11th Tour De Suisse Feminin 1999

Switzerland, 22-25 September, 1999

Main Page

Stage 1, Wednesday 22nd Sept , Schleitheim - Schleitheim (111.6 km)

Stage Report from Karen Kurreck:

Stage 1 was a circuit race with one climb for each of nine laps. The hard part was that most of the circuit was on roads no wider than a bike path and we have a field of 130+. Positioning was critical and you could never really relax at all the whole race. The good part was that if you could get to the front and stay there on the climb, then nobody else could move up either, so you stayed at the front! That was the tactic I tried to use.

The first two laps, I was really feeling the prologue in my legs that I had done two hours earlier. Everyone else must have felt the same, though, because the pace was painful, but tolerable. The second time up the climb, Elena Tchalykh attacked and got away. She was helped by one of her teammates crashing near the front of the field in the corner going into the climb. Elena isn't really considered a climber or GC rider, so there wasn't an immediate chase. It seemed that Hanka's team and the Russians may be combining because Hanka didn't chase or send her team to the front like she usually does. Elena's gap grew to over three minutes by about the halfway point and we were definitely not going slow! Anna Wilson chased a bit and Lynne Bessette tried attacking on the climb but the Russians kept everything together.

On the seventh lap, Jeannie Longo made her first appearance at the front and took matter into her own hands. She went to the front about 1km before the climb and set a really hard tempo all the way up. She doesn't really attack, she just goes hard and rides the field off her wheel. I happened to be on her wheel when she went which was lucky, but she creates zero draft! Things got better when I eventually drifted back a few spots. Longo couldn't get away, but she did bring the time gap way down and the field split. Actually, I think it split every time up the climb, but most people were able to get back on on the descent. The next lap, Hanka went hard up the climb. We caught Elena right at the start of the ninth and final lap. The last lap, it was Zabirova who attacked at the bottom, driving the pace up and the field split for good. The Russians kept the pace up on the descent and started a leadout train near the end.

Vera Hohfeld continued her winning ways from Tuscany by taking the stage win from a group of 30 riders.

Results, Stage 1 - 111.6 km:

