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91st Tour de France - July 3-25, 2004

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Stage 15 - July 20: Valreas - Villard-de-Lans, 180.5 km

Hook 'em horns: Big Tex returns in Villard-De-Lans

Armstrong wins stage, takes maillot jaune

By Tim Maloney, European Editor in Villard-De Lans

Lance Armstrong
Photo ©: Roberto Bettini
Click for larger image

"To go two for two is great!" Lance Armstrong did just that in Villard-de-Lans today to win his 18th Tour stage and take over the Tour de France race lead yet again. Tomorrow, Lance Armstrong will be the final starter in Stage 16's l'Alpe d'Huez mountain time trial, wearing the maillot jaune for the 61st time, thus surpassing Miguel Indurain in the Tour ranking. Now, only Eddy Merckx (111 days) and Bernard Hinault (79 days) have spent more time in the cherished tunic of Le Grande Boucle than Armstrong. "There's still a part of me that wanted to ride a legendary mountain like l'Alpe d'Huez in the Yellow Jersey," he commented.

Lance talked about the finale post-stage, explaining that "The front group came back together at the end of the stage so there was the risk of (losing time via) the time bonuses. Sure, you can sit up and get fourth, but why give 0'20 to your rivals. So it was important (to win)...Johan was screaming in my ear that I had to win because of the time bonuses. At this point, it's a question of having a minute twenty five (on Basso) so every second counts...sorry, no pun intended...and I have to say there's something special about winning in the sprints. To win alone it's exciting and fun but, I don't know, to win in a sprint, to me is much more intense than being alone."

Jan Ullrich (T-Mobile)
Photo ©: Roberto Bettini
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There was a wild pursuit match today through the Massif de Vercors with Jan Ullrich trying hard to upset the status quo today with a solo attack halfway up Col de l'Echarasson with 60km to go. But despite Ullrich's audacious move, it all came to naught when Armstrong's USPS-Berry Floor and Ivan Basso's CSC squad brought the T-Mobile man to heel in the closing stages of the stage.

Armstrong was cool as the proverbial cucumber as Jan sped away, saying that "T-Mobile's attack was really a team attack with Guerini, Klöden and Ullrich. We weren't very concerned when Ullrich attacked. With my teammates Landis and Azevedo, and then Basso's teammates Sastre and Voigt, we knew we could control the situation. We know the parcours very well since we've done it just a month ago during the Dauphiné Liberé; I know all the climbs so there was no panic, no problem when Ullrich attacked. On the climb that he attacked on, we knew really there's no descent from that climb; then you have another Cat 3 that's not so steep so it's easy for two teams to work together, which is what we saw. For us, it was not really a threatening situation. Now had I been alone, then it could have been a different story. But thanks to a strong team, and Ivan had some guys there, it was not a problem."

Blue TTT
Photo ©: Jon Devich
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Once again, Lance paid homage to the Blue Train of USPS-Berry Floor, saying "the team was fantastic...they proved that they're the strongest team in the race. George and Chechu just almost made it up to that front; we were getting feedback that they were just behind and we were struggling with 'do we wait for them and have two more guys or do we continue to ride with Sastre and Voigt?' so we just continued with Floyd and Voigt to chase down Ullrich. But the team, they controlled the race from the very beginning. They're the best team in the race and this is not the first year."

Armstrong also singled out American Floyd Landis, who had played a big role today in setting up Armstrong's win in Villard-de Lans today. "I'm incredibly proud of them and I think the player of the day was Floyd Landis. He was incredible. There were ten guys left on the climb and Floyd was still there, which is not normally his cup of tea. His family was also on that climb, so maybe that was it."

Cyclingnews reached Floyd post stage, who told us "Lance was fantastic today...I had good legs and was glad to be able to help him take the Yellow Jersey again. When Ullrich attacked, he went too early. We just decided to leave him out there; it was a long way to the finish. Landis was able to share the moment with his family today as well, explaining, "Lance said on the radio 'hey Floyd, there's your family' and I was able to wave at them. Then after the stage , Robin Williams, who was in the car with Johan joked with me 'hey there were Mennonites on the course today!'"

Armstrong (USPS)
Photo ©: Caroline Yang
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After ten days in the maillot jaune, Ti-Jaune Thomas Voeckler had to swap his symbol of race leadership for the maillot blanc of Best Young Rider. Armstrong commented, "I know when Telekom (sic) attacked, I heard on the radio that Thomas was dropped. Going into the stage, I thought for sure that he would hang on to the finish so that was already a surprise. And I can't lie - it's exciting to have the yellow jersey, even if it's number 61 or however many, it's still a thrill."

Although he was disappointed to lose his dream maillot jaune, Voeckler understood his number was up today. "When the battle began today, I just didn't have the legs to follow the top riders", explained the French champion, who will represent France in the Athens Olympics road cycling events next month. "But I'm happy to have worn the maillot jaune anyway for ten days and have to thank the team for the support they gave me."

Voeckler had 10 great days in the maillot jaune, and Ti-Jaune now becomes Ti-Blanc as his time in yellow equals the ten days Pascal Lino enjoyed in 1992.

Once Voeckler was dropped in on the Col de l'Echarasson, and Armstrong had gained the 0'23 needed to take the race lead, he explained, "You have to compartmentalize and once you know you have (the Yellow Jersey) and that (Voeckler) wasn't coming back because we were riding strong so you say 'OK I have to focus on trying to win the stage so I can steal the seconds', but to go two for two is great."

The sprint
Photo ©: Sirotti
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Ivan Basso, runner-up to Armstrong on the stage today and now runner-up on GC, CSC's classy young Italian and his team rode superbly again today on the road to Villard-de-Lans. After his second second place stage finish, Basso said "I couldn't go with Ullrich when he attacked; but I had my best day so far. Today, Lance didn't show any weaknesses. But the most important thing is that we caught Ullrich and I gained time on him and didn't have to use too much energy."

Another disappointing day for Jan Ullrich, who at least has the satisfaction that he tried and failed today. "I said before that I was going to give it my maximum at this Tour...when I attacked, I tried to unnerve Lance. I had to give it my all because I really wanted to win today. I've recovered well on the rest day and I'm feeling good. But I found a really strong team from Postal and Voigt helped too...it's too bad."

