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12th Tour de Langkawi - 2.HC

Malaysia, February 2-11, 2007

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Stage 7 - February 8: Kuantan - Karak, 174.0 km

Finally... a Fukushima!

Shinichi skyrockets to second overall

By Anthony Tan in Karak, Malaysia

Shinichi Fukushima (Nippo-Meitan Hompo)
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

Between the two brothers, they've spent seven straight days attacking and counter-attacking. But finally, after a week of trying and working their guts out, Shinichi Fukushima succeeded in Karak.

"Every day, we are in the breaks, so one time there must be success - we can't lose all the time!" laughed Fukushima.

The best of a ten-man breakaway that went all day long under a stifling hot Malaysian sun, with the mercury rising in excess of forty degrees Celsius, Fukushima told reporters his Nippo-Meitan Hompo team didn't come here for nothing. Only the third rider in the race's history to win a stage at the Le Tour de Langkawi, Fukushima's victory follows in the footsteps of Kam-Po Wong's Cameron Highlands triumph in 2000 and his younger brother Koji's audacious 160 kilometre-long solo escape in 2005.

"My brother won two years ago and I was very happy to see him win; today, it was me and I'm very satisfied," he said.

Asked when he started to believe in his chances, Fukushima replied: "When the 10 riders were doing their turns and working very well. I tried to escape - yesterday I tried also, but Crédit Agricole chase me down - so today, I didn't stop; I just kept going, going, going... I felt very good, and when I'm in good form, I don't lose power - I keep going."

The lead group grabbed the cow by the horns
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

Courtesy of finishing 2'45 clear of the peloton today, the 35 year-old, two years older than his brother Koji, leapfrogged 30 places on the general classification to second overall, and is now 3'27 behind maillot jaune Anthony Charteau.

"I'm second overall on general? I didn't know!" exclaimed a bemused Fukushima. "Tomorrow, I must climb well!"

"I was the best rider on general classification in the [breakaway] group and some riders asked me to go back, but I said, 'No, I don't want to - it's a problem for you, but not a problem for me!' My team is also in very good form, so I think I can do a good race - I can say I'll do my best tomorrow. I'm in very good form, so I think I can do it," he said, asked if a top-five overall finish is within reach.

It's unlikely Fukushima will finish on the podium after tomorrow's stage to the Genting Highlands - but one man planning on his place for good is Charteau: "I have a four-minute lead, so I'm not allowed to lose more than that. It's going to be a time trial for me tomorrow," he said. "[The team has] kept two climbers for me, and they've done a super job from the stage to Cameron Highlands [onwards]; I don't intend to disappoint them."

Stay tuned: Le Tour de Langkawi's D-Day is now upon us...

How it unfolded

The peloton in search of the leaders
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

Making a beeline towards D-Day in Genting, the seventh stage provided a direct route inland from today's start in Kuantan. After two relatively mild days weather-wise, Thursday, February 8 returned the mercury back to normal (normal for the tropics, that is), with the temperature already in the mid-30s half an hour before midday, when 125 riders departed, destination Karak.

Three hotspot sprints and two Cat. 4 KOMs formed the basis of the 170.2 kilometre parcours that, judging from the outcome of the previous three stages, was tipped to end in a bunch sprint. And like the previous three stages, one witnessed another early break that went after just four kilometres, first comprised of seven riders: Shinichi Fukushima (Nippo-Meitan Hompo), Alberto Loddo (Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia), Salvatore Commesso (Tinkoff Credit Systems), Francesco Tomei (Ceramiche Panaria Navigare), Sea Keong Loh (Discovery Channel Marco Polo), Won Jae Lee (Korea National Team) and Erwin Thijs (Unibet.com).

The septet were then joined by another group of four - Elia Aggiano (Tinkoff Credit Systems), Pierre Drancourt (Bouygues Telecom), Johannes Kachelhoffer (South Africa) and Yoshiyuki Abe (Skil Shimano) - but for some unknown reason, Commesso drifted back to the main bunch, leaving an even group of 10, and evenly represented.

Thomas Voeckler (1) of the Bouygues Telecom team
Photo ©: Shane Goss
(Click for larger image)

After 105 kilometres, the break reached their maximum advantage of seven minutes flat, with best-placed rider Fukushima (23rd on GC, 6'22 down on Charteau), becoming the virtual race leader. However, 65 rolling kilometres still remained, and the Crédit Agricole team of maillot jaune Anthony Charteau steadily reduced their deficit to 4'50 with 26km left to race.

