24th Subida Urkiola - 1.4

Spain, August 13, 2000

1999 Results    Past Winners

Casagrande wins the ascent

Francesco Casagrande
Photo: © AFP

Coming the day after the Clasica San Sebastian, the 1.4 class Subida Urkiola (Ascent of Urkiola, a first category climb) was contested by just 77 riders, although the pace was by no means relaxed. The 160 kilometre race starts in Eskurdi (Durango) and finishes atop the mountain at Santuario de Urkiola (6 km at 10%), and Francesco Casagrande was keen to make up for his disappointment at not winning his third San Sebastian. Casagrande's time of 3:50.50 (41.58 km/h) was six seconds better than his compatriot and 1999 winner, Leonardo Piepoli (Banesto), with Liquigas' Davide Rebellin taking third.

The reduced start field was due to the absence of the minor Saunier Duvall and Costa Almeria-Jazztel teams but this didn't prevent the climbers from turning it on once the race hit the Urkiola climb. Other noted absences were Laurent Jalabert and his ONCE team director, Manolo Saiz, possibly having a tête-a-tête about Jaja's contract for next year.

Despite numerous early attacks, it was a group of forty that arrived at the foot of the climb in intense heat. Banesto's Alex Zülle was the first to break free of the tight tempo set by Vini Caldirola, and he was successful for a while. However, a group of 8 caught him with 4 kilometres to go, and Zülle's teammate, Piepoli, attacked with 3 kilometres left. Obviously trying to repeat 1999 Piepoli was joined by Casagrande and Rebellin, with the latter holding on until the final kilometre.

The sprint, such as it was, went to Casagrande who joined some big names in the winners list, including Delgado, Chiappucci, Rominger, Jiménez and Piepoli.

The only other incident of note was a level crossing with 20 kilometres to go, forcing a brief halt to the race. The were no breakaways at the time so it did not affect things greatly.

Results - 160 km

1. Francesco Casagrande (Spa) Vini Caldirola       3.50.52 (41.58 km/h)
2. Leonardo Piepoli (Ita) Banesto                     0.06
3. Davide Rebellin (Ita) Liquigas                     0.14
4. Peter Luttenberger (Aut) ONCE                      0.46
5. Aitor Gonzalez (Spa) Kelme                         0.52
6. Oscar Sevilla (Spa) Kelme                          0.59
7. Juan Antonio Flecha (Spa) Fuenlabrada              1.04
8. Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano (Spa) Vitalicio          1.08
9. Eladio Jimenez (Spa) Banesto                       1.18
10. José J. Castelblanco (Col) Kelme                  1.20

Past Winners

1931 Ricardo Ontera (Spa)    
1936 Claudio Leturiaga (Spa) 
1961 Antonio Karmany (Spa)   
1962 Julio Jimenez (Spa)     
1964 Julio Jimenez (Spa)     
1965 Julio Jimenez (Spa)     
1966 Eusebio Velez (Spa)     
1968 Joaquim Galera (Spa)    
1969 Gabriel Mascaro (Spa)   
1986 Oscar de Jesus Vargas (Spa)     
1987 Marino Lejarreta (Spa)     165.0 kms in 4.05.09
1988 Marino Lejarreta (Spa)     166.0 kms in 3.59.15
1989 Andrew Hamsten (USA)       167.0 kms in 4.17.03
1990 Andrew Hampsten (USA)      170.0 kms in 4.24.50
1991 Pedro Delgado (Spa)        160.0 kms in 3.59.34
1992 Claudio Chiappucci (Ita)   160.0 kms in 4.22.30
1993 Tony Rominger (Swi)        160.0 kms in 4.03.23
1994 José-Maria Jimenez (Spa)   160.0 kms in 4.02.02
1995 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita)     160.6 kms in 3.47.25
1996 José-Maria Jimenez (Spa)   160.6 kms in 3.49.00
1997 Beat Zberg (Swi)           160.6 kms in 3.53.28
1998 Simone Borgheresi (Ita) 	160.0 kms in 4.01.01
1999 Leonardo Piepoli (Ita)	160.0 kms in 3.59.25

Past Winners by Mario Stiehl, Berlin