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Dauphiné Libéré Photo ©: Sirotti
60th Vuelta a España - GT
Spain, August 27-September 18, 2005
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Stage 10 - Monday, September 5: La Vall d'En Bas (Girona)-Ordino Arcalis (Andorra), 206.3 km
A mountaintop finish, two cat 1 and a cat 2 climb signal the start of the race
for overall honours at this year's Vuelta. The Port de Collada de Tosses after
77km, and the Collet de Montaup at 168km offer a challenge before riders ramp
it up to the finish in Ordino Arcalis. There are more sprint points on offer,
but chances are the sprinters will be working hard to get over the day's climbs,
and worry about points later!
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