Results and Reports for November 19USAPromoters wishing to submit results should send them to cyclingnews StreetZebra Urban Cyclocross, Race
4 StreetZebra Urban Cyclocross, Race 4Los Angeles, CA, November 19, 2000 ResultsMen's Category A (Pro 1-5) 1 Brent Prenzlow (TCB Cyclery) 2 Scott Cochran (Jelly Belly) 3 Garnet Vertican (ODI) 4 David Court (Zero Wait) 5 Griffith Vertican (Competetive Edge) 6 Dane Jankowiak (JAX) 7 Jon Hansen (Cycletek) 8 Jerry Meyers (L' Equipe Cheval) 9 Erik Luk (Back On Track/Peninsula) 10 Paul Bandemer (Cyclete) 11 Dorothey Wong (TCB Cyclery) Men's Category B (3-5) 1 Emilio Cervantes (TCB Cyclery) 2 Andrew Juskaitis (Bicycling Magazine) 3 Ted Posch (Arizona Red Team) 4 Heath McGee (ODI) 5 Eric Sanderson (TCB Cyclery) 6 Jeff Herring (Pasadena Cyclery) 7 Jeff Wilson (La Grange) 8 Gary Sanderson (TCB Cyclery) 9 Cary Flebbe (Manitou) 10 Victor Viscio (JAX) Men's Category C (4/5) 1 Josh Kahle (Team Big Bear) 2 Jeff Steinhart (Team Hollywood) 3 Jean-(Claude Scouarnec Burbank Bakery) 4 Kirk Cadrette (Atomic Bikes) 5 Angus Lemon (Paramount) 6 Shawn Lowrey (Celo Pacific) 7 Justin Forbes 8 Eric Mathies 9 Richard Murphey (Celo Pacifi) Category D 30+ (Public & 5) 1 Jennifer Franklin Men's Category D 18-29 (Public & 5) 1 Chris Gallup 2 Sean Robbins 3 Kyle Parham 4 Art Aguilar (Dirt Works) 5 Greg Gatz Women's Category A,B,C (Pro 1-4) 1 Amy Hutner (La Grang) 2 Dorothy Wong (TCB Cycler) 3 Jenny Escabacher (Atomi) 4 Cindy Marnoch (Manitou) 5 Jennifer Franklin Juniors 16 & Under 1 Josh Kahle (Team Big Bea) Master's 45+ 1 Jonathan Livesay (Team DARE) 2 Joe Crabtree (Open Air) 3 Victor Viscio (JA) 4 Rickey Russel (La Grange) 5 Willy Bounderant (Velo Avanti) 6 Jim Stephens (San Clemente Vel) 7 Steve Brown (Esprit Velo) 8 George Krpan (Team Hollywoo) 9 Dean Ferrandini 10 Roger Sexton (Santa Clarita Vel) 11 Victor Hager (La Grang) Master's 40+ 1 Charles Morris (Skylof) 2 Scott Bell 3 Brad House (Back On Track/Peninsul) 4 Mark Sauer (Radsport) 5 Kyle Parham 6 Frank Said (Velo Allegr) 7 Greg Townsend Master's 35+ 1 Emilio Cervantes (TCB Cyclery) 2 Marty Mares (Answer Products) 3 Jay Wolkoff (Simply Fi) 4 Jonathan Livesay (Team DAR) 5 Larry VanZant (Echelo) 6 Jeff Steinhart (Team Hollywoo) Master's 30+ 1 Erik Luk (Back On Track/Peninsul) 2 Tony Sataman (Esprit Vel) 3 Brent Vandenberg (JA) 4 Mike Fantacone (JA) 5 Roger Lopez (Esprit Vel) 6 Tom Morgan (Answer Product) 7 Joe Puskarich (Simply Fi) 8 Mike Cowdrey (Tri Zon) Points after four races: Men's A 29/10 5/11 12/11 19/11 Total Brent Prenzlow 13 16 16 16 61 pts Scott Cochran 7 13 5 13 38 Emilio Cervantes 10 0 10 0 20 David Court 5 3 3 7 18 Garnet Vertican 0 0 7 10 17 Griffith Vertican 0 10 2 5 17 Mark Noble 16 0 0 0 16 Trent Klasna 0 0 13 0 13 Dane Jankowiak 0 7 0 3 10 Mark Savery 3 1 1 0 5 Dennis Lane 0 5 0 0 5 Jonathan Hansen 1 0 0 2 3 Osamu Yamamoto 2 0 0 0 2 Alex Banyan 0 2 0 0 2 Jerry Meyers 0 0 0 1 1 Women's A,B,C Dorothy Wong 16 16 16 13 61 pts Amy Hutner 13 13 13 16 55 Jenny Escabacher 0 10 10 10 30 Jennifer Franklin 0 7 7 5 19 Susie Avchen 10 0 0 0 10 Cindy Marnoch 0 0 0 7 7 Laura Magi 0 5 0 0 5 Masters 45+ Jonathan Livesay 16 16 16 16 64 pts Joe Crabtree 13 7 13 13 46 Rickey Russel 5 10 10 7 32 Jim Stephens 10 3 7 3 23 Willy Bounderant 7 5 5 5 22 Jerry Meyers 0 13 0 0 13 Victor Viscio 0 0 0 10 10 Brian Olson 0 0 3 3 6 Steve Brown 3 1 0 2 6 Richard Bustos 0 2 2 0 4 George Krpan 0 0 0 1 Gil Magnabat 0 0 1 0 1 Men's B Andrew Juskaitis 16 10 13 13 52 pts Emilio Cervantes 0 16 16 16 48 Tom Farley 13 13 7 0 33 Jeff Herring 10 7 0 3 20 Ted Posch 0 0 10 10 20 Greg Page 7 5 0 0 12 Larry VanZant 5 3 0 0 8 Phil St. John 3 2 0 0 5 Rob Barnitt 0 0 5 0 5 Heath McGee 0 0 3 0 3 Eric Saunderson 2 0 0 0 2 Jeff Wilson 1 1 0 0 2 Gary Sanderson 0 0 0 1 1 Stan Barrett 0 0 1 0 1 Masters 40+ Charles Morris 13 13 16 16 58 pts Mark Sauer 10 16 13 7 46 Brad House 7 10 5 10 32 Joe Ballantyne 16 0 0 0 16 Frank Said 0 5 7 3 15 Scott Bell 0 0 0 13 13 Kyle Parham 3 2 2 5 12 Gregory Townsend 5 0 3 2 10 Jeffrey Steinhart 0 0 10 0 10 Tom Eichen 0 7 0 0 7 Mark Chaney 2 3 1 0 6 Robert Tanaka 1 0 0 0 1 Masters 35+ Emilio Cervantes 0 16 16 16 48 pts Larry Mares 16 7 10 0 33 Jay Wolkoff 13 0 7 10 30 Gary Hansen 10 10 0 0 20 Jonathan Livesay 0 13 0 7 20 Jesse Gascon 3 5 5 0 13 James Coats 0 0 13 0 13 Marty Mares 0 0 0 13 13 Mark Salmon 5 3 0 0 8 Jim Pappe 7 0 0 0 7 Dan Nelson 1 2 2 0 5 Sherman Lee 0 1 3 0 4 Jeff Steinhart 0 0 0 3 3 Scott Weaver 2 0 0 0 2 Masters 30+ Erik Luk 16 13 13 16 58 pts Tony Sataman 0 10 10 13 33 Roger Lopez 10 7 3 5 25 Mike Cowdry 0 0 16 1 17 Scott Evans 0 16 0 0 16 Bobby Williamson 13 0 0 0 13 Dorothy Wong 7 5 0 0 12 Brent Vandenburg 0 0 0 10 10 Tom Morgan 0 0 5 3 8 Mark Salmon 0 0 7 0 7 Mike Fantacone 0 0 0 7 7 Joe Puskarich 0 0 0 2 2 Men's C Mark Reynolds 16 16 10 0 42 pts Josh Kahle 0 0 16 16 32 Joe Fleming 13 13 3 0 29 Mark Helms 0 10 5 0 15 Jeff Steinhart 0 0 0 13 13 Jasun Vorell 0 0 13 0 13 Angus Lemon 0 0 7 5 12 Gregory Townsend 10 0 0 0 10 Jean-Claude Scouarnec 0 0 0 10 10 Richard Murphy 7 0 0 0 7 Kirk Cadrette 0 0 0 7 7 Shawn Lowrey 0 3 0 3 6 Eric Matthes 5 0 0 1 6 Joe Puskarich 0 5 0 0 5 Justin Forbes 0 0 0 2 2 Glenn Masuda 0 0 2 0 2 Chris Bitner 0 0 1 0 1 Men's D 18-29 Marty Taylor 16 16 16 0 48 pts Byron Kopeczy 10 13 13 0 36 Chris Gallup 0 0 0 16 16 Sean Robbins 0 0 0 13 13 Kenneth Soldman 13 0 0 0 13 Kyle Parham 0 0 0 10 10 Jen Franklin 0 0 10 0 10 Art Aguilar 0 0 0 7 7 Greg Gatz 0 0 0 5 5 Men's D 30+ Art Aguilar 10 10 13 0 33 pts Greg Gatz 7 13 7 0 27 Mark Helms 16 0 0 0 16 Glenn Masuda 0 16 0 0 16 Chris Gallup 0 0 16 0 16 Jennifer Franklin 0 0 0 16 16 Russel Green 0 7 5 0 12 Troy McConnell 0 0 10 0 10 Courtesy of Brad House, Back On Track Productions Cross Crusade 2000 District ChampionshipsAlpenrose, OR, November 19, 2000 Results Category A - 40 Riders 1 Erik Tonkin (Team S&M) 2 Shannon Skerritt (Team S&M) 3 Dameion Donas (Redline) 4 Donald Reeb (Nutra Fig) 5 Barry Wicks (Osu) 6 Jon Myers (Fat Tire Farm) 7 John Leonard 8 Travis Hunt (Mountain View) 9 Brody Anderson (Fat Tire Farm) 10 Chris Brandt (Collins) 11 Mike Schindler (Sunnyside Spts) 12 Dale Plant (Kona) 13 Jeff Burnard 14 Jim Brown (Voice Stream) 15 Chad Swanson (Team S&M) 16 Tim Coffey (Pazzo Velo) 16 John Gorman (Sunnyside Spts) 18 Joel Kath 19 Christopher Hale 20 Phil Mcnamara (Missing Link) 21 John Weller 22 Chris Thoman (Bike Gallery) 23 John Stambaugh (Safeway/Saturn) 24 Jeffery Struck (Team S&M) 25 Mike Martin (Thomas Toyota) 26 Evan Elken (Presto Velo) 27 Scott Smith 28 Todd Stewart (Team S&M) 29 Sean Garvin (Torani/Nw Velo) 30 Ryan Russell 1 lap 31 David Diviney 32 Dustin Sullenger (Lakeside) 33 David Godfrey (Safeway/Saturn) 34 Brian Cimmiyotti (Century Cycle) 35 Brian Poetter (Penn Cycle) 36 Paul Parsons (Sunnyside Spts) 36 Ingrid Spies 37 Jon Jensen 39 Sean Poetter DNF Evan Plews Category B - 45 Riders 1 Sacha White (Gentle Lovers) 2 Charles Abell (Presto Velo) 3 Samuel Richardson (Gentle Lovers) 4 Ross Brody (Osu) 5 Damien Schmitt 6 Bill Cass (Team O) 7 