Photo ©: Sirotti
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At this point, Armstrong isn't thinking sixth victory yet. "No, No...not yet; Ivan is really strong and the rest of the Tour isn't easy." Although Armstrong must be the favourite, he's taking nothing for granted at this point. "I expect Basso to be strong...he'll be tough to beat. A lot of people expect that since it's a time trial, (Basso) won't be close, but I think he'll be tough, I think he's well prepared, I know he's come and trained on l'Alpe d'Huez a lot and so I have the good fortune of starting behind him so I'll know his time splits on the way up which is a big advantage. I'm excited to get on the Alpe."

How it unfolded

Non-starters in Valreas this morning were Jakob Piil (CSC) and Iban Mayo (Euskaltel). The former had a knee injury and the latter was tired and had no morale after his punishing defeat in the Pyrenees. After an early attack containing, among others Axel Merckx (Lotto-Domo), Santiago Botero (T-Mobile), Aitor Gonzalez (Fassa Bortolo) was reeled in by Rabobank and US postal after the Cat. 3 Cote de Puy St Martin (km 51), a new escape went clear after 55 km containing 15 riders: Pavel Padrnos (US Postal), Santos Gonzalez (Phonak), Aitor Gonzalez (Fassa Bortolo), Thor Hushovd (Crédit Agricole), Jens Voigt (Team CSC), José V. Garcia Acosta (Illes Balears), Stuart O'Grady, Dmitri Fofonov (Cofidis), Richard Virenque, Laurent Dufaux (Quick Step-Davitamon), Christian Vandevelde (Liberty Seguros), Anthony Charteau (Brioches La Boulangère), Laurent Brochard (AG2R Prévoyance), Scott Sunderland (Alessio-Bianchi), Michael Rasmussen (Rabobank).

The first break
Photo ©: Jon Devich
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Padrnos was called back to the peloton leaving 14 riders in front, but with riders like O'Grady and Hushovd going for the sprint points and Virenque and Rasmussen going for KOM points and a possible stage win, it didn't take long for the big group to implode. On the Cat. 2 climb of Col des Limouches, Virenque and Rasmussen attacked, taking S. Gonzalez, Voigt and Brochard with them. After Virenque took the points at the summit, they were caught by O'Grady, Hushovd, Garcia Acosta, Vandevelde, Charteau and Aitor Gonzalez on the descent, with O'Grady going clear to take the sprint points at St Jean en Royans (km 116) followed by Hushovd and Brochard.

The break had gained nearly 6 minutes on the US Postal led peloton, but on the Cat. 1 Col de l'Echarasson, the situation behind changed dramatically. With 5km to climb on Col de l'Echarasson, Rasmussen and Virenque were in front with O'Grady (Cofidis) and Gonzalez (Fassa) chasing behind as Virenque had exploded the break. Coming off a leadout from Andreas Klöden and Giuseppe Guerini, Jan Ullrich attacked hard halfway up the l'Echarasson from the Armstrong group.

Richard Virenque
Photo ©: Roberto Bettini
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2 km from the summit of l'Echarasson with 55km to race, Ullrich had gained some ground and now led the Armstrong group by 0'41. Unlike the Pyrenees, Ullrich was flying through the remains of the day's break. At the summit with 53km to go, Virenque took the points ahead of Rasmussen. Voigt and Brochard were at 0'42, while behind, Ullrich had picked up Santos Gonzalez (Phonak) and was just 1'54 behind the leaders, with the Armstrong group at 2'45. The German was flying, riding the last half of the ascent 7 seconds per kilometre faster than the Armstrong group. Voeckler was 1 km behind as Armstrong crossed the KOM and the American had become virtual maillot jaune. Voeckler was 6'10 behind Virenque and Rasmussen and 3'25 behind Armstrong.

On the down and up transitional section between the Cat. 1 l'Echarasson and the Cat. 3 Col de Carri, the Armstrong group had picked up CSC's Voigt, who immediately went to the front to relieve Landis, who had been chasing heroically to limit the gains of Ullrich. Jan had picked up another rider, Laurent Brochard (Ag2r) who stayed with the German and Gonzalez. At the summit of Col de Carri with 43 km to go, Virenque and Rasmussen had 1'50 on Ullrich's chasing group and 3'00 on Armstrong's group, which had now picked up Vandevelde from the break.

Ullrich caught
Photo ©: Roberto Bettini
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Halfway down the descent to with 37km to race at La Chapelle-En-Vercors, Virenque and Rasmussen were 1'15 ahead of the closing Ullrich trio, with an 11 man chase group consisting of Landis, Azevedo and Armstrong (USPS-Berry Floor), Voigt, Sastre & Basso (CSC), Klöden (T-Mobile), Leipheimer (Rabobank), Sabaliauskas (Saeco), Gonzalez (Fassa Bortolo) and Vandevelde (Liberty Seguros) was at 1'50. But with 28km to go, the pursuit match ended in favour of USPS and CSC, as the audacious Ullrich and his two break partners were ridden down.

At the start of the penultimate ascent up the 10.3km Col de Chalimont in Saint-Martin-En-Vercors with 27.5 km to race, Virenque and Rasmussen were still ahead, 0'55 in front of a now 11 man group which soon lost both Stage 14 winner Aitor Gonzalez and Ullrich's break buddy Santos Gonzalez as Landis upped the pace at the front.

Halfway up the Col de Chalimont, Virenque and Rasmussen were in sight as the tremendous effort of the USPS train was paying off. The Frenchman and the Dane were talking up front awaiting the inevitable as Landis was hammering away on the front of the Armstrong group 0'30 back. As the dynamic climbing duo looked like they were going to come back to papa Lance, Levi Leipheimer exploded from the Armstrong group and bridged up to his teammate Rasmussen and Virenque. Leipheimer got a small gap with 15km to go, but Carlos Sastre said 'nothin' doin', and pulled Levi back.