Not surprisingly, with quadruple stage winner Loddo in the move, a series of attacks were initiated in an attempt to dislodge the Argentine, which saw a six-man counter that was further reduced to a select group of three. In the end, it was Japanese national champion Fukushima who proved strongest, waiting for Aggiano to begin the sprint that he started a little too early and overtaking him 50 metres before the line. Third was Drancourt, with rolling across in ninth place.

"The last kilometre, the Bouygues Telecom rider [Drancourt] attacked, and I stayed on the wheel of the Tinkoff rider [Aggiano]," recalled Fukushima. "He attacked again, but I never gave up; it was a little far [for Drancourt to sprint from] 300 metres to go, and I caught him in maybe the last 50 metres. It was a good moment."

Said exhausted sprint leader Loddo, who rolled across in ninth place, slouched over the bars: "In the last kilometres, I was left with no more energy when the last three guys went away. I'm disappointed that I couldn't win again today, but I've won some sprints, I've extended my lead in the sprints jersey, and I allowed our climbers to not work too much today."


For a thumbnail gallery of these images, click here

Images by Shane Goss/www.licoricegallery.com

Images by John Pierce/Photosport International


1 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                      3.47.42 (44.85 km/h)
2 Elia Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                           0.02
3 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                             0.12
4 Francesco Tomei (Ita) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                    0.40
5 Erwin Thijs (Bel) Unibet.com                                            
6 Won Jae Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                               0.42
7 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                    1.09
8 Yoshiyuki Abe (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                    1.22
9 Alberto Loddo (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia           
10 Johannes Kachelhoffer (RSA) South Africa                               
11 Mariusz Wiesiak (Pol) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                           2.45
12 Sergey Kolesnikov (Rus) Unibet.com                                     
13 Yukiya Arashiro (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                               
14 Manan Anuar (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                                   
15 Daryl Impey (RSA) South Africa                                         
16 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                 
17 Sung Baek Park (Kor) Korea National Team                               
18 Salleh Mohd Zamri (Mas) MNCF Development                               
19 Mashahiro Shinagawa (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                 
20 Luis Rodriguez (Spa) Unibet.com                                        
21 Ahmad Haidar Anuawar (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                          
22 Johan Lindgren (Swe) Française des Jeux                                
23 Artemiy Timofeev (Rus) Polygon Sweetnice                               
24 Nikolai Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                            
25 Pedro Costa (Por) Vitória ASC                                          
26 Se Yong Oh (Kor) Korea National Team                                   
27 Yevgeniv Yakovlev (Kaz) Polygon Sweetnice                              
28 Wang Yip Tang (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                              
29 Pol Nabben (Ned) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                          
30 Stijn Vandenbergh (Bel) Unibet.com                                     
31 Kai Tsun Lam (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                               
32 Budi Santoso (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                                   
33 Chon Te Chiang (Tpe) Giant Asia Racing Team                            
34 Hassan Suhardi (Mas) Malaysia National Team                            
35 Michael Lange (USA) Team Slipstream                                    
36 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                               
37 Jose Rodrigues (Por) Vitória ASC                                       
38 Micael Isidoro (Por) Vitória ASC                                       
39 Abd Aziz Saiful Anuar (Mas) MNCF Development                           
40 Vyacheslav Dyadichkin (Kaz) Polygon Sweetnice                          
41 Sang Jin Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                                 
42 José Rujano (Ven) Unibet.com                                           
43 Miyataka Shimizu (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                              
44 Walter Pedraza (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia         
45 Ruslan Mohd Jasmin (Mas) MNCF Development                              
46 Saeidtanha Abbas (Irn) Azad University Team                            
47 Steffen Weigold (Ger) Tinkoff Credit Systems                           
48 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                                
49 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                   
50 Serguei Klimov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                            
51 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Crédit Agricole                               
52 Hidenori Nodera (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                     
53 Saryana Amin (Ina) Letua Cycling Team                                  
54 Sandy Casar (Fra) Française des Jeux                                   
