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Tour de Toona - NE

USA, July 24-30, 2006

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Stage 6 - July 29: Altoona road race, 149.5km

Lagutin, Van Gilder take final road stage of Toona

Men: Race lead changes hands in drama-filled stage

By Mark Zalewski, North American Editor in Altoona, PA

The best sprinter
Photo ©: Mark Zalewski
(Click for larger image)

This has been one of the most action-filled editions of the Tour de Toona in recent years, with three strong teams battling toe-to-toe each day for just mere seconds. But the final road stage of the race produced the biggest drama of the week, with the yellow jersey group of Karl Menzies (Health Net-Maxxis) led off-course by wayward escorts and an absent turn marshall, losing valuable seconds just thirty miles from the finish.

"The chase took a wrong turn at the 64-mile mark," explained Health Net-Maxxis DS Jeff Corbett. "They were coming down a steep descent and there was a right hand turn at the bottom. There was no lead vehicle with us and there were no marshals there at all. The break went down the hill and followed the moto and Mavic, blowing by the right hand turn going 40 miles an hour."

Up the road, a final break of seven rolled along, including two Toyota-United and two Navigators Insurance riders. After slimming to five riders by the end, it was Sergey Lagutin (Navigators Insurance) sprinting out of the break to take the win ahead of Chris Baldwin (Toyota-United). Lagutin and Baldwin were flung to the top of the overall, with Lagutin taking the yellow jersey by virtue of the time bonus on the line.

"Wherry was really strong for me doing a great job," said Baldwin about the finish. "He hit the front and I gapped him off forcing Navigators to lead it out. I got on Lagutin's wheel and just stayed on his wheel." But Baldwin was unable to come around the fast champion from Uzbekistan. "The race is not over until it is over and I have a really good team for doing leadouts," said Baldwin. "Lagutin will be a really tough competitors and a multi dimensional rider but any thing can happen it should be exciting if anything else."

Good on ya, Karl!
Photo ©: Mark Zalewski
(Click for larger image)

"It is really unfortunate that the chase group made a wrong turn," said Navigators Insurance DS Ed Beamon. "They worked really hard to bring the time lost back. Coming into the finish we have been racing this whole race for Lagutin and we wanted to get the twenty seconds needed."

The gap from Lagutin and Baldwin was forty-six seconds as the Menzies group rolled in, and with only twenty-four and twenty-six seconds separating Lagutin and Baldwin respectively from Menzies before the stage, the race lead slipped away from Health Net.

Not only is Lagutin in the yellow jersey, but two other teammates increased their lead in the sprint and KOM jersey competitions. "We have the KOM jersey locked up and we have the green jersey too," said Beamon. "To have all three jerseys in the final day feels really good. Chadwick and Bernard have been workers all week long and so it is so gratifying to see the workers get a slice of the pie."

"I attribute the loss of the yellow jersey to the wrong turn that was made," said Corbett. "A lot of factors come into play but certainly that. We pulled back the break to 46 seconds by the finish. It is not only about losing the jersey today -- we may have lost it anyway -- the point is it was the amount of time we lost it by. We knew if we lost it by a little bit of time we could gain it back with the remaining time bonuses. We know Menzies is the best sprinter of all the GC guys. The mistake cost us the race overall."

Corbett also did not want to detract from an otherwise hard-fought race between his team, Navigators and Toyota. "I'm not trying to take anything away fro Toyota-United or Navigators because they both rode well and hard today too. I'm sure they have been the benefactor and the victims of these situations before. But Karl is so motivated and he really wanted to keep it and the team was really there to back him up. He was going to kill himself to get over the climb within a reasonable distance from the leaders. He said he could do it and the guys believed in that."

The leaders rejoin Lagutin
Photo ©: Mark Zalewski
(Click for larger image)

Toyota-United's DS Harm Jansen does not think the wrong turn would have affected the overall as much as Corbett. "It is a pity when that happens -- but I think the second [yellow jersey] group wouldn't have caught that first group anyway,” he said. “They were constantly putting time on them. The third group caught the second [yellow jersey] group, and when that happened they had a lot of manpower. That evened out the fact that the yellow jersey lost time by taking a wrong turn. Menzies rode like a rock star and the guy did a phenomenal job.”

An understandably upset Menzies had ridden out of his skin all day to stay up with the leaders on all three KOMs. "I went over the top at about 45 seconds down on that group. I had all my team with me. I was going to drill that climb to get myself up there. We chased after that and Colavita, Target Training were there working well too. We brought it down to 50 seconds when we followed the motor bike in front past the turn. The race comes down to seconds here. To lose the jersey because of that is really disappointing. The team is riding so well for me that to have us lose it because of a mistake like that is not good. The team buried themselves and brought it back down to 50 seconds again. We took it all the way to the line to reduce the damage there."

Regardless of the circumstances, Menzies is not giving up the fight as the race enters the final criterium stage. "The GC will still be tight. We still want to win the Tour and there is still one more day and we will recover today. Anything can happen tomorrow."

