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Photo ©: Schaaf

Pro bikes: Barb Howe's Rock Lobster, January 24, 2006

Paul Sadoff's signature head badge is an homage to music. A musician himself, Sadoff has been known to play live in his Interbike trade show booth. "I have been playing professionally on a part time basis since 1982," he says. "At Interbike, I invited people to come and jam around an hour before closing time. As far as I know, I was the only booth in Interbike history to that point to have live music. I think it wasn't actually permitted. I am supposed to play at the Handbuilt Bike show with (fellow frame builder) Bryan Bayliss. In 1988 I gave up a fulltime gig in a 50's-60's dance band to launch Rock Lobster full time."
Photo ©: Keli Medcroft/www.keliskolor.com

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