At the summit of the Cat. 2 Col de Chalimont, the race pace was slightly faster than the most optimistic time schedule and the Tour de France was under control of USPS-Berry Floor and CSC, with Ullrich and Klöden without any other T-Mobile teammates to support them. There were 16.5km to go and the 10 front riders Voigt, Sastre, Basso, Azevedo, Armstrong, Klöden, Ullrich, Leipheimer, with the peloton maillot jaune at 7'30. Rasmussen, Sabaliauskas and Virenque had now come back on the descent of the Chalimont to swell the front group.

Armstrong (USPS)
Photo ©: Caroline Yang
Click for larger image

Through Villard-DeLans, 10 man front group headed up the final short ascent to the finish. Klöden went to the front and accelerated, dropping Virenque, Stage 15's Most Aggressive Rider Rasmussen, Voigt, Sastre and Azevedo. With 1km to go, only Klöden, Ullrich, Basso, Lance and Leipheimer were left. As Klödi began to wind it up for Jan, Levi came off with 500m to go. Basso made the first move with 200m to go, then Armstrong blasted by him, hitting the last left hand bend wide, but recovering to beat Basso by two bike lengths, punching the air with both fists as he reveled in another tremendous Tour stage win and the conquest of the maillot jaune. And as for his hosiery choice today, Armstrong downplayed the "controversial" black socks when Cyclingnews asked him about it in the post-race press conference. "The black socks? That's what came out of the bag this morning."

Stage 16 - July 21: L'Alpe d'Huez Individual Time Trial, 15.5km

Situated atop the Massif d'Oisans, l'Alpe d'Huez is perhaps the Tour de France's most hallowed climb. With 21 turns on the 13.8km climb that has an average grade of 7.9%, will Marco Pantani's record of 37'35 fall tomorrow?


