Perry Stone
Canadian Ultra-marathon
rider, Perry Stone, managed to break the record for riding around Australia,
on May 18, 2000. He rode the 14,200 kilometres in 41 days and 5 minutes
(346 km/day), breaking the previous mark (also set by him) by 22 hours.
Combined with the
challenge of riding the distance, were other obstacles such as keeping
his crew together. Internal friction meant that only two out of the
original seven made to the finish in Fremantle, Western Australia, and
that proved to be quite costly.
Perry intends on
tackling the Race Across America (RAAM) on June 18 next, with a few
miles in his legs now. Here's
Perry's story in his own words:
Lap number two is
complete. It was an odyssey of personal epic proportions. I am extremely
proud of my effort and the monumental dedication, drive and endless
effort of Mark Schwinkowski and Christy Frisken, my two crew members
that went the distance. I would still be out there somewhere between
desperate and lost without their support. We faced more unforeseeable
obstacles than any nightmare could ever produce. Thank you will never
be enough, but for now, from the bottom of my heart thank you. There
are a million thankyous I want to address and being as such I will not
address them here and now.
When my prized
possession, my beautiful brand new Bianchi Mega Pro Concept was run
over and half way destroyed, Gary at GESPORT promotions, the Australian
Bianchi Distributor, wasted not one second, in arranging its refit.
The team at Mega Bikes in Adelaide completed the rescue and on I rode.
I was deeply moved by the incredible support and professionalism provided.
I wanted more then ever to deliver a finishing time of 30 days as a
way of saying thank you to them. But it was not to be. Matters beyond
our control escalated and virtually eliminated any hope at all of a
30 day finish. I won't go into the problems other then to say we started
as a team of 8 and finished as a team of 3 and even though I haven't
run the numbers I suspect we were more efficient as 3. I knew all I
could do was my very best. So I just rode. I accept full responsibility
for all the delays.
In the last eight
months I have crossed the Nullarbor three times and pedalled over 38000
kilometres in this glorious land of Australia. I have encountered tough
times and magical times. I have had the grand fortune to meet so many
magnificent people that it makes my head spin. The enthusiasm of "my
mates" has done everything to propel me onward. In a country where kangaroos
often out number the people, where cattle stations are in excess of
a million acres and you might need to travel 300 kilometres to get your
tea, where the sun could melt even the most ardent of desires and the
cold could cripple the same I never felt alone. In fact I always knew
it wouldn't be long before some Aussie would come by me and cheer me
on, pump up my energy stores and they always did. They always did.
At the end of the
race I rode 1200 kilometres on 3 hours sleep before the mental demons
produced their strongest attack. About 150 kilometres from the finish
line, all was too easy, the only thing left to contend with was the
monotony of the last 5 or 6 hours of riding. It was the first time in
the entire effort I was bored and as it is said, an idle mind is the
devil's workshop. Hallucinating in dramatic fashion I began to and continued
to pullover, time and time again. Each time for reasons I couldn't understand
or for the most even begin to explain to my patient crew. When night
fall came I could not distinguish what lane oncoming traffic was in
or what lane I was supposed to be in. Being from North America the distinction
between the left and right sides of the road blurred. Mark and Christy
worked very closely with me to try and ensure my safety. I was coherent
enough to understand their directives. I knew it had to be frustrating
for them as they ached to finish as well. In those three hours we covered
just 30 kilometres.
As I worked through
my mental meltdown my crew grew sleepy. I suggested they catch an hours
sleep while I rode ahead. It was the last time I saw them. I rode through
road construction accompanied by roadtrains. My hydration and nutrition
fluids emptied. My headlight battery died. The night got colder and
colder. I fell asleep constantly on the bike and finally laid down using
my Bianchi as a pillow. I awoke frozen. I pedalled on towards Perth
and on to Fremantle. I made it to Perth and then got seriously lost.
A tour de Perth developed and finally after endless effort I found the
Canning Highway and raced to the finish. I crossed the line with only
a milkman in attendance. That is how this effort came to a conclusion.
If I allowed it
to be, it could be devastating, but that would never happen. The race
didn't kill me, so it had to make me stronger. Christy, Mark and I never
quit. What's next? Lap number three of course. Crew required apply within.