News special for February 9, 2001

Clark blasts Cycling Weekly

We've been wondering for a couple of days what to do with this. The UK news magazine Cycling Weekly ran a story on the demise of the Linda McCartney team last week, and team boss Julian Clark soon fired off a response. He CC:ed Cyclingnews, and at least one other website that has claimed this as an exclusive.

We've said before that it's easy to look for someone to blame in this situation, and as team boss Clark must shoulder some responsibility. But if Clark's claims are true, then he has also been a victim of - to put it kindly - clumsy handling by his sponsors, and perhaps his ambition for his team blinded him to the commercial realities of the team's situation.

This is probably the final word on the LMC team - or at least that's what Clark says he hopes. It's a sorry, angry coda to an ambitious project. It's presented here entirely unedited except for corrections to spelling and punctuation.

Julian Clark. STATEMENT. (Re Cycling Weekly story which was totally expected.)

I would like to make a few points very clear regarding your story in last week's magazine.

The first point is that you have said that British Cycling is left with another mess to clear up. I would like to point out that last September when you reported that we had signed Neil Stephens "even though" he was part of the Festina Doping Scandal (were you thinking for the best of British Cycling?)

A week or so later another report by you that we had signed Juan Carlos Dominguez even with the fact that he had failed a haematocrit test in the 1998 Vuelta.

You were the only magazine who reported a negative aspect to this. Do you not realize that whilst over a period of months when we are in negotiations with these companies that we furnish them with papers and magazines that the team will feature in!!!!!!

I will give you some background on the Linda McCartney Team.

When I first agreed terms with them in 1998 it was a one year contract. Having not been to a British Cycling event before I did not know what to expect only having previously been involved with motorcycle racing. After going to the first two Premier Calendar races I very quickly made the decision that I in fact had to keep the sponsors away from races until such time as the team were going to be in International events which I had only seen on TV and videos. Anyway this was done and they were kept in touch weekly with the teams progress by race reports and media reports.

If we had taken them to races where the only spectators were mainly either riders family or the odd sheep they would certainly not have signed for a further three years.

In the middle of 1998 a further three year contract was signed. The only part that was not good was that I had requested a yearly review of the investment as I had discussed with them the plans to make the team bigger each year. When I discussed this with my contact in the company he said he would get it re done but this was never done. When I asked this question to my contact in recent telephone conversation he simply replied, "because it wasn't."

1998. The team employed six riders which included myself all of which were paid a reasonable wage as professionals. All of the riders before the team came along had no sponsor and no income to ride their bikes, and apart from the Brite team no riders were being paid as professionals.

1999. Brite team stopped. Again riders were employed when there were no jobs in the sport.

1999 Cycling Weekly (front page) "Brits are ditched by UK's top team." I have been and am still in some cases friends with riders we let go. They would be the first to admit that at their age they would not want to race on the continent, as far as they were concerned each extra year they were paid to ride their bikes was a huge bonus.

You compared us to Men's Health and Harrods. Remember some of these riders went on to be riders for our team.

When we were paying riders somewhere between £16,000 and £20,000 to ride the other two teams were paying riders anywhere between £1,000 and £2,500 per year.

Anyway moving on. You said that the contract was finished and they were only lending us the name. As I said the contract did not finish until November 2001. That is until one week ago when a letter arrived by e-mail stating that the contract had now been terminated.

Pascal Richard. Regarding Pascal Richard. Please contact the UCI and find out why he came out of the Giro? Why he did not race for the team after July. Also Pascal Richard didn't turn up for races for the team, etc, etc, all this when he was being paid!!!!!!

Negotiations were taking place with a number of multi international companies, two of which you have reported on. When it looked like things were going to conclude and you have totally been led to believe that LMC Foods will be coming in when it gets late in the year and you get the negative response you are already committed. With regard to Jaguar it was only three days before Xmas that a negative response came through. If a decision is not made in December on clothing designs it is not possible to have clothing for Tour Down Under.

With regard to Jacobs Creek the response came earlier and I agreed on a small investment and they would be supplying wines for our hospitality plans. I agreed to run their logo on the jersey to show what we could do for the brand in Europe and then sit round the table in the middle of the year to discuss 2002. If they decided against it we would remove their branding and move on.

At this point under the impression that LMC Foods will be coming in I am committed but believe I have the breathing space to either bring another sponsor in or have further discussions with LMC Foods to discuss increasing their investment not knowing at this point that they in fact will be putting nothing into the team.

