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54th FBD Insurance Rás - 2.2

Ireland, May 21-28, 2006

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Stage 3 - May 23: Cobh - An Daingean, 173 km

Friedman takes over as leaders falter

By Shane Stokes

Just when it looked like a pattern was emerging, a reshuffle once more. On Monday four riders had finished well clear of the other main contenders, former world under 23 time trial champion Danny Pate (TIAA-CREF) taking over the FBD Insurance Rás yellow jersey. He, Martin Pradznovsky (Sparebanken Vest), Wayne Randle (Doncaster Stena Line) and Rob Sharman ( had a three minute cushion on the rest of the field and the expectations were that the final race winner could come from this group.

All bets are off now, however. Stage three of the race to An Daingean was a very aggressive and decisive day, at the end of which Joshua Marden (FRF Couriers) won a 28 man sprint to take the victory and the first four in GC lost practically everything they had gained one day earlier. Pate, Pradznovsky, Randle and Sharman all came in 3 minutes and 30 seconds down, dropping to third, tenth, 12th and 13th overall. As a result of today’s stage, the first thirteen are all within 1 minute and ten seconds of each other, so things are wide open once again.

Marden’s victory came after 23 year old outgalloped Polish rider Lukasz Modzelewski, Irishman Mehall Fitzgerald (, American Mike Friedman (TIAA-CREF), Paul Healion (Murphy and Gunn/Newlyn Group), 2003 and 2005 Rás champion Chris Newton ( plus the rest of the breakaway group to take the win.

Friedman had started the day fifth overall and he jumped into the race lead as a result of his presence in the break. He ended the day 22 seconds ahead of defending champion Chris Newton (, a further second ahead of Pate, and 30 seconds up on the best Irish rider, fourth-placed Tommy Evans. Morten Hegreberg (Sparebanken Vest) and Simon Kelly (Murphy and Gunn/Newlyn Group) are also poised to strike in the top six.

As expected, he was very happy with yellow. “I am excited and nervous, and freezing right now, too,” he said after the presentation, shivering at the end of what was a cold, damp day in the saddle. “It is a good feeling, I haven’t been in a yellow jersey for quite a few years. I had the lead in the Tour de l’Abitibi a long time ago, that is a junior stage race. I went to school after that, stopped cycling…I was bigger when I got out of school, because of the junk food! I started racing track two years ago and then this year I got picked up by TIAA-CREF to do the track, mostly. But I am starting to find I like the road more!”

“We were not too worried about defending Danny’s lead,” he continued. “This morning we still had seven stages to go, so there wasn’t a real rush,” he stated. “There wasn’t a real worry. We could play two cards, and things are even better now. Either myself or Danny can go for it, whoever. It worked out in our favour, but it is not anything that we were really working for.

“Having the lead is good for morale, for me and the team. We have a strong team here, there are a lot of other strong guys here too…I don’t know some of the guys, it is the first time I have got to ride with them. It has been an honour so far.”

Today’s move came about 50 kilometres out, a 20 man chase group setting off in pursuit of what was an established breakaway. This bunch quickly caught nine out of the ten riders up front and then reeled in the final one, Ray Clarke (Dan Morrissey), who was a further 30 seconds up.

Chris Newton’s Britain team then knuckled down to draw out the biggest possible lead over the Pate chase group. They succeed in gaining the necessary time, and also kept the front bunch together until the finish. Here, Marden galloped up the drag to the line to take stage honours, after which he spoke about what the day was like.

“It was tough, given the conditions and the wind, but that is the same for everybody,” he stated. “Everybody has to do it,” he said. “We studied the finish the night before and I knew that if I was in a break, I had a good chance being a sprinter. So that is how it worked out. I had two guys in the break to help me, they could shelter me most of the day and then coming into the finish, they were able to lead it out for me.”

“I will try again this week, if it comes down to a sprint we have a very good chance because we are a strong sprinting team. Myself and another guy are good finishers.”

So too Mehall Fitzgerald, who was best placed of the Irish in third. He was disappointed he didn’t get the stage win he was aiming for. “I followed Newton into the corner and I was about sixth at that point,” he said. “Gaps opened up there as guys let wheels go and the rider who won the stage got a good head start on me. By the time I got going, it was too late. But I will definitely try again this week.”

“Hopefully I will get a stage before the week is over, that would make my week, to be honest. I don’t have the preparation races or enough in me to do better GC wise, but if I can get a stage that would be fantastic.

“I haven’t targeted any stage in particular, with this race you just don’t know which way things will go. I will try to get up the road again to a group that will get me to the finish, rather than trying to get from behind up to the front. I have taken five stages in the past and it would be great to get another one. I hope to get some legs out of this for the rest of the year, too.”