Brendan Banovic (P Running Cd) 8 Aj Sanchez 9 Dan Porter 10 Eric Hopper (Logie Velo) 11 Brendon Mcclain 12 Ryan Weaver (Osu) 13 Jeff Gebhart 14 Darren Snyder 15 Tom Lenth 15 Andreas Oswald (No River Racing) 16 Nathan Hult (Safeway/Saturn) 17 James Newman (Team O) 18 Kelly Weiber (Safeway/Saturn) 19 Craig Aaker 20 Chris Nelson 21 Cal Stone 22 Bob Jacobs 23 Tom Morgan 24 David Hopper (Logie Velo) 25 Jon Knowlton (Torani/Nw Velo) 26 Paul Riso (Team S&M) 27 Karl Mikkelson 28 Doug Johnson (Sunset) 29 Philip Wong (Torani/Nw Velo) 30 Jason Pfeifer (Presto Velo) 31 Donovan Grabowski (Team S&M) 32 Mark Engleman (Idaho) 33 Brian Austin (Presto Velo) 34 Brian Abers (Wildwest) 1 lap 35 Peter Drach 37 Brian Spears (Lakeside) 38 Justin Graybeal (Presto Velo) 39 John Sage 40 Eric Szczukowski 41 Aaron Bozeman (Team O) 42 Chris Lepore DNF Jerry Cutright Torrefazione DNF Christopher Hale Nextlink DNF Tony Kic Gentle Lovers Juniors - 29 Riders 1 Aaron Bradford (Rad Racing) 2 Ryan Iddings (Rad Racing) 3 Ian Eglitis (BBC) 4 Miles Grayson 5 Mikkel Bossen (Team Oregon) 6 Brian Kelly (Kestrel) 7 Collin Carbaugh (Rad Racing) 8 Joey Dengel (Fat Tire Farm) 9 Hector Mundt (Bike/Serrtto) 10 Nicholas Banks(-Watson Team Oregon) 11 Luke Pennington (Team Oregon) 12 Devin Anderson 13 Chris Hopkins (BBC) 14 Aaron Love (Bike/Serrtto) 15 Dan Kercheski (Capitol Velo) 1 lap 16 Misha Sahakian (South Salem) 17 Justin Arana (South Salem) 18 Alex Flemer 19 Brant Akers (South Salem) 20 Nick Love (Bike/Serrtto) 21 Christina Suditu (BBC) 2 laps 22 Kenny Bossen (Team Oregon) 23 Dan Hopkins 24 Richard Suditu (BBC) 25 Jeff Hopkins (Safeway/Saturn) 26 Reid Parham (South Salem) 27 Jonathan Skeehan (Rad Racing) DNF Kyle Morris DNF Steven Skeehan Rad Racing Masters 35-44 - 21 Riders 1 Randy Iddings (Kona) 2 Steve Yenne (Mongoose) 3 John Mccaffery (Presto Velo) 4 Brian Johnson (Lakeside/River Edge) 5 Pat Bensen (Kona) 6 Phil Emerson 1 lap 7 Glen Gann (Sims) 8 Nathan Hobson 9 David Camp (Lakeside/River Edge) 10 Michael Romasco 11 Mike Colesar 12 Dean Lucas (Cmr/Bike Gallery) 13 Jay Graves (Bike Gallery) 14 Chauncy Curl (Safeway/Saturn) 15 Daniel Davis (Hutch's Bend) 16 Mike Adamson (River City/) 17 Tom Lawrence (Bike Gallery) 18 Paul Mauntner (Nomad) 19 Dan Houghton (Presto Velo) 2 laps 20 Robert Chevalier 21 Rick Kercheski (Capitol Velo) Masters 45+ - 27 Riders 1 Mark Schwyhart (Safeway/Saturn) 2 Don Leet (Sunnyside Sports) 3 Larry Smith 4 Ron Magnus (Safeway/Saturn) 5 Bruce Werner 6 Harold Klein 7 Brent Seidler (Capitol Velo) 8 John Coffey (Miz) 9 Larry Hopkins (Safeway/Saturn) 10 George Scheck (Safeway/Saturn) 11 Gil Ormerod (Team S&M) 12 Norman Babcock (Paradise Homes) 13 Mike Murray (Team O) 14 Jim Rose 15 Mark Hildebrandt 16 Del Scharffenberg (Safeway/Saturn) 17 Richard Marantz 18 Nathan Wicks 19 Paul Montgomery (Team S&M) 20 Michael Resnick (Enselle/Nomad) 1 lap 21 Craig Pennel 22 Keith Peterson 23 Scott Pennell (Pep) 24 Bob Mandleson (Enselle) 25 John Weist DNF Craig Dennis DNF Ted Forgeron (RCW) Master Women - 11 Riders 1 Julie Wose 2 Karen Kenlan (Sunnyside) 3 Lynn Qualich 4 Linda Kruse 5 Kirti Walpole 6 Darlene Maddux (Bikeserratto) 1 lap 7 Pam Reid (Team O) 8 Renee Pype (FTF) 9 Mary Ross (Mac) 10 Marian Silberstein 11 Roxanne Cate Single Speed - 6 Riders 1 Rich Cramer (Presto Velo) 2 Wade Goff (Torani/Nw Velo) 3 Marty Cahill (Safeway/Saturn) 4 Joe Marek (Team S&M) 5 Noreen Valente (Safeway/Saturn) 1 Lap DNF Brian Witty (Team S&M) Women - 15 Riders 1 Stacy Peters (800.Com) 2 Tina Reeb (Bike/Serratto) 1 lap 3 Naomi Gollogly (Bike Gallery) 4 Emily Miazga (Paradise Homes) 5 Alice Pennington 6 Joanne Stevens (Sunnyside) 7 Stephanie Yenne (Bike/Serratto) 8 Robyn Fuchs (Osu) 9 Kori Kunz (Eugene Cycling) 10 Melissa Erion (Paradise Homes) 11 Allison Churchill 12 Darien Curl (Safeway/Saturn) 13 Andrea Lonas 14 Kellee Marta (Bike Gallery) 2 laps 15 Leslie Teegarden Beginners - 24 Riders 1 Matthew Jensen 2 Kevin Thomsen (Sandbager) 3 Geoff Raynak (I Generation) 4 Robert Huff 5 Dan Dittmer 6 Jonathan Puskas (Torani/Nw Velo) 7 Lonny Knabe 8 Sam Taagen (Team S&M) 1 lap 9 Parker Scrafford (BBC) 10 Paul Anderson 11 Jason Wells (Sandbager) 12 Ken Lindhorst 13 Tony Halford (BBC) 14 Peter Links 15 Ed Chrisman (Team S&M) 16 Chuck Kraeuter 17 Bret Hadley 18 George Hatfield (T&E) 19 Scott Saulsbury 20 Dan Burton (Team S&M) 21 Ken Finch 21 Robert Jenkins 22 Linda Moreland 2 laps 22 Jonathan Waldow 23 Joel Montero DNF Td Waldow Courtesy of Jim Anderson/ Virginia Cyclocross Series - Race 2Chimborazo Park, Richmond, VA, November 19, 2000 Cyclocross weather - A meteorological term describing temperatures in the 30's to lower 40's, normally accompanied by rain and/or snow and mud. Race 2 in the Virginia Cyclocross Series presented riders with their first taste of cyclocross weather for the season. The threat of snow never materialized, but it was plenty cold as racers struggled to warm up. The racing day began with the Novices and Juniors tackling a tough course, at Chimborazo Park in Richmond. Mark Beattie, all the way from Olympia Wash., by way of Washington, DC, took a relatively easy win, as the smell of Tiger Balm hung heavy in the air. Rounding out the podium was James Connell and Jeff Salerno. The junior race was taken by James Weightman, NCVC/Spokes, ahead of Eric Bilotta of Charlottesville. The second race of the day featured the Masters, Women and Men's B riders. Fred Wittwer took this race by the throat from the outset and never looked back.. Fred is just a few months away from the 50+ category, but you would never know it by his speed and skills. Rounding out the podium for the 40+ category was Richard Pence, who also took the measure of most of his younger competitors and Tony Bilotta. Charlottesville riders took all the podium spots. In the 50+ category, aka the Potomac Velo Club class, Jim Carlson took an easy win. Bill Helwig and Giulio Porta, both from PVC, took 2nd and 3rd respectively. These masters guys are really the heart of cyclocross, as they consistently give up the fun of raking leaves for a hard day at the races. The Men's B race looks like a repeat of last year's Richmond Cyclocross Cup, as George Schulz took the win. George was the overall series winner last year, and his new Independent Fabrication flew up the cobblestones and over the Palani Drive run-up for the win, after battling with Logan Gery the entire race. The final podium spot was taken by another cross regular, Mark Miklosovich from NCVC/Spokes. The lantern rouge award for the class went to Vince Amodeo, Potomac Velo Club, who took home a fine bottle of Belgium ale for his efforts. If you can't hop the barriers like Sven Njs, then a nice bottle of ale is sweet consolation. The William & Mary Tribe were on the war path in the Women's race, taking 2 of the podium places. Jessie Peil brought her mountain bike fitness and showed everybody how it was done. Riding a smooth race in company of the Masters, Jesse took an easy win over Melanie Swartz from PVC. Tricia Walterick