55 Ian McLeod (RSA) Française des Jeux                                    
56 Franck Renier (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                   
57 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                 
58 Hossein Askari (Irn) Giant Asia Racing Team                            
59 William Bonnet (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                   
60 Laszlo Bodrogi (Hun) Crédit Agricole                                   
61 Md Nor Umardi Rosdi (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                           
62 Herwin Jaya (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                                    
63 Timothy Duggan (USA) Team Slipstream                                   
64 Chun Hing Chan (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                             
65 Benoît Poilvet (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                   
66 Nicholas Sanderson (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                            
67 Thijs Zonneveld (Ned) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                     
68 Blaise Sonnery (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                   
69 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                              
70 David George (RSA) South Africa                                        
71 Didier Rous (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                     
72 Alexander Khatuntsev (Rus) Unibet.com                                  
73 Ahmad Lutfi Md Fauzan (Mas) Malaysia National Team                     
74 David Navas Chica (Spa) AG2R Prévoyance                                
75 Fabien Patanchon (Fra) Française des Jeux                              
76 Paulo Barroso (Por) Vitória ASC                                        
77 Gilberto Sampaio (Por) Vitória ASC                                     
78 Sergiy Matveyev (Ukr) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                       
79 Brad Huff (USA) Team Slipstream                                        
80 Kin San Wu (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                                 
81 Jeong Seok Chung (Kor) Korea National Team                             
82 Laurent Lefevre (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                 
83 Ki Hong You (Kor) Korea National Team                                  
84 Kam Po Wong (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                                
85 Paul Griffin (Irl) Giant Asia Racing Team                              
86 Ali Fallanie (Mas) Malaysia National Team                              
87 Susanto Tonton (Ina) Letua Cycling Team                                
88 Jose Serpa (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia             
89 Faridikovij Mahdi (Irn) Azad University Team                           
90 Fabio Duarte (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia           
91 S.Rezaei S.Mostafa (Irn) Azad University Team                          
92 Yong Li Ng (Mas) Vitória ASC                                           
93 Yokihiro Doi (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                        
94 Wesley Sulzberger (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                             
95 Jonathon Clarke (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                               
96 Tiaan Kannemeyer (RSA) South Africa                                    
97 Ghader Mizbani (Irn) Giant Asia Racing Team                            
98 Gene Bates (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                                    
99 S. Rezaei S.Moezeddin (Irn) Azad University Team                       
100 Rusli Amir Mustafa (Mas) MNCF Development                             
101 Rupert Rheeder (RSA) South Africa                                     
102 Sergio Barbero (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia        
103 Huub Duyn (Ned) Team Slipstream                                       
104 Kilian Patour (Fra) Team Slipstream                                   
105 Julien Loubet (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                   
106 Yoann Le Boulanger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                             
107 Md Nor Rizuan Zainal (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                         
108 Nicholas White (RSA) South Africa                                     
109 Julio Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                   
110 William Ford (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                                 
111 Hari Fitrianto (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                                
112 Abd Razak Mohd Faris (Mas) MNCF Development                           
113 Salvatore Commesso (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                       
114 Yoshimasa Hirose (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                   
115 Tomoya Kano (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                        
116 Wladimir Belli (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia        
117 José Luis Arrieta (Spa) AG2R Prévoyance                               
118 Mike Creed (USA) Team Slipstream                                      
119 Jay Crawford (Aus) Giant Asia Racing Team                             
120 Timothy Gudsell (NZl) Française des Jeux                              
121 Kuan Hua Lai (Tpe) Giant Asia Racing Team                             
122 Julian Dean (NZl) Crédit Agricole                                     
123 Sylvain Calzati (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                 
124 Nur Misbah Mohd Rauf (Mas) Malaysia National Team                 3.25

