12,'min'=>00, 'refresh'=>300); // IN GMT $refresh[2]=array('hr'=>13,'min'=>30, 'refresh'=>300); // IN GMT //add new $refresh rows as you like in chronological order. Set refresh => 0 for no refresh line // foreach (array_keys($refresh) as $r) { // foreach not available in PHP3! Have to do it like this reset ($refresh); while (list(, $r) = each ($refresh)) { if (time() > gmmktime($r[hr], $r[min], 0, $m, $d, $y)) $delay=$r[refresh]; }; if ($delay) { return ("\n"); } else { return(''); }; }; ?>
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5th Jacob's Creek Tour Down Under - 2.3

Australia, January 21-26, 2003

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News for January 25, 2003

Next five years assured for Jacob's Creek Tour Down Under

By Jeff Jones in Adelaide

The future of Australia's largest and most popular bike race, the Jacob's Creek Tour Down Under, has been confirmed for the next five years. Speaking at a five year anniversary gala dinner at the Adelaide Hilton, South Australian Tourism Minister Jane Lomax-Smith said that the South Australian Government had agreed to back the event until at least 2009, due to its enormous popularity in promoting South Australia as a tourist destination.

On each of the six days of the JCDTU, crowds estimated at between 50,000 and 100,000 have lined the roads to cheer the riders on. But they don't only come for the bike race - it's also an opportunity to party and have a good time, as evidenced by the atmosphere on the tour so far.

In addition, the combined Oceania cycling federations have agreed that the Jacob's Creek Tour Down Under will be the only UCI event held in January in Oceania.

A formal announcement is expected tomorrow.

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