Fitzgerald said Newton’s squad were very strong. “Recycling did most of the work coming in the road. Murphy and Gunn did a little bit in the last few kilometres, they are probably hoping to get Paul Healion up for the finish. But it was mainly the British team.”

Also finishing to the fore was Healion (Murphy and Gunn/Newlyn Group, 5th), plus Simon Kelly (Murphy and Gunn/Newlyn Group, 8th) and Tommy Evans (Usher Insulations, 10th). So too many of the overall contenders. The race is suddenly wide open again. As a result of today’s stage, the first thirteen are all within 1 minute and ten seconds of each other, including Irishmen Evans, Simon Kelly, O’Loughlin and Brian Kenneally.

The latter’s sometime-training partner Ciarán Power (Dan Morrissey) held onto his King of the Mountains jersey, although Morten Hegreberg has moved equal with him. Newton has fortified his hold on the points jersey.

<h4>How it unfolded</h4>

The third stage of the FBD Insurance Rás took the riders 173 kilometres to An Daingean, otherwise known as Dingle. The peloton set off from the start in Cobh (the final departure point for the Titanic) in bright weather, morale boosted by the sun. Christopher Belsham (JE James RT) was first to attack and got 50 metres, but was recaptured soon afterwards.

Ryan Connor (Grant Thornton), Peter McDonald (FRF Couriers), Eoin Whelan (IRC Usher Insulations) and Ray Clarke (Dan Morrissey) were next to try, and were soon joined by nine others - Evan Oliphant (, David O’Loughlin (Grant Thornton), Wayne Randle (Doncaster Stena Line), Jehudi Schoonacker (M.Donnelly Sean Kelly), Johannes Sickmuller (Stevens), Paul Healion (Murphy and Gunn/Newlyn Group), Jaroslaw Welniak (Legia Bazylisek), Mike Friedman (TIAA-CREF) and Tommy Evans (IRC Usher Insulations).

The group got 20 seconds but the Norwegian Sparebanken Vest team hauled them back just before the Jack Lynch tunnel, which came 17 kilometres into the stage.

Shortly after, three other riders went clear. John O’Shea (Murphy and Gunn/Newlyn Group), John Dempsey (Murphy and Gunn/Newlyn Group) and last year’s stage 8 winner, Bill Moore (M. Donnelly) built a few seconds lead, and a small group got across to them. But this was brought back, as was a subsequent mass attack containing approximately 30 riders.

A strong headwind was blowing and this settled things down for a while. Then after 50 kilometres of racing, eight riders went clear, namely Evan Oliphant (, Mark Lovatt, Deiter Droger (Doncaster Stena Line), Peter Herzig (FRF Couriers), Fabian Brzezinski (Stevens), David Sachs (Endeavour Cycling), Christopher Belsham (JE James RT) and Craig Sweetman (M. Donnelly).

They opened up a 1 minute 20 second lead over the main bunch, after which Denis Lynch (Murray Ford Developments) set off in pursuit. He was joined by Ashley Brown (, Peter McDonald (FRF Couriers), Tim Cassidy (M. Donnelly Sean Kelly),Brandon Crichton (Symmetrics) and Denis Lynch (Murray Ford Developments).

The Poland Legia Bazylisek team were driving the main field along at this point, trying to stay in contact. Up front, the break split on the category 3 County Bounds climb, with four going ahead. Herzig, Brzezinski, Lovatt and Oliphant went across the summit in that order, while the other riders were caught by the bunch soon afterwards.

Seven riders set off in pursuit, John O’Shea (Murphy and Gunn/Newlyn Group), Peter Hey (JE James RT), Michael Hennessy (Murray Ford Developments), Michael O’Reilly (, Sean Lacey (Earl of Desmond), Mehall Fitzgerald ( and Ray Clarke (Dan Morrissey) making good inroads into the front four. Hey was dropped, but the others successfully bridged up on the outskirts of Killarney, after 106 kilometres of racing. The gap at this point was a considerable 2 minutes and 40 seconds about five kilometres before the third category ascent of Crohane.

Herzig once again took top KOH points when he was first to the summit. O’Reilly, Hennessy and Lacey were next and, shortly afterwards, Ray Clarke attacked and opened up a good lead. Further back, a large group of riders clipped away from the bunch and started closing up towards the break. The group comprised Chris Newton, Kristian House, Robert Partridge (, David O’Loughlin, Paídi O’Brien (Grant Thornton), Peter McDonald, Joshua Marden (FRF Couriers), Mark Cassidy (M. Donnelly Sean Kelly), Brandon Crichton (Symmetrics), Simon Kelly, Paul Healion (Murphy and Gunn/Newlyn Group), Morten Hegreberg, Kurt Anders Fostervold, Lukasz Modzelewski (Legia Bazylisek), Lucas Euser (TIAA-CREF), Mike Friedman (TIAA-CREF), Tommy Evans (IRC Usher Insulations), John Lynch (Murphy), Brian Kennedy ( and Tim Barry (Dan Morrissey). It was a strong bunch of riders and, crucially, the first four in the general classification had all missed out. That gave a considerable motivation to the chasers to catch all of those up front and then to eke out a bigger advantage on the rest of the field.

