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Tour de Georgia - 2.HC

USA, April 18-23, 2006

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Stage 4 - April 21: Dalton, GA - Dahlonega, GA, 191.4km

Freddie Finally Gets Good U.S. Karma

Sprinters take advantage of slightly easier climbing stage

by Mark Zalewski, North American Editor with Kirsten Robbins in Dahlonega, Georgia

Freddie Rodriguez (Davitamon Lotto)
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

The first mountainous stage of the Tour de Georgia was a little easier than previous years -- only a little. But that was enough for fast Freddie Rodriguez (Davitamon-Lotto) who made it over the climbs with the smaller leading group, pouring on his sprint in the final turns to take his first win of the 2006 season. After many top places this year, including a second at the Tour of California, the seemingly eternal bridesmaid was happy to be on the top step today with his family here for extra motivation.

"I am always really motivated to have my family here with me at all the American races ­ From Philly to San Fran," Rodriguez told Cyclingnews after the race. "Every time I get to see my family I get a little more motivated because it is extra special."

The sprint leader was hoping for a race that turned out the way it did today. "I knew I could win this race ­ it is exactly what I was hoping to do," Rodriguez explained. "I was hoping for the right parts to play out both Discovery and Phonak went on the attack which made for a very controlled race that played in my favor. I was able to ride the climbs in the front and stay with in the first twenty riders all the time."

Rodriguez also extends his lead for the sprint jersey thanks to the mountains. "I was conserving as much as I could all day long so that I could make it over the climb. I knew that J.J. Haedo would not be able to make it over the climb and I was hoping that a couple of the other sprinters would not make it either ­ made it a little easier for me to compete."

The initial break
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

The other man of the day, the day's most aggressive rider -- and arguably the most aggressive rider of the entire race, was Discovery Channel's Jason McCartney. The former winner of this stage should really looking into buying real estate here as he always seems to be at home. McCartney bridged up to the first main break of the day and then eventually left all but two in his wake as he powered up the rest of the climbs. "The team met their goals for today," McCartney said. "We forced Phonak to burn some matches before tomorrow's stage. From what I understand they were chasing pretty hard."

After eventually getting caught with less than 15km to go, a counter attack came and a tired McCartney still found enough juice to cover the attack. "It is definitely his stage, you have to give him that," said team director Johan Bruyneel. "The plan was to have a few guys up front, and Jason was well placed overall -- so it was a threat for Phonak. Floyd's team did a good job, but it was definitely a hard day for them today."

One of McCartney's fellow break riders, Lucas Euser (TIAA-CREF,) road the race of his career today, taking two top places and a second n the KOM competition. This earned him the KOM jersey by two points over McCartney. "It means a lot to our team to represent the break and ride with the big boys here," said Euser. "We are not ready to win the overall yet but we are capable of being up there representing breaks."

Jason McCartney (Discovery)
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

Phonak did play their tactics well today, controlling the field so that the final catch would come close enough to the finish to dissuade dangerous counter attacks. "McCartney was dangerous, so we were always looking at the gap," said team director Rene Savary. "It did not go higher than four minutes. When some of the riders in the breakaway [were caught] we wanted [the break] to continue, with the gap getting less and less -- and it did."

While Phonak was always in control, only letting McCartney have around four minutes, it is not clear how much energy the team used in the process. But Savary says the team, and more importantly its leader, are different than last year. "We have a much better team here this year than last year -- a tougher team. And our leader, from last year to this year, made a big step forward. He is a leader now and he is so motivated and full of self-confidence. We will try everything and we should do it."

Tom Danielson (Discovery Channel) says he is ready for his chance to take the win again tomorrow, just as he did one year ago. "Today was good -- not as hard as last year. It was an easier course with a few less climbs. I didn't have to do any work -- just follow the wheels." And Danielson is really thankful that McCartney is on his side, after the performance he put on today. "Floyd's team had to do a lot of work because of McCartney. I have to say hats off to him. He is incredible and extremely strong -- one of the most powerful guys I have ever seen! I'm just happy he is on my team."

