News for November 7, 1996

Grenoble Six Day - Final Night

 1. Adriano Baffi/Giovanni Lombardi (Ita)	272 pts
 2. Colotti/Bincoletto (Fra/Ita)		258

	1 lap behind:

 3. Neuville/Pieters (Fra/Ned)			294
 4. Magne/Kappes (Fra/Ger)			265
 5. Sanstod/Pill (Den)				242

Dortmund Six Day - Final Night

 1. Rolf Aldag/Erik Zabel (Ger)			491 pts
 2. Silvio Martinello/Marco Villa (Ita)		483
 3. Bruno Risi/Kurt Betschart (Sch)		339

	1 lap behind:

 4. Jimmi Madsen/Jens Veggerby (Den)		316

	3 laps behind:

 5. Olaf Ludwig/Carsten Wolf (Ger)		279

	9 laps behind

 6. Danny Clark/Etienne de Wilde (Aus/Bel)	129

Some news from Germany:

23-year-old Dirk Muller from Hamlin has signed a pro contract with a Swiss team sponsored by the sweets company Jacobs Suchard. - Rumours say that the professional cyclists Andreas Kappes (Refin) and Jurgen Werner (Telekom) will sign a contract with the class 2 cycling team =84Team Cologne=93 for= 1997.

The German Cycling Association BDR (Bund Deutscher Radfahrer) will use a totally new build cycling track in East Berlin as a major base for track cycling. The BDR said it will use the new track at least for the half of all official events in 1997. The Berlin Velodrome will be opened with the Berlin Sixdays from January 23 to 28.

The Big Winners

A total of 306 riders belonging to groupes sportifs (pros in the old parlance) took victories in races down to categories 1.5 and 2.5 in the UCI International Calendar this year (to 23 October).

Top of the winners' list was Mario Cipollini with 16 victories. Runners-up were Frank Vandenbroucke and Laurent Jalabert with 14. Next on the list are Fabrizio Guidi (13), Erik Zabel and Alex Zulle (12), Chris Boardman (11) and Jeroen Blijlevens (10).