1	Vera Hohlfeld			Team Euregio			2.57.00
2	Sigrid Corneo			S.C. Master Automazione	
3	Goulnara Ivanov			Team Russia	
4	Hanka Kupfernagel		The Greenery Hawk Team	
5	Heidi Van De Vijver		Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	
6	Mirjam Melchers			Team Netherland	
7	Karen Kurreck			Team Usa	
8	Marcia EicherVouets		S.C. Master Automazione	
9	Priska Doppmann			Team Switzerland	
10	Chantal Beltmann		Team Netherland	
11	Tracey Gaudry			Team Ebly	
12	Susanne Ljungskog		Team Sweden	
13	Barbara Heeb			Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	
14	Susy Pryde			Gs Omt-Lorina	
15	Lyne Bessette			Team Canada	
16	Elisabeth Chevanne-Brunel	Gs Omt-Lorina	
17	Birgit S�llner			Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	
18	Jolanta Polikeviciute		Panevezys Ebly	
19	Valentina Polkhanova		Team Russia	
20	Tatiana Stiazhkina		Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	
21	G�raldine Loewenguth		Team France	
22	Zoulfia Zabirova		Team Russia	
23	Nicole Br�ndli			Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	
24	Anke Erlank			Gs Omt-Lorina	
25	Alison Sydor			Team Canada	
26	Kim Smith			Team Usa	
27	Rasa Polikeviciute		Panevezys Ebly	
28	Chantal Daucourt		Team Switzerland	
29	Jeannie Longo-Ciprelli		Team Ebly	
30	Valentina Guerassimova		The Greenery Hawk Team	
31	Marion Brauen			Team Switzerland	0.3
32	Arenda Grimberg			Team Netherland	
33	Anna Wilson			Team Australia	
34	Marie H�ljer			Team Sweden	
35	Sanna Lehtimaki			The Greenery Hawk Team	
36	Wenche Stensvold		Team Norway	
37	Sandra Wampfler			Mazza Tege Fresh Fries	
38	Laurence Restoin		Team Ebly	
39	Julie Young			Team Usa	
40	Cindy Pieters			Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	
41	Madeleine Lindberg		Team Sweden	
42	Meike De Bruijn			The Greenery Hawk Team	
43	Bogumila Matusiak		Team Pol/Austria	
44	Yvonne Schnorf			Team Switzerland	
45	Elizabeth Emery			Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	
46	Leigh Hobson			Team Canada	
47	Juanita Feldhahn		Panevezys Ebly	
48	Mari Holden			Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	
49	Lenka Ilavska			Lokomotiva Presov	
50	Annie Gariepy			Team Canada	
51	Solarun Flataas			Team Norway	
52	Jenny Algelid			Team Sweden	
53	Karin M�bes			Gs Omt-Lorina	
54	Emily Robbins			Team Usa	
55	Kerstin Scheitle		Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	1.09
56	Sandrine Marcuz			Team France	
57	Bettina Sch�ke			Red Bull Frankfurt	
58	Floch Le Magali			Team France	
59	Sandra Rombouts			Team Netherland	
60	Vanja Vonckx			Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	
61	Mandy Hampel			Teag Euregio	
62	Tina Liebig			Teag Euregio	
63	Elena Tchalykh			Team Russia		1.56
64	Cornelia Gyrus			Teag Euregio	
65	Lensy Debboundt			Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	
66	Marika Murer			Team Switzerland	
67	Karine Dalmais			Team Ebly	
68	Sara Carrigan			Team Australia	
69	Jorunn Kvalo			Team Norway	
70	Deirdre Demet			Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	
71	Kerry Hellmuth			S.C. Master Automazione	4.3
72	Tanja Hennes			Red Bull Frankfurt	9.36
73	Karla Polivkova			Lokomotiva Presov	
74	Olga Khortova			Team Russia	9.38
75	Elfi Kunz			Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	12.1
76	Anne Samplonius			Team Canada	12.11
77	Olena Budovitska		Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	13.26
78	Margaret Hemsley		Team Australia	
79	Geraldine Denham		Team Australia	
80	Katie Compton			Team Usa		17.37
81	Melis Van Mirella		Team Netherland	
82	Ayumu Otsuka			Team Japan	
83	Karen Dunne			Team Usa	
84	Mirjam Senn			Gs Zollinger-Tigra	
85	Ruth Demeijer			Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	
86	Miho Oki			Team Japan	
87	Malgorrata Wysocka		Team Pol/Austria	
88	Denise Baumann			Team Switzerland	
89	Erika Vilunaite			Panevezys Ebly	
90	Ulrike Baumgartner		Team Pol/Austria	
91	Claudia Marietta		S.C. Master Automazione	
92	Ellen Wijnant			Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	
93	Julie Pekarkova			Lokomotiva Presov	
94	Ita Kryjanovskaia		The Greenery Hawk Team	
95	Dorota Czynszak			Team Pol/Austria	
96	Isabella Wieser			Team Pol/Austria	
97	Akemi Morimoto			Team Japan	
98	Rita Merbutyte			Panevezys Ebly	
99	Magali Pache			Gs Omt-Lorina	
100	Alena Barillova			Lokomotiva Presov	
101	Irene Hostettler		Mazza Tege Fresh Fries	
102	Sari Saarelainen		Lokomotiva Presov	
103	Chantal Gorostegui		Panevezys Ebly	
104	Sylvie Riedle			Team France	
105	Anja Albasini			Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	
106	Judith Arndt			Red Bull Frankfurt	17.44
107	Cornelia Dreher			Red Bull Frankfurt	
108	Jacqueline Brabenetz		Teag Euregio	
109	Petra Rossner			Teag Euregio	
110	Anke Wichmann			Red Bull Frankfurt	
111	Clarisssa Breuer		Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	17.48
112	Marlene Stamm			Gs Zollinger-Tigra	21.51
113	Alexandrine Petitpierre		Gs Zollinger-Tigra	
114	Andrea Hug			Gs Zollinger-Tigra	24.09
115	Sandra Missbach			The Greenery Hawk Team	32.11
116	Jacinta Coleman			Mazza Tege Fresh Fries	35.11