How it unfolded

The start in Dalton was a little wet from early morning showers, but the local fans still came out to support the race. In addition, a special tribute to hometown hero Saul Raisin made the start even more significant. Fans and staff wore green ribbons while riders placed green tape on their handlebars in support of Raisin as he recovers in France.

The bunch passes by
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

Not long into the race a break of nine riders rolled off the front. As race radio crackled the numbers away, most people did a double take to hear the number eleven of Dave Zabriskie (CSC) among the break riders. After reconfirming his presence, the race became that much more interesting as teams pondered what the CSC rider was up to. "I told [the team] in the bus I would try that, and it was fine for them," said Zabriskie. "I don't want to race for third place -- just sit there and defend third. I don't think I can attack on Brasstown, just try to take another chance at another place."

At the first sprint of the day it was only four riders really going for the points, which were taken easily by Francisco Ventoso. "I felt good today -- I saw the opening to go and I took it," Ventoso said. After the break riders who did not contest the sprint caught back up it was all Zabriskie driving the break towards the first KOM of the day up Fort Mountain, with the Discovery riders happy to sit on for the ride.

"I was trying to keep a steady speed and keep the group together -- try not to kill them," said Zabriskie. As he led the group up the climb the skies opened up and sprayed the riders similar to last year. This would surely make the descent a little tricky, but easier with a smaller group. "I was happy to be in a small group instead of a big group!"

But before the group made it to the top Jason McCartney (Discovery Channel) attempted to bridge the gap. Phonak was not going to make it easy for the Iowa native, and reeled him in. But nearing one kilometer to the top, McCartney finally got away with Remmert Wielinga (Quick Step-Innergetic.) Meanwhile, over the top it was Euser taking the points and an extra $1,500 prime from a local business.

Floyd Landis (Phonak)
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

On the descent the skies really opened up and the fog at the top made visibility quite poor. The two chasing riders caught on to the break near the bottom and the break rolled on while Phonak kept a watchful eye on the gap. Into the second sprint town the break partially contested the sprint with Ventoso taking another five points.

Towards the next climb McCartney decided to shed some extra weight with an attack that only brought Ventoso and Euser. While the rest of the group started to lose time to the field, the McCartney trio soldiered on, keeping a consistent gap. Near the top of the next KOM the three at more than three minutes and looked to be working well. The crowds began to get a little bigger while the roads began to get a little drier.

Up Wolfpen Gap, the other category two KOM of the day, McCartney decided to go alone. "McCartney and Ventoso were way stronger on the flats that I was," said Euser. "But I would take my bigger pulls on the climb. We were working really well together but Ventoso was hurting at the end and could work as much any more. McCartney had to do his job and go at the top of the second Cat two climb."

Ventoso then lost contact with Euser and was sitting up waiting for the field. "I didn¹t feel so good in the last part of the break," he said. "I returned to the group and try to recover a little for the sprint." Euser, on the other hand, kept going trying to last to the top of the final KOMs to ensure his position in that classification.

Up the final climb, Woody Gap, the crowds were the biggest and the gap was the smallest. Euser did not last to the top but McCartney held a twenty second gap as he dropped down towards the finish. On the bottom, the Phonak-driven field was aided by Davitamon-Lotto and CSC to reel in McCartney for the field sprint.

The peloton rolls
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

With just under fifteen kilometers to go McCartney was contacted by the field. Immediately Leonardo Scarselli (Quick Step-Innergetic) countered to try to spoil the plans for the sprinters -- but McCartney flipped the switch again and covered the attack. "We have to cover all the attacks and that one Quick Step guy attacked -- Jason was just getting caught so he was right there," said Bruyneel. "When he passed him he covered it. That shows he is very good!"

Davitamon-Lotto finished off the small break. With the field all together, at least the surviving forty, the stage was set as the sprinters moved to the front. "My guys chased down the last couple of breaks and I just put off the other guys," said Rodriguez. "Discovery had a great lead out there in the last -- it was a hard finish."

Around the final left hand-turn at 200 meters, Rodriguez was second behind Popovych (Discovery Channel.) "Popovych went from before the corner, gave me the perfect lead out, and then I went from one hundred meters out and got it," a tired but elated Rodriguez told Cyclingnews following the sprint.