Asian rider
1 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                      3.47.42
2 Won Jae Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                               0.42
3 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                    1.09
4 Yoshiyuki Abe (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                    1.22
5 Yukiya Arashiro (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                            2.45
6 Manan Anuar (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                                    
7 Sung Baek Park (Kor) Korea National Team                                
8 Salleh Mohd Zamri (Mas) MNCF Development                                
9 Mashahiro Shinagawa (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                  
10 Ahmad Haidar Anuawar (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                          
11 Se Yong Oh (Kor) Korea National Team                                   
12 Yevgeniv Yakovlev (Kaz) Polygon Sweetnice                              
13 Wang Yip Tang (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                              
14 Kai Tsun Lam (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                               
15 Budi Santoso (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                                   
16 Chon Te Chiang (Tpe) Giant Asia Racing Team                            
17 Hassan Suhardi (Mas) Malaysia National Team                            
18 Abd Aziz Saiful Anuar (Mas) MNCF Development                           
19 Vyacheslav Dyadichkin (Kaz) Polygon Sweetnice                          
20 Sang Jin Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                                 
21 Miyataka Shimizu (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                              
22 Ruslan Mohd Jasmin (Mas) MNCF Development                              
23 Saeidtanha Abbas (Irn) Azad University Team                            
24 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                                
25 Hidenori Nodera (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                     
26 Saryana Amin (Ina) Letua Cycling Team                                  
27 Hossein Askari (Irn) Giant Asia Racing Team                            
28 Md Nor Umardi Rosdi (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                           
29 Herwin Jaya (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                                    
30 Chun Hing Chan (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                             
31 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                              
32 Ahmad Lutfi Md Fauzan (Mas) Malaysia National Team                     
33 Kin San Wu (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                                 
34 Jeong Seok Chung (Kor) Korea National Team                             
35 Ki Hong You (Kor) Korea National Team                                  
36 Kam Po Wong (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                                
37 Ali Fallanie (Mas) Malaysia National Team                              
38 Susanto Tonton (Ina) Letua Cycling Team                                
39 Faridikovij Mahdi (Irn) Azad University Team                           
40 S.Rezaei S.Mostafa (Irn) Azad University Team                          
41 Yong Li Ng (Mas) Vitória ASC                                           
42 Yokihiro Doi (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                        
43 Ghader Mizbani (Irn) Giant Asia Racing Team                            
44 S. Rezaei S.Moezeddin (Irn) Azad University Team                       
45 Rusli Amir Mustafa (Mas) MNCF Development                              
46 Md Nor Rizuan Zainal (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                          
47 Hari Fitrianto (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                                 
48 Abd Razak Mohd Faris (Mas) MNCF Development                            
49 Yoshimasa Hirose (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                    
50 Tomoya Kano (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                         
51 Kuan Hua Lai (Tpe) Giant Asia Racing Team                              
52 Nur Misbah Mohd Rauf (Mas) Malaysia National Team                  3.25
Sprint 1 - Independence sprint, Maran
1 Johannes Kachelhoffer (RSA) South Africa                               5 pts
2 Alberto Loddo (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia          3
3 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                2
4 Erwin Thijs (Bel) Unibet.com                                           1
Sprint 2 - Paya Pulai
1 Alberto Loddo (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia          5 pts
2 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                3
3 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                       2
4 Erwin Thijs (Bel) Unibet.com                                           1
Sprint 3 - Desa Bakti
1 Alberto Loddo (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia          5 pts
2 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                3
3 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                       2
4 Elia Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                              1
Mountains 1 - 50.7km
1 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                4 pts
2 Yoshiyuki Abe (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                       2
3 Johannes Kachelhoffer (RSA) South Africa                               1
Mountains 2 - 90.2 km
1 Yoshiyuki Abe (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                       4 pts
2 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                            2
3 Won Jae Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                                  1

1 Nippo-Meitan Hompo                                              11.28.36
2 Tinkoff Credit Systems                                              0.02
3 Équipe Bouygues Telecom                                             0.12
4 Unibet.com                                                          0.40
5 Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                                              
6 Korea National Team                                                 0.42
7 Discovery Channel Marco Polo                                        1.09
8 Skil Shimano                                                        1.22
9 South Africa                                                            
10 Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni                                           
11 Polygon Sweetnice                                                  2.45
12 Letua Cycling Team                                                   
13 Vitória ASC                                                          
14 MNCF Development                                                     
15 Hong Kong Pro Cycling              
16 Crédit Agricole                    
17 Française des Jeux                 
18 Giant Asia Racing Team             
19 Team Slipstream                    
20 Malaysia National Team             
21 Azad University Team               
22 AG2R Prévoyance                    
23 SouthAustralia.com                 
Asian teams
1 Nippo-Meitan Hompo                                              11.28.36
2 Korea National Team                                                 0.42
3 Letua Cycling Team                                                  2.45
4 Polygon Sweetnice                                                       
5 MNCF Development                    
6 Hong Kong Pro Cycling               
7 Giant Asia Racing Team              
8 Malaysia National Team              
9 Azad University Team                