of W&M, took third in her first cross race. Raymie Poole, also of PVC took the lantern rouge award for the women. The feature race of the day, the Men's A, presented a full field of determined faces as they rocked off into the first set of Rowlett's Bicycle triples. Just as predicted, Jeremiah Bishop, Bill McCarrick and Ryan McKenny took charge early. Bill pushed the pace as the field strung out on the first lap. Jeremiah took the lead on lap 2 and was never challenged as he cruised to an easy win by over 1 minute from Bill and Ryan. He was able to bunnyhop the uphill triples, designed to be a sure dismount. Course designers beware, as Bishop can make almost anything look easy. Bill and Ryan chased and battled all race long, a battle of youth vs experience with the old guy taking the runner-up spot near the end. Randy Root took 4th in one of his usual displays of strength. After a crash and a rolled tubie early in the race, local strongman Jake Helmboldt decided that a bottle of Belgium ale was better than going home early. It almost came down to a trackstand, with Matt Butterman, but Jake pulled back to take the lantern rogue for the class. In the end, the snow held off and the cobbles stayed dry. The series now turns back to Washington DC on December 10th with the Virginia State Championships at Lake Fairfax Park. Thanks to all the sponsors: Rowletts Bicycles, A1 Cycling, DeFeet, Cane Creek Cycling Components and Redline Bicycles. Results Men's A 1 Jeremiah Bishop (K2 New Sun) 1.03.11 2 Bill McCarrick (Courier One/Main St. Beer) 1.09 3 Ryan McKenny (William & Mary Cycling) 1.54 4 Randy Root (Snow Valley) 3.52 5 Edward Dickenson (BRBC) 4.31 6 Bryan Ralston (HCC) 5.21 7 Nick Turk (Cycling Spoken Here) 5.46 8 Shawn Tunstall (Courier One/Main St. Beer) 6.06 9 Roger Sattler (Courier One/Main St. Beer) 6.35 10 Colin Maher (Unattached) 7.44 11 Justin Riddle (Bike Stop) 8.18 12 Jeff Haight (Unattached) 1 lap 13 Rob Dinterman (Va Beach Velo) 14 Scott Ramsey (CRC) 15 Charlie Bowman (Courier One/Main St. Beer) 16 Robert Sawyer (Conte's ) 17 Williams Evans (Schwinn Bicycles) 18 Corey Twyman (NCVC/Spokes) 19 Jon Gaudio (NCVC/Spokes) 20 Rick Barlow (Richbrau) 21 Matt Butterman (CRC/Extreme Sports) 22 Jake Helmboldt (River City Cycling) Women's Open 1 Jessie Peil (William & Mary Cycling) 2 Melanie Swartz (Potomac Velo Club) 3 Tricia Walterick (William & Mary Cycling) 4 Kirsten Plehn (Independent Fabrication) 5 Nancy DeVore (Potomac Velo Club) 6 Raymie Poole (Potomac Velo Club) Men's B 1 George Schulz (Independent Fabrication) 2 Logan Garey (NCVC/Spokes) 3 Mark Miklosovich (NCVC/Spokes) 4 Simeon Green (Ashby St. Bicycles) 5 Mark Winborne (Unattached) 6 Dean Freeman (Unattached) 7 David Flickinger (Unattached) 8 Joel Street (Cycor/HCC) 9 Brian Poochigian (City Bikes/IF) 10 Judd Milne (Tufts University) 11 Shawn Cantrell (Unattached) 12 Seth Carothers (Unattached) 13 Matt Bailey (Unattached) 14 Brian Quarles (Unattached) 15 Vince Amodeo (Potomac Velo Club) Masters 40+ 1 Fred Wittwer (CRC/Extreme Sports) 2 Richard Pence (CRC/Extreme Sports) 3 Tony Bilotta (CRC/Extreme Sports) 4 Dave Olds (East Coast Bikes) 5 Mike Pattisall (Potomac Velo Club) 6 Randall Smith (Potomac Velo Club) 7 Gary Huffman (Contes/Richbrau) Masters 50+ 1 Jim Carlson (Potomac Velo Club) 2 Bill Helwig (Potomac Velo Club) 3 Giulio Porta (Potomac Velo Club) 4 Scott Scudamore (Potomac Velo Club) Juniors (Team) 1 James Weightman (NCVC/Spokes) 2 Eric Bilotta (CRC/Extreme Sports) Novices 1 Mark Beattie (Capital Bike Club) 2 James Connell (Fancy Lad) 3 Jeff Salerno (Unattached) 4 Lance Triebel (Unattached) 5 Eric Marshall (Potomac Velo Club) 6 J. H. Revere (Unattached) 7 Chastine Burnette (Morfit) Standings after race 2: Men's A Race #1 Race #2 Totals 1 Bill McCarrick (Courier One/Main St. Beer) 8 12 20 pts 2 Bill Elliston (Bicycle Therapy) 15 0 15 3 Jeremiah Bishop (K2 New Sun) 0 15 15 4 Greg Ferguson (Trek/VW) 12 0 12 5 Andrew Applegate (Ideal Tile) 10 0 10 6 Ryan McKenny (William & Mary Cycling) 0 10 10 7 Szyman Neimotko (Sommerset Wheelman) 9 0 9 8 Randy Root (Snow Valley) 0 9 9 9 Edward Dickenson (BRBC) 0 8 8 10 Craig Dodson (Avalon Racing) 7 0 7 11 Bryan Ralston (HCC) 0 7 7 12 Sean Groom (Squadra Coppi) 6 0 6 13 Nick Turk (Cycling Spoken Here) 0 6 6 14 Michael Buchness (Bike Doctor) 5 0 5 15 Shawn Tunstall (Courier One/Main St. Beer) 0 5 5 16 Ed Krasnai (Race Pace) 4 0 4 17 Roger Sattler (Courier One/Main St. Beer) 0 4 4 18 Chip Atkins (Courier One/Main St. Beer) 3 0 3 19 Colin Maher (Unattached) 0 3 3 20 Andy Fasig (NCVC, Spokes) 2 0 2 21 Justin Riddle (Bike Stop) 0 2 2 22 John Guentner (Wooden Wheels) 1 0 1 23 Jeff Haight (Unattached) 0 1 1 Men's B 1 George Schulz (Independent Fabrication) 6 15 21 pts 2 Eric Rodenburg (First Cap. Velo) 15 0 15 3 Eric Roman (City Bikes) 12 0 12 4 Logan Garey (NCVC/Spokes) 0 12 12 5 Tom Whithington (City Bikes) 10 0 10 6 Mark Miklosovich (NCVC/Spokes) 0 10 10 7 Colin Maher (City Bikes) 9 0 9 8 Simeon Green (Ashby St. Bicycles) 0 9 9 9 Bobby Lea (Fuji Bikes) 8 0 8 10 Mark Winborne (Unattached) 0 8 8 11 Robert Lyon III (First GP Velo) 7 0 7 12 Dean Freeman (Unattached) 0 7 7 13 David Flickinger (Unattached) 0 6 6 14 Rick Mihills (First State Velo Sport) 5 0 5 15 Joel Street (Cycor/HCC) 0 5 5 16 Michael White (NCVC/Spokes) 4 0 4 17 Brian Poochigian (City Bikes/IF) 0 4 4 18 Jason Bertsch (First GP Velo) 3 0 3 19 Judd Milne (Tufts University) 0 3 3 20 William Crowley (Team Extreme) 2 0 2 21 Shawn Cantrell (Unattached) 0 2 2 22 Jessie Semanchic (First State Velo Sport) 1 0 1 23 Seth Carothers (Unattached) 0 1 1 Women 1 Melanie Swartz (Potomac Velo Club) 9 12 21 pts 2 Nancy DeVore (Potomac Velo Club) 8 8 16 3 Kirsten Plehn (Independent Fabrication) 7 9 16 4 Katie Compton (Trek/VW) 15 0 15 5 Jessie Peil (William & Mary Cycling) 0 15 15 6 Josie Shew (First State Velo Sport) 12 0 12 7 Raymie Poole (Potomac Velo Club) 4 7 11 8 Brettany Bearden (Wooden Wheels) 10 0 10 9 Tricia Walterick (William & Mary Cycling) 0 10 10 10 Lyn Shaffer (Wooden Wheels) 6 0 6 11 Karen Minor (Wooden Wheels) 5 0 5 12 Denise Tolusso (Unattached) 3 0 3 13 Amy Lowry (Fuji Bikes) 2 0 2 14 Diane Vettori (Wooden Wheels) 1 0 1 Juniors 1 Joey Thompson (Wooden Wheels) 15 0 15 pts 2 James Weightman (NCVC/Spokes) 0 15 15 3 Greggory Whittwer (CRC/Extreme Sports) 12 0 12 4 Eric Bilotta (CRC/Extreme Sports) 0 12 12 5 Nick Pence (CRC/Extreme Sports) 10 0 10 Novices 1 Eric Austin (Unattached) 15 0 15 pts 2 Mark Beattie (Capital Bike Club) 15 15 3 Lance Triebel (Unattached) 4 9 13 4 Kevin Crouch (NCVC/Spokes) 12 0 12 5 James Connell (Fancy Lad) 12 12 6 James Bellora (Squadra Coppi) 10 0 10 7 Jeff Salerno (Unattached) 10 10 8 Andrew Curry (Squadra Coppi) 9 0 9 9 Mark Hallinger (Unattached) 8 0 8 10 Eric Marshall (Potomac Velo Club) 8 8 8 11 Mark Flickenger (Unattached) 7 0 7 12 J. H. Revere (Unattached) 7 7 7 13 Randy Combs (Unattached) 6 0 6 14 Chastine Burnette (Morfit) 6 6 6 15 Keith Alsop (Unattached) 5 0 5 16 Tay St. John (Unattached) 3 0 3 17 Greg Taylor (Unattached) 2 0 2 Master's 40 + 1 Fred Wittwer (CRC/Extreme Sports) 10 15 25 pts 2 Richard Pence (CRC/Extreme Sports) 9 12 21 3 Chris Long (Independent Fabrication) 15 0 15 4 Tony Bilotta (CRC/Extreme Sports) 5 10 15 5 Tom Brothers (Bike Doctor) 12 0 12 6 Randall Smith (Potomac Velo Club) 2 7 9 7 Kevin Breckenmacker (Red Rose Rockets) 8 0 8 8 Mike Pattisall (Potomac Velo Club) 0 8 8 9 Kurt Mikseka (Wooden Wheels) 7 0 7 10 Peter Czapiewski (HMVC) 6 0 6 11 Gary Huffman (Contes/Richbrau) 0 6 6 12 David Wilson (Whole Wheel Velo Club) 4 0 4 13 John Thompson (Wooden Wheels) 3 0 3 14 Marshall Sacks (Red Rose Rockets) 1 0 1 Masters 50+ 1 Jim Carlson (Potomac Velo Club) 15 15 30 pts 2 Bill Helwig (Potomac Velo Club) 10 12 22 3 Giulio Porta (Potomac Velo Club) 12 10 22 4 Scott Scudamore (Potomac Velo Club) 9 9 18 5 Anthony Lobatu (South Mtn. Velo Club) 8 0 8 6 Ben Williams (Potomac Velo Club) 7 0 7 Courtesy of Gary Morgan SVA "Raise the Velodrome" Cross New Mexico seriesRio Rancho, New Mexico, November 19, 2000