Images by Jon Devich/www.epicimages.us

Images by Roberto Bettini

Images by Fotoreporter Sirotti

Images by Caroline Yang/Caroline Yang Photography

Images by Mitchell Clinton/www.clintonphoto.com


1 Lance Armstrong (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                  4.40.30 (38.61 km/h)
2 Ivan Basso (Ita) Team CSC                                               
3 Jan Ullrich (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                     0.03
4 Andreas Klöden (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                  0.06
5 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Rabobank                                      0.13
6 Richard Virenque (Fra) Quick Step-Davitamon                         0.48
7 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                    0.49
8 Jose Azevedo (Por) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                        0.53
9 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team CSC                                           1.04
10 Carlos Sastre (Spa) Team CSC                                       1.24
11 Laurent Brochard (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                             1.58
12 Marius Sabaliauskas (Ltu) Saeco                                    2.02
13 Oscar Pereiro (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                         2.10
14 Christophe Moreau (Fra) Crédit Agricole                            2.11
15 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saeco                                        2.13
16 Georg Totschnig (Aut) Gerolsteiner                                     
17 Francisco Mancebo Pérez (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto                  
18 Pietro Caucchioli (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                                
19 Marcos Serrano Rodriguez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                         
20 Iker Camaño (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                              2.24
21 Jose Luis Rubiera (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                      
22 Aitor Gonzalez Jimenez (Spa) Fassa Bortolo                         2.58
23 Vladimir Karpets (Rus) Illes Balears - Banesto                     3.19
24 George Hincapie (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                    3.25
25 Floyd Landis (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                       4.49
26 Stéphane Goubert (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                             5.40
27 Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                      8.42
28 Santos Gonzalez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                           
29 Michele Bartoli (Ita) Team CSC                                         
30 José Enrique Gutierrez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                    
31 Ronny Scholz (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                        
32 Bobby Julich (USA) Team CSC                                            
33 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                  
34 Giuseppe Guerini (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                   
35 Christophe Rinero (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                   
36 Patrice Halgand (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                  
37 Manuel Beltran (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                         
38 Oscar Sevilla (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                             
39 Alexandre Botcharov (Rus) Crédit Agricole                              
40 Rik Verbrugghe (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                        
41 Andrea Peron (Ita) Team CSC                                            
42 Axel Merckx (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                           
43 Sandy Casar (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                           
44 Egoi Martínez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                                
45 Sylvain Calzati (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                     
46 Michael Rogers (Aus) Quick Step-Davitamon                              
47 Iñigo Landaluze (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                              
48 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quick Step-Davitamon                           9.13
49 Daniele Nardello (Ita) T-Mobile Team                                   
50 Jörg Ludewig (Ger) Saeco                                               
51 Evgueni Petrov (Rus) Saeco                                             
52 Grischa Niermann (Ger) Rabobank                                    9.19
53 Jérôme Pineau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                         9.30
54 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                           
55 Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano (Spa) Liberty Seguros                    9.44
56 José I.Gutierrez Palacios (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto                
57 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Liberty Seguros                             
58 Santiago Perez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                            
59 Jean-Cyril Robin (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                      
60 Rolf Aldag (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                    10.14
61 Erik Zabel (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                         
62 Sergei Ivanov (Rus) T-Mobile Team                                      
63 Xabier Zandio (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto                       15.02
64 Pavel Padrnos (Cze) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                          
65 Kim Kirchen (Lux) Fassa Bortolo                                   16.14
66 Sebastian Lang (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                      
67 David Etxebarria (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                             
68 Unai Etxebarria (Ven) Euskaltel - Euskadi                              
69 Benjamin Noval (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                    19.01
70 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Crédit Agricole                                20.45
71 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                     21.14
72 Koos Moerenhout (Ned) Lotto-Domo                                  23.49
73 Claus Michael Møller (Den) Alessio-Bianchi                             
74 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                                     
75 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R Prévoyance                                   
76 Erik Dekker (Ned) Rabobank                                             
77 Michael Boogerd (Ned) Rabobank                                         
78 Pierre Bourquenoud (Swi) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                  
79 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                                   
80 Nicki Sørensen (Den) Team CSC                                          
81 Kurt-Asle Arvesen (Nor) Team CSC                                       
82 Mikel Astarloza Chaurreau (Spa) AG2R Prévoyance                        
83 Aitor Osa Eizaguirre (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto                     
84 Isidro Nozal Vega (Spa) Liberty Seguros                                
85 Dariusz Baranowski (Pol) Liberty Seguros                               
86 Roberto Heras Hernandez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                          
87 Bert Grabsch (Ger) Phonak Hearing Systems                              
88 Ludovic Martin (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                      
89 David Moncoutié (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                
90 Dmitri Fofonov (Kaz) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                 
91 Thierry Marichal (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                      
92 Mark Scanlon (Irl) AG2R Prévoyance                                     
93 Franck Renier (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                             
94 Nicolas Portal (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                   
95 Viatcheslav Ekimov (Rus) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                     
96 Carlos Dacruz (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                         
97 Stuart O'Grady (Aus) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                 
98 José V. Garcia Acosta (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto               24.15
99 Janek Tombak (Est) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone              32.37
100 Filippo Pozzato (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                                   
101 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Lotto-Domo                                        
102 Walter Bénéteau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                          
103 Servais Knaven (Ned) Quick Step-Davitamon                             
104 Massimo Giunti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                   
105 Scott Sunderland (Aus) Alessio-Bianchi                                
106 Tom Boonen (Bel) Quick Step-Davitamon                                 
107 Jan Hruska (Cze) Liberty Seguros                                      
108 Didier Rous (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                              
109 Laurent Dufaux (Swi) Quick Step-Davitamon                             
110 Frédéric Guesdon (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                     
111 Davide Bramati (Ita) Quick Step-Davitamon                             
112 Pierrick Fedrigo (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                
113 Benoît Salmon (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                   
114 Marcus Ljungqvist (Swe) Alessio-Bianchi                               
115 Stefano Zanini (Ita) Quick Step-Davitamon                             
116 Martin Elmiger (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                           
117 Juan Miguel Mercado (Spa) Quick Step-Davitamon                        
118 Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Fdjeux.com                                       
119 Nicolas Jalabert (Fra) Phonak Hearing Systems                         
120 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Fassa Bortolo                                 
121 Massimiliano Mori (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                
122 Guillaume Auger (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                    
123 Danilo Hondo (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                       
124 Uwe Peschel (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                        
125 Christophe Laurent (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                 
126 Andrea Noè (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                                      
127 Filippo Simeoni (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                  
128 Salvatore Commesso (Ita) Saeco                                        
129 Aart Vierhouten (Ned) Lotto-Domo                                      
130 Alessandro Bertolini (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                            
131 Peter Wrolich (Aut) Gerolsteiner                                      
132 Gilles Bouvard (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                     