Women: Armstrong brings Van Gilder home to take the win

By Kirsten Robbins in Altoona, PA

Laura Van Gilder (TEAm Lipton)
Photo ©: Mark Zalewski
(Click for larger image)

TEAm Lipton's Laura VanGilder initiated a break twenty-five miles into today's ninety-mile stage and pushed hard all the way to end. Her breakaway companion and yellow jersey holder Kristin Armstrong happily watched VanGilder take the win after a dedicated day together.

"When we got over the last QOM with twenty kilometers to go, I knew we were going to make it to the end," said Kristin Armstrong. "There is something about the dynamic of working with your own teammate. When there are two of you alone and the other person is your teammate it is amazing how much each of you give. Laura and I were completely dedicated to one another today."

With the first two spots on the podium take by TEAm Lipton there was third place up for grabs. Canadian National Champion/Biovail rider Alex Wrubleski and Webcor-Platinum's Erinne Willock were chasing hard together to reduce the gap to the two leaders. Coming into the finish it was Wrubleski who took third and Willock fourth.

It was an emotional win for VanGilder on two levels. "It is so awesome to come in together with your teammate," said VanGilder. "As we got to with in ten kilometers to go it was great. We work so hard together all year and we hit bumps along the way but we have had a lot of success and we have really grown as a team and it shows - it is going to make us that much stronger."

Meredith Miller (TEAm Lipton)
Photo ©: Mark Zalewski
(Click for larger image)

"I have also been inspired the last couple of days because a friend of mine has been battling with cancer and I wanted to dedicate this win to her because her battle is much bigger than mine," said VanGilder. "If I could have the strength that she needs I would give it to her."

The field remained intact until the second intermediate sprint when VanGilder made her winning move. "I initiated the break after the sprint," said VanGilder. "It was perfect because everyone one was happy with that break. I felt confident that if I could go up the Blue Knob at my own pace I could stay with the group that was going to catch me at the top."

The early break totaled five riders that also included Webcor-Platinum's Felicia Gomez, Victory Brewing's Christina Ruiter, Colavita-Cooking Light's Audrey Lemiuex, and Palo-Alto's Yukie Nakamura. "Everyone worked really well in the break accept Ruiter and Lemieux," said Felicia Gomez. "Laura initiated the break and three of us were working but Chrissy and Audrey were sitting on because they had no need to work. I was working hard to try to make Biovail work to chase us. The other positive thing was that I got over the climb first and then I was able to help Erinne over the top."

The first intermediate sprint
Photo ©: Mark Zalewski
(Click for larger image)

The break had approximately four-minute gap at the base of Blue Knob, the first QOM. Gomez crested the top of the climb first of the five riders. Back in the field Armstrong had made her attack after allowing Wrubleski and Willock to set tempo. "When I saw them fatigue a little I went and my goals was to catch up to Laura by the top," said Armstrong.

The two Lipton riders: VanGilder and Armstrong reunited with five hundred meters from the top. Coming over the top the worked together to make contact with Gomez. Meanwhile, Wrubleski, Willock and Ruiter came together becoming the chase group.

Part way down the descent Gomez pulled herself out of the break to rejoin the chasing three behind. "Erinne, Alex and Chrissy were together," said Gomez. "I came back to help them by either closing the gap to Armstrong and Van Gilder or increase the time to the field behind."

The chasing group of four worked well together with the exception of Ruiter who placed fifth in today's stage. "I wasn't working in the breaks because there were other riders that are stronger than me and I knew that I would not be able to make it over the climbs with them if I worked," said Christina Ruiter. "It was important for our team to get as many girls over the top of the climb as we could. We also wanted Rachel to have a chance to get as many QOM points as she could."

Canadian champion Alex Wrubleski
Photo ©: Mark Zalewski
(Click for larger image)

"I sat on Alex and Erinne after Blue Knob because they are two of the best climbers in the U.S and I just wanted to be represented in the front today."

Behind the two lead groups of three was a chasing field of approximately fifteen riders. The group gave up their chase and the gap grew to a maximum of eight minutes before the finish.

Armstrong took over the QOM jersey today that she attributes to her situation. "It was not my intention or our team goal to get the QOM jersey," said Armstrong. "Sometimes when you are off the front you accumulate points and it is just the situation."