Located at the same site as round 2 of the NMCX series, the 4th event came and went with outstanding results. All proceeds from the event went towards construction of a velodrome in Rio Rancho, NM. The course had been altered from its earlier incarnation to provide some variety for the racers and to add some length to the relatively short course. According to Tim Erwin, Lobos, the influence of my new cyclo cross World Championships videotape was evident in the course design. There were no run sections for the first two minutes of the course. The Course The course started fast on a parking lot, moving quickly to a long, straight dirt path. At the conclusion of this stretch, racers took an immediate and challenging 180 degree turn and doubled back on themselves. This was followed quickly by another 180, and then another. Racers then hopped on a paved section, across a small culvert ditch, and through the Haynes Park Gazebo. Next time we'll have a Dixieland Jazz band wailing to complete the effect. Riders then headed out on a long, L-shaped tour of the backside of the park. The ground surface through this was very bumpy, and the abuse took its toll over the race. After emerging from this section, racers chicaned through some trees and accelerated out of a tight corner into the first run. This was just a short double in the grassy field and then the course deposited its victims onto another parking lot for a little pavement time. Quickly, though, the land of low rolling resistance ceased and the course shot back onto mother dirt. A tricky right hand corner laced with a slippery gravel surface led to a firm cinder path, then back onto the grass. Another exhausting chicane, then racers lined up for the second short dismount of the race, and the entry into the Dungeon. Hop, Hop, remount, then a short, hairy descent into the bottom of a sandy, wheel sucking ditch - the Dungeon. Immediately, racers were forced to hop off their bikes once again and climb out of the ditch. Once out of the Dungeon, though, the work was not done. Riders then clambered over 20 meters of dirt pile, bikes still on shoulders. A 100-meter long, hard pack dirt path was all that stood between Dungeon 1, and Dungeon 2. Whoosh, down again into the sandy pit. This time though, the 20-foot descent was fast, and the bottom was a nastier quagmire of 6-inch deep sand. Your only hope of survival was a combo of speed and luck, plowing through the mess. Of course, all bad things must come to an end, and this came to an end with a fight-for-survival climb out of the pit. Exhaustion was imminent by this point, and the course was almost through. The remaining 500 meters were fought over hard pack dirt, with one double-barricade dismount standing between two sweeping left-handers and the finish line. Comments on the course were all favorable. Supercup 2001? How About the Racing? The racing was of a similar high quality. As has been the standard in all of the NMCX series races, the lot was split into three divisions: A, B and C. C is developmental (and Masters), A is (in theory) developed. B is somewhere in the middle. The C race The C race attracted more than ever. The word that all Juniors race free in New Mexico is getting out, and the young Turks are showing up in droves. They are racing well, too. Their starts are a different story, though. From the wave of the green flag, there was a mishap. Tim Scheony, Tove Shere and Devo rider Chris Osburn tangled and were left behind. Not that the trio needed extra motivation, but they took something special out of the mishap. They each chased hard. Tim Schoeny appeared to be a man on a mission. His mantra must have been "Seek and Destroy", because that was just how it went as he fought his way back up to third. Osburn hung tough, too, regaining a 6th place finish. Shere rode an impressive comeback, too, as the only woman in the field came back to 9th place. Nat Cobb of Ochsner dominated the event, and led from start to finish. Series newbies Kris Montoya and Loren Bienvenu put the Free-Entry-For-Juniors program to work and cleaned up nicely. Flat tires and tough competition wreaked havoc on Taylor Lane and Stuart Knight-Williamson, perennial series challengers. The B race The B race action is, week in and out, impressive to watch. This week, past winners Juniper Hunter and Benito Qunitana were a no show and an upgrade, respectively. That left Patrick Ramirez, twice second place, in the cat bird seat. Would he swoop in? Michael Gamstetter of Bicycle Retailer News wasn't ready to give in. Neither were the legions of other riders including Eddie Elks and series newcomer John Boland. Boland had a look of fire in his eyes that, well, was scary. He powered around the course, time and time again, and the weaker among us cowered with respect. Ramirez, though, was too strong for Boland et al. Gamstetter suffered from more than one flat tire along the way, diminishing his chances of riding a good race. Opportunity knocks me down The A race lined up with a window of opportunity in front of the field. Opening the window was one Bart Bowen, who was tending to matters at the Boston Supercup. He usually destroys the field, so his absence meant a big chance for any number of riders to take the day's glory. Tim Erwin, Stephen Knight-Williamson ( and myself, Alex Andel (, had each taken a second place in the first three races of the series. Each of us was a reasonable bet for victory at this race. From the start, the pace was fevered. Erwin had a great start and took an early three-length lead. Hawke Morgan (BCD) Tony "Bagadonuts" Stroup (Sobe) and I followed. Knight-Williamson was there, too, as was Daniel Swinton of Fat Tire Cycles. We were flying, but Erwin was going faster. His lead had grown to 10 lengths. We serpentined through Haynes Park and entered the Dungeon for the first time. I had moved into second, followed by Morgan, Knight-Williamson ("KY") and Stroup. There was a decent gap back to 6th