Clarke built an advantage of 30 seconds but he was finally caught about 36 kilometres from the end of the stage, meaning that there was a big group of about 30 riders hurtling in towards An Daingean. Shortly afterwards the gap back to the main bunch was timed at a minute. The riders from the Poland Legia Bazylisek team, the USA TIAA-CREF squad and the Ireland M. Donnelly Sean Kelly selection were driving the chase but despite their efforts, the break pulled further and further ahead.

Sensing that the bunch was going to lose more and more time, Jehudi Schoonacker, Miceal Concannon (M. Donnelly Sean Kelly) and Martin O’Loughlin (Dan Morrissey) clipped away with about 25 kilometres left and were then joined by Simon Whelan (Wheelers All Systems) and Stephen O’Sullivan ( They were 1 minute and 38 seconds back at this point, with the bunch now 2 minutes and 5 seconds down. But try as they did, it was impossible to close up to the speeding front group.

The riders crossed the third category climb of An Draighneain with 20 kilometres to go, Peter Herzig taking top points from Hegreberg, Evans and Friedman. The first two placings were reversed on the final climb of the day, the third cat An Bharog Bheag, which came 13.5 kilometres from the finish. McDonald and Evans were third and fourth here. At this point the small group of chasers was 2 minutes and 30 seconds back, while the Norway Sparebanken Vest-led peloton was three minutes in arrears.

The yellow jersey was all but guaranteed to change hands and this meant that riders such as Newton’s team continued to drive as hard as possible. They knew that Friedman would take over at the top but also that Newton would be right back in the running, so that was plenty of incentive. The constant driving at the front meant that anything other than a bunch sprint was unlikely, and although riders such as Tim Barry tried to clip away near the end, they had little chance.

Instead it was Marden who took the stage, outkicking the others in the uphill drag to the line. He came in just ahead of Modzelweski and Fitzgerald, with new yellow jersey Friedman fourth, Paul Healion fifth and Newton sixth. Peter Herzig, Simon Kelly, Morten Hegreberg (Sparebanken Vest) and Tommy Evans (Usher) rounded out the top ten. Hegreberg’s consistency on the climbs saw him move equal on points with Power in the mountains classification, but the latter stays in the jersey on countback. Newton moved further ahead in the points classification, while his squad took over from Norway Sparebanken Vest in the teams’ classification.

Meath Cycleways flipped places with Dublin IRC Usher Insulations, taking the lead in the county team standings. Evans, John McCarthy (Earl of Desmond) and Robert Partridge ended the day at the top of the Cycleways county rider, the Cycling Ireland category 2 classification and the Ben McKenna Under 23 standings respectively.

Tomorrow’s stage: The 2006 FBD Insurance Rás continues with a hilly 150 kilometre stage from An Daingean to Listowel. The riders will face four third category climbs, one second cat and the first category ascent of The Maum, which comes just 27 kilometres from the line.