Landis rolled in behind the protection of his team and keeps the same four second advantage heading into the queen stage of the race. "We did not give it 100% to bring back McCartney because it was better for us to let him hang out there and make him tired," said Landis. "I hope I win Brasstown Bald tomorrow but it is never a for sure thing."

Stage 5: Race to the top

Tom Danielson (Discovery) climbs ahead of Levi Leipheimer (Gerolsteiner) in 2005
Photo ©: Jonathan Devich
Click for larger image

Stage five of Tour de Georgia is the second of the mountain days and what one would call the deciding day of the Tour. (See stage map & profile). With two major climbs leading up to an Hors Category mountain top finish, the pressure is on the GC riders to show their climbing legs.

Last year, after finishing a minute down on Floyd Landis (Phonak) in the time trial, Tom Danielson, backed by Discovery teammate Lance Armstrong outclimbed everyone, making it to the summit with just enough time on Landis the take the jersey in what was like a slow motion, suspense filled finish. This year Landis doesn't have a minutes buffer, but is on amazing form and it will be a battle till the end once again.

The course starts in Blairsville, Georgia and travels along undulating roads for the first 80km before hitting the first KOM of the day. A category one climb up Hogpen Gap. This is a difficult enough climb to split things up considerably. 45km later comes the next climb up Unicoi Gap which leads directly into the big finale up Brasstown Bald, a long, steep, torturous climb that can either make you or break you.

Again Landis wears the leaders jersey going to the stage and his team will have the arduous task of controlling the peloton. His team worked all day on the front in Stage 4 and will have to back up and start the green train rolling again.

Make sure you follow all the action, live on Cyclingnews, from 11:30 local time (EDT), 08:30 PDT (USA West) 15:30 CEST (Europe), 01:30 AEST (Australia East).


