Competitive Cyclist
Craft USA
Phil Wood

56th Jayco Herald Sun Tour - 2.1

Australia, October 14-21, 2007

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Stage 7 - October 21: Melbourne Circuit Race , 80 minutes plus 3 laps of a 2.5km circuit

Wilson wins first big one

Praise all around for one of best Sun Tours ever

By John Trevorrow in Melbourne

That's three! Aaron Kemps (Astana)
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

One of the nice guys finally came first. Aussie Matt Wilson (Unibet), so often the worker, stepped up and produced the ride of his life to hang on to his three-second advantage over Swiss Steve Morabito and win his first Jayco Herald Sun Tour.

Queenslander Aaron Kemps (Astana) bookended the event, sprinting away from his two breakaway opponents, American Scott Zwizanski and Dutchman Camiel Denis. Kemps also won the pre tour criterium in Bendigo as well as the third stage into Beechworth.

Although Wilson was obviously excited, that was nothing compared to his mum Lesley who was crying tears of joy and shaking with emotion when her son crossed the line. "This is just beautiful and it couldn't happen to a nicer young man," a proud Mrs Wilson said.

"This is just unbelievable," an overjoyed Matt Wilson said. "It has been a tough road over the past couple of years and I knew I had to produce a good ride this week," Wilson added.

It has been an amazing transformation for the 30 year-old who is based in Monte Carlo. "I can't describe how important this is for me and I will have to just sit down later and take it all in. I do have to say how impressed I am with my Unibet team. They have been just awesome and have controlled this race. Not bad for just three guys.

"This is my best ever win and it has attracted some attention from interested teams." Wilson produced his most impressive performances up the slopes of Falls Creek and in the penultimate time trial. "I have shocked myself a few times in this race and I am starting to believe in myself a lot more. Baden has always said I could win a lot bigger races and now I'm starting to believe it too," Wilson said.

Although the setting for the finale was sensational with a large crowd and a great atmosphere, the stage itself was the least exciting of the tour. The break going early meant that the main protagonists could not contest the time bonus sprints which worked perfectly for Wilson.

Obviously Lowe had accepted the fact that he could not win the tour and was content on covering the Dutchman Joost Van Leijen, only nine seconds behind him, and Steve Morabito knew that he could not beat Wilson in the sprint finishes and was going to leave it for a last gasp attack.

Stuart O'Grady (Jayco Australian National Team) is joined by John Trevorrow (right)
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

Probably the most exciting moment was when Stuart O'Grady broke his chain attacking out of a corner. He surged forward over the handlebars riding about 10 metres balancing on the front wheel. "It has never happened to me before in my entire career," a shocked O'Grady said. I had just done one lap full gas on the front when my chain started jumping. As I accelerated out of the corner and the chain just snapped and suddenly I was thrown forward and dearly catapulted over the bars. I thought I was a gonna," O'Grady said.

O'Grady was then asked what he thought of this year's Sun Tour. "It was really, really good. The racing was sensational and it was good to be able to be up the pointy end of the race for most of the week. It was a great team with a wonderful team spirit and I thought we gave it a bit of a shake. Young Trent (Lowe) is going to be a serious threat in the big races in the not too distant future. He is very competent in all facets of the sport," O'Grady said. "This tour has stepped up about ten fold since I last rode about ten years ago. Everything about the organisation was first class."

Fellow team-mate Trent Wilson was equally impressed with Lowe. "I certainly didn't know that he could time trial as well as that. He has the complete package and should go a long way."

Dutchman Joost Van Leijen, who lost the lead on Friday after being penalised 20 seconds for motorpacing behind his team car, was philosophical about the result. "It was a nice race, but of course I am disappointed to lose the race because of a penalty," Van Leijen said. "Fourth place is good but the only place that really counts is first. But I am only a young rider and hopefully I can get a bigger contract from this. I have had a tough season with bad luck and illness, but at least I know now that I can race against the big pro riders."

Wilson's best mate Baden Cooke was the happiest man in Melbourne after the finish. "I can tell you that if you had given me the choice before the start, of either Matty or I winning this Tour, I would have said Matty without a moment of hesitation. Matty has helped me over many years and given up his own chances, to help me in big events.

"We have been mates since we were quite young but we got really to be close when we raced together in Italy on the AIS [team]. Then we both had our problems with me having a year out with tendon problems and Matty having a much more serious battle with cancer.

Jimmy Casper drives the Unibet.com train
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

"I then got a contract in the states with Mercury and as soon as Matty came good he joined me on the team. We have been racing together ever since and I can't believe it's about to stop. Our Unibet team is finishing and I have a deal with Barloworld and as yet there isn't a place for Matty. I think we'll just have to try and change that."