For a thumbnail gallery of these images, click here

Images by Mark Zalewski/


Men Pro 1-2
1 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance                 3.38.10 (41.12 Km/H)
2 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota - United                        
3 Dominique Perras (Can) Equipe du Quebec                          
4 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly                                
5 Glen Chadwick (USA) Navigators Insurance                         
6 Christopher Wherry (USA) Toyota - United                     0.03
7 Ciaran Power (Irl) Navigators Insurance                      0.46
8 Jonathan Garcia (USA) Team Einstein's                            
9 Justin England (USA) Toyota - United                             
10 Valeriy Kobzarenko URK Navigators Insurance                     
11 Frank Pipp (USA) TargetTraining                                 
12 Scott Moninger (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                       
13 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net pb Maxxis                         
14 Todd Herriott (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                      
15 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita - Sutter Home                    
16 Juan Haedo (Arg) Toyota - United                            3.46
17 Robbie King (USA) Priority Health                               
18 Todd Henriksen (USA) VMG Racing                                 
19 Daniel Vaillancourt (USA) CCB/Volkswagen                        
20 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                      
21 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                         
22 Scott Nydam (USA) Team Einstein's                               
23 David O'Loughlin (Irl) Navigators Insurance                     
24 Nathan O'Neill (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                       
25 Ivan Stevic (SCG) Toyota - United                               
26 Matt Shriver (USA) TargetTraining                           4.55
27 Jake Rytlewski (USA) Priority Health                            
28 Justin Spinelli (USA) Nerac/                   
29 Ryan Trebon (USA) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                        
30 Predrag Prokic (SCG) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                     
31 Mark McCormack (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                     
32 Barry Wicks (USA) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                        
33 Jonathan Hamblen (USA) Nerac/                  
34 Jeff Louder (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                          
35 Brian Dziewa (USA) Mercy Cycling Team                           
36 Bernard VanUlden (USA) Navigators Insurance                 8.58
37 Kyle Wamsley (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                   9.32
38 Chris Jones (USA) TargetTraining                                
39 Nicholas Clayville (USA) Broadmark/Hagens                   9.45
40 Edward King (USA) Priority Health                               
41 David Robinson (USA) Nevada             
42 Joseph Moody (USA) Kenda/Raleigh                                
43 Zach Bell (Can) Rite Aid                                        
44 Ryan Hamity (USA) Team Einstein's                               
45 Eneas Freyre (USA) TargetTraining                               
46 Bartolo Torre (USA) VMG Racing                                  
47 Nebojsa Jovanovic (SCG) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                  
48 Brian Sheedy (USA) Priority Health                              
49 Dustin MacBurnie (Can) TargetTraining                           
50 Greg Henderson (NZl) Health Net pb Maxxis                       
51 Heath Blackgrove (NZl) Toyota - United                          
52 Jason Baer (USA) Kenda/Raleigh                             16.06
53 Trevor Connor (Can) Bicisport Calgary                           
54 Keith Jennings (USA) Independent Fabrications                   
55 Ryan DeWald (USA) Rite Aid                                      
56 Scott Zwizanski (USA) Nevada            
57 Robert Sweeting (USA) IBC/NERAC                                 
58 Russell Langley (USA) Rite Aid                             21.21
59 John DeLong (USA) Rite Aid                                      
60 Brian Kendall (USA) Team Einstein's                        23.22
61 Jamie Sparling (Can) Bicisport Calgary                          
62 Patrick Walsh (USA) CCB/Volkswagen                         23.26
63 Michael Norton (USA) Nerac/                    
64 Daniel Greenfield (USA) TargetTraining                          
65 Stefano Barberi (Cub) Toyota - United                           
66 Brice Jones (USA) Jelly Belly                                   
67 William Dugan (USA) Watchung Wheelman                           
68 James Camut (USA) Watchung Wheelman                             
69 Tommy Nankervis (Aus) Priority Health                           
70 Johnney Hayes (USA) CRC/Sakonnet Technology                     
71 Powers Jeremy (USA) Jelly Belly                                 
72 Erik Lyman (Can) Calyon / Litespeed                             
73 Friedick Mariano (USA) Toyota - United                          
74 Joel Dion-Poitras (Can) Calyon / Litespeed                      
75 Bruno Langlois (Can) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                     
76 Jake Hollenbach (USA) CCB/Volkswagen                            
77 Maxime Vives (Can) Calyon / Litespeed                           
78 Jonathan Bruno (USA) Independent Fabrications                   
79 Stephan Kincaid (USA) Nevada            
80 Emile Abraham (Tri) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                      
81 Peter Penzell (USA) Rite Aid                                    