For a thumbnail gallery of these images, click here

Images by Jonathan Devich/epicimages.us

Images by Trish Albert/www.southeasterncycling.com

Images by Mark Zalewski/Cyclingnews

Images by Beth Seliga/


1 Fred Rodriguez (USA) Davitamon-Lotto                             4.49.29
2 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Quick Step-Innergetic
3 Yaroslav Popovych (Ukr) Discovery Channel
4 Caleb Manion (Aus) Jelly Belly
5 José Enrique Gutierrez Cataluna (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems
6 Ben Jacques-Maynes (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada
7 Peter Mazur (Pol) Prodir-Saunier Duval
8 Egoi Martinez De Esteban (Spa) Discovery Channel
9 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis
10 Anthony Colby (USA) Targetraining
11 Cesar Augusto Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance
12 Floyd Landis (USA) Phonak Hearing Systems
13 Jesse Anthony (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada
14 Marco Pinotti (Ita) Prodir-Saunier Duval
15 Matthew Rice (Aus) Jelly Belly
16 Geert Verheyen (Bel) Quick Step-Innergetic
17 Brian Vandborg (Den) Team CSC
18 Trent Wilson (Aus) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity
19 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance
20 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota-United Pro
21 William Frischkorn (USA) Team TIAA-CREF
22 Ignacio Gutierrez Cataluna (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems
23 David Zabriskie (USA) Team CSC
24 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel
25 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Quick Step-Innergetic
26 Alberto Fernandez De La Puebla Ramos (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval
27 Thomas Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel
28 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly
29 Phil Zajicek (USA) Navigators Insurance
30 Danny Pate (USA) Team TIAA-CREF
31 Ivan Dominguez (Cub) Toyota-United Pro
32 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines
33 Jakob Piil (Den) Team CSC
34 Inigo Cuesta Lopez De Castro (Spa) Team CSC
35 Valery Kobzarenko (Ukr) Navigators Insurance
36 Henk Vogels (Aus) Davitamon-Lotto
37 Christophe Rinero (Fra) Prodir-Saunier Duval
38 Nathan O'Neill (Aus) Health Net p/b Maxxis
39 Viktor Rapinski (Blr) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines
40 Todd Wells (USA) Targetraining
41 Burke Swindlehurst (USA) Navigators Insurance
42 Nick Gates (Aus) Davitamon-Lotto
43 Todd Herriott (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines
44 Benjamin Brooks (Aus) Navigators Insurance
45 Thomas Peterson (USA) Team TIAA-CREF
46 Remmert Wielinga (Ned) Quick Step-Innergetic
47 Johann Tschopp (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems
48 Justin England (USA) Toyota-United Pro
49 Benjamin Noval (Spa) Discovery Channel
50 Peter Hatton (Aus) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity
51 Viatcheslav Ekimov (Rus) Discovery Channel
52 Preben Van Hecke (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto
53 Sébastien Rosseler (Bel) Quick Step-Innergetic
54 Trent Lowe (Aus) Discovery Channel                                 0.25
55 Michael Lange (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                 0.34
56 Jason McCartney (USA) Discovery Channel
57 Lucas Euser (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                   0.45
58 Antonio Cruz (USA) Toyota-United Pro                               0.50
59 Jan Kuyckx (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto
60 Pieter Mertens (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                               1.25
61 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) Quick Step-Innergetic                     1.41
62 Florian Stalder (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                       4.10
63 Brian Jensen (Den) Jelly Belly                                     9.01
64 Olivier Kaisen (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                              10.32
65 Frank Pipp (USA) Targetraining
66 Dustin Macburnie (Can) Targetraining
67 Wesley Hartman (USA) Targetraining
68 Vassili Davidenko (Rus) Navigators Insurance
69 Doug Ollerenshaw (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis
70 Neil Shirley (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity
71 Tim Johnson (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis
72 Heath Blackgrove (NZl) Toyota-United Pro
73 Francisco Ventoso (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval
74 Jackson Stewart (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada
75 Allan Johansen (Den) Team CSC
76 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines
77 Philip Wong (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity
78 Dominique Perras (Can) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada
79 Kirk Albers (USA) Jelly Belly
80 Mark McCormack (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines
81 Nick Reistad (USA) Jelly Belly
82 Ian Macgregor (USA) Team TIAA-CREF
83 Dan Bowman (USA) Team TIAA-CREF
84 Mariano Friedick (USA) Toyota-United Pro
85 Craig Lewis (USA) Team TIAA-CREF
86 Kirk O'Bee (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis
87 Gordon Fraser (Can) Health Net p/b Maxxis
88 Davide Bramati (Ita) Quick Step-Innergetic
89 Scott Zwizanski (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada
90 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Toyota-United Pro
91 Michael Sayers (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis
92 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net p/b Maxxis
93 Brice Jones (USA) Jelly Belly
94 Aaron Olson (USA) Prodir-Saunier Duval
95 Sean Sullivan (Aus) Toyota-United Pro
96 Evan Elken (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                       14.02
97 Robert Hunter (RSA) Phonak Hearing Systems                        16.37
98 Luis Oliveira Fernandez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems
99 Michael Dietrich (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada
100 Nic Ingels (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                                 24.28
101 Austin King (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                     29.11
102 Ryan Blickem (USA) Targetraining
103 Alejandro Acton (Arg) Targetraining
104 Alex Candelario (USA) Jelly Belly
105 Aurélien Clerc (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems
106 Gustavo Artacho (Arg) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines
107 Kasper Klostergaard Larsen (Den) Team CSC
108 Craig Wilcox (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity
109 Oleg Grishkine (Rus) Navigators Insurance
DNF Lars Michaelsen (Den) Team CSC
DNF Martin Pedersen (Den) Team CSC