1 Joshua Marden (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello       4.42.49 (39.32 km/h)
2 Lukasz Modzelewski (Pol) Legia Bazylisek                
3 Mehall Fitzgerald (Irl) Cycleways             
4 Mike Friedman (USA) TIAA-CREF                           
5 Paul Healion (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group           
6 Chris Newton (GBr)                      
7 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello               
8 Simon Kelly (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group            
9 Morten Hegreberg (Nor) Sparebanken Vest                 
10 Tommy Evans (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                    
11 David O'Loughlin (Irl) Grant Thornton                  
12 Fabian Brzezinski (Ger) Stevens                        
13 Peter McDonald (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello            
14 Ray Clarke (Irl) Dan Morrissey                         
15 Paidi O'Brien (Irl) Grant Thornton                     
16 Brandon Crichton (Can) Symmetrics                      
17 Brian Kenneally (Irl) Cycleways              
18 Lucas Euser (USA) TIAA-CREF                            
19 Mark Lovatt (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line                 
20 John Lynch (Irl) Murphy Surveys                        
21 Kurt Anders Fostervold (Nor) Sparebanken Vest          
22 Mark Cassidy (Irl) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly               
23 Tim Barry (Irl) Dan Morrissey                          
24 Michael Hennessey (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.          
25 John O'Shea (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group           
26 Kristian House (GBr)                   
27 Evan Oliphant (GBr)                    
28 Robert Partridge (GBr)                 
29 Sean Lacey (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                   0.58
30 Robin Sharman (GBr)                3.30
31 Florian Schroder (Ger) Stevens                         
32 Wayne Randle (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line                
33 Martin Prazdnovsky (Svk) Sparebanken Vest              
34 Danny Pate (USA) TIAA-CREF                             
35 Cody Stevenson (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello            
36 Jehudi Schoonacker (Bel) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly         
37 Benjamin Hill (Ger) Stevens                        3.37
38 Greg Reian (Can) Stevens                               
39 John McCarthy (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                    
40 Padraig Marrey (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                   
41 Joe McDonnell (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello             
42 Tim Cassidy (Irl) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly                
43 Paul Hanna (Irl) Biznet Solutions                      
44 Morgan Fox (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group            
45 Jaroslaw Welniak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek                 
46 Aidan Crowley (Irl) Cycleways                
47 Colm Bracken (Irl) Murphy Surveys                      
48 Daire McCaughley (Irl) Whs. All Systems                
49 Mathew Ward (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                    
50 Gary McNulty (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.                   
51 Mick Steed (Irl) Murphy Surveys                        
52 Gavin Evans (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line                 
53 Matthew Melville (GBr) JE James RT                     
54 Ashley Brown (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line                
55 Dan Bowman (USA) TIAA-CREF                             
56 Are Andresen (Nor) Sparebanken Vest                    
57 Johannes Sickmüller (Ger) Stevens                      
58 Daire O'Sullivan (Irl) E. Loakman Remax                
59 Bryan Smith (USA) TIAA-CREF                            
60 Christopher Belsham (GBr) JE James RT                  
61 Stephen O'Sullivan (Irl) Cycleways           
62 Tamas Lengyel (Hun) Sparebanken Vest                   
63 Greg Swinard (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                   
64 Simon Saunders (GBr) Surrey Racing League              
65 Bartlomiej Matysiak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek              
66 Adrian Crowley (Irl)                        
67 Jeff Sherstobitoff (Can) Symmetrics                    
68 Przemyslaw Pietrzak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek              
69 Emmett Murphy (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training             
70 Daniel Duguid (GBr) Surrey Racing League               
71 Alex Hagman (USA) Surrey Racing League                 
72 Niall Brosnan (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                    
73 Craig Sweetman (Irl) M. Donnelly                       
74 Jaco Ehlers (RSA) Surrey Racing League                 
75 Michal Pawlyta (Pol) Legia Bazylisek                   
76 John Dempsey (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group          
77 John O'Brien (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.               
78 Stephen McKenna (Irl) Biznet Solutions                 
79 Mike Harrison (GBr) JE James RT                        
80 Karl Dolan (Irl) Cúchulainn Crystal                    
81 David Peelo (Irl) Murphy Surveys                       
82 Martin O'Loughlin (Irl) Dan Morrissey                  
83 Myles Kirby (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.                    
84 Rory Wyley (Irl) Dan Morrissey                         
85 Peter O'Connor (Irl) M. Donnelly                       
86 Bill Moore (Irl) M. Donnelly                           
87 David Lane (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.                     
88 Micheal Concannon (Irl) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly          
89 Mark McLeavey (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby                
90 Eoin Whelan (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                    
91 Noel Moloney (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby                 
92 Vincent Gleeson (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                  