82 Viktor Rapinski (Blr) Colavita - Sutter Home                    
83 Ben Brooks (USA) Navigators Insurance                           
84 Jean-Sebastien Perron (Can) Calyon / Litespeed                  
85 Jonathan Page (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                      
86 Adam Myerson (USA) Nerac/                      
87 Jason Harpp (USA) Kenda/Raleigh                                 
88 Manion Caleb (USA) Jelly Belly                                  
89 Ward Solar (USA) IBC/NERAC                                      
90 Alexander Boyd (USA) VMG Racing                                 
91 Omer Kem (USA)                                     
92 Jafer Beizer (USA) Subaru                                       
93 Gustavo Artacho (Arg) Colavita - Sutter Home                    
94 Roy Mathieu (Can) Equipe du Quebec                              
95 Clayton Barrows (USA) Team Einstein's                           
96 Phil Cortes (Can) Equipe du Quebec                              
97 Lang Reynolds (USA)                                
98 David Veilleux (Can) Equipe du Quebec                           
99 Jaimie Lamb (Can) Equipe du Quebec                              
100 Tim Henry (USA) Subaru                                         
101 Hayden Brooks (Aus) Subaru                                     
102 Daniel Holt (USA) Nerac/                      
103 James Driscoll (USA) Watchung Wheelman                         
104 Peter Morse (Can) Jet Fuel                                     
105 Kirk Albers (USA) Jelly Belly                                  
106 Shane Peltonen (USA) Eclipse Racing                            
107 Joe Guiliano (Can) Jet Fuel                                    
108 Solomon Woras (USA) Broadmark/Hagens                           
109 Michael Necessary (USA) Mesa Cycles                            
110 Kyle Colavito (USA) Eclipse Racing                             
111 Jason Donald (USA) Team Einstein's                             
112 Sam Johnson (USA) Broadmark/Hagens                             
113 Hugh Moran (USA) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                        
114 Derik Archibald (USA)                        27.33
115 Trevor Mays (USA)                                 
116 John Seehafer (USA) Team Einstein's                       28.44
117 Jason Karew (USA) Eclipse Racing                               
118 Adam Branfman (USA)                               
119 Per Strom (Can) Bicisport Calgary                              
120 Nick Friesen (Can) Bicisport Calgary                           
121 Eudaldo Asencio (USA) Caico                                    
122 Dwight (Whitey) Debroux (USA) Team Einstein's                  
123 Agustin Font (USA) Caico                                       
124 Jonathan Wirsing (USA) Rite Aid                                
125 David Guttenplan (USA) Subaru                                  
126 Andrew Applegate (USA) Abercrombe & Fitch                      
127 Willliam Elliston (USA) TargetTraining                    34.53
128 Jarod Gilyard (USA) Eclipse Racing                        38.12
129 Joseph Whitman (USA) Nevada       40.08
DNS Scottie Weiss (USA) Abercrombe & Fitch                         
DNS Aliaksandr Bialiauski (Blr) CCB/Volkswagen                     
DNF Ruben Borrero (USA) Caico                                      
DNF Matty Rice (Aus) Jelly Belly                                   
DNF Michael Jones (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                       
DNF Alberto Tiberio (Swi) Health Net pb Maxxis                     
DNF Eric Keim (USA) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                         
DNF Werling David (USA) Nerac/                    
DNF Richard England (Aus) Priority Health                          
DNF Glen Mitchell (NZl) Priority Health                            
DNF Rudy Robaina (USA) VMG Racing                                  
DNF Clovis Auger (Can) Equipe du Quebec                            
DNF Eric Boily (Can) Equipe du Quebec                              
DNF Pierre-Olivier Boily (Can) Equipe du Quebec                    
DNF Tim Swain (USA) Abercrombe & Fitch                             
DNF Shane Weaver (USA) Abercrombe & Fitch                          
DNF Andrew Fischer (USA) Broadmark/Hagens                          
DNF Stan Jurga (USA) Independent Fabrications                      
DNF Nathaniel Buyon (USA) Watchung Wheelman                        
DNF Ian Manning (Can) Jet Fuel                                     
DNF Keith Moore (Can) Jet Fuel                                     
DNF Joshua Carter (USA) Mesa Cycles                                
DNF Ben Raby (USA) Mesa Cycles                                     
DNF Caleb Fairly (USA) CRC/Sakonnet Technology                     
Blue Knob
1 Glen Chadwick (USA) Navigators Insurance                        9 pts
2 Dominique Perras (Can) Equipe du Quebec                         7
3 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly                               5
4 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota - United                       3
5 Christopher Wherry (USA) Toyota - United                        1
Carson Valley
1 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly                               5 pts
2 Dominique Perras (Can) Equipe du Quebec                         3
3 Glen Chadwick (USA) Navigators Insurance                        1
Sugar Run
1 Glen Chadwick (USA) Navigators Insurance                        7 pts
2 Dominique Perras (Can) Equipe du Quebec                         5
3 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota - United                       3
4 Scott Moninger (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                       2
5 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance                       1
1 David O'Loughlin (Irl) Navigators Insurance                     5 pts