DNF Luciano André Pagliarini Mendonca (Bra) Prodir-Saunier Duval
DNF Francesco Chicchi (Ita) Quick Step-Innergetic
DNF Daniel Greenfield (USA) Targetraining
DNF Kyle Wamsley (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines
DNF Jeffery Hopkins (Aus) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity
DNF Peter Lopinto (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada
DNF Dan Schmatz (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada
1 Lucas Euser (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                       8 pts
2 Doug Ollerenshaw (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis                           7
3 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines                  6
4 Michael Dietrich (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada                  5
5 Nic Ingels (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                                       3
1 Lucas Euser (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                       4 pts
2 Jason McCartney (USA) Discovery Channel                                3
3 Francisco Ventoso (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval                           2
4 Robert Hunter (RSA) Phonak Hearing Systems                             1
1 Jason McCartney (USA) Discovery Channel                                8 pts
2 Lucas Euser (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                       7
3 Johann Tschopp (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                            6
4 Ignacio Gutierrez Cataluna (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                5
5 José Enrique Gutierrez Cataluna (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems           3
1 Jason McCartney (USA) Discovery Channel                                6 pts
2 Preben Van Hecke (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                                 5
3 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance                              4
4 Trent Lowe (Aus) Discovery Channel                                     3
5 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Toyota-United Pro                                1
1 Francisco Ventoso (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval                           5 pts
2 Michael Dietrich (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada                  3
3 Nic Ingels (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                                       1
1 Francisco Ventoso (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval                           5 pts
2 Nick Reistad (USA) Jelly Belly                                         3
3 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines                  1
1 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                              14.28.27
2 Phonak Hearing Systems
3 Quick Step-Innergetic
4 Jelly Belly Cycling Team
5 Prodir-Saunier Duval
6 Navigators Insurance Cycling Team
7 Team CSC
8 Davitamon-Lotto
10 Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team
11 Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines
12 KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada Pro                                10.32
13 Targetraining Cycling Team
14 Health Net Presented by Maxxis
15 The Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity Pro
General classification after stage 4
1 Floyd Landis (USA) Phonak Hearing Systems                       15.17.14
2 Thomas Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel                            0.04
3 David Zabriskie (USA) Team CSC                                      0.24
4 Nathan O'Neill (Aus) Health Net p/b Maxxis                          0.55
5 José Enrique Gutierrez Cataluna (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems        1.22
6 Yaroslav Popovych (Ukr) Discovery Channel                           1.37
7 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota-United Pro                         1.41
8 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel                             1.52
9 Marco Pinotti (Ita) Prodir-Saunier Duval                            1.56
10 Brian Vandborg (Den) Team CSC                                      1.58
11 Jason McCartney (USA) Discovery Channel                            2.12
12 Justin England (USA) Toyota-United Pro                             2.46
13 Peter Mazur (Pol) Prodir-Saunier Duval                             3.15
14 Viatcheslav Ekimov (Rus) Discovery Channel                         3.17
15 Egoi Martinez De Esteban (Spa) Discovery Channel                   3.30
16 Valery Kobzarenko (Ukr) Navigators Insurance                       3.38
17 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis                          3.50
18 Cesar Augusto Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                  3.57
19 Jurgen Van De Walle (Bel) Quick Step-Innergetic
20 Danny Pate (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                    4.01
21 Inigo Cuesta Lopez De Castro (Spa) Team CSC                        4.02
22 Ignacio Gutierrez Cataluna (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems            4.05
23 Remmert Wielinga (Ned) Quick Step-Innergetic                       4.15
24 Benjamin Noval (Spa) Discovery Channel                             4.23
25 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly                                  4.35
26 Todd Wells (USA) Targetraining                                     4.47
27 Todd Herriott (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines           4.52
28 Ben Jacques-Maynes (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada            4.57
29 Johann Tschopp (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                        5.01
30 Phil Zajicek (USA) Navigators Insurance                            5.02
31 Trent Wilson (Aus) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                      5.11
32 Jan Kuyckx (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                                   5.22
33 Burke Swindlehurst (USA) Navigators Insurance                      5.24
34 Caleb Manion (Aus) Jelly Belly                                     5.31
35 Peter Hatton (Aus) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                      5.41
36 Matthew Rice (Aus) Jelly Belly
37 Preben Van Hecke (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                             5.52
38 Jesse Anthony (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada
39 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines         6.04
40 Nick Gates (Aus) Davitamon-Lotto                                   6.09
41 Sébastien Rosseler (Bel) Quick Step-Innergetic                     6.26