93 Jason O'Callaghan (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby            
94 John Mason (Irl) Cycleways                   
95 Conor Murphy (Irl) Grant Thornton                      
96 Dieter Droger (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line               
97 Brad Fairall (Can) Symmetrics                          
98 Michael Fitzgerald (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.         
99 Gordon Tangney (Irl) Whs. All Systems                  
100 Kurt Bogaerts (Bel) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly             
101 Simon Whelan (Irl) Whs. All Systems                   
102 Ryan Connor (Irl) Grant Thornton                      
103 Brian Taaffe (Irl) Whs. All Systems                   
104 Bryan Keane (Irl) Whs. All Systems                    
105 Roger Aiken (Irl) Grant Thornton                      
106 Ciarán Power (Irl) Dan Morrissey                      
107 Will Routley (Can) Symmetrics                         
108 Andrew Randell (Can) Symmetrics                       
109 Seamus Kelly (Irl) E. Loakman Remax                   
110 Josh James (Can) Endeavour Cycling                6.53
111 Michael O'Reilly (Irl)                10.13
112 Brian Murphy (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training        18.45
113 David McLoughlin (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.              
114 David Sachs (USA) Endeavour Cycling                   
115 Drew McKinley (Irl) Cúchulainn Crystal                
116 Peter Hey (GBr) JE James RT                           
117 Sean McGreevy (Irl) Cúchulainn Crystal                
118 Richard Malone (Irl) E. Loakman Remax                 
119 Paul Vaughan (Irl) Biznet Solutions                   
120 Frank Dunne (Irl)                          
121 Frank O'Connor (Irl) M. Donnelly                      
122 Simon Mulvany (Irl) M. Donnelly                       
123 Daniel Lynch (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.              
124 Kevin Lynch (Irl) Cúchulainn Crystal                  
125 Keith Griffin (Irl)                        
126 Anthony O'Brien (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training          
127 Llewellyn Byrne (GBr) JE James RT                     
128 Cormac O'Shea (Irl) E. Loakman Remax                  
129 Eldon Looney (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training             
130 Denis Lynch (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.               
131 Gary Crory (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                    
132 Toby Neave (GBr) Surrey Racing League                 
133 Isaiah Adams (USA) Endeavour Cycling             27.23
134 Graham Howard (USA) Endeavour Cycling                 
135 Tony Kemp (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training                
136 Brendan Kirk (Irl) Biznet Solutions                   
137 John-Paul Lyons (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby             
138 David Rawlins (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby               
139 Phil Maher (Irl)                           
1 Joshua Marden (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello            15 pts
2 Lukasz Modzelewski (Pol) Legia Bazylisek              14
3 Mehall Fitzgerald (Irl) Cycleways           13
4 Mike Friedman (USA) TIAA-CREF                         12
5 Paul Healion (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group         11
6 Chris Newton (GBr)                    10
7 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello              9
8 Simon Kelly (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group           8
9 Morten Hegreberg (Nor) Sparebanken Vest                7
10 Tommy Evans (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                   6
11 David O'Loughlin (Irl) Grant Thornton                 5
12 Fabian Brzezinski (Ger) Stevens                       4
13 Peter McDonald (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello           3
14 Ray Clarke (Irl) Dan Morrissey                        2
15 Paidi O'Brien (Irl) Grant Thornton                    1
County Bounds - Cat. 3
1 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello              5 pts
2 Fabian Brzezinski (Ger) Stevens                        4
3 Mark Lovatt (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line                 3
4 Evan Oliphant (GBr)                    2
Crohane - Cat. 3
1 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello              5 pts
2 Michael O'Reilly (Irl)                      4
3 Michael Hennessey (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.          3
4 Sean Lacey (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                       2
An Draighneain - Cat. 3
1 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello              5 pts
2 Morten Hegreberg (Nor) Sparebanken Vest                4
3 Tommy Evans (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                    3
4 Mike Friedman (USA) TIAA-CREF                          2
An Bharog Bheag - Cat. 3
1 Morten Hegreberg (Nor) Sparebanken Vest                5 pts
2 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello              4
3 Peter McDonald (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello            3
4 Tommy Evans (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                    2
Cuchalainn Crystal County Rider
1 Mehall Fitzgerald (Irl) Cycleways      4.42.49
2 Tommy Evans (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                     
3 Brian Kenneally (Irl) Cycleways               
International Team
1 FRF Couriers-Caravello                          14.08.27
2 Murphy & Gunn                                           
4 TIAA-CREF                                           3.30
5 Sparebanken Vest                                        
6 Dan Morrissey                                       3.37
7 Grant Thornton                                          
8 Stevens                                             7.07
9 M.Donnelly S.Kelly                                      
10 Doncaster Stena Line                                   
11 Legia Bazylisek                                    7.14
12 Symmetrics                                             
13 JE James RT                                       10.51