133 Peter Farazijn (Bel) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                
134 Marc Wauters (Bel) Rabobank                                           
135 Bram de Groot (Ned) Rabobank                                          
136 Francesco Secchiari (Ita) Domina Vacanze                              
137 Christophe Mengin (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                    
138 Fabio Baldato (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                                   
139 Allan Davis (Aus) Liberty Seguros                                     
140 Daniel Becke (Ger) Illes Balears - Banesto                            
141 David Loosli (Swi) Saeco                                              
142 Marc Lotz (Ned) Rabobank                                              
143 Laurent Lefèvre (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                          
144 Jean-Patrick Nazon (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                              
145 Santiago Botero (Col) T-Mobile Team                                   
146 Jimmy Casper (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                  
147 Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Spa) Fassa Bortolo                      
148 Iker Flores (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                                 
149 Julian Dean (NZl) Crédit Agricole                                     
150 Baden Cooke (Aus) Fdjeux.com                                          
151 Matthew Wilson (Aus) Fdjeux.com                                       
152 Wim Vansevenant (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                      
153 Frédéric Finot (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                     
154 Karsten Kroon (Ned) Rabobank                                          
155 Christophe Edaleine (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone           
156 Sébastien Joly (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                  
157 Jimmy Engoulvent (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone         35.25
DNF Paolo Valoti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                     
DNS Jakob Piil (Den) Team CSC                                             
DNS Iban Mayo (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                                   
1 Lance Armstrong (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                       20 pts
2 Ivan Basso (Ita) Team CSC                                             17
3 Jan Ullrich (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                       15
4 Andreas Klöden (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                    13
5 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Rabobank                                        12
6 Richard Virenque (Fra) Quick Step-Davitamon                           10
7 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                       9
8 Jose Azevedo (Por) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                           8
9 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team CSC                                              7
10 Carlos Sastre (Spa) Team CSC                                          6
11 Laurent Brochard (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                5
12 Marius Sabaliauskas (Ltu) Saeco                                       4
13 Oscar Pereiro (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                            3
14 Christophe Moreau (Fra) Crédit Agricole                               2
15 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saeco                                           1
Côte d'Aleyrac - Cat. 3, 15.00 km
1 Axel Merckx (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                           4 pts
2 Aitor Gonzalez Jimenez (Spa) Fassa Bortolo                             3
3 Marcos Serrano Rodriguez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                         2
4 Jean-Cyril Robin (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                      1
Côte De Puy-Saint-Martin - Cat. 3, 38.00 km
1 Axel Merckx (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                           4 pts
2 Santiago Botero (Col) T-Mobile Team                                    3
3 José Enrique Gutierrez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                    2
4 Vladimir Karpets (Rus) Illes Balears - Banesto                         1
Col Des Limouches - Cat. 2, 91.50 km
1 Richard Virenque (Fra) Quick Step-Davitamon                           10 pts
2 Laurent Brochard (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                 9
3 Santos Gonzalez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                           8
4 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                       7
5 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team CSC                                              6
6 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                          5
Col De l'Echarasson - Cat. 1, 127.00 km
1 Richard Virenque (Fra) Quick Step-Davitamon                           15 pts
2 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                      13
3 Laurent Brochard (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                11
4 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team CSC                                              9
5 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Liberty Seguros                             8
6 Jan Ullrich (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                        7
7 Santos Gonzalez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                           6
8 José V. Garcia Acosta (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto                    5
Col De Carri - Cat. 3, 137.00 km
1 Richard Virenque (Fra) Quick Step-Davitamon                            4 pts
2 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                       3
3 Jan Ullrich (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                        2
4 Santos Gonzalez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                           1
Col De Chalimont - Cat. 2, 164.00 km
1 Richard Virenque (Fra) Quick Step-Davitamon                           10 pts
2 Jose Azevedo (Por) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                           9
3 Carlos Sastre (Spa) Team CSC                                           8
4 Ivan Basso (Ita) Team CSC                                              7
5 Lance Armstrong (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                        6
6 Jan Ullrich (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                        5
Villard-De-Lans - Côte 2000 - Cat. 2, 180.50 km
1 Lance Armstrong (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                       20 pts
2 Ivan Basso (Ita) Team CSC                                             18
3 Jan Ullrich (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                       16
4 Andreas Klöden (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                    14
5 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Rabobank                                        12
6 Richard Virenque (Fra) Quick Step-Davitamon                           10
Puy-Saint-Martin, 34.00 km
1 Jean-Cyril Robin (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                      6 pts
2 Marcos Serrano Rodriguez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                         4
3 David Moncoutié (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                2
Saint-Jean-En-Royans, 115.00 km
1 Stuart O'Grady (Aus) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                 6 pts
2 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Crédit Agricole                                     4
3 Laurent Brochard (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                 2
Young rider
1 Iker Camaño (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                            4.42.54
2 Vladimir Karpets (Rus) Illes Balears - Banesto                      0.55
3 Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                       6.18
4 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                   
5 Sandy Casar (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                            
6 Sylvain Calzati (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                      
7 Michael Rogers (Aus) Quick Step-Davitamon                               
8 Jérôme Pineau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                          7.06
9 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                            
10 Sebastian Lang (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                 13.50
11 Benjamin Noval (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                    16.37
12 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                     18.50
13 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R Prévoyance                              21.25
14 Mikel Astarloza Chaurreau (Spa) AG2R Prévoyance                        
15 Mark Scanlon (Irl) AG2R Prévoyance                                     
16 Nicolas Portal (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                   
17 Filippo Pozzato (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                               30.13
18 Tom Boonen (Bel) Quick Step-Davitamon                                  
19 Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Fdjeux.com                                        
20 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Fassa Bortolo                                  
21 Allan Davis (Aus) Liberty Seguros                                      
22 David Loosli (Swi) Saeco                                               
23 Christophe Edaleine (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone            
24 Sébastien Joly (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                   
25 Jimmy Engoulvent (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone          33.01
Most aggressive
1 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                        
1 Team CSC                                                        14.03.58
2 US Postal presented by Berry Floor                                  0.49
3 T-Mobile Team                                                       6.23
4 Rabobank                                                            7.53
5 Saeco                                                              11.00
6 Illes Balears-Banesto Santander                                    12.48
7 Quick Step-Davitamon                                               16.15
8 Phonak Hearing Systems                                             17.06
9 Credit Agricole                                                    17.07
10 Euskaltel-Euskadi                                                 17.20
11 Liberty Seguros                                                   19.13
12 Gerolsteiner                                                      24.41
13 Brioches La Boulangere                                            25.14
14 Ag2R Prevoyance                                                   28.59
15 Lotto-Domo                                                        38.45
16 R.A.G.T. Semences-MG Rover                                             
17 Fdjeux.Com                                                        39.47
18 Fassa Bortolo                                                     40.33
19 Alessio-Bianchi                                                   56.11
20 Cofidis Credit Par Telephone                                    1.08.59
21 Domina Vacanze                                                  1.11.28