2 Jonathan Page (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                      3
3 Bernard VanUlden (USA) Navigators Insurance                     2
4 Ben Brooks (USA) Navigators Insurance                           1
1 David O'Loughlin (Irl) Navigators Insurance                     5 pts
2 Jonathan Page (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                      3
3 Bernard VanUlden (USA) Navigators Insurance                     2
4 Ben Brooks (USA) Navigators Insurance                           1
1 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance                      10 pts
2 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota - United                       9
3 Dominique Perras (Can) Equipe du Quebec                         8
4 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly                               7
5 Glen Chadwick (USA) Navigators Insurance                        6
6 Christopher Wherry (USA) Toyota - United                        5
7 Ciaran Power (Irl) Navigators Insurance                         4
8 Jonathan Garcia (USA) Team Einstein's                           3
9 Justin England (USA) Toyota - United                            2
10 Valeriy Kobzarenko URK Navigators Insurance                    1
1 Navigators Insurance Cycl                                10.55.16
2 Toyota - United Pro Cycli                                    0.03
3 Health Net Pro Cycling Te                                    4.32
4 Colavita - Sutter Home                                           
5 Team Einstein's Cycling                                     13.31
6 AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                                      13.59
7 TargetTraining                                              14.27
8 Priority Health Cycling T                                   17.40
9 Nerac/ P                                   32.30
10 VMG Racing                                                 36.11
11 Jelly Belly                                                46.06
12 Equipe du Quebec                                                
13 Rite AId Pro Cycling                                       46.26
14 N                                  48.31
15 Kenda/Raleigh Racing                                            
16 CCB/Volkswagen                                             49.52
17 Broadmark/Hagens-Berman                                    55.51
18 Bicisport Calgary                                        1.07.26
19 Calyon / Litespeed Pro Cy                                1.09.32
20 Watchung Wheelman/High Ge                                       
21 Subaru Cycling Team                                             
22                                             1.13.39
23 Eclipse Racing                                           1.14.50
General classification after stage 6
1 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance                14.35.26
2 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota - United                    0.03
3 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly                            0.27
4 Glen Chadwick (USA) Navigators Insurance                     0.35
5 Christopher Wherry (USA) Toyota - United                     0.37
6 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net pb Maxxis                      0.40
7 Frank Pipp (USA) TargetTraining                              0.49
8 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita - Sutter Home                 1.06
9 Ciaran Power (Irl) Navigators Insurance                      1.08
10 Justin England (USA) Toyota - United                        1.22
11 Valeriy Kobzarenko URK Navigators Insurance                 1.28
12 Jonathan Garcia (USA) Team Einstein's                       1.34
13 Todd Herriott (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                  1.38
14 Scott Moninger (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                   2.51
15 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                     4.10
16 David O'Loughlin (Irl) Navigators Insurance                 4.22
17 Robbie King (USA) Priority Health                           4.24
18 Scott Nydam (USA) Team Einstein's                           4.35
19 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                      
20 Daniel Vaillancourt (USA) CCB/Volkswagen                    4.50
21 Dominique Perras (Can) Equipe du Quebec                     5.06
22 Matt Shriver (USA) TargetTraining                           5.28
23 Ryan Trebon (USA) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                    5.31
24 Brian Dziewa (USA) Mercy Cycling Team                       5.33
25 Todd Henriksen (USA) VMG Racing                             6.34
26 Ivan Stevic (SCG) Toyota - United                           6.45
27 Jeff Louder (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                      7.39
28 Barry Wicks (USA) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                    7.51
29 Juan Haedo (Arg) Toyota - United                            8.14
30 Nathan O'Neill (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                   8.15
31 Justin Spinelli (USA) Nerac/               8.24
32 Jonathan Hamblen (USA) Nerac/              8.25
33 Mark McCormack (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                 9.13
34 Greg Henderson (NZl) Health Net pb Maxxis                   9.59
35 Edward King (USA) Priority Health                          10.08
36 Predrag Prokic (SCG) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                10.10
37 Jake Rytlewski (USA) Priority Health                       10.15
38 Chris Jones (USA) TargetTraining                           10.19
39 Brian Sheedy (USA) Priority Health                         13.53
40 Bernard VanUlden (USA) Navigators Insurance                14.05
41 Nicholas Clayville (USA) Broadmark/Hagens                  14.45