42 Anthony Colby (USA) Targetraining
43 Viktor Rapinski (Blr) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines         6.31
44 Ivan Dominguez (Cub) Toyota-United Pro                             6.36
45 Alberto Fernandez De La Puebla Ramos (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval    6.42
46 Henk Vogels (Aus) Davitamon-Lotto                                  6.55
47 Thomas Peterson (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                               7.01
48 Michael Lange (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                 7.06
49 Lucas Euser (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                   7.26
50 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Quick Step-Innergetic                         7.36
51 Fred Rodriguez (USA) Davitamon-Lotto                               7.42
52 Trent Lowe (Aus) Discovery Channel                                 7.50
53 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) Quick Step-Innergetic                     7.52
54 Geert Verheyen (Bel) Quick Step-Innergetic                         7.59
55 Benjamin Brooks (Aus) Navigators Insurance                         8.18
56 Florian Stalder (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                       8.51
57 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance                          9.27
58 Antonio Cruz (USA) Toyota-United Pro                              10.29
59 William Frischkorn (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                           10.31
60 Christophe Rinero (Fra) Prodir-Saunier Duval                      11.40
61 Jakob Piil (Den) Team CSC                                         13.30
62 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net p/b Maxxis                          14.53
63 Allan Johansen (Den) Team CSC                                     15.08
64 Pieter Mertens (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                              15.15
65 Brian Jensen (Den) Jelly Belly                                    15.21
66 Craig Lewis (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                  15.34
67 Doug Ollerenshaw (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis                      15.53
68 Heath Blackgrove (NZl) Toyota-United Pro                          16.13
69 Tim Johnson (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis                           16.31
70 Philip Wong (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                      17.37
71 Dominique Perras (Can) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada             17.52
72 Frank Pipp (USA) Targetraining                                    18.22
73 Sean Sullivan (Aus) Toyota-United Pro                             18.24
74 Robert Hunter (RSA) Phonak Hearing Systems                        18.40
75 Mark McCormack (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines         18.57
76 Scott Zwizanski (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada              18.58
77 Dustin Macburnie (Can) Targetraining                              18.59
78 Vassili Davidenko (Rus) Navigators Insurance                      19.06
79 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines             19.10
80 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Toyota-United Pro                           19.18
81 Davide Bramati (Ita) Quick Step-Innergetic                        19.24
82 Mariano Friedick (USA) Toyota-United Pro                          19.47
83 Kirk Albers (USA) Jelly Belly                                     20.00
84 Brice Jones (USA) Jelly Belly                                     20.52
85 Nick Reistad (USA) Jelly Belly                                    21.23
86 Francisco Ventoso (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval                      22.00
87 Michael Sayers (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis                        22.15
88 Kirk O'Bee (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis                            22.38
89 Neil Shirley (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                     23.03
90 Gordon Fraser (Can) Health Net p/b Maxxis                         23.24
91 Michael Dietrich (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada             23.58
92 Evan Elken (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                       24.15
93 Dan Bowman (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                   24.42
94 Aaron Olson (USA) Prodir-Saunier Duval                            25.09
95 Wesley Hartman (USA) Targetraining                                25.49
96 Luis Oliveira Fernandez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems              27.17
97 Ian Macgregor (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                27.26
98 Olivier Kaisen (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                              30.52
99 Jackson Stewart (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada              32.08
100 Nic Ingels (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                                 36.46
101 Aurélien Clerc (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                      36.47
102 Alex Candelario (USA) Jelly Belly                                40.34
103 Gustavo Artacho (Arg) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines       40.45
104 Oleg Grishkine (Rus) Navigators Insurance                        41.07
105 Ryan Blickem (USA) Targetraining                                 42.50
106 Austin King (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                     43.05
107 Kasper Klostergaard Larsen (Den) Team CSC                        43.58
108 Craig Wilcox (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                    45.19
109 Alejandro Acton (Arg) Targetraining                              49.06
Mountains classification
1 Lucas Euser (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                      19 pts
2 Jason McCartney (USA) Discovery Channel                               17
3 Doug Ollerenshaw (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis                           7
4 Johann Tschopp (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                            6
5 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines                  6
6 Ignacio Gutierrez Cataluna (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                5
7 Michael Dietrich (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada                  5
8 Preben Van Hecke (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                                 5
9 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance                              4