Even before we made the decision to move the team to France to start building it, my contact assured me that now Heinz had taken over from McVities they would be investing in the team as McVities were only interested in the UK market and with LMC Foods plans to take the Foods world-wide the cycle team with its high profile in Europe would obviously be a main part of its marketing plans.

I will go back a stage even further. In 1999 we had Motorola as a sponsor investing a six figure sum into the team. This agreement was two years. My contact had said to them that LMC Foods would be able to do this and that, and also that they would discuss running some kind of Motorola promotion on Food packaging. This was because they had made a new two way radio aimed at safety for kids. They thought that with the McCartney family having such strong family values this would be a great link.

When the deal was under way and they contacted to do this my contact at Linda McCartney Foods who would only say they cannot do the things they had initially agreed to. His standard phrase was that Paul turned down xxx amount of million to do an advert for a major company so why would he want to do that. When I met with Motorola at the end of the year they said to me, "who the hell is that person?"

Motorola ceased their involvement with the team for 2000, leaving the team a six figure sum lighter.

Whenever I met with my contact or brought sponsors to meet, he had always said that LMC Foods was making x amount of million per year. It's only when one of LMC Foods more senior people, who always has been straight with me, and called a spade a spade, told me that it was a cottage industry and told me the real facts and figures that things began to sink in.

Going back to last year with LMC Foods never coming forward to the team my contact kept telling me that they were a huge dinosaur and it will happen but will take its time. By now approaching May (Tour of Italy) we had started to hit the problems. I called my contact and said we would have to pull out of the Tour of Italy. It was agreed to bring forward the 2001 budget. My contact said to me that he would be having more meetings with LMC Foods in America to get them on board. "I was never over worried about using the 2001 sponsorship money as I was just waiting for LMC Foods."

We did the Tour of Italy and my contact came to the last stage in Milan. The only time ever a representative from the company had made the effort to come to a race, but this was only to meet two representatives from Italian supermarket chains who had approached me via the press in Italy about bringing the Foods into Italy and because we had reached crisis point.

On the last night I met my contact in his room and he said to me that he had been with Heinz and over the next few days our problem would be over. Last week I taped a telephone conversation with him and three times I asked him why he had said to me that LMC Foods would be coming in, his answer was only that it was not his fault if they did not.

After my contact had told me in the Tour of Italy that this would be coming through Tracie and I increased overdrafts with banks, more loans just to keep the team going.

July. At the Tour of Italy we had an MD of an American company spend time with the team. He wanted to come in as a sponsor. After the Giro I spent many days with him going through the books and negotiating. After it became clear to him that LMC Foods were in fact, let's say getting a hell of a lot for their money, he said to me that with the figure we were discussing he did not see it fair or correct that he would be getting smaller branding space for between 5-6 times the investment.

He made an approach to me to buy the team. He would still have the Linda McCartney logo on the clothing but the team would be in his name. He would honour all contracts from July 1 of 2000 and contracts that were already agreed for 2001, but on one condition, that LMC Foods paid the shortfall in the budget. This meant paying the overdrafts with the banks. He said to them he felt that they were just paying for advertising they had already received. All parties concerned met in Paris. LMC Foods would not agree to this and said that O C Racing & Promotions (me and Tracie) would have to agree with banks etc to pay them off over a number of years.

Another point. On the LMC Foods contract. It clearly sates that although it accepted that other sponsors will be involved in the team, no sponsor will be equal or greater in branding size than Linda McCartneyÉ

Anyway this sponsor decided he could not deal like this and pulled out of any further talks.

Moving on again. Another thing I told my contact recently was of my discussion with LMC Foods' new Marketing Manager.

Throughout November and December after my contact saying many times he would be setting a meeting up with the new Marketing Manager I finally made contact with him myself. He was always too busy to meet, this I understood as he had only just started his new post.

He told me he would meet me in January. Anyway I called him around January 11 and talked for over 1 hour on my mobile. He finally told me that he would not be using the team as it "HAD TOO MUCH OF A STRONG VEGETARIAN IMAGE" and they were going the healthy eating route. I said to him where does that leave me with the team, what does he suggest I do? He said take it up with Paul McCartney.

Now I believe that we have continued promoting this team exactly as Linda wished. If anyone from the company had bothered to see the response from the public, TV and press in Europe as well as in the UK press they would have taken notice.

We have pushed and promoted this team and the lifestyle under stressful circumstances and with no moral support from the company.

I am very sorry for the problems it has left some riders and staff with. But the one left with the biggest problems is me and my family.

The one mistake I made in all this was that I should have waited one week after the Giro and when funds were not forthcoming from LMC Foods I should have pulled the plug on the team there and then.

Julian Clark