stop the madness, Tour de France, ASO is wrong to exclude Astana, Astana, ASO, and the NFL, Tour de Farce, The hidden message behind banning Astana, Astana exclusion, ASO is killing cycling, Astana out of Tour, ASO has lost the plot
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  • January 18: Cadel Evans - returns to training, Cyclist of the Year, DOPING - time to draw a line in the sand, Hincapie in T-Mobile kit, Lance is the best of all time, Readers poll: best stage races 2007, Rock racing, Speaking about Lance, Toyota-United abusing USAC team rules?
  • January 11: Armstrong on Landis, Cadel Evans - returns to training, Hincapie in T-Mobile kit, Ivan Basso - why no tough questions?, Reader Poll, Rock & burn racing, Speaking about Lance, Sydor's consistency, The 'Bruyneel philosophy', Toyota-United abusing USAC team rules?
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Letters 2007

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  • November 30: Anquetil,Mayo's B sample to get B test, Stefano Zanini, Rider's passport, Betting, Jonathan Page, Wake up!!, T-Mobile drop out, Bike design originality
  • November 23: Remembering Jacques Anquetil, Done looking back, Mayo's B sample to get B test, Cross crank, Rider's passport, Blood passports and humanity, Fothen's comments on Bettini, Nathan O'Neill , Sinkewitz, Rasmussen blood values, Sponsorship strangeness, Dick Pound better understood, Bike design originality,
  • November 16: Nathan O'Neill, Rasmussen blood values, The Crocodile Trophy, Sinkewitz, Drug testing procedures, Rider's passport, The drug issue, Bike design originality , Sponsorship strangeness, Selfishness will ruin cycling
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  • October 5: Cycle drama, It's not doping that's"killing"the sport, Why is VAM a benchmark, Tour of America, The Landis decision, DYNEPO, Worlds, Rock & Republic's CEO Michael Ball, Please explain, Giuseppe Guerini, FICP
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  • September 21: Astana's future and Bruyneel, Bruyneel's afterlife, Floyd Landis decision, Why is VAM a benchmark, Lifetime bans, Menchov felt betrayed by Rasmussen, Ungrateful Levi, Spanish cycling, Where is the due process
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The complete Cyclingnews letters archive