General classification after stage 15
1 Lance Armstrong (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                 67.13.43
2 Ivan Basso (Ita) Team CSC                                           1.25
3 Andreas Klöden (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                  3.22
4 Francisco Mancebo Pérez (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto               5.39
5 Jan Ullrich (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                     6.54
6 Jose Azevedo (Por) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                        7.34
7 Georg Totschnig (Aut) Gerolsteiner                                  8.19
8 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                        9.28
9 Pietro Caucchioli (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                            10.10
10 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Rabobank                                    10.58
11 Carlos Sastre (Spa) Team CSC                                      11.25
12 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saeco                                       12.01
13 Oscar Pereiro (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                        12.21
14 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                  13.50
15 Christophe Moreau (Fra) Crédit Agricole                           13.58
16 Richard Virenque (Fra) Quick Step-Davitamon                       15.02
17 Jose Luis Rubiera (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                 16.19
18 Laurent Brochard (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                            16.23
19 Sandy Casar (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                      17.09
20 Vladimir Karpets (Rus) Illes Balears - Banesto                    17.22
21 Stéphane Goubert (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                            18.22
22 Oscar Sevilla (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                        19.34
23 Iker Camaño (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                             22.53
24 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Domina Vacanze                             23.12
25 Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                     23.49
26 Jérôme Pineau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                        24.16
27 Michael Rogers (Aus) Quick Step-Davitamon                         26.48
28 Aitor Gonzalez Jimenez (Spa) Fassa Bortolo                        27.52
29 Axel Merckx (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                      28.53
30 José Enrique Gutierrez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems               30.57
31 Egoi Martínez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                           32.50
32 Patrice Halgand (Fra) Crédit Agricole                             33.59
33 George Hincapie (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                   34.02
34 Giuseppe Guerini (Ita) T-Mobile Team                              34.12
35 Floyd Landis (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                      36.12
36 Santos Gonzalez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                      36.30
37 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team CSC                                         37.24
38 Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano (Spa) Liberty Seguros                   38.41
39 Evgueni Petrov (Rus) Saeco                                        40.17
40 Michele Bartoli (Ita) Team CSC                                    43.16
41 Alexandre Botcharov (Rus) Crédit Agricole                         45.42
42 Marius Sabaliauskas (Ltu) Saeco                                   46.31
43 David Moncoutié (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone           46.47
44 Roberto Heras Hernandez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                     51.22
45 Santiago Perez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                       52.04
46 Daniele Nardello (Ita) T-Mobile Team                              54.02
47 Jean-Cyril Robin (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                 55.10
48 Rik Verbrugghe (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                   56.30
49 Bobby Julich (USA) Team CSC                                       56.53
50 Marcos Serrano Rodriguez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                    58.26
51 José I.Gutierrez Palacios (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto         1.01.37
52 Manuel Beltran (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                  1.02.24
53 Iñigo Landaluze (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                       1.03.13
54 Juan Miguel Mercado (Spa) Quick Step-Davitamon                  1.06.20
55 Jörg Ludewig (Ger) Saeco                                        1.08.26
56 Erik Zabel (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                  1.08.53
57 Ronny Scholz (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                 1.09.13
58 Aitor Osa Eizaguirre (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto              1.10.05
59 Kim Kirchen (Lux) Fassa Bortolo                                 1.10.34
60 Stuart O'Grady (Aus) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone          1.10.48
61 Mikel Astarloza Chaurreau (Spa) AG2R Prévoyance                 1.13.02
62 Grischa Niermann (Ger) Rabobank                                 1.13.31
63 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Liberty Seguros                      1.14.58
64 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quick Step-Davitamon                        1.15.08
65 Isidro Nozal Vega (Spa) Liberty Seguros                         1.18.40
66 Claus Michael Møller (Den) Alessio-Bianchi                      1.18.56
67 Sergei Ivanov (Rus) T-Mobile Team                               1.19.26
68 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                            1.20.19
69 Laurent Dufaux (Swi) Quick Step-Davitamon                       1.20.37
70 Michael Boogerd (Ned) Rabobank                                  1.21.05
71 Andrea Peron (Ita) Team CSC                                     1.21.40
72 Benjamin Noval (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                  1.26.14
73 Sylvain Calzati (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover              1.28.39
74 Sebastian Lang (Ger) Gerolsteiner                               1.28.50
75 Iker Flores (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                           1.29.35
76 David Etxebarria (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                      1.32.27
77 Christophe Mengin (Fra) Fdjeux.com                              1.32.59
78 Pavel Padrnos (Cze) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                   1.33.05
79 Santiago Botero (Col) T-Mobile Team                             1.33.13
80 Nicki Sørensen (Den) Team CSC                                   1.36.08
81 Benoît Salmon (Fra) Crédit Agricole                             1.36.46
82 Christophe Rinero (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover            1.37.57
83 Viatcheslav Ekimov (Rus) US Postal p/b Berry Floor              1.38.06
84 Rolf Aldag (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                  1.39.35
85 Nicolas Portal (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                            1.40.50
86 Dariusz Baranowski (Pol) Liberty Seguros                        1.41.12
87 Pierrick Fedrigo (Fra) Crédit Agricole                          1.41.17
88 Nicolas Jalabert (Fra) Phonak Hearing Systems                   1.41.30
89 Bert Grabsch (Ger) Phonak Hearing Systems                       1.42.12
90 Mark Scanlon (Irl) AG2R Prévoyance                              1.44.38
91 Andrea Noè (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                                1.44.46
92 Marc Lotz (Ned) Rabobank                                        1.45.18
93 José V. Garcia Acosta (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto             1.45.27
94 Didier Rous (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                        1.45.58
95 Koos Moerenhout (Ned) Lotto-Domo                                1.46.07
96 Unai Etxebarria (Ven) Euskaltel - Euskadi                       1.46.38
97 Thierry Marichal (Bel) Lotto-Domo                               1.46.48
98 Daniel Becke (Ger) Illes Balears - Banesto                      1.47.23
99 Allan Davis (Aus) Liberty Seguros                               1.48.16
100 Xabier Zandio (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto                    1.48.38
101 Laurent Lefèvre (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                   1.48.43
102 Carlos Dacruz (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                 1.48.50
103 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Crédit Agricole                             1.50.06
104 Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Spa) Fassa Bortolo               1.50.41
105 Dmitri Fofonov (Kaz) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone         1.52.48
106 Peter Farazijn (Bel) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone         1.52.57
107 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                             1.53.40
108 Peter Wrolich (Aut) Gerolsteiner                               1.54.10
109 Scott Sunderland (Aus) Alessio-Bianchi                         1.54.55
110 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R Prévoyance                           1.55.46
111 David Loosli (Swi) Saeco                                       1.57.10
112 Walter Bénéteau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                   1.57.38
113 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                  1.58.55
114 Danilo Hondo (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                1.58.59
115 Massimo Giunti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                            1.59.58
116 Bram de Groot (Ned) Rabobank                                          
117 Filippo Pozzato (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                            2.01.30
118 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Fassa Bortolo                          2.01.47
119 Martin Elmiger (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                    2.02.42
120 Marc Wauters (Bel) Rabobank                                    2.03.05
121 Massimiliano Mori (Ita) Domina Vacanze                         2.03.33