Race Director Michael Hands was beaming after the successful finish. "I have been rapt with the racing all week," Hands said. "The riders should be congratulated as they have ridden brilliantly all week," Hands added. "It is also important that we have laid the foundation to reclaim our place in the Victorian sporting calendar. Not just the cycling Calendar but the Victorian Major Events calendar.

"I can see lots of areas where we can improve and to take this wonderful Victorian icon to another level. I have a great bunch of people working with me who are all passionate about this exciting challenge," said Hands.

Tasmanian Bernie Sulzberger (DFl Cyclingnews) was excited to win the KOM title. "It was a good race for us and the team rode very well. I'm rapt," he said.

Simon Clarke dominated the white jersey competition for the leading young rider. "I have gone close for the past three years," Clarke said. "I didn't have great form in this race but I am still eligible next year and I aim to try and win the white again and the yellow," a smiling Clarke said.

Olympic Gold Medallist Brett Aitken looked tired but content after the finish. "It was the best tour I've ridden, " Aitken said. "Both as a race, and an event. Little things like walking straight into our hotels without hassles, and everything being organised well. It is a shame that I'm coming into my best form and I'm running out of races this year," he added.

Geelong's Craig McCartney (Savings & Loans) looked pleased to cross the finish line. "It has been a fast and tough tour. I have been a bit crook and had some allergies but overall I'm happy with my ride. There is no doubt that the Tour has improved quite a bit over the past few years," McCartney said.