42 Dustin MacBurnie (Can) TargetTraining                      14.49
43 Eneas Freyre (USA) TargetTraining                          14.55
44 Joseph Moody (USA) Kenda/Raleigh                           14.59
45 Nebojsa Jovanovic (SCG) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                  
46 Ryan Hamity (USA) Team Einstein's                          15.15
47 Heath Blackgrove (NZl) Toyota - United                     16.26
48 Kyle Wamsley (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                  16.59
49 Scott Zwizanski (USA) Nevada       18.21
50 Trevor Connor (Can) Bicisport Calgary                      20.02
51 Bartolo Torre (USA) VMG Racing                             20.24
52 Ryan DeWald (USA) Rite Aid                                 21.29
53 Jason Baer (USA) Kenda/Raleigh                             22.14
54 Keith Jennings (USA) Independent Fabrications              24.27
55 Jonathan Page (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                 26.07
56 Manion Caleb (USA) Jelly Belly                             26.25
57 Friedick Mariano (USA) Toyota - United                     28.08
58 Alexander Boyd (USA) VMG Racing                            28.20
59 Gustavo Artacho (Arg) Colavita - Sutter Home               28.26
60 Patrick Walsh (USA) CCB/Volkswagen                         28.29
61 Roy Mathieu (Can) Equipe du Quebec                         28.30
62 Powers Jeremy (USA) Jelly Belly                                 
63 Erik Lyman (Can) Calyon / Litespeed                        28.33
64 Kirk Albers (USA) Jelly Belly                              28.37
65 Jean-Sebastien Perron (Can) Calyon / Litespeed                  
66 Emile Abraham (Tri) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                 28.38
67 Tim Henry (USA) Subaru                                     28.40
68 Maxime Vives (Can) Calyon / Litespeed                      28.47
69 Stephan Kincaid (USA) Nevada       28.49
70 Clayton Barrows (USA) Team Einstein's                      28.57
71 James Camut (USA) Watchung Wheelman                        29.01
72 Shane Peltonen (USA) Eclipse Racing                        29.02
73 Joe Guiliano (Can) Jet Fuel                                29.06
74 James Driscoll (USA) Watchung Wheelman                     29.08
75 Ben Brooks (USA) Navigators Insurance                      29.19
76 Michael Norton (USA) Nerac/                    
77 Lang Reynolds (USA)                                
78 Bruno Langlois (Can) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                29.20
79 Daniel Greenfield (USA) TargetTraining                     29.26
80 Zach Bell (Can) Rite Aid                                   29.54
81 Hugh Moran (USA) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                    31.16
82 Stefano Barberi (Cub) Toyota - United                      31.34
83 David Veilleux (Can) Equipe du Quebec                      31.46
84 David Robinson (USA) Nevada        31.50
85 Omer Kem (USA)                                32.18
86 Johnney Hayes (USA) CRC/Sakonnet Technology                33.42
87 Brice Jones (USA) Jelly Belly                              34.26
88 Dwight (Whitey) Debroux (USA) Team Einstein's              34.58
89 Michael Necessary (USA) Mesa Cycles                        37.36
90 David Guttenplan (USA) Subaru                              37.39
91 Tommy Nankervis (Aus) Priority Health                      37.47
92 William Dugan (USA) Watchung Wheelman                      37.54
93 John DeLong (USA) Rite Aid                                 38.31
94 Daniel Holt (USA) Nerac/                  39.53
95 Phil Cortes (Can) Equipe du Quebec                         39.54
96 Ward Solar (USA) IBC/NERAC                                 40.32
97 Jamie Sparling (Can) Bicisport Calgary                     40.39
98 Jaimie Lamb (Can) Equipe du Quebec                         40.50
99 Hayden Brooks (Aus) Subaru                                 40.55
100 Agustin Font (USA) Caico                                  40.59
101 Adam Myerson (USA) Nerac/                41.03
102 Solomon Woras (USA) Broadmark/Hagens                      41.06
103 Brian Kendall (USA) Team Einstein's                       41.54
104 Jason Donald (USA) Team Einstein's                        42.46
105 Russell Langley (USA) Rite Aid                            43.16
106 Robert Sweeting (USA) IBC/NERAC                           43.40
107 Derik Archibald (USA)                        44.35
108 Peter Morse (Can) Jet Fuel                                45.11
109 Jason Karew (USA) Eclipse Racing                          46.07
110 John Seehafer (USA) Team Einstein's                       47.48
111 Joel Dion-Poitras (Can) Calyon / Litespeed                49.25
112 Sam Johnson (USA) Broadmark/Hagens                        51.23
113 Eudaldo Asencio (USA) Caico                               51.27
114 Jason Harpp (USA) Kenda/Raleigh                           51.45
115 Per Strom (Can) Bicisport Calgary                              
116 Kyle Colavito (USA) Eclipse Racing                        51.51
117 Viktor Rapinski (Blr) Colavita - Sutter Home              51.55
118 Andrew Applegate (USA) Abercrombe & Fitch                 52.01
119 Peter Penzell (USA) Rite Aid                              52.13
120 Jake Hollenbach (USA) CCB/Volkswagen                      54.11
121 Adam Branfman (USA)                          57.13
122 Willliam Elliston (USA) TargetTraining                    57.18
123 Nick Friesen (Can) Bicisport Calgary                      57.21
124 Jonathan Bruno (USA) Independent Fabrications             58.40
125 Jarod Gilyard (USA) Eclipse Racing                      1.04.30
126 Jafer Beizer (USA) Subaru                               1.05.19
127 Jonathan Wirsing (USA) Rite Aid                         1.10.02
128 Trevor Mays (USA)                          1.14.29
129 Joseph Whitman (USA) Nevada     1.19.09
Mountains classification