General classification after stage 7
1 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Crédit Agricole                          24.13.12
2 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                         3.27
3 Walter Pedraza (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia      4.00
4 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                              4.39
5 Luis Rodriguez (Spa) Unibet.com                                     4.43
6 Ian McLeod (RSA) Française des Jeux                                     
7 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                
8 Julien Loubet (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                     
9 Benoît Poilvet (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                    
10 Sergey Kolesnikov (Rus) Unibet.com                                 4.45
11 Hossein Askari (Irn) Giant Asia Racing Team                        4.47
12 Jose Serpa (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia         4.48
13 Yokihiro Doi (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                        
14 Michael Lange (USA) Team Slipstream                                4.50
15 Wesley Sulzberger (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                             
16 Timothy Duggan (USA) Team Slipstream                                   
17 David George (RSA) South Africa                                        
18 Saeidtanha Abbas (Irn) Azad University Team                            
19 Paul Griffin (Irl) Giant Asia Racing Team                              
20 Jonathon Clarke (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                               
21 Ghader Mizbani (Irn) Giant Asia Racing Team                            
22 Jay Crawford (Aus) Giant Asia Racing Team                              
23 Serguei Klimov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                        5.05
24 William Bonnet (Fra) Crédit Agricole                               5.18
25 Gene Bates (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                                5.21
26 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Crédit Agricole                           5.23
27 Sandy Casar (Fra) Française des Jeux                                   
28 Yoann Le Boulanger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                              
29 Sung Baek Park (Kor) Korea National Team                           5.24
30 Susanto Tonton (Ina) Letua Cycling Team                            5.25
31 Huub Duyn (Ned) Team Slipstream                                    5.26
32 Thijs Zonneveld (Ned) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                 6.16
33 José Luis Arrieta (Spa) AG2R Prévoyance                            6.25
34 Tomoya Kano (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                     6.37
35 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                            6.43
36 Salvatore Commesso (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                    6.53
37 Rusli Amir Mustafa (Mas) MNCF Development                          7.05
38 Yong Li Ng (Mas) Vitória ASC                                       7.10
39 Yukiya Arashiro (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                           7.12
40 William Ford (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                              7.16
41 Yoshiyuki Abe (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                   7.21
42 S.Rezaei S.Mostafa (Irn) Azad University Team                      7.50
43 Won Jae Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                              9.11
44 Elia Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                          9.54
45 Erwin Thijs (Bel) Unibet.com                                      10.05
46 Hari Fitrianto (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                            10.45
47 Johannes Kachelhoffer (RSA) South Africa                          10.47
48 Jose Rodrigues (Por) Vitória ASC                                  10.59
49 Yevgeniv Yakovlev (Kaz) Polygon Sweetnice                         11.01
50 Vyacheslav Dyadichkin (Kaz) Polygon Sweetnice                     11.03
51 Kuan Hua Lai (Tpe) Giant Asia Racing Team                         11.35
52 Daryl Impey (RSA) South Africa                                    11.58
53 José Rujano (Ven) Unibet.com                                      12.02
54 Micael Isidoro (Por) Vitória ASC                                  12.08
55 Laszlo Bodrogi (Hun) Crédit Agricole                                   
56 Franck Renier (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                              12.09
57 Steffen Weigold (Ger) Tinkoff Credit Systems                           
58 Stijn Vandenbergh (Bel) Unibet.com                                12.10
59 Se Yong Oh (Kor) Korea National Team                                   
60 Pol Nabben (Ned) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                          
61 Gilberto Sampaio (Por) Vitória ASC                                     
62 Didier Rous (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                     
63 Kam Po Wong (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                                
64 Blaise Sonnery (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                   
65 Fabien Patanchon (Fra) Française des Jeux                              
66 Paulo Barroso (Por) Vitória ASC                                        
67 Tiaan Kannemeyer (RSA) South Africa                               12.11
68 Artemiy Timofeev (Rus) Polygon Sweetnice                          12.14
69 Ki Hong You (Kor) Korea National Team                                  
70 Julian Dean (NZl) Crédit Agricole                                      
71 David Navas Chica (Spa) AG2R Prévoyance                                
72 Laurent Lefevre (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                 
73 Yoshimasa Hirose (Jpn) Skil Shimano                               12.40
74 Mike Creed (USA) Team Slipstream                                  12.41
75 Sang Jin Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                            13.11
76 Nicholas White (RSA) South Africa                                      
77 Abd Aziz Saiful Anuar (Mas) MNCF Development                      13.26
78 Kin San Wu (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                                 
79 Fabio Duarte (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia      13.37
80 Mashahiro Shinagawa (Jpn) Skil Shimano                            14.12
81 Chun Hing Chan (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                        14.24
82 Abd Razak Mohd Faris (Mas) MNCF Development                       15.09
83 Wladimir Belli (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia    15.16
84 Ahmad Lutfi Md Fauzan (Mas) Malaysia National Team                15.18
85 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                           16.04
86 Julio Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                    
87 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                  16.19
88 Herwin Jaya (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                               17.02
89 Saryana Amin (Ina) Letua Cycling Team                             17.48
90 Md Nor Umardi Rosdi (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                      18.14
91 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare              21.51
92 Sergiy Matveyev (Ukr) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                  22.23
93 Budi Santoso (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                              22.47
94 Alberto Loddo (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia     22.54
95 Francesco Tomei (Ita) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                  23.28
96 Faridikovij Mahdi (Irn) Azad University Team                      23.51
97 Nikolai Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                       25.06
98 Manan Anuar (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                              25.09
99 Ruslan Mohd Jasmin (Mas) MNCF Development                              
100 Nicholas Sanderson (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                      25.29
101 Johan Lindgren (Swe) Française des Jeux                          25.32
102 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                        25.33
103 Wang Yip Tang (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                             
104 Mariusz Wiesiak (Pol) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                              
105 Jeong Seok Chung (Kor) Korea National Team                            
106 Hidenori Nodera (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                    
107 Sergio Barbero (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia        
108 Timothy Gudsell (NZl) Française des Jeux                              
109 Rupert Rheeder (RSA) South Africa                                25.55
110 Nur Misbah Mohd Rauf (Mas) Malaysia National Team                26.08
111 Hassan Suhardi (Mas) Malaysia National Team                      26.10
112 Alexander Khatuntsev (Rus) Unibet.com                            26.13
113 Salleh Mohd Zamri (Mas) MNCF Development                         26.50
114 Ali Fallanie (Mas) Malaysia National Team                        26.55
115 Pedro Costa (Por) Vitória ASC                                    27.06
116 Brad Huff (USA) Team Slipstream                                  27.15
117 Md Nor Rizuan Zainal (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                    27.16
118 Sylvain Calzati (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                            27.19
119 Ahmad Haidar Anuawar (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                    27.42
120 S. Rezaei S.Moezeddin (Irn) Azad University Team                 28.06
121 Kai Tsun Lam (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                         29.29
122 Miyataka Shimizu (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                        29.52
123 Chon Te Chiang (Tpe) Giant Asia Racing Team                      31.56
124 Kilian Patour (Fra) Team Slipstream                              33.17