14 Surrey Racing League                                   
15 Endeavour Cycling                                 53.01
County Team
1 Cycleways                             14.12.04
2 Murphy Surveys                                      3.37
3 IRC Usher Insuls.                                       
4 Murray Ford Develops.                                   
5 Earl Of Desmond                                     4.35
6 Dundrum Town Ctr.                                   7.14
7 M. Donnelly                                             
8 Whs. All Systems                                        
9 Eurocycles Eurobaby                                     
10 Biznet Solutions                                  22.22
11 E. Loakman Remax                                       
12                                        28.58
13 Nat. Safety & Training                            37.30
14 Cúchulainn Crystal                                     
General classification after stage 4
1 Mike Friedman (USA) TIAA-CREF                   12.05.50
2 Chris Newton (GBr)                  0.22
3 Danny Pate (USA) TIAA-CREF                          0.23
4 Tommy Evans (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                 0.30
5 Morten Hegreberg (Nor) Sparebanken Vest                 
6 Simon Kelly (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group        0.38
7 David O'Loughlin (Irl) Grant Thornton                   
8 Kristian House (GBr)                    
9 Brian Kenneally (Irl) Cycleways               
10 Martin Prazdnovsky (Svk) Sparebanken Vest          0.50
11 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello          0.54
12 Wayne Randle (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line                
13 Robin Sharman (GBr)                1.04
14 Robert Partridge (GBr)             3.57
15 Paidi O'Brien (Irl) Grant Thornton                 4.03
16 Joshua Marden (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello         4.04
17 Peter McDonald (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello            
18 Lucas Euser (USA) TIAA-CREF                            
19 Jehudi Schoonacker (Bel) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly     4.08
20 Joe McDonnell (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello         4.11
21 Bartlomiej Matysiak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek              
22 Are Andresen (Nor) Sparebanken Vest                5.07
23 Jaroslaw Welniak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek             5.19
24 Greg Reian (Can) Stevens                           6.02
25 John McCarthy (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                7.27
26 Micheal Concannon (Irl) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly      7.34
27 Tamas Lengyel (Hun) Sparebanken Vest               7.37
28 Tim Cassidy (Irl) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly            7.41
29 Bryan Smith (USA) TIAA-CREF                            
30 Simon Saunders (GBr) Surrey Racing League              
31 Alex Hagman (USA) Surrey Racing League                 
32 Jeff Sherstobitoff (Can) Symmetrics                    
33 Ryan Connor (Irl) Grant Thornton                       
34 Ciarán Power (Irl) Dan Morrissey                   8.10
35 Andrew Randell (Can) Symmetrics                    8.17
36 Michael Hennessey (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.          
37 Fabian Brzezinski (Ger) Stevens                   11.19
38 Lukasz Modzelewski (Pol) Legia Bazylisek          11.27
39 Mehall Fitzgerald (Irl) Cycleways       11.30
40 Ray Clarke (Irl) Dan Morrissey                         
41 Brandon Crichton (Can) Symmetrics                      
42 Tim Barry (Irl) Dan Morrissey                          
43 Mark Cassidy (Irl) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly               
44 Kurt Anders Fostervold (Nor) Sparebanken Vest          
45 Benjamin Hill (Ger) Stevens                       12.08
46 Gavin Evans (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line                 
47 Johannes Sickmüller (Ger) Stevens                      
48 Mick Steed (Irl) Murphy Surveys                        
49 Colm Bracken (Irl) Murphy Surveys                      
50 Dieter Droger (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line               
51 Martin O'Loughlin (Irl) Dan Morrissey                  
52 Michael Fitzgerald (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.         
53 Sean Lacey (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                  12.28
54 Paul Healion (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group     13.29
55 Evan Oliphant (GBr)               13.32
56 John O'Shea (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group      13.48
57 Florian Schroder (Ger) Stevens                    15.00
58 Cody Stevenson (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello            
59 Craig Sweetman (Irl) M. Donnelly                  15.02
60 Padraig Marrey (Irl) Earl Of Desmond              15.07
61 Morgan Fox (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group            
62 Gary McNulty (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.                   
63 Dan Bowman (USA) TIAA-CREF                             
64 Przemyslaw Pietrzak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek              
65 Daire McCaughley (Irl) Whs. All Systems                
66 Aidan Crowley (Irl) Cycleways                
67 Christopher Belsham (GBr) JE James RT                  
68 Paul Hanna (Irl) Biznet Solutions                      
69 Daniel Duguid (GBr) Surrey Racing League               
70 John Dempsey (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group          
71 Vincent Gleeson (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                  
72 Bill Moore (Irl) M. Donnelly                           
73 Myles Kirby (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.                    
74 Kurt Bogaerts (Bel) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly              
75 Michal Pawlyta (Pol) Legia Bazylisek                   
76 Daire O'Sullivan (Irl) E. Loakman Remax                
77 Mike Harrison (GBr) JE James RT                        
78 David Lane (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.                     
79 Karl Dolan (Irl) Cúchulainn Crystal                    