122 Salvatore Commesso (Ita) Saeco                                 2.04.13
123 Tom Boonen (Bel) Quick Step-Davitamon                          2.04.39
124 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Lotto-Domo                                 2.04.49
125 Pierre Bourquenoud (Swi) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover          2.05.21
126 Julian Dean (NZl) Crédit Agricole                              2.05.52
127 Karsten Kroon (Ned) Rabobank                                   2.06.04
128 Franck Renier (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                     2.06.27
129 Aart Vierhouten (Ned) Lotto-Domo                               2.06.38
130 Frédéric Guesdon (Fra) Fdjeux.com                              2.06.42
131 Gilles Bouvard (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover              2.06.43
132 Stefano Zanini (Ita) Quick Step-Davitamon                      2.06.48
133 Kurt-Asle Arvesen (Nor) Team CSC                               2.08.06
134 Filippo Simeoni (Ita) Domina Vacanze                           2.08.32
135 Fabio Baldato (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                            2.10.44
136 Jimmy Engoulvent (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone       2.12.37
137 Christophe Laurent (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover          2.12.38
138 Jan Hruska (Cze) Liberty Seguros                               2.12.43
139 Erik Dekker (Ned) Rabobank                                     2.13.03
140 Jean-Patrick Nazon (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                       2.14.02
141 Janek Tombak (Est) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone           2.14.03
142 Ludovic Martin (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover              2.14.06
143 Alessandro Bertolini (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                     2.14.32
144 Marcus Ljungqvist (Swe) Alessio-Bianchi                        2.14.35
145 Guillaume Auger (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover             2.15.26
146 Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Fdjeux.com                                2.17.58
147 Baden Cooke (Aus) Fdjeux.com                                   2.19.12
148 Uwe Peschel (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                 2.19.16
149 Servais Knaven (Ned) Quick Step-Davitamon                      2.25.45
150 Wim Vansevenant (Bel) Lotto-Domo                               2.27.42
151 Francesco Secchiari (Ita) Domina Vacanze                       2.29.35
152 Christophe Edaleine (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone    2.29.42
153 Davide Bramati (Ita) Quick Step-Davitamon                      2.30.51
154 Matthew Wilson (Aus) Fdjeux.com                                2.36.12
155 Frédéric Finot (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover              2.45.14
156 Jimmy Casper (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone           2.53.10
157 Sébastien Joly (Fra) Crédit Agricole                           2.59.07
Points classification
1 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Lotto-Domo                                       225 pts
2 Thor Hushovd (Nor) Crédit Agricole                                   213
3 Erik Zabel (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                       212
4 Stuart O'Grady (Aus) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone               204
5 Danilo Hondo (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                      189
6 Tom Boonen (Bel) Quick Step-Davitamon                                128
7 Laurent Brochard (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                               118
8 Jean-Patrick Nazon (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                             116
9 Andreas Klöden (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                    94
10 Lance Armstrong (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                      93
11 Kim Kirchen (Lux) Fassa Bortolo                                      88
12 Francisco Mancebo Pérez (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto                85
13 Jérôme Pineau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                           79
14 Baden Cooke (Aus) Fdjeux.com                                         77
15 Janek Tombak (Est) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                 72
16 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                70
17 Allan Davis (Aus) Liberty Seguros                                    65
18 Jan Ullrich (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                      61
19 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                         58
20 Ivan Basso (Ita) Team CSC                                            57
21 Iñigo Landaluze (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                            55
22 Georg Totschnig (Aut) Gerolsteiner                                   54
23 Filippo Pozzato (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                                  50
24 Peter Wrolich (Aut) Gerolsteiner                                     50
25 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Fassa Bortolo                                47
26 Aitor Gonzalez Jimenez (Spa) Fassa Bortolo                           44
27 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team CSC                                            42
28 Egoi Martínez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                              42
29 Oscar Pereiro (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                           40
30 David Moncoutié (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone              39
31 Scott Sunderland (Aus) Alessio-Bianchi                               39
32 Christophe Mengin (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                   38
33 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Rabobank                                       36
34 Richard Virenque (Fra) Quick Step-Davitamon                          34
35 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quick Step-Davitamon                             33
36 Kurt-Asle Arvesen (Nor) Team CSC                                     32
37 Sandy Casar (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                         30
38 Iker Flores (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                                30
39 Nicolas Jalabert (Fra) Phonak Hearing Systems                        30
40 Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Spa) Fassa Bortolo                     30
41 Sylvain Calzati (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                   28
42 Karsten Kroon (Ned) Rabobank                                         27
43 Pierrick Fedrigo (Fra) Crédit Agricole                               26
44 Alessandro Bertolini (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                           26
45 Filippo Simeoni (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                 25
46 Jimmy Engoulvent (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone             24
47 David Etxebarria (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                           22
48 Aart Vierhouten (Ned) Lotto-Domo                                     22
49 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                     21
50 Carlos Sastre (Spa) Team CSC                                         20
51 Marc Lotz (Ned) Rabobank                                             20
52 Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano (Spa) Liberty Seguros                      19
53 Daniel Becke (Ger) Illes Balears - Banesto                           19
54 Bram de Groot (Ned) Rabobank                                         19
55 Christophe Moreau (Fra) Crédit Agricole                              18
56 Santiago Botero (Col) T-Mobile Team                                  18
57 Julian Dean (NZl) Crédit Agricole                                    18
58 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                                   17
59 Jose Azevedo (Por) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                         17
60 Massimiliano Mori (Ita) Domina Vacanze                               17
61 Fabio Baldato (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                                  17
62 Carlos Dacruz (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                       16
63 José Enrique Gutierrez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                  16
64 Massimo Giunti (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                  16
65 Jimmy Casper (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                 16
66 Axel Merckx (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                         15
67 Thierry Marichal (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                    14
68 José I.Gutierrez Palacios (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto              14
69 Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                        13
70 Pietro Caucchioli (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                              13
71 Marcus Ljungqvist (Swe) Alessio-Bianchi                              13
72 Christophe Edaleine (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone          12
73 Santos Gonzalez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                         12
74 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saeco                                          11
75 Jean-Cyril Robin (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                    10
76 Oscar Sevilla (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                            9
77 Michele Bartoli (Ita) Team CSC                                        9
78 Mikel Astarloza Chaurreau (Spa) AG2R Prévoyance                       9
79 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R Prévoyance                                  9
80 Franck Renier (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                            9
81 Wim Vansevenant (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                      8
82 Sergei Ivanov (Rus) T-Mobile Team                                     8
83 Sebastian Lang (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                     8
84 Martin Elmiger (Swi) Phonak Hearing Systems                           8
85 Erik Dekker (Ned) Rabobank                                            8
86 Salvatore Commesso (Ita) Saeco                                        7