Asian rider classification
1 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                     24.16.39
2 Hossein Askari (Irn) Giant Asia Racing Team                         1.20
3 Yokihiro Doi (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                     1.21
4 Saeidtanha Abbas (Irn) Azad University Team                         1.23
5 Ghader Mizbani (Irn) Giant Asia Racing Team                             
6 Sung Baek Park (Kor) Korea National Team                            1.57
7 Susanto Tonton (Ina) Letua Cycling Team                             1.58
8 Tomoya Kano (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                      3.10
9 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                             3.16
10 Rusli Amir Mustafa (Mas) MNCF Development                          3.38
11 Yong Li Ng (Mas) Vitória ASC                                       3.43
12 Yukiya Arashiro (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                           3.45
13 Yoshiyuki Abe (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                   3.54
14 S.Rezaei S.Mostafa (Irn) Azad University Team                      4.23
15 Won Jae Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                              5.44
16 Hari Fitrianto (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                             7.18
17 Yevgeniv Yakovlev (Kaz) Polygon Sweetnice                          7.34
18 Vyacheslav Dyadichkin (Kaz) Polygon Sweetnice                      7.36
19 Kuan Hua Lai (Tpe) Giant Asia Racing Team                          8.08
20 Se Yong Oh (Kor) Korea National Team                               8.43
21 Kam Po Wong (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                                
22 Ki Hong You (Kor) Korea National Team                              8.47
23 Yoshimasa Hirose (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                9.13
24 Sang Jin Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                             9.44
25 Abd Aziz Saiful Anuar (Mas) MNCF Development                       9.59
26 Kin San Wu (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                                 
27 Mashahiro Shinagawa (Jpn) Skil Shimano                            10.45
28 Chun Hing Chan (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                        10.57
29 Abd Razak Mohd Faris (Mas) MNCF Development                       11.42
30 Ahmad Lutfi Md Fauzan (Mas) Malaysia National Team                11.51
31 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                  12.52
32 Herwin Jaya (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                               13.35
33 Saryana Amin (Ina) Letua Cycling Team                             14.21
34 Md Nor Umardi Rosdi (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                      14.47
35 Budi Santoso (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                              19.20
36 Faridikovij Mahdi (Irn) Azad University Team                      20.24
37 Manan Anuar (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                              21.42
38 Ruslan Mohd Jasmin (Mas) MNCF Development                              
39 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                         22.06
40 Wang Yip Tang (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                              
41 Jeong Seok Chung (Kor) Korea National Team                             
42 Hidenori Nodera (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                     
43 Nur Misbah Mohd Rauf (Mas) Malaysia National Team                 22.41
44 Hassan Suhardi (Mas) Malaysia National Team                       22.43
45 Salleh Mohd Zamri (Mas) MNCF Development                          23.23
46 Ali Fallanie (Mas) Malaysia National Team                         23.28
47 Md Nor Rizuan Zainal (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                     23.49
48 Ahmad Haidar Anuawar (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                     24.15
49 S. Rezaei S.Moezeddin (Irn) Azad University Team                  24.39
50 Kai Tsun Lam (HKg) Hong Kong Pro Cycling                          26.02
51 Miyataka Shimizu (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                         26.25
52 Chon Te Chiang (Tpe) Giant Asia Racing Team                       28.29