10 Kirk O'Bee (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis                                4
11 José Enrique Gutierrez Cataluna (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems          3
12 Nic Ingels (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                                      3
13 Trent Lowe (Aus) Discovery Channel                                    3
14 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines            3
15 Wesley Hartman (USA) Targetraining                                    2
16 Francisco Ventoso (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval                          2
17 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Toyota-United Pro                               1
18 William Frischkorn (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                               1
19 Robert Hunter (RSA) Phonak Hearing Systems                            1
Sprint classification
1 Fred Rodriguez (USA) Davitamon-Lotto                                  40 pts
2 Yaroslav Popovych (Ukr) Discovery Channel                             25
3 Caleb Manion (Aus) Jelly Belly                                        23
4 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Toyota-United Pro                               21
5 Alejandro Acton (Arg) Targetraining                                   18
6 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net p/b Maxxis                              14
7 Francisco Ventoso (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval                          13
8 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Quick Step-Innergetic                            12
9 Ben Jacques-Maynes (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada               10
10 José Enrique Gutierrez Cataluna (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems          6
11 Peter Mazur (Pol) Prodir-Saunier Duval                                6
12 Cesar Augusto Grajales (Col) Navigators Insurance                     6
13 Vassili Davidenko (Rus) Navigators Insurance                          6
14 Jackson Stewart (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada                  5
15 Floyd Landis (USA) Phonak Hearing Systems                             4
16 Nick Reistad (USA) Jelly Belly                                        3
17 Michael Dietrich (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada                 3
18 Dan Bowman (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                       3
19 Matthew Rice (Aus) Jelly Belly                                        3
20 Egoi Martinez De Esteban (Spa) Discovery Channel                      3
21 Robert Hunter (RSA) Phonak Hearing Systems                            3
22 Henk Vogels (Aus) Davitamon-Lotto                                     3
23 Florian Stalder (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                          2
24 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net p/b Maxxis                             2
25 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines                 1
26 Nic Ingels (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                                      1
27 Brian Vandborg (Den) Team CSC                                         1
28 Neil Shirley (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                         1
29 Allan Johansen (Den) Team CSC                                         1
30 Anthony Colby (USA) Targetraining                                     1
Best young rider classification
1 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel                         15.19.06
2 Peter Mazur (Pol) Prodir-Saunier Duval                              1.23
3 Johann Tschopp (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                         3.09
4 Peter Hatton (Aus) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                       3.49
5 Preben Van Hecke (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                              4.00
6 Jesse Anthony (USA) KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada
7 Alberto Fernandez De La Puebla Ramos (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval     4.50
8 Thomas Peterson (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                5.09
9 Michael Lange (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                  5.14
10 Lucas Euser (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                   5.34
11 Trent Lowe (Aus) Discovery Channel                                 5.58
12 Florian Stalder (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                       6.59
13 Craig Lewis (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                  13.42
14 Dustin Macburnie (Can) Targetraining                              17.07
15 Nick Reistad (USA) Jelly Belly                                    19.31
16 Francisco Ventoso (Spa) Prodir-Saunier Duval                      20.08
17 Dan Bowman (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                   22.50
18 Wesley Hartman (USA) Targetraining                                23.57
19 Ian Macgregor (USA) Team TIAA-CREF                                25.34
20 Olivier Kaisen (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                              29.00
21 Nic Ingels (Bel) Davitamon-Lotto                                  34.54
22 Kasper Klostergaard Larsen (Den) Team CSC                         42.06
23 Craig Wilcox (USA) Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity                     43.27
Team classification
1 Phonak Hearing Systems                                          45.55.07
2 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                                  0.03
3 Team CSC                                                            3.00
4 Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                      5.55
5 Prodir-Saunier Duval                                                8.26
6 Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                                   9.12
7 Quick Step-Innergetic                                              10.58
8 Team TIAA-CREF                                                     11.53
9 Davitamon-Lotto                                                    12.20
10 Jelly Belly Cycling Team                                          12.28
11 Colavita Olive Oil-Sutter Home Wines                              12.31
12 Health Net Presented by Maxxis                                    16.13
13 The Jittery Joe's-Zero Gravity Pro                                23.47
14 KodakGallery.Com-Sierra Nevada Pro                                24.58
15 Targetraining Cycling Team                                        26.09

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