place. Down and up through the gully. Down and up again. I gained back the gap on Tim and we were together. We had a bit of ground on third and, again, we were flying. Tim was moving too fast, though. I was unable to maintain his pace this day and fell back. KY caught up to me a lap later and we rode in tandem for 5 laps. Behind us the gap to Bagadonuts and Morgan gradually increased to the tune of 30 seconds. Unfortunately, the 3 or 4 seconds per lap Erwin was gaining on us had added up to a sizeable lead. With 5 to go, my race went downhill. KY had pulled away from me a bit as I was really struggling. I entered the first barricade of the loop. I tripped. I entered the Dungeon. I tripped. I entered the last barricade. I tripped. I, obviously, had lost all rhythm, and was fading fast. Behind, Bagadonuts dropped Morgan, and a hard charging Swinton had moved into 5th by capturing him, too. Another lap and Bagadonuts caught me. With three to go, I was hanging by a thread, totally shot. Swinton was coming fast, but I hoped I could stave off his attack. Erwin was now way ahead of everyone. KY was racing fast and slightly closing the gap. According to KY, he never got into a good groove until the end of the race. His closure of Erwin's gap was too little, too late. Tim was gone. Bagadonuts rode strong for third, and Swinton caught and passed me on the last lap for 4th. I came in fifth, physically shattered, to round out the top 5. Next week the series continues in Santa Fe, with a raffle for a Cannondale Cross Frame and great prizes for the top three in each category. Then, the series returns to Albuquerque for its finale on December 3rd and the State Championships on December 10. ResultsA Race 1 Tim Erwin (Lobos) 2 Stephen Knight-Williamson ( 3 Tony Stroup (Sobe) 4 Daniel Swinton (Fat Tire Cycles) 5 Alex Andel ( B Race 1 Patrick Ramirez (Ranch Club) 2 John Boland (Ochsner) 3 Michael Gamstetter (Bike Retailer News) 4 Alan Edmonds 5 Patrick McCarthy (Velo del Norte) C Race 1 Nat Cobb (Oschnser) 2 Kris Montoya* 3 Tim Schoeny (NM Sports and Wellness) 4 Loren Bienvenu* 5 Taylor Lane (Zia Velo*) *Junior
Rad CrossNorth Seatac Park, WA, November 18, 2000 Results Men - A Category 1 Jonny Sundt (Redline) 2 Eric Tonkin (Team S&M) 3 Carter Hovey (Redline) 4 Dameion Donais (Redline) 5 Shannon Skerritt (Team S&M) 6 Loren Hanson (Titanium Sports) 7 Brent Prenzlow (TCB) 8 Tim Rutledge (Redline) 9 Aaron Bradford (Rad Racing) 10 Mark Hanson (Titanium Sports) 11 Dale Plant (Kona) 12 Matt Hill (Ti Cycles) 13 Dan Norton (Redline) 14 David Hull (Nextlink/Bacardi) 15 Chris Hale (Nextlink/Bacardi) 16 Ryan Iddings (Rad Racing) 17 Rich McClung (Broadmark Capital) 18 Troy Woodburn (UW) 19 Chad Swanson (Team S&M) 20 John Weller (Gregg's) 21 Tim Ellis (Recycled Cycles) 22 Nick Adsero (Torrefazione Italia) 23 Trevor Keen (Bianchi) 24 Mark Knokey (Elephant) 25 John Jensen (Penn Cycle) 26 Brian Peotter (Penn Cycle) 27 Sean Peotter (Penn Cycle) Men - Master A 1 Jim Brown (Kona/Voicestream) 2 Dan Peterson (Aurora Cylce)s 3 Pat Bentson (Kona) 4 Randy Iddings (Rad Racing) 5 Glen Conley 6 Brett Wade (Simple Green/Mazda) 7 Jeff Nettles (Tacoma Bicycle) 8 David Sullivan 9 Mike Guthrie (Tacoma Bicycle) Men - Master B 1 Rich Blanco (Hedon Speed) 2 David Krattli (SOR) 3 Jay Campbell 4 Ed Arthur (Baker Bike) 5 Mike Rolcick (Adrenaline) 6 Reese Lindblad (Wheelsport) 7 Don Tyler 8 Dave Stanton (Armondo's/Fat Tire Ale) 9 Tom Holmes 10 Michael Thatcher (Armondo's/Fat Tire Ale) 11 Frank Manfre (Dirtworld) 12 Rory Muller (Old Town) 13 Mark Kunnecke (Bicycle Center) 14 Dave Lawson (Baddlands) Women - A Category 1 Ingrid Spies (Recycled Cycles) 2 Wanda Howlett (Torrefazione Italia) 3 Emily Westbrook (Recycled Cycles) 4 Tamara Timmins (Bicycle Center) Men - B category 1 Ben Smith 2 Seth Davis 3 David Alvarez (Bianchi) 4 Ted Mittlestaedt (Saturn) 5 Matt Cory 6 Larry Doll (Nextlink/Bacardi) 7 Hyun Lee (Broadmark Capital) Women B Category 1 Micki Buckley (Rad Racing) 2 Joyce Lagow (Armondo's/Fat Tire Ale) 3 Brooke Coates Men - Junior A 1 Trevor Morman (Rad Racing) 2 Collin Carbaugh (Rad Racing) 3 Elliot Guthrie (Rad Racing) 4 David Fleischauer (Rad Racing) 5 Tucker Thomas (Rad Racing) 6 Stephen Howard (Rad Racing) 7 Tommy Petramolo (Rad Racing) Men - Junior B 1 Adrian Hegyvary (Armondo's/Fat Tire Ale) 2 Devin Anderson (Rad Racing) 3 Mike Wentz (Rad Racing) 4 Josh Jenkins (Rad Racing) 5 Justin Collins Men - MTB Cross 1 Kevin Reinkensmeyer Single Speed (WA State Championships) 1 Mark Knokey (Elephant) 2 Andrew "Bad Andy" Baker (Redline) 3 Steven Henderson (Kona/Spot) 4 Josh Harrod (Spot) 5 Rick Knowles (Old Town) 6 Philip Coates Men - Beginners 1 Cory Hoeger 2 Ryan Day 3 Rod Swinford 4 Tom Frank (Wheelsport) 5 Mike Albright (MTB 6 Tom Finnigan 7 Brian Ross Kids - Short Course 1 Brendon Anderson 2 Stas Wright 3 Moira Finneson Kids - Long Course 1 Garrett Anderson 2 Christina Norwich 3 Kesha Wright United Youth Sports Cyclo-CrossAustin,Texas, November 19, 2000 The first of 3 races in the United Youth Sports Cyclo-cross Series was held this past Sunday in Austin, Texas. On a fast course, Will Ross of United Youth Sports broke away early and held off the hard charging field for the win. Mike Gallager (US Army) put a few seconds between himself and Patrick Miller over the last barriers to nab second place in the A race. Tammy Killebrew (Cycle 360) won the woman's A race, while Danny Marquardt (Austin Parks & Rec.) grabbed the victory in the Junior race. The next race will be December 9th at Fiesta Gardens in Austin Texas. ResultsMen A 1 Will Ross (United Youth Sports) 2 Mike Gallager (US Army) 3 Patrick Miller (K2 Wheels and Fitness in Motion) 4 Kevin Vincent (Lone Star) 5 Jason Sager (Bicycle Sport Shop/UYS) 6 Rob Kane (Ciclismo) 7 Barry Lee (United Youth Sports) 8 Eric Jordan (Lone Star) 9 Sean Ahmadi (Cycle 360) 10 Brian Walburn (United Youth Sports) Men B 1 BJ Hargrave (Violet Crown) 2 Jens Hess (FTP/Ride Away) 3 Dave Drake (Violet Crown) 4 Jeff Stuecheli (Violet Crown) 5 Lee Ramirez (Lee United Youth Sports) 6 Paul Magilke (Unattached) 7 Seb Boone (Violet Crown) 8 Adam Bensten (Violet Crown) 9 Brett Spencer (Unattached) Men C 1 James Sides (REI of Austin) 2 Cameron Randolph (Violet Crown) 3 Jason Moore (Unattached) 4 Thomas Boyce (Unattached) 5 Jeff Cheak (Texas A&M) 6 Tom Turk (Unattached) Women A 1 Tammy Killebrew (Cycle 360) 2 Kate Skrainka (Unattached) 3 Andrea Lewis (United Youth Sports) Women B 1 Terri Slauson (Hill CountryBicycle Works) 2 Sally Martin (Cycles 360) 3 Saskia Short (Unattached) Masters 45+ 1 John Bartle (Violet Crown) 2 Bobby Thomas (Velocity) Masters 35+ 1 Andrew Yates (Unattached) 2 David Wolfe (Violet Crown) 3 Joey Machado (Bicycle Sport Shop) 4 Stephen Ulrich (GS Houston) 5 Monte Becker (Unattached) 6 James Karthauser (Violet Crown) 7 Bobby Stewart (Chaparral) 8 Norman Schiele (Unattached) 9 Leo Whelan (Quannah) 10 Mike Heath (Unattached) Juniors 1 Danny Marquardt (Austin Parks & Rec.) 2 Grant Williams (Violet Crown) 3 