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Photo ©: Glen Chadwick
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Glen Chadwick Olympic Games diary

Glen Chadwick will participate in his first Olympic Games at age 31. He is the second rider of Team Type 1 to get invited. His whirlwind Tour sees him stay in Bejing not longer than necessary. Cyclingnews readers can follow all his action closely.

Index to all entries

August 9, 2008

Day four

D-day is nearing

The Fern.
Photo ©: Glen Chadwick
(Click for larger image)

Well a real cruisey day for me today at the office. Got up and did the usual morning prep. Headed out for a ride and caught up my old buddies out on the road (Paolo [Bettini] and Alejandro [Valverde], Alberto [Contador]). They said "Ciao Chady, good to see you again." I replied "Sure guys likewise, but just remember tomorrow we can't be friends for a few hours OK?" They were a little disappointed but they'll get over it ;)

Once I made it back through the chaos of the Chinese motorists I showered up, then headed off for a taxi drive and caught up with Sheridan Jones from Oakley at their sweet little safe house at Block8 Beijing. It's a pretty cool set up they have there and are all an awesome friendly bunch of people. They've hooked me up with a couple sets of Radar sunnies in NZ colours (Black and White) Oakley have actually made coloured frames to match a lot of different countries which I'm sure you'll see throughout the games. The Oakley Safe House is also a cool place to hang out after your event, they have a couple of restaurants, couple of bars and they've even got Nintendo Wii set up on the big screen with Guitar Hero ready to go! Hmmmm maybe not for me? We're all looking forward to kicking back there after the race is over that's for sure!

A couple lads
Photo ©: Glen Chadwick
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I got back from there and jumped onto the massage table for an hour long rub. It was good! From there we had a little team meeting regarding logistics and game plan for tomorrow. Can't divulge our tactics sorry.

As the opening ceremony is tonight a few of us couldn't make it with our sports kicking off tomorrow, it will be an epic for them all there so I'll be thinking of yas as ya roll in at about midnight I reckon? No, I won't. To coincide with the opening the left overs headed over to the dinner hall in our special shirts made for the opener and ate dinner together. We even took over flags et cetera to make it official. I can hear the fireworks going crazy as I write this. I would be a pretty cool night there for sure, but I wonder how much the athletes can actually see anyway.

Now I'm in bed and off to sleep soon. Big day tomorrow so catch ya then.


Star Spot for Day 4 – Roger Federer


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