For a thumbnail gallery of these images, click here

Images by Fiona Carnibella

Images by Shane Goss/www.licoricegallery.com

Images by Veeral Patel


1 Aaron Kemps (Aus) Astana                                 1.31.17 
2 Scott Zwizanski (USA) Bissell-Priority Health                   
3 Camiel Denis (Ned) Netherlands National Team                    
4 Gene Bates (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS                  0.14
5 Yukiya Arashiro (Jpn) Nippo - Meitan Latrobe                    
6 Shaun Higgerson (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS             0.24
7 Benjamin Jacques-Maynes (USA) Bissell-Priority Health       0.32
8 Koen De Kort (Ned) Astana                                       
9 Eric Wohlberg (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada              0.33
10 Stuart Shaw (Aus) Drapac Porsche                           0.58
11 Brett Aitken (Aus) Savings & Loans                             
12 Steffen Radochla (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                          
13 Malaya Van Ruitenbeek (Ned) Netherlands National Team          
14 Michal Golas (Pol) Unibet.com                                  
15 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                          
16 Richard England (Aus) Bissell-Priority Health                  
17 Dominique Rollin (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada              
18 Rhys Pollock (Aus) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed               1.02
19 Trent Wilson (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team          1.03
20 Jimmy Casper (Fra) Unibet.com                              1.33
21 Matthew Wilson (Aus) Unibet.com                                
22 Steve Morabito (Swi) Astana                                    
23 Simon Clarke (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS                   
24 Trent Lowe (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team                
25 Baden Cooke (Aus) Unibet.com                                   
26 Cameron Wurf (Aus) Bissell-Priority Health                 1.35
27 Julien Mazet (Fra) Astana                                      
28 Dominique Perras (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada              
29 Joost Van Leijen (Ned) Netherlands National Team               
30 Bernard Sulzberger (Aus) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed             
31 Adriaan Helmantel (Ned) Netherlands National Team              
32 David Pell (Aus) Savings & Loans                               
33 Maint Berkenbosch (Ned) Netherlands National Team              
34 Daniel Lloyd (GBr) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed                   
35 Johnnie Walker (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS             1.39
36 Tom Zirbel (USA) Bissell-Priority Health                   1.42
37 Peter Dawson (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS                   
38 Cameron Jennings (Aus) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed               
39 Jorg Ludewig (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                              
40 Casey Munro (Aus) Drapac Porsche                           1.45
41 John Ebeling (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                          
42 Omer Kem (USA) Bissell-Priority Health                         
43 Brendan Brooks (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                        
44 Timothy Gudsell (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand           
45 Darren Lapthorne (Aus) Drapac Porsche                          
46 Chris Jongewaard (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team          
47 Mark O'Brien (Aus) Drapac Porsche                          1.52
48 Nick Gates (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team            1.54
49 Prajak Mahawong (Tha) Nippo - Meitan Latrobe               2.05
50 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo - Meitan Latrobe                    
51 Jason Allen (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand           2.36
52 Tom Southam (GBr) Drapac Porsche                           2.39
53 Zachary Bell (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada                  
54 Logan Hutchings (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand           
55 Patrick Shaw (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team          2.49
56 Brett Tivers (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand          2.52
57 Ryan Anderson (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada             3.02
58 Jeremy Hunt (GBr) Unibet.com                                   
One lap down
59 Benoit Joachim (Lux) Astana                                7.02
60 Tom Middleton (Aus) Savings & Loans                        9.02
61 Felix Odebrecht (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                           
62 Jason Hegert (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                     11.02
63 Wim Botman (Ned) Netherlands National Team                     
64 Yoshiyuki Shimizu (Jpn) Nippo - Meitan Latrobe            13.02
65 Jeremy Vennell (NZl) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed                 
66 Craig Mccartney (Aus) Savings & Loans                          
67 Christian Leben (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                           
68 Chris Jory (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                            
69 Luke Cridland (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                    17.02
70 Will Dickeson (Aus) Savings & Loans                       19.02
71 Marc Ryan (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand            27.02
72 William Ford (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS              41.02
DNF Stuart O'Grady (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team           
DNF Peter Mueller (Aus) Savings & Loans                           
DNF Aaron Tuckerman (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand          
1  Bissell-Priority Health                                 4.35.21
2  Astana                                                     0.35
3  South Australia.Com - AIS                                  0.41
4  Netherlands National Team                                  1.03
5  Bicycle Superstore -Canada                                 1.36
6  Unibet.com                                                 2.34
7  DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed                                  2.42
8  Jayco Australian National Team                             2.51
9  Nippo - Meitan Latrobe                                     2.54
10  Drapac Porsche                                            2.58
11  FRF Couriers-NSWIS                                            
12  Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand                            5.30
13  Savings & Loans                                          10.05
14  Wiesenfof-Felt                                           10.12
Final General Classification
1 Matthew Wilson (Aus) Unibet.com                         17.52.47
2 Steve Morabito (Swi) Astana                                 0.03
3 Trent Lowe (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team             0.14
4 Joost Van Leijen (Ned) Netherlands National Team            0.25
5 Julien Mazet (Fra) Astana                                   0.41
6 Baden Cooke (Aus) Unibet.com                                1.53
7 Simon Clarke (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS                2.11
8 Eric Wohlberg (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada              4.04
9 Cameron Wurf (Aus) Bissell-Priority Health                  4.20
10 Dominique Perras (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada          4.32
11 David Pell (Aus) Savings & Loans                           6.10
12 Darren Lapthorne (Aus) Drapac Porsche                     10.39
13 Aaron Kemps (Aus) Astana                                  11.52
14 Bernard Sulzberger (Aus) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed        12.28
15 Maint Berkenbosch (Ned) Netherlands National Team         12.55
16 Jorg Ludewig (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                         12.59
17 Yukiya Arashiro (Jpn) Nippo - Meitan Latrobe              14.19
18 Koen De Kort (Ned) Astana                                 16.09
19 Daniel Lloyd (GBr) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed              16.18
20 Michal Golas (Pol) Unibet.com                             16.40
21 Dominique Rollin (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada         16.42
22 Cameron Jennings (Aus) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed          16.59
23 Mark O'Brien (Aus) Drapac Porsche                         17.22
24 Timothy Gudsell (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand      18.13
25 Stuart Shaw (Aus) Drapac Porsche                          22.22