Davide Chapa (Jr Austin Parks & Rec.) 4 David Espinola (Violet Crown) 5 John Turk (Unattached) Surf City Cyclocross - Race 4Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, CA, November 19, 2000 A shot from a civil war replica cannon marked the start of the elite men's race in Northern California's popular Surf City Cyclocross Series. The Surf City series has been running since 1976 and has grown into one of the largest cyclocross events in the country. The series regularly attracts the state's top racers and the November 18 race was no exception. On the line for the fourth race in the series was Justin Robinson, (Team Bullion/Stil) who had arrived from Boston only hours before his start time. Robinson raced to a fourth place finish in the Boston Supercup held the day before. Also on the line was series leader, Ben Jacques-Maynes (Spokesman) who placed tenth in the Boston race. The 1.8 mile course took full advantage of the flexible offerings available at the Watsonville Fairgrounds. In addition to the notorious run up from the stables, the course featured road, grassy, and off camber sections and even included a chicane around the horse stables. The beautiful sunny November day ensured a fast dry course. The first lap was led by the hard-charging Anastasio Flores (ABS/Rocklobster). Andy Jacques-Maynes (Spokesman) crashed in the mayhem of the speedy, dusty start but recovered in time to join a group of six that formed in the front. Flores eventually lost contact with the front group and Andy Jacques-Maynes took over the lead position. Justin Robinson, David Wyandt (Palo Alto Bike), Jackson Stewart (LGBRC), and Ben Jacques-Maynes followed closely behind. Robinson and Jackson took a wrong turn in the chaotic chicane section near the stables on the third lap and Ben took the opportunity to bridge up to and pass his teammate and brother Andy. Andy stayed back to cover the Robinson group. Robinson made several attempts to catch the leader, but appeared fatigued from the previous day's race and travel and Ben Jacques-Maynes stayed away for the win. Robinson used his bunny hopping skills and made an aggressive pass on the last lap to pull away from the chase group and finish in second place, 15 seconds back. The young Jackson Stewart hung on for third. Andy, exhausted from his efforts at covering the chase group finished fourth. David Wyandt of Palo Alto Bicycles rounded out the top five. After the race, Ben complimented the assistance his brother Andy provided in the win. "We try to work together whenever we can", commented Ben on the racing advantage the twin brothers enjoy using against their competitors. Previous Surf City winners, Gina Hall and Rachel Lloyd did not return from the Boston Supercup - where they placed third and sixth respectively - in time to race on Sunday. Nicole Amaral (Another Bike Shop), 1999 National Collegiate Cyclocross Champion, took full advantage of their absence. Amaral pulled away from the competition early in the race and stayed away to win by 1'50". "I enjoy time trialing, so it was good for me to be out there on my own", remarked Amaral on her race tactic. The battle for second was won by unofficial singlespeed champ, Stella Carey (Novo/Sycip) over Amaral's teammate, Sarah Kerlin. The two battled for position throughout the race, but Carey's cyclocross skills enabled her to eventually pull away from Kerlin. Racing veteran, Larry Hibbard (Spokesman), had won each of the prior races of the Master's class, but has been closely challenged each time by James Coats (VCM/Steelman). Coats joined forces with Black Market Racing teammates, Mark Howland and Pat Schott in an attempt to upset Hibbard at Watsonville. The four of them managed to break away from the rest of the group on the first lap. Coats surged on the second lap and only Hibbard followed. The pair stayed away until Coats dropped a chain and Hibbard attacked to stay away for his fourth win. Howland and Schott finished third and fourth respectively. Sklyer Bishop (Sharp Bicycle) won a hard fought battle over John Higelund (LGBRC/Ciena) in the Junior A's race. Frank Schouig (Black Market), Kevin Waggoner (UCSC) and Steve Cozza (Swift) made up the rest of the top five. The Surf City Series concludes with the fifth and final race held on Sunday, December 3, 2000. Report by Sabine Dukes Results Senior A 1 Ben Jacques-Maynes (Spokesman) 1.01.24 2 Justin Robinson (team Bullion/Stil) 0.15 3 Jackson Stewart (LGBRC/Velo Soj) 0.19 4 Andy Jacques-Maynes (Spokesman) 0.44 5 David Wyandt (Palo Alto Bike) 0.56 6 Daryl Price (Steelman/Giro) 1.44 7 Justin Morgan 2.08 8 Todd Hoefer (ABS/Steelman) 2.42 9 Thomas Roccaro (Pen Velo) 2.54 10 John Funke (DFL) 3.35 11 David Wierzba (Real Wheel/VooDoo) 3.37 12 Brian Laird (Kestrel) 3.39 13 Dave Carr (NVV/Echelon) 3.46 14 Phil Roberts (Novo/Sycip) 4.08 15 Scott Letterman (Steelman/ABS) 4.16 16 Tyson Mitchell (American Cyclery) 4.23 17 Anastasio Flores_Jr (ABS/Rock Lobster) 4.29 18 Matt Mullins (DFL) 4.36 19 Joe McNerney (Missing Link/K2) 4.56 20 Jeff Caton (Echelon Wines) 21 Aaron Kereluk 5.11 22 Akira Wong (Kelly Bike Co) 5.27 23 Rob Meighan (Jogmate/Steelman) 5.48 24 Doug Ott (Jamba Juice) 5.55 25 Michael Mattens ( 6.03 26 Anthony Leal ( 6.19 27 Arlo Buijten (Family Cycling) 6.27 28 Frank Moustirats (LGBRC) 6.36 29 David Allan (Sano Cycles) 7.15 30 Jeremy Sarrow (Novo/Sycip) 7.26 31 Rick Hunter (Hunter Cycles) 7.41 32 Dennis Solan (DFL) 8.26 33 Rob Saybolt (Hunter Cycles) 1 lap 34 C. Daugherty (Steelman) 35 Chris Brignetti 36 Mansur Narullah 37 Norm Laird (DFL) 38 Dean Poshard (Kelly) 39 Todd Barringer (Olympic Club) 40 Scott Laforce (Black Market) 41 Eric Todd (LGBRC/Ciena) 42 Jay Whalen (Kelly Bike Co) 43 John Percer (Steelman) 2 laps Senior B 1 Robert Barber 44.34 2 Simon Vickers (Hunter/Bike Trip) 0.01 3 Mark Shimahara (Velo Club Monterey) 0.06 4 Scott Moll (Pedali Corsa) 0.12 5 Dylan Snodgrass 0.47 6 Jonathan Gill (Lifeline) 0.48 7 Page Hadden (Novo/SyCip) 0.51 8 Brock Dickie (Armadillo Willys) 0.58 9 Michael Campbell 1.15 10 Zac Walker (LGBRC) 1.24 11 David Hejduk (Novo/SyCip) 1.35 12 Zachary Waddle (Sacramento GW) 1.37 13 Stacey Sell (Specialized Factory) 1.43 14 Paul Janney (K2) 1.52 15 Nic Sims (Cannibal) 1.57 16 Mark Newton (Napa VV/Echelon Wine) 2.19 17 David Krattli (Seattle off-road) 2.26 18 Dean Dealy (Trek Bicycle Corp) 2.35 19 Tony Snell (VCM Racing) 2.48 20 Jason Hannon (VCM Racing) 2.53 21 Gary D'Aluisio (Onyx) 3.07 22 David Manson (Spokesman/SCH) 3.18 23 Greg Bloom (Armadillo Willys) 3.28 24 Ron Gutierrez (Novo/SyCip) 3.34 25 Paul Pedriana (Diablo Cyclist) 3.54 26 Muyayyaddin Abdulluh (Missing Link) 3.59 27 Mingo Graham (Spokesman/Team Bro) 4.00 28 John Street (Heater) 4.19 29 Brian Kadan 4.21 30 Peter Haggie (Vision Cyclery) 4.22 31 Matt Watson 4.24 32 Jason Rahlwes 4.29 33 Heath Maddox 4.31 34 Michael Martin (SCCCC) 4.35 35 Gary Li 4.40 36 Keith Packard (Diablo Cyclist) 5.00 37 Sasha Panasik (DFL) 5.11 38 Patrick Dolden (DFL) 5.29 39 Ray Grimes (Armadillo