1 Glen Chadwick (USA) Navigators Insurance                       39 pts
2 Dominique Perras (Can) Equipe du Quebec                        20
3 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly                              20
4 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota - United                      13
5 Stefano Barberi (Cub) Toyota - United                          10
6 Bruno Langlois (Can) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                     9
7 Christopher Wherry (USA) Toyota - United                        4
8 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita - Sutter Home                    3
9 Kyle Wamsley (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                       3
10 Scott Moninger (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                      2
11 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance                      1
12 Patrick Walsh (USA) CCB/Volkswagen                             1
13 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                     1
14 Predrag Prokic (SCG) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                    1
Sprint classification
1 Bernard VanUlden (USA) Navigators Insurance                    41 pts
2 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance                      35
3 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net pb Maxxis                        29
4 Juan Haedo (Arg) Toyota - United                               24
5 Greg Henderson (NZl) Health Net pb Maxxis                      22
6 Brice Jones (USA) Jelly Belly                                  19
7 Dominique Perras (Can) Equipe du Quebec                        18
8 Ciaran Power (Irl) Navigators Insurance                        17
9 Frank Pipp (USA) TargetTraining                                16
10 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita - Sutter Home                  15
11 Scott Zwizanski (USA) Nevada          15
12 Mark McCormack (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                   15
13 Jonathan Page (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                    11
14 David O'Loughlin (Irl) Navigators Insurance                   10
15 Friedick Mariano (USA) Toyota - United                        10
16 Glen Chadwick (USA) Navigators Insurance                       9
17 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota - United                      9
18 Bruno Langlois (Can) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                    8
19 Andrew Bajadali (USA) Jelly Belly                              8
20 Christopher Wherry (USA) Toyota - United                       8
21 Patrick Walsh (USA) CCB/Volkswagen                             6
22 Robbie King (USA) Priority Health                              4
23 Erik Lyman (Can) Calyon / Litespeed                            4
24 Stefano Barberi (Cub) Toyota - United                          3
25 Powers Jeremy (USA) Jelly Belly                                3
26 Nathan O'Neill (USA) Health Net pb Maxxis                      3
27 Kyle Wamsley (USA) Colavita - Sutter Home                      3
28 Jonathan Garcia (USA) Team Einstein's                          3
29 Zach Bell (Can) Rite Aid                                       3
30 Valeriy Kobzarenko URK Navigators Insurance                    2
31 Ben Brooks (USA) Navigators Insurance                          2
32 Justin England (USA) Toyota - United                           2
33 Edward King (USA) Priority Health                              2
34 Alexander Boyd (USA) VMG Racing                                2
35 Emile Abraham (Tri) AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                     2
36 Viktor Rapinski (Blr) Colavita - Sutter Home                   2
37 Adam Myerson (USA) Nerac/                     1
Team classification
1 Navigators Insurance Cycl                                43.47.51
2 Toyota - United Pro Cycli                                    0.29
3 Colavita - Sutter Home                                       4.26
4 Health Net Pro Cycling Te                                    4.55
5 TargetTraining                                              15.20
6 Team Einstein's Cycling                                     18.39
7 Priority Health Cycling T                                   20.42
8 AEG-Toshiba-JetNetwork                                      21.28
9 Nerac/ P                                   43.46
10 VMG Racing                                                 53.28
11 Jelly Belly                                                53.32
12 CCB/Volkswagen                                             58.27
13 Equipe du Quebec                                         1.00.24
14 Broadmark/Hagens-Berman                                  1.11.46
15 Rite AId Pro Cycling                                     1.17.05
16 N                                1.17.31
17 Calyon / Litespeed Pro Cy                                1.24.20
18 Kenda/Raleigh Racing                                     1.27.18
19 Watchung Wheelman/High Ge                                1.34.16
20 Subaru Cycling Team                                      1.40.11
21                                             1.41.07
22 Bicisport Calgary                                        1.45.03
23 Eclipse Racing                                           1.57.38
Women Pro 1-2-3
1 Laura Van Gilder (USA) TEAm Lipton                        4.29.06 (33.34 Km/H)
2 Kristin Armstrong (USA) TEAm Lipton                              
3 Alex Wrubleski (Can) Team Biovail                            3.07
4 Shannon Willock (Can) Webcor-Platinum                            
5 Christina Ruiter (USA) Victory Brewing                       5.41
6 Tina Mayolo-Pic (USA) Colavita Cooking Light                 7.50
7 Heather Labance (USA) Advil-Chapstick                            
8 Kori Seehafer (USA) TEAm Lipton                                  