26 Benjamin Jacques-Maynes (USA) Bissell-Priority Health     23.24
27 Brendan Brooks (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                   24.08
28 Omer Kem (USA) Bissell-Priority Health                    33.54
29 Johnnie Walker (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS            35.27
30 Camiel Denis (Ned) Netherlands National Team              35.34
31 Gene Bates (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS                35.54
32 Tom Zirbel (USA) Bissell-Priority Health                  38.11
33 Malaya Van Ruitenbeek (Ned) Netherlands National Team     38.37
34 Benoit Joachim (Lux) Astana                               38.42
35 Jimmy Casper (Fra) Unibet.com                             39.12
36 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                     40.48
37 Christian Leben (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                      42.16
38 Jeremy Hunt (GBr) Unibet.com                              44.58
39 Scott Zwizanski (USA) Bissell-Priority Health             45.58
40 Patrick Shaw (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team         46.52
41 Chris Jongewaard (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team     47.42
42 Tom Middleton (Aus) Savings & Loans                       49.20
43 Nick Gates (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team           50.41
44 Richard England (Aus) Bissell-Priority Health             51.52
45 Rhys Pollock (Aus) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed              51.57
46 Jeremy Vennell (NZl) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed            53.04
47 Shaun Higgerson (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS           53.53
48 John Ebeling (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                     54.43
49 Brett Tivers (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand         55.05
50 Tom Southam (GBr) Drapac Porsche                          55.49
51 Zachary Bell (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada             56.01
52 Trent Wilson (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team         57.00
53 Adriaan Helmantel (Ned) Netherlands National Team         58.50
54 Logan Hutchings (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand    1.00.15
55 Brett Aitken (Aus) Savings & Loans                      1.02.00
56 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo - Meitan Latrobe             1.03.02
57 Will Dickeson (Aus) Savings & Loans                     1.03.48
58 Casey Munro (Aus) Drapac Porsche                               
59 Jason Allen (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand        1.04.37
60 Chris Jory (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                     1.06.39
61 Steffen Radochla (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                   1.08.36
62 Ryan Anderson (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada          1.09.44
63 Peter Dawson (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS            1.10.06
64 Prajak Mahawong (Tha) Nippo - Meitan Latrobe            1.10.43
65 Jason Hegert (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                   1.12.39
66 Wim Botman (Ned) Netherlands National Team              1.14.55
67 Felix Odebrecht (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                    1.15.09
68 Luke Cridland (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                  1.18.31
69 Craig Mccartney (Aus) Savings & Loans                   1.18.38
70 Yoshiyuki Shimizu (Jpn) Nippo - Meitan Latrobe          1.20.36
71 Marc Ryan (NZl) Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand          1.28.48
72 William Ford (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS            1.46.13
Sprint Classification
1 Dominique Rollin (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada             34 pts
2 Aaron Kemps (Aus) Astana                                      30
3 Matthew Wilson (Aus) Unibet.com                               30
4 Scott Zwizanski (USA) Bissell-Priority Health                 20
5 Cameron Jennings (Aus) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed              12
6 Baden Cooke (Aus) Unibet.com                                  12
7 David Pell (Aus) Savings & Loans                              12
8 Jorg Ludewig (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                             12
9 Camiel Denis (Ned) Netherlands National Team                  12
10 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                        12
11 Steve Morabito (Swi) Astana                                  10
12 Joost Van Leijen (Ned) Netherlands National Team              8
13 Stuart Shaw (Aus) Drapac Porsche                              8
14 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo - Meitan Latrobe                   6
15 Bernard Sulzberger (Aus) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed            6
16 Yukiya Arashiro (Jpn) Nippo - Meitan Latrobe                  6
17 Jeremy Vennell (NZl) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed                6
18 Trent Wilson (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team             6
19 Felix Odebrecht (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                          6
20 Julien Mazet (Fra) Astana                                     4
21 Simon Clarke (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS                  4
22 Gene Bates (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS                    4
23 Malaya Van Ruitenbeek (Ned) Netherlands National Team         4
24 Trent Lowe (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team               2
25 Cameron Wurf (Aus) Bissell-Priority Health                    2
26 Darren Lapthorne (Aus) Drapac Porsche                         2
27 Benjamin Jacques-Maynes (USA) Bissell-Priority Health         2
28 Jimmy Casper (Fra) Unibet.com                                 2
29 Patrick Shaw (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team             2
Mountains Classification
1 Bernard Sulzberger (Aus) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed            36 pts
2 Steve Morabito (Swi) Astana                                   34
3 Joost Van Leijen (Ned) Netherlands National Team              24
4 Trent Lowe (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team               18
5 Dominique Rollin (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada             16
6 Scott Zwizanski (USA) Bissell-Priority Health                 12
7 Tom Southam (GBr) Drapac Porsche                              10
8 Daniel Lloyd (GBr) DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed                   8
9 Maint Berkenbosch (Ned) Netherlands National Team              4
10 Michal Golas (Pol) Unibet.com                                 4
11 Benoit Joachim (Lux) Astana                                   4
12 Malaya Van Ruitenbeek (Ned) Netherlands National Team         2
Young rider classification
1 Simon Clarke (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS            17.54.58
2 Mark O'Brien (Aus) Drapac Porsche                          15.11
3 Brendan Brooks (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                    21.57
4 Johnnie Walker (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS             33.16
5 Christian Leben (Ger) Wiesenhof-Felt                       40.05
6 Patrick Shaw (Aus) Jayco Australian National Team          44.41
7 Tom Middleton (Aus) Savings & Loans                        47.09
8 Casey Munro (Aus) Drapac Porsche                         1.01.37
9 Chris Jory (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                      1.04.28
10 Ryan Anderson (Can) Bicycle Superstore -Canada          1.07.33
11 Jason Hegert (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                   1.10.28
12 Wim Botman (Ned) Netherlands National Team              1.12.44
13 Luke Cridland (Aus) FRF Couriers-NSWIS                  1.16.20
14 William Ford (Aus) South Australia.com - AIS            1.44.02
Teams classification
1  Astana                                                 53.49.00
2  Unibet.com                                                 7.06
3  Bicycle Superstore -Canada                                13.51
4  DFL Cyclingnews Litespeed                                 32.52
5  South Australia.Com - AIS                                 33.16
6  Netherlands National Team                                 35.38
7  Drapac Porsche                                            38.25
8  Bissell-Priority Health                                   40.23
9  Jayco Australian National Team                            52.11
10  Savings & Loans                                        1.22.43
11  FRF Couriers-NSWIS                                     1.29.14
12  Mitchelton Wines - New Zealand                         1.39.00
13  Wiesenfof-Felt                                         1.47.25
14  Nippo - Meitan Latrobe                                 2.08.25

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