Points classification
1 Alberto Loddo (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia         94 pts
2 Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                  70
3 Daryl Impey (RSA) South Africa                                        49
4 Nikolai Trusov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                           48
5 Sung Baek Park (Kor) Korea National Team                              45
6 Brad Huff (USA) Team Slipstream                                       45
7 William Bonnet (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                  31
8 Nicholas Sanderson (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                           31
9 Ahmad Haidar Anuawar (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                         30
10 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                          29
11 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                              26
12 Luis Rodriguez (Spa) Unibet.com                                      24
13 Julian Dean (NZl) Crédit Agricole                                    24
14 Manan Anuar (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                                 23
15 Rupert Rheeder (RSA) South Africa                                    21
16 Sergey Kolesnikov (Rus) Unibet.com                                   19
17 Franck Renier (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                                 19
18 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Crédit Agricole                               18
19 Takashi Miyazawa (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                            18
20 Elia Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                            17
21 Mashahiro Shinagawa (Jpn) Skil Shimano                               16
22 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                              16
23 Mariusz Wiesiak (Pol) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                             16
24 Pedro Costa (Por) Vitória ASC                                        16
25 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                               15
26 Yukiya Arashiro (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                             15
27 Walter Pedraza (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia       14
28 Johannes Kachelhoffer (RSA) South Africa                             13
29 Yoann Le Boulanger (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                            13
30 Erwin Thijs (Bel) Unibet.com                                         13
31 Sea Keong Loh (Mas) Discovery Channel Marco Polo                     13
32 Won Jae Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                                12
33 Francesco Tomei (Ita) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                     12
34 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                             11
35 Julien Loubet (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                   9
36 Herwin Jaya (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                                   9
37 Salleh Mohd Zamri (Mas) MNCF Development                              9
38 Sandy Casar (Fra) Française des Jeux                                  8
39 Stijn Vandenbergh (Bel) Unibet.com                                    8
40 Benoît Poilvet (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                  8
41 Yoshiyuki Abe (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                      8
42 Nicholas White (RSA) South Africa                                     7
43 Ian McLeod (RSA) Française des Jeux                                   7
44 Yokihiro Doi (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                       6
45 Steffen Weigold (Ger) Tinkoff Credit Systems                          6
46 Md Nor Rizuan Zainal (Mas) Letua Cycling Team                         6
47 Hossein Askari (Irn) Giant Asia Racing Team                           5
48 Tiaan Kannemeyer (RSA) South Africa                                   5
49 Kilian Patour (Fra) Team Slipstream                                   5
50 Jose Serpa (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia            5
51 Wesley Sulzberger (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                            5
52 Gene Bates (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                                   5
53 Mike Creed (USA) Team Slipstream                                      5
54 Julio Perez Cuapio (Mex) Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                   4
55 Paul Griffin (Irl) Giant Asia Racing Team                             3
56 Serguei Klimov (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                           3
57 Huub Duyn (Ned) Team Slipstream                                       3
58 Jose Rodrigues (Por) Vitória ASC                                      3
59 José Rujano (Ven) Unibet.com                                          3
60 Micael Isidoro (Por) Vitória ASC                                      3
61 Laszlo Bodrogi (Hun) Crédit Agricole                                  3
62 Yoshimasa Hirose (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                   3
63 Jonathon Clarke (Aus) SouthAustralia.com                              2
64 Johan Lindgren (Swe) Française des Jeux                               2
65 Jay Crawford (Aus) Giant Asia Racing Team                             1
66 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Crédit Agricole                              1
67 Paulo Barroso (Por) Vitória ASC                                       1
68 Abd Aziz Saiful Anuar (Mas) MNCF Development                          1
69 Fabio Duarte (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia          1
70 Miyataka Shimizu (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                             1