Willys) 5.31 40 John Rowen (Novo/SyCip) 5.33 41 Robert Nelson (Missing Link) 5.47 42 Cory Nash (Novo/SyCip) 5.51 43 John Hillstrom (Dean) 6.00 44 Terry Curley (Novo/SyCip) 6.21 45 Andy Volk (Richey) 6.40 46 Justin Brown (Revolution) 6.46 47 Jorn Diedricksen (Hoover) 6.50 48 Joe Whitehead 6.51 49 March Rynreski (CycloTT/Sun) 7.19 50 Jace Gifford (Cycleloft/Sun Micro) 7.36 51 Richard Sykes 7.39 52 Shane Baker 7.54 53 Adam Leigland 8.05 54 Paul Kerner (Grazie/Johnson Bikes) 8.12 55 Darragh Howard 56 Chancie Cavendish (Grazie/Johnson Bikes) 8.17 57 Chris Fraser 8.33 58 Warren Perkinson (Team Wrong Way) 8.38 59 Roy Skinner (LGBRC) 8.47 60 Steven Chae (Uncle Tall Boy) 9.02 61 Christian Lambert 9.05 62 Josh Johnson (Grazie/Johnson Bikes) 9.09 63 Sean Horita 9.12 64 Greg Freyberg (Velo Club) 9.35 65 Keith O'Rourke (ZOIC) 1 lap 66 Aaron Golub (Hoover) 67 Dan Graybill 68 Toshi Corbet (Heaven) 69 Tim Brennan (Novo/SyCip) 70 David Lee 71 LJ Miller (Monterey Velo) 72 Mel Lindberg (Bullion) 73 Dennis McGovern (Novo/SyCip) 74 Kjeld Christensen (ABS) Senior C 1 Steve Warden (Cal Poly Wheelmen) 33.06 2 Patrick McEnanet 0.50 3 Tyler Wertenbruch (Cal Poly Wheelmen) 1.10 4 Sean Robertson (Revolution Bike) 1.23 5 Greg Salgado (Open Air Bicycles) 1.42 6 Brian Bartholomew (Cupertino Library) 2.22 7 David Anthony 2.47 8 Jake Gilchrist 2.56 9 Robert Butner (Team Wrong Way) 3.04 10 John Fuentes (Calabazas Cyclery) 3.21 11 Rob Coller 3.30 12 Juan Ortiz (Peterson Dean/CVCC) 3.44 13 Steven Hatter 4.23 14 Steven Woo 4.32 15 Andrew Wright 4.33 16 Steve Cartwright 5.04 17 Bret Waters ( 5.27 18 Fred Baldi (Bicycle Business) 5.30 19 Jason Sager 6.02 20 Denis Carroll 9.35 21 Tonitiuh Vivo (Hunter Cycles) 1 lap Junior (A) 1 Skyler Bishop (Sharp Bicycle) 45.07 2 John Higelund (LGBRC/Ciena) 0.15 3 Frank Schouig (Black Market) 3.41 4 Kevin Waggoner (UCSC) 4.35 5 Steve Cozza (Swift) 4.43 Masters 45+ (A) 1 John Barmettler (Novo/SyCip) 46.25 2 Robert Kurosawa (Real Wheel/VooDoo) 1.01 3 Mark Michel (Bicycle Trip) 1.25 4 Chuck Scarpelli (Soulcraft) 2.22 5 Richard Latorraca (Santa Cruz Bikes) 2.27 6 Todd Olson (Lifeline) 2.33 7 Peter Brown (Pedali Corsa) 3.35 8 Frank Cuaresma 3.42 9 David Samples 4.49 Masters 35+ (A) 1 Larry Hibbard 42.50 2 James Coats (VCM/Steelman) 0.34 3 Mark Howland (Black Market) 0.49 4 Pat Schott (Black Market) 0.51 5 Drew Landers (Novo/SyCip) 2.18 6 John Senkier (ABS/Steelman) 2.19 7 Mark Abele (Diablo Cyclist) 2.22 8 Steve Hess (Bike Trip) 2.24 9 Mike Bohn (ABS) 2.40 10 Anton McCready (Real Wheel/VooDoo) 2.55 11 Paul Siegel (Family Cycling) 3.33 12 Daniel Hankins 3.40 13 Gannon Myall (Mako/Silks) 3.59 14 Jim Gentes 4.09 15 Cass Laizure (3rd Rail) 4.15 16 Hiroji McKinstry 4.24 17 David Gill (SCCCC) 4.45 18 Michael Dunn (Team SJ) 4.47 19 Mitch Bramlett 5.20 20 Scott Lynch (Berkeley BC) 5.23 21 Jon Suzuki (Missing Link) 5.41 22 Eddie Petri 6.45 23 Frank Snowden (Giro) 6.47 24 Scott Martin (Bike Trip) 7.02 25 Darrel Brokeshoulder (LGBRC/Ciena) 7.15 26 Rob Whisenhant (VCM) 7.19 27 Mitchell Hudson 7.43 28 Peter Fish 7.57 29 Pat Barrett (Pedali Corsa) 8.00 30 Gavin Housh (Novo/SyCip) 9.06 31 Farid Hamidieh (Sullivans) 1 lap 32 Willie Bullion (Bullion Stil) 33 Chris Kelly (Kelly Bike Co) 34 Ezra Manners (Bike Trip) Women (A) 1 Nicole Amaral (ABS) 47.55 2 Stella Carey (Novo/SyCip) 1.50 3 Sarah Kerlin (ABS) 1.55 4 Miko Maruoka 2.16 5 Shelly Whisenhant (Real Wheel/VooDoo) 2.46 6 Janie Dalton (Missing Link/Trek) 1 lap 7 Allison Baumhefner (Redwood Rides) 8 Hillary Daniels (HBS) 9 Andrea Mackie (Colorado Velo) 10 Sheila Moon (NVV/Echelon) 11 Stephanie Monoco 12 Shauna Potocky (Spokesman) 13 Jen Coler (The X-Men) 14 Erika Lovejoy (Novo/SyCip) 15 Lori_Lynn Brundick (Prolyte Sports Drink) Women 35+ (A) 1 Marguerite Meyer (Bike Trip) 43.20 2 Karine Landers (Novo/SyCip) 6.26 3 Susan Francis (Spokesman) 1 lap Combined results for Women/Masters/Junior (A) 1 Larry Hibbard 42.50 2 James Coats (VCM/Steelman) 43.24 3 Mark Howland (Black Market) 43.39 4 Pat Schott (Black Market) 43.41 5 Skyler Bishop (Sharp Bicycle) 45.07 6 Drew Landers (Novo/SyCip) 45.08 7 John Senkier (ABS/Steelman) 45.09 8 Mark Abele (Diablo Cyclist) 45.12 9 Steve Hess (Bike Trip) 45.14 10 John Higelund (LGBRC/Ciena) 45.22 11 Mike Bohn (ABS) 45.30 12 Anton McCready (Real Wheel/VooD) 45.45 13 Paul Siegel (Family Cycling) 46.23 14 John Barmettler (Novo/SyCip) 46.25 15 Daniel Hankins 46.30 16 Gannon Myall (Mako/Silks) 46.49 17 Jim Gentes 46.59 18 Cass Laizure (3rd Rail) 47.05 19 Hiroji McKinstry 47.14 20 Robert Kurosawa (Real Wheel/VooD) 47.26 21 David Gill (SCCCC) 47.35 22 Michael Dunn (Team SJ) 47.37 23 Mark Michel (Bicycle Trip) 47.50 24 Nicole Amaral (ABS) 47.55 25 Mitch Bramlett 48.10 26 Scott Lynch (Berkeley BC) 48.13 27 Jon Suzuki (Missing Link) 48.31 28 Chuck Scarpelli (Soulcraft) 48.47 29 Frank Schouig (Black Market) 48.48 30 Richard Latorraca (Santa Cruz Bike) 48.52 31 Todd Olson (Lifeline) 48.58 32 Eddie Petri 49.35 33 Frank Snowden (Giro) 49.37 34 Kevin Waggoner (UCSC) 49.42 35 Stella Carey (Novo/SyCip) 49.45 36 Sarah Kerlin (ABS) 49.50 37 Steve Cozza (Swift) 49.50 38 Scott Martin (Bike Trip) 49.52 39 Peter Brown (Pedali Corsa) 50.00 40 Darrel Brokeshoulder (LGBRC/Ciena) 50.05 41 Frank Cuaresma 50.07 42 Rob Whisenhant (VCM) 50.09 43 Miko Maruoka 50.11 44 Mitchell Hudson 50.33 45 Shelly Whisenhant (Real Wheel/VooD) 50.41 46 Peter Fish 50.47 47 Pat Barrett (Pedali Corsa) 50.50 48 David Samples 51.14 49 Gavin Housh (Novo/SyCip) 51.56 50 Janie Dalton (Missing Link/Tr) 1.42.31 51 Allison Baumhefner (Redwood Rides) 1.42.43 52 Hillary Daniels (HBS) 1.42.55 53 Andrea Mackie (Colorado Velo) 1.42.56 54 Sheila Moon (NVV/Echelon) 1.43.09 55 Stephanie Monoco 1.43.11 56 Marguerite Meyer (Bike Trip) 1.43.20 57 Farid Hamidieh (Sullivans) 1.43.31 58 Willie Bullion (Bullion Stil) 1.43.36 59 Shauna Potocky (Spokesman) 1.44.44 60 Jen Coler (The X-Men) 1.45.04 61 Erika Lovejoy (Novo/SyCip) 1.45.18 62 Chris Kelly (Kelly Bike Co) 1.45.41 63 Lori_Lynn Brundick (Prolyte Sports) 1.47.34 64 Ezra Manners (Bike Trip) 1.49.43 65 Karine Landers (Novo/SyCip) 1.49.46 66 Susan Francis (Spokesman) 2.46.49 Junior (B) 1 Thomas Ditman (Los Gatos BRC) 33.22 2 Dustin Lofland (Team Wrong Way) 5.24 3 Daniel Dye 5.39 4 Nate Kaufman (Bullion Still) 6.21 5 George Patrikeyev 7.54 6 Jeremy Ferguson 1 lap Masters 45+ (B) 1 Brian Birch (BBC) 35.26 2 Dan Spisak (BBC) 0.13 3 Bob Lofland (Team Wrong Way) 1.38 4 Mark Brown 1.46 5 Dick Graybill 2.41 6 Dick Rebozzi 4.43 Masters 35+ (B) 1 Steven McKovich (VCM Racing) 31.40 2 Kevin Gallagher (Spokesman) 0.43 3 Joe Ornelas (Diablo Cyclist) 0.53 4 Curt Ferguson 1.14 5 Steve Clifton 1.17 6 Jeff Stoen 1.28 7 Thomas Hoeffel (CycleSport/Mediaplex) 1.39 8 Douglas Johnson 2.00 9 Michael Quan (Grazie/Johnson Racin) 10 Gary Gogol 2.15 11 Richard Cadigan (Cyclopath Fresno) 2.29 12 Jeff Bailey 2.35 13 Robert Harbuck 2.40 14 John Baker 2.53 15 Mark Mastaras 3.25 16 Jim Parker 3.39 17 Jody Hutchinson (Hutchinson Massage) 6.09 18 Rick Taormina (MTB Sport) 6.21 19 Jeff