80 Stephen McKenna (Irl) Biznet Solutions                 
81 David Peelo (Irl) Murphy Surveys                       
82 Eoin Whelan (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                    
83 Greg Swinard (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                   
84 Bryan Keane (Irl) Whs. All Systems                     
85 Simon Whelan (Irl) Whs. All Systems                    
86 Noel Moloney (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby                 
87 Conor Murphy (Irl) Grant Thornton                      
88 Will Routley (Can) Symmetrics                          
89 John Mason (Irl) Cycleways              15.42
90 Roger Aiken (Irl) Grant Thornton                  15.56
91 Stephen O'Sullivan (Irl) Cycleways      16.17
92 Jaco Ehlers (RSA) Surrey Racing League            16.18
93 John Lynch (Irl) Murphy Surveys                   20.00
94 Mark Lovatt (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line            25.04
95 Adrian Crowley (Irl)                   25.37
96 Rory Wyley (Irl) Dan Morrissey                         
97 Brad Fairall (Can) Symmetrics                     25.43
98 Seamus Kelly (Irl) E. Loakman Remax               26.06
99 Mathew Ward (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.               26.44
100 John O'Brien (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.         27.19
101 Daniel Lynch (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.         30.15
102 Toby Neave (GBr) Surrey Racing League                 
103 Peter Hey (GBr) JE James RT                           
104 Gary Crory (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                    
105 Sean McGreevy (Irl) Cúchulainn Crystal                
106 Denis Lynch (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.               
107 Jason O'Callaghan (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby      30.18
108 Cormac O'Shea (Irl) E. Loakman Remax             31.00
109 David Sachs (USA) Endeavour Cycling              32.38
110 Emmett Murphy (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training       34.37
111 Mark McLeavey (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby          34.48
112 Brian Taaffe (Irl) Whs. All Systems              35.36
113 Josh James (Can) Endeavour Cycling               38.08
114 Anthony O'Brien (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training     39.34
115 Llewellyn Byrne (GBr) JE James RT                40.45
116 Simon Mulvany (Irl) M. Donnelly                       
117 Michael O'Reilly (Irl)                41.26
118 David McLoughlin (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.         45.11
119 Frank O'Connor (Irl) M. Donnelly                 45.26
120 Matthew Melville (GBr) JE James RT               46.10
121 Peter O'Connor (Irl) M. Donnelly                 49.25
122 Ashley Brown (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line          55.03
123 Niall Brosnan (Irl) Earl Of Desmond              55.32
124 Eldon Looney (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training        55.56
125 Paul Vaughan (Irl) Biznet Solutions            1.03.55
126 Richard Malone (Irl) E. Loakman Remax          1.05.04
127 Kevin Lynch (Irl) Cúchulainn Crystal           1.10.34
128 Keith Griffin (Irl)                 1.11.12
129 Drew McKinley (Irl) Cúchulainn Crystal         1.11.16
130 Tony Kemp (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training         1.14.25
131 Graham Howard (USA) Endeavour Cycling          1.14.28
132 Gordon Tangney (Irl) Whs. All Systems          1.19.12
133 Brian Murphy (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training      1.19.30
134 Frank Dunne (Irl)                   1.26.02
135 Isaiah Adams (USA) Endeavour Cycling           1.31.47
136 Phil Maher (Irl)                    1.42.06
137 David Rawlins (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby        1.42.27
138 John-Paul Lyons (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby      1.43.04
139 Brendan Kirk (Irl) Biznet Solutions            1.43.07
Points Competition
1 Chris Newton (GBr)                    35 pts
2 Tommy Evans (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                   27
3 Morten Hegreberg (Nor) Sparebanken Vest               26
4 Joshua Marden (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello            23
5 Mike Friedman (USA) TIAA-CREF                         23
6 Robin Sharman (GBr)                   21
7 Bartlomiej Matysiak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek             20
8 Joe McDonnell (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello            18
9 Danny Pate (USA) TIAA-CREF                            15
10 Martin Prazdnovsky (Svk) Sparebanken Vest            14
11 Lukasz Modzelewski (Pol) Legia Bazylisek             14
12 Wayne Randle (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line              13
13 Mehall Fitzgerald (Irl) Cycleways          13
14 Jehudi Schoonacker (Bel) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly       12
15 Benjamin Hill (Ger) Stevens                          11
16 Paul Healion (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group        11
17 Simon Kelly (Irl) Murphy & Gunn/Newlyn Group         10
18 David O'Loughlin (Irl) Grant Thornton                 9
19 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello             9
20 Cody Stevenson (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello           7
21 Dan Bowman (USA) TIAA-CREF                            5
22 Fabian Brzezinski (Ger) Stevens                       4
23 Florian Schroder (Ger) Stevens                        4
24 Brian Kenneally (Irl) Cycleways             3
25 Peter McDonald (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello           3
26 Przemyslaw Pietrzak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek             3
27 Ciarán Power (Irl) Dan Morrissey                      2
28 Ray Clarke (Irl) Dan Morrissey                        2
29 Paidi O'Brien (Irl) Grant Thornton                    1
30 Are Andresen (Nor) Sparebanken Vest                   1
31 Brad Fairall (Can) Symmetrics                         1
Mountains Competition
1 Ciarán Power (Irl) Dan Morrissey                      20 pts
2 Morten Hegreberg (Nor) Sparebanken Vest               20
3 Peter Herzig (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello             19