87 Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Fdjeux.com                                       6
88 Rolf Aldag (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                        6
89 Mark Scanlon (Irl) AG2R Prévoyance                                    6
90 Laurent Dufaux (Swi) Quick Step-Davitamon                             5
91 Stéphane Goubert (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                                4
92 George Hincapie (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                       4
93 Marius Sabaliauskas (Ltu) Saeco                                       4
94 Bobby Julich (USA) Team CSC                                           4
95 Marcos Serrano Rodriguez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                        4
96 Ronny Scholz (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                       4
97 Vladimir Karpets (Rus) Illes Balears - Banesto                        2
98 Patrice Halgand (Fra) Crédit Agricole                                 2
99 Floyd Landis (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                          2
100 Roberto Heras Hernandez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                        2
101 Frédéric Finot (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                    2
102 Michael Rogers (Aus) Quick Step-Davitamon                            1
103 Koos Moerenhout (Ned) Lotto-Domo                                     1
104 Christophe Laurent (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover               -5
Mountains classification
1 Richard Virenque (Fra) Quick Step-Davitamon                          177 pts
2 Lance Armstrong (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                      102
3 Michael Rasmussen (Den) Rabobank                                      95
4 Ivan Basso (Ita) Team CSC                                             91
5 Christophe Moreau (Fra) Crédit Agricole                               78
6 Francisco Mancebo Pérez (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto                 77
7 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team CSC                                             71
8 Axel Merckx (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                          65
9 Andreas Klöden (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                    64
10 Jan Ullrich (Ger) T-Mobile Team                                      57
11 Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                        53
12 Paolo Bettini (Ita) Quick Step-Davitamon                             42
13 Georg Totschnig (Aut) Gerolsteiner                                   41
14 Jose Azevedo (Por) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                         25
15 Carlos Sastre (Spa) Team CSC                                         24
16 Floyd Landis (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                         24
17 David Moncoutié (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone              22
18 Laurent Brochard (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                               20
19 Juan Miguel Mercado (Spa) Quick Step-Davitamon                       18
20 Laurent Dufaux (Swi) Quick Step-Davitamon                            17
21 Santos Gonzalez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                         15
22 Janek Tombak (Est) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                 14
23 Oscar Pereiro (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                           14
24 Egoi Martínez (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                              14
25 Ronny Scholz (Ger) Gerolsteiner                                      12
26 Pietro Caucchioli (Ita) Alessio-Bianchi                              12
27 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Rabobank                                       12
28 George Hincapie (USA) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                      12
29 Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni (Spa) Fassa Bortolo                     11
30 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saeco                                          10
31 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                10
32 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                         10
33 Manuel Beltran (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                       10
34 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Liberty Seguros                            8
35 Matteo Tosatto (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                                    8
36 Bram de Groot (Ned) Rabobank                                          7
37 Erik Dekker (Ned) Rabobank                                            7
38 Jérôme Pineau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                            6
39 Jose Luis Rubiera (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                     6
40 Walter Bénéteau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                          6
41 Christophe Rinero (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover                  5
42 José V. Garcia Acosta (Spa) Illes Balears - Banesto                   5
43 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                         5
44 Thierry Marichal (Bel) Lotto-Domo                                     5
45 Sandy Casar (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                          3
46 Iñigo Landaluze (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                             3
47 Aitor Gonzalez Jimenez (Spa) Fassa Bortolo                            3
48 Santiago Botero (Col) T-Mobile Team                                   3
49 Franck Renier (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                            3
50 José Enrique Gutierrez (Spa) Phonak Hearing Systems                   2
51 Marcos Serrano Rodriguez (Spa) Liberty Seguros                        2
52 Filippo Simeoni (Ita) Domina Vacanze                                  2
53 Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Fdjeux.com                                       2
54 Vladimir Karpets (Rus) Illes Balears - Banesto                        1
55 Michael Rogers (Aus) Quick Step-Davitamon                             1
56 Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano (Spa) Liberty Seguros                       1
57 Michele Bartoli (Ita) Team CSC                                        1
58 Jean-Cyril Robin (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                     1
59 Benjamin Noval (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                        1
60 Christophe Mengin (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                    1
61 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R Prévoyance                                  1
62 Karsten Kroon (Ned) Rabobank                                          1
63 Jimmy Casper (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone                  1
Young rider classification
1 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                    67.23.11
2 Sandy Casar (Fra) Fdjeux.com                                        7.41
3 Vladimir Karpets (Rus) Illes Balears - Banesto                      7.54
4 Iker Camaño (Spa) Euskaltel - Euskadi                              13.25
5 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Domina Vacanze                              13.44
6 Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                      14.21
7 Jérôme Pineau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                         14.48
8 Michael Rogers (Aus) Quick Step-Davitamon                          17.20
9 Mikel Astarloza Chaurreau (Spa) AG2R Prévoyance                  1.03.34
10 Benjamin Noval (Spa) US Postal p/b Berry Floor                  1.16.46
11 Sylvain Calzati (Fra) R.A.G.T. Semences - MG Rover              1.19.11
12 Sebastian Lang (Ger) Gerolsteiner                               1.19.22
13 Nicolas Portal (Fra) AG2R Prévoyance                            1.31.22
14 Mark Scanlon (Irl) AG2R Prévoyance                              1.35.10
15 Allan Davis (Aus) Liberty Seguros                               1.38.48
16 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R Prévoyance                            1.46.18
17 David Loosli (Swi) Saeco                                        1.47.42
18 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Brioches La Boulangère                   1.49.27
19 Filippo Pozzato (Ita) Fassa Bortolo                             1.52.02
20 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Fassa Bortolo                           1.52.19
21 Tom Boonen (Bel) Quick Step-Davitamon                           1.55.11
22 Jimmy Engoulvent (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone        2.03.09
23 Bernhard Eisel (Aut) Fdjeux.com                                 2.08.30
24 Christophe Edaleine (Fra) Cofidis - Le Crédit Par Téléphone     2.20.14
25 Sébastien Joly (Fra) Crédit Agricole                            2.49.39
Teams classification
1 Team CSC                                                       199.34.26
2 T-Mobile Team                                                       0.55
3 US Postal presented by Berry Floor                                  6.41
4 Phonak Hearing Systems                                             26.39
5 Illes Balears-Banesto Santander                                    35.56
6 Brioches La Boulangere                                             37.07
7 Quick Step-Davitamon                                               43.10
8 Euskaltel-Euskadi                                                  46.13
9 Credit Agricole                                                    52.06
10 Rabobank                                                          54.20
11 Saeco                                                           1.07.36
12 Liberty Seguros                                                 1.26.09
13 Ag2R Prevoyance                                                 1.27.13
14 Gerolsteiner                                                    1.56.57
15 Lotto-Domo                                                      2.10.30
16 Fdjeux.Com                                                      2.12.52
17 Alessio-Bianchi                                                 2.24.38
18 Fassa Bortolo                                                   2.31.14
19 Domina Vacanze                                                  3.08.46
20 Cofidis Credit Par Telephone                                    3.12.57
21 R.A.G.T. Semences-MG Rover                                      4.24.00