Mountains classification
1 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                30 pts
2 Koji Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                               22
3 Walter Pedraza (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia        19
4 David George (RSA) South Africa                                       10
5 Yukiya Arashiro (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                              10
6 Won Jae Lee (Kor) Korea National Team                                  9
7 Jose Serpa (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Selle Italia             8
8 Shinichi Fukushima (Jpn) Nippo-Meitan Hompo                            6
9 Yoshiyuki Abe (Jpn) Skil Shimano                                       6
10 Ghader Mizbani (Irn) Giant Asia Racing Team                           6
11 Pierre Drancourt (Fra) Bouygues Telecom                               4
12 Luis Rodriguez (Spa) Unibet.com                                       4
13 Salvatore Commesso (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                       4
14 Yong Li Ng (Mas) Vitória ASC                                          4
15 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                              2
16 Sergey Kolesnikov (Rus) Unibet.com                                    2
17 Daryl Impey (RSA) South Africa                                        2
18 Herwin Jaya (Ina) Polygon Sweetnice                                   2
19 Hassan Suhardi (Mas) Malaysia National Team                           2
20 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Crédit Agricole                              1
21 Johannes Kachelhoffer (RSA) South Africa                              1
22 Gilberto Sampaio (Por) Vitória ASC                                    1
23 Mike Creed (USA) Team Slipstream                                      1

Teams classification
1 Crédit Agricole                                                 72.49.54
2 Tinkoff Credit Systems                                              3.41
3 Giant Asia Racing Team                                              4.12
4 SouthAustralia.com                                                  4.43
5 Team Slipstream                                                     4.50
6 Nippo-Meitan Hompo                                                  6.41
7 Azad University Team                                                6.59
8 Skil Shimano                                                        8.28
9 Équipe Bouygues Telecom                                             8.41
10 Unibet.com                                                         9.12
11 Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni                                       9.27
12 Française des Jeux                                                12.03
13 AG2R Prévoyance                                                   13.00
14 Korea National Team                                               13.58
15 South Africa                                                      17.37
16 Discovery Channel Marco Polo                                      18.46
17 Vitória ASC                                                       20.03
18 MNCF Development                                                  22.23
19 Polygon Sweetnice                                                 22.31
20 Hong Kong Pro Cycling                                             28.47
21 Letua Cycling Team                                                31.09
22 Ceramiche Panaria Navigare                                        48.29
23 Malaysia National Team                                            55.26

Asian teams classification
1 Nippo-Meitan Hompo                                              72.56.35
2 Azad University Team                                                0.18
3 Giant Asia Racing Team                                              4.16
4 Korea National Team                                                 7.17
5 MNCF Development                                                   15.42
6 Polygon Sweetnice                                                  15.50
7 Hong Kong Pro Cycling                                              22.06
8 Letua Cycling Team                                                 24.28
9 Malaysia National Team                                             48.45

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