General classification after Stage 1:
1	Hanka Kupfernagel		The Greenery Hawk Team  3.00.0
2	Lyne Bessette			Team Canada		0.06
3	Mirjam Melchers			Team Netherland		0.06
4	Susanne Ljungskog		Team Sweden		0.08
5	Karen Kurreck			Team Usa		0.08
6	Jeannie Longo-Ciprelli		Team Ebly		0.1
7	Barbara Heeb			Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	0.1
8	Zoulfia Zabirova		Team Russia		0.11
9	Chantal Beltmann		Team Netherland		0.12
10	Tracy Gaudry			Team Ebly		0.13
11	Nicole Br�ndli			Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	0.14
12	G�raldine Loewenguth		Team France		0.15
13	Heidi Van De Vijver		Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	0.15
14	Marcia Eicher-Vouets		S.C. Master Automazione	0.17
15	Vera Hohlfeld			Teag Euregio		0.17
16	Jolanta Polikeviciute		Panevezys Ebly		0.17
17	Susy Pryde			Gs Omt-Lorina		0.17
18	Goulnara Ivanov			Team Russia		0.17
19	Sigrid Corneo			S.C. Master Automazione	0.17
20	Tatiana Stiazhkina		Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	0.17
21	Anke Erlank			Gs Omt-Lorina		0.18
22	Priska Doppmann			Team Switzerland	0.19
23	Valentina Guerassimova		The Greenery Hawk Team	0.21
24	Valentina Polkhanova		Team Russia		0.23
25	Chantal Daucourt		Team Switzerland	0.23
26	Polikeviciute Rasa		Panevezys Ebly		0.25
27	Elisabeth Chevanne-Brunel	Gs Omt-Lorina		0.26
28	Kim Smith			Team Usa		0.27
29	Birgit S�llner			Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	0.29
30	Alison Sydor			Team Canada		0.3
31	Anna Wilson			Team Australia		0.36
32	Karin M�bes			Gs Omt-Lorina		0.41
33	Lenka Ilavska			Lokomotiva Presov	0.42
34	Jenny Algelid			Team Sweden		0.43
35	Mari Holden			Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	0.43
36	Elizabeth Emery			Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	0.45
37	Yvonne Schnorf			Team Switzerland	0.46
38	Marion Brauen			Team Switzerland	0.46
39	Emily Robbins			Team Usa		0.47
40	Madeleine Lindberg		Team Sweden		0.47
41	Arenda Grimberg			Team Netherland		0.47
42	Solarun Flataas			Team Norway		0.48
43	Julie Young			Team Usa		0.49
44	Annie Gariepy			Team Canada		0.5
45	Bogumila Matusiak		Team Pol/Austria	0.52
46	Sandra Wampfler			Mazza Tege Fresh Fries	0.53
47	Bruijn De Meike			The Greenery Hawk Team	0.53
48	Leigh Hobson			Team Canada		0.53
49	Juanita Feldhahn		Panevezys Ebly		0.54
50	Marie H�ljer			Team Sweden		0.54
51	Laurence Restoin		Team Ebly		0.54
52	Wenche Stensvold		Team Norway		0.54
53	Sanna Lehtimaki			The Greenery Hawk Team	0.54
54	Cindy Pieters			Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	0.57
55	Sandra Rombouts			Team Netherland		1.27
56	Vanja Vonckx			Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	1.3
57	Mandy Hampel			Teag Euregio		1.31
58	Bettina Sch�ke			Red Bull Frankfurt	1.32
59	Floch Le Magali			Team France		1.35
60	Kerstin Scheitle		Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	1.36
61	Tina Liebig			Teag Euregio		1.49