4 Danny Pate (USA) TIAA-CREF                            16
5 Martin Prazdnovsky (Svk) Sparebanken Vest             15
6 Wayne Randle (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line                9
7 Lukasz Modzelewski (Pol) Legia Bazylisek               8
8 Robin Sharman (GBr)                    6
9 Tommy Evans (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.                    5
10 Peter McDonald (Aus) FRF Couriers-Caravello           5
11 Jaroslaw Welniak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek                4
12 Fabian Brzezinski (Ger) Stevens                       4
13 Michael O'Reilly (Irl)                     4
14 Paidi O'Brien (Irl) Grant Thornton                    3
15 Tamas Lengyel (Hun) Sparebanken Vest                  3
16 Michael Hennessey (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.         3
17 Przemyslaw Pietrzak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek             3
18 Mark Lovatt (GBr) Doncaster Stena Line                3
Ben McKenna Trophy U23  Rider GC                          
1 Robert Partridge (GBr)          12.09.47
2 Paidi O'Brien (Irl) Grant Thornton                  0.06
3 Bartlomiej Matysiak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek           0.14
4 Micheal Concannon (Irl) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly       3.37
5 Ryan Connor (Irl) Grant Thornton                    3.44
6 Lukasz Modzelewski (Pol) Legia Bazylisek            7.30
7 Brandon Crichton (Can) Symmetrics                   7.33
8 Mark Cassidy (Irl) M.Donnelly Sean Kelly                
9 Benjamin Hill (Ger) Stevens                         8.11
10 Florian Schroder (Ger) Stevens                    11.03
11 Przemyslaw Pietrzak (Pol) Legia Bazylisek         11.10
12 Paul Hanna (Irl) Biznet Solutions                      
13 Brad Fairall (Can) Symmetrics                     21.46
14 Josh James (Can) Endeavour Cycling                34.11
15 Graham Howard (USA) Endeavour Cycling           1.10.31
16 David Rawlins (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby         1.38.30
CI Category Robin Sharman (GBr)           
1 John McCarthy (Irl) Earl Of Desmond             12.13.17
2 Gary McNulty (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.                7.40
3 Daire McCaughley (Irl) Whs. All Systems                 
4 Myles Kirby (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.                     
5 Simon Whelan (Irl) Whs. All Systems                     
6 Noel Moloney (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby                  
7 Adrian Crowley (Irl)                    18.10
8 Jason O'Callaghan (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby        22.51
9 Emmett Murphy (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training         27.10
10 Mark McLeavey (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby           27.21
11 Anthony O'Brien (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training      32.07
12 David McLoughlin (Irl) Dundrum Town Ctr.          37.44
13 Frank O'Connor (Irl) M. Donnelly                  37.59
14 Peter O'Connor (Irl) M. Donnelly                  41.58
15 Niall Brosnan (Irl) Earl Of Desmond               48.05
16 Eldon Looney (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training         48.29
17 Paul Vaughan (Irl) Biznet Solutions               56.28
18 Kevin Lynch (Irl) Cúchulainn Crystal            1.03.07
19 Keith Griffin (Irl)                  1.03.45
20 Drew McKinley (Irl) Cúchulainn Crystal          1.03.49
21 Tony Kemp (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training          1.06.58
22 Gordon Tangney (Irl) Whs. All Systems           1.11.45
23 Brian Murphy (Irl) Nat. Safety & Training       1.12.03
24 Phil Maher (Irl)                     1.34.39
25 David Rawlins (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby         1.35.00
26 John-Paul Lyons (Irl) Eurocycles Eurobaby       1.35.37
27 Brendan Kirk (Irl) Biznet Solutions             1.35.40
Cycleways County Rider classification
1 Tommy Evans (Irl) IRC Usher Insuls.             12.06.20
2 Brian Kenneally (Irl) Cycleways           0.08
3 John McCarthy (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                 6.57
4 Michael Hennessey (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.       8.01
5 Mehall Fitzgerald (Irl) Cycleways        11.00
6 Mick Steed (Irl) Murphy Surveys                    11.38
7 Colm Bracken (Irl) Murphy Surveys                       
8 Michael Fitzgerald (Irl) Murray Ford Develops.          
9 Sean Lacey (Irl) Earl Of Desmond                   11.58
10 Craig Sweetman (Irl) M. Donnelly                  14.32
International Team classification
1                                 36.16.14
2 Sparebanken Vest                                    3.18
3 TIAA-CREF                                           5.46
4 FRF Couriers-Caravello                              6.52
5 Grant Thornton                                     13.39
6 M.Donnelly S.Kelly                                 17.02
7 Doncaster Stena Line                               18.52
8 Legia Bazylisek                                    21.24
9 Murphy & Gunn                                      21.55
10 Stevens                                           27.01
11 Symmetrics                                        28.44
12 Dan Morrissey                                     29.34
13 Surrey Racing League                              31.45
14 JE James RT                                       46.37
15 Endeavour Cycling                               2.26.30
County Team classification
1 Cycleways                             36.44.45
2 IRC Usher Insuls.                                   3.35
3 Murray Ford Develops.                               5.32
4 Earl Of Desmond                                     7.47
5 Murphy Surveys                                      8.31
6 M. Donnelly                                        18.01
7 Dundrum Town Ctr.                                  18.06
8 Whs. All Systems                                        
9 E. Loakman Remax                                   35.19
10 Eurocycles Eurobaby                               52.58
11 Biznet Solutions                                1.06.12
12 Cúchulainn Crystal                              1.08.08
13 Nat. Safety & Training                          1.28.40
14                                      1.51.00