Traugott 7.32 20 Jeffrey Green 1 lap Women (B) 1 Lauren Constantin (Rage Boston) 35.59 2 Judy Kreitor (Novo/SyCip) 0.04 3 Sarah Bamberger (Novo/SyCip) 3.04 4 Julie Brothers (LGBRC) 4.02 5 Mia Medina (ZOIC) 4.57 6 Lori Janney (K2) 5.19 7 Bridget May (moto-cycle couriers) 1 lap 8 Alyson Lowery (VCM Racing) 9 Jill Johnson (Grazie! Johnson Bike) Women 35+ (B) 1 Cathy Erwin (Spokesman) 38.57 2 Cassie McSorley 1 lap 3 Amy Abele (Diablo Cyclists) 4 Simone Montez (Focus on the Yellow) Combined results for Women/Masters/Jr B 1 Steven McKovich (VCM Racing) 31.40 2 Kevin Gallagher (Spokesman) 32.23 3 Joe Ornelas (Diablo Cyclist) 32.33 4 Curt Ferguson 32.54 5 Steve Clifton 32.57 6 Jeff Stoen 33.08 7 Thomas Hoeffel (CycleSport/Medi) 33.19 8 Thomas Ditman (Los Gatos BRC) 33.22 9 Douglas Johnson 33.40 10 Michael Quan (Grazie/Johnson) 33.40 11 Gary Gogol 33.55 12 Richard Cadigan (Cyclopath Fresn) 34.09 13 Jeff Bailey 34.15 14 Robert Harbuck 34.20 15 John Baker 34.33 16 Mark Mastaras 35.05 17 Jim Parker 35.19 18 Brian Birch (BBC) 35.26 19 Dan Spisak (BBC) 35.39 20 Lauren Constantin (Rage Boston) 35.59 21 Judy Kreitor (Novo/SyCip) 36.03 22 Bob Lofland (Team Wrong Way) 37.04 23 Mark Brown 37.12 24 Jody Hutchinson (Hutchinson Mass) 37.49 25 Rick Taormina (MTB Sport) 38.01 26 Dick Graybill 38.07 27 Dustin Lofland (Team Wrong Way) 38.46 28 Cathy Erwin (Spokesman) 38.57 29 Daniel Dye 39.01 30 Sarah Bamberger (Novo/SyCip) 39.03 31 Jeff Traugott 39.12 32 Nate Kaufman (Bullion Still) 39.43 33 Julie Brothers (LGBRC) 40.01 34 Dick Rebozzi 40.09 35 Mia Medina (ZOIC) 40.56 36 George Patrikeyev 41.16 37 Lori Janney (K2) 41.18 38 Bridget May (moto-cycle couriers) 1.31.48 39 Cassie McSorley 1.32.03 40 Amy Abele (Diablo Cyclists) 1.33.05 41 Alyson Lowery (VCM Racing) 1.33.48 42 Jeremy Ferguson 1.35.16 43 Jeffrey Green 1.38.57 44 Jill Johnson (Grazie! Johnson) 1.41.02 45 Simone Montez (Focus on the Ye) 1.46.19 Courtesy of Dennis McGovern Knapps-Commerce Bank Cyclo-crossHamilton, NJ, November 19 2000 Results A Category 1 Ryan Leech (Team Speed) 2 Andy Applegate (Ideal Tile) 3 Bill Elliston (Bicycle Therapy) 4 Greg Ferguson (Trek) 5 Robert Hacker (Team Evolution) 6 John Guentner (Wooden Wheels) 7 Szymon Niemotko (Somerset Wheelmen) 8 John Verhuel (Somerset Wheelmen) 9 Jon Kahler (Red Rose Rockets) 10 Brent Biddle (Fsvs) 11 Andy Allbright (Fsvs) 12 David Manhun (Fsvs) 13 Gary Veblish (Crca Sbcg) 14 Darrel Vreugdenhill (Snow Valley) 15 Marc Vettori (Wooden Wheels) 16 Rob Watts (Park Ave Cyclists) 17 Sean Dougherty (Watchung Wheelmen) Women 1 Katie Compton Wooden Wheels 2 Christine Knipple First Cap Velo 3 Caroline Hacker Team Evolution 4 Brethany Boardin Wooden Wheels 5 Tammy Ebersole Team Evolution 6 Josie Shin Fsvs 7 Bonnie Stoeckl Team Evolution 8 Kimberly Bare Corsa Velo 9 Stacy Gold Team Evolution 10 Jill Minster Team Evolution 11 Lyn Shaffer Wooden Wheels 12 Donna Anderson Team Evolution 13 Anita Coulton Scott Bikyle 14 Laura Hanlon Fuji 15 Karen Minor Wooden Wheels 16 Tracy Lea Fuji 17 Jenn Shogren Wvv Fork Men 35+ 1 Gunnar Shogren Allegheny 2 Blaire Sanders Team Delaware 3 Chris Long Independent Fabrications 4 Larry Kaufman Knapps 5 Rick Mihills Fsvs 6 Stephen Caffrey Fsv 7 Nick Durrie Ann Arbor Velo 8 Tom Mcdaniel Wooden Wheels 9 Joe Canino Knapps 10 Kevin St Clair Hill Cycles 11 Joe Manacchio Tri State Velo 12 Roert Frederich Team Evolution 13 Kurt Mikoska Wooden Wheels 14 Mark Laser Yellow Breaches 15 Rob Callucio Fsv 16 Mark Mccabe 3d Evolution 17 Andrew Hogg Fsvs 18 Kevin Breckenmarker Red Rose Rockets 19 Yong Kong Guys 20 Robert Sauer Guys B Category 1 Bobby Lea Fuji 2 Jessie Somanmik FSVS 3 Robert Lyon First Capital Velo 4 Eric Rodenburgh First Capital Velo 5 Kelly Cline Wissahickon 6 Jesse Epstein Central Jersey 7 Nick Staffer Wooden Wheels 8 Alec Rienoleau Hp Hermes 9 Brian Burgess Beacon 10 David Greenblatt Hp Hermes 11 Craig Callan Hp Hermes 12 Rich Zalasin Wolverine 13 Glen Calhoun 14 Stan Matthews Fsvs 15 Eric Morgan Corsa Velo 16 Joe Hicock Monroe Wheelmen 17 Brent Kresge Monroe Wheelmen 18 Dan Chopko Wooden Wheels 19 Paul Vandgraff 20 William Trautman Wooden Wheels C Category 1 Mike Berlinger Knapps 2 John Berlinger Knapps 3 Evan Rohrbaugh 4 Chris Stutz Svvc 5 Jose Ramos La Bicicletta 6 Paul Inglis Dunbar Cyclery 7 Jack Briggs Crc 8 Roland Peterson 9 Jeff Lewghman 10 Mike Spilker Navigators 11 Malcolm Ford La Bicicletta Juniors 1 Joey Thompson 2 Alan Streifthau Verge New England Championship Cyclo-cross series overall standingsNew England, Winter 2000 With the 5th of 6 rounds this Sunday in Plymouth, Massachusetts, the Verge New England Championship Cyclo-Cross Series is heating up as things get cold in the Northeast. In the Elite Men's category, the Saturn duo of Mark McCormack and Tim Johnson are driving away with the first two places, but only 60 points separate them. It will be interesting to see who does what in the next event, particularly with Frank McCormack making his return to racing as he ramps up for Nationals next month. The race for the third podium spot is even closer, with only 6 points separating Adam Hodges Myerson (Breakaway/Gunnar) from Johs. Huseby (Independent Fabrications). In the Elite Women's standings, Carmen Richardson (SOBE/Headshok) has a commanding but not insurmountable lead over IF's Emily Thorne. With Carmen's sweep of the series only interrupted by the appearance of Kona/VoiceStream's Ann Grande at the Gloucester round, the SOBE rider has been on a tear that seems sure to continue leading into Plymouth this weekend and Wayland on December 2nd. ResultsElite Men 1 Mark McCormack Saturn 280pts 2 Tim Johnson Saturn 220 3 Adam Hodges Myerson 89 4 Johs. Huseby IF 83 5 Tobias Nestle Focus 78 6 Don Mills Wheelworks/Cannondale 71 7 Chris Peck Wheelworks/Cannondale 63 8 Shawn McCormack CCB/Volkswagen 59 9 Salem Mazzaway K2 52 10 Kris Auer Grimace/Wojcik 47 Elite Women 1 Carmen Richardson SOBE 185pts 2 Emily Thorne Independent 118 3 Jodi Groesbeck Putney/West 79 4 Liz Coleman SOBE 52 5 Ann Grande Kona/Voicestream 50 6 Katrina Davis Wheelworks/Cannondale 35 7 Candi Angle MLBC/Bike 34 8 Shauna Giles-Smith NEBC/CycleLoft/Sun 31 9 Sue Fredrickson ECV 25 10 Mary McCouneloug Gunnar 24 Junior Men 1 Alan Obye Team 152pts 2 Oliver Stiler-Cote Hot 133 3 Jeremy Powers Team 109 4 Jesse Anthony ECV 54 5 Josh Anthony ECV 41 6 Dan Wolfson Hot 41 7 Chris Hill ECV 39 8 Toby Swanson Kona/Voicestream 35 9 David Youngblood NECSA 27 10 Sam Benson 26 Master Men 1 Scott Wade GearWorks 152pts 2 Steve Dudley MLBC 122 3 Paul Curley GearWorks 102 4 Tim Groesbeck CCB 70 5 Chris D'Alusio Sobe/Headshok 61 6 Bevan Quinn Putnety/West 42 7 Bob Bisson MSCC 35 8 Sam Morse MBRC 29 9 Erich Gutbier Killington/Pico 27 10 Jamison Burt unattached 25 B Men 1 Scott Plant CS 100pts 2 Jean-Paul Desrochers OSVC 83 3 Aaron Millett ECV 73 4 Paul Boudreau ECV 63 5 Tom Giordano NEBC/CycleLoft/Sun 55 6 Shawn Milne ECV 50 7 Todd Rowell NEBC/CycleLoft/Sun 48 8 John Foley Bicycle 41 9 Ted D'Onofrio Eastern 35 10 Ed Desimas Eastern 28 |