62	Sandrine Marcuz			Team France		1.5
63	Elena Tchalykh			Team Russia		2.02
64	Sara Carrigan			Team Australia		2.12
65	Jorunn Kvalo			Team Norway		2.23
66	Cornelia Gyrus			Teag Euregio		2.25
67	Karine Dalmais			Team Ebly		2.26
68	Deirdre Demet			Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	2.27
69	Marika Murer			Team Switzerland	2.28
70	Lensy Debboundt			Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	2.34
71	Kerry Hellmuth			S.C. Master Automazione	5.01
72	Karla Polivkova			Lokomotiva Presov	10.02
73	Tanja Hennes			Red Bull Frankfurt	10.08
74	Olga Khortova			Team Russia		10.11
75	Anne Samplonius			Team Canada		12.29
76	Elfi Kunz			Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	12.31
77	Margaret Hemsley		Team Australia		13.42
78	Geraldine Denham		Team Australia		13.51
79	Olena Budovitska		Cicli Ghia Ticino Mixte	14.01
80	Karen Dunne			Team Usa		17.53
81	Ita Kryjanovskaia		The Greenery Hawk Team	17.55
82	Miho Oki			Team Japan		17.56
83	Ayumu Otsuka			Team Japan		17.59
84	Sari Saarelainen		Lokomotiva Presov	18
85	Denise Baumann			Team Switzerland	18
86	Magali Pache			Gs Omt-Lorina		18.01
87	Melis Van Mirella		Team Japan		18.03
89	Dorota Czynszak			Team Pol/Austria	18.04
90	Mirjam Senn			Gs Zollinger-Tigra	18.05
91	Katie Compton			Team Usa		18.05
92	Sylvie Riedle			Team France		18.05
93	Ruth Demeijer			Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	18.06
94	Ulrike Baumgartner		Team Pol/Austria	18.08
95	Isabella Wieser			Team Pol/Austria	18.08
96	Clarisssa Breuer		Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	18.1
97	Ellen Wijnant			Vlaanderen 2002 Ladies	18.1
98	Claudia Marietta		S.C. Master Automazione	18.1
99	Rita Merbutyte			Panevezys Ebly		18.11
100	Erika Vilunaite			Panevezys Ebly		18.11
101	Irene Hostettler		Mazza Tege Fresh Fries	18.14
102	Alena Barillova			Lokomotiva Presov	18.14
103	Judith Arndt			Red Bull Frankfurt	18.15
104	Jacqueline Brabenetz		Teag Euregio		18.15
105	Anja Albasini			Equipe N�rnberger-Emmi	18.15
106	Malgorrata Wysocka		Team Pol/Austria	18.16
107	Cornelia Dreher			Red Bull Frankfurt	18.17
108	Chantal Gorostegui		Panevezys Ebly		18.17
109	Julie Pekarkova			Lokomotiva Presov	18.2
110	Anke Wichmann			Red Bull Frankfurt	18.25
111	Petra Rossner			Teag Euregio		18.25
112	Alexandrine Petitpierre		Gs Zollinger-Tigra	22.24
113	Marlene Stamm			Gs Zollinger-Tigra	22.27
114	Andrea Hug			Gs Zollinger-Tigra	24.47
115	Sandra Missbach			The Greenery Hawk Team	32.37
116	Jacinta Coleman			Mazza Tege Fresh Fries	35.35
Mountains competition after Stage 1:
  1. Elena Tchalych (Rus)                         15
  2. Lyne Bessette (Can)                          13
  3. Hanka Kupfernagel (Ger, Greenery Hawk Team)   8

Sprints competition after Stage 1:
  1. Elena Tchalych (Rus)                          20
  2. Arenda Grimberg (Ned)                          7
  3. Vera Hohlfeld (Ger, Euergio)                   6