9 Rebecca Larson (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing                    
10 Stephanie Bourbeau (Can) Team Biovail                           
11 Beltina Hold (USA) Webcor-Platinum                              
12 Grace Fleury (USA) TEAm Lipton                                  
13 Kristin Sanders (USA) Cheerwine                                 
14 Susan Haywood (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing                    
15 Amber Rais (USA) Webcor-Platinum                                
16 Kristen LaSasso (USA) TEAm Lipton                               
17 Alison Powers (USA) Advil-Chapstick                             
18 Anne Samplonius (Can) Team Biovail                              
19 Iona Wynter (Jam) Colavita Cooking Light                        
20 Leigh Hobson (Can) Victory Brewing                              
21 Katherine Sherwin (Can) Victory Brewing                         
22 Emilie Roy (Can) Equipe du Quebec                               
23 Marisa Asplund (USA) Colorado Premier Training                  
24 Jennifer Stephenson (USA) Team Biovail                          
25 Felicia Gomez (USA) Webcor-Platinum                             
26 Katheryn Curi (USA) Webcor-Platinum                             
27 Rachel Heal (GBr) Victory Brewing                               
28 Megan Guarnier (USA) TRIA                                   8.02
29 Sarah Tillotson (USA) Colavita Cooking Light                    
30 Katherine Carroll (USA) Victory Brewing                    10.37
31 Suz Weldon (USA) TRIA                                      11.08
32 Yukie Nakamura (USA) PABW Powered by TIBC                  11.37
33 Stacy Marple (USA) PABW Powered by TIBC                    15.41
34 Anne Guzman (Can) TRIA                                     17.22
35 Audrey Lemieux (Can) Colavita Cooking Light                19.34
36 Lauren Franges (USA) Victory Brewing                       21.31
37 Julie Marceau (Can) Equipe du Quebec                       22.13
38 Carli Figueroa (USA) Verducci Breakaway                    27.23
39 Mandy Lozano (USA) Cheerwine                                    
40 Flacia Oliveira (USA) PABW Powered by TIBC                      
41 Catherine Powers (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing                 
42 Mackenzie Dickey (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing                 
43 Liza Rachetto (USA) TEAm Lipton                                 
44 Sharon Allpress (USA) TRIA                                      
45 Kristen Wentworth (USA) Team Kenda Tire                    28.52
46 Andrea Myers (USA) Team Kenda Tire                              
47 Brooke Miller (USA) PABW Powered by TIBC                        
48 Charmian Breon (USA) Cheerwine                                  
49 Shannon Hutchison-Krupat (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing         
50 Lara Kroepsch (USA) TEAm Lipton                                 
51 Robin Farina (USA) Team Kenda Tire                              
52 Chamblee Abernethy (USA) Team Kenda Tire                        
53 Arielle Filiberti (USA) TRIA                                    
54 Brenda Lyons (USA) Victory Brewing                              
55 Anna Milkowski (USA) Advil-Chapstick                            
56 Caitlyn McCullough (USA) Advil-Chapstick                        
57 Meredith Miller (USA) TEAm Lipton                               
58 Kristin Keim (USA) Verducci Breakaway                           
59 Meshy Holt (NZl) Colavita Cooking Light                         
60 Laura Yoisten (Can) Victory Brewing                             
61 Joell Numanville (Can) Team Biovail                             
62 Alison Testroete (Can) Team Biovail                             
63 Allison Beall (USA) TRIA                                        
64 Abby Cooper (USA) Team Kenda Tire                               
65 Katy Ligler (USA) Team Kenda Tire                               
66 Gina Kavesh (USA) TRIA                                          
67 Joanie Caron (Can) Equipe du Quebec                        31.01
68 Marie-Pier Bedard (Can) Equipe du Quebec                        
69 Kelly Benjamin (USA) Cheerwine                             35.57
70 Rachel O'Connell (USA) Cheerwine                           40.22
DNS Gina Grain (Can) Colavita Cooking Light                        
DNF Nichole Wangsgard (USA) Colorado Premier Training              
Blue Knob
1 Felicia Gomez (USA) Webcor-Platinum                             9 pts
2 Kristin Armstrong (USA) TEAm Lipton                             7
3 Laura Van Gilder (USA) TEAm Lipton                              5
4 Christina Ruiter (USA) Victory Brewing                          3
5 Alex Wrubleski (Can) Team Biovail                               1
Carson Valley
1 Kristin Armstrong (USA) TEAm Lipton                             5 pts
2 Laura Van Gilder (USA) TEAm Lipton                              3
3 Shannon Willock (Can) Webcor-Platinum                           1
Sugar Run
1 Kristin Armstrong (USA) TEAm Lipton                             7 pts
2 Laura Van Gilder (USA) TEAm Lipton                              5
3 Alex Wrubleski (Can) Team Biovail                               3
4 Shannon Willock (Can) Webcor-Platinum                           2
5 Christina Ruiter (USA) Victory Brewing                          1
First Sprint
1 Laura Van Gilder (USA) TEAm Lipton                              5 pts
2 Brooke Miller (USA) PABW Powered by TIBC                        3
3 Tina Mayolo-Pic (USA) Colavita Cooking Light                    2
4 Brenda Lyons (USA) Victory Brewing                              1
Second Sprint
1 Laura Van Gilder (USA) TEAm Lipton                              5 pts
2 Felicia Gomez (USA) Webcor-Platinum                             3
3 Christina Ruiter (USA) Victory Brewing                          2
4 Audrey Lemieux (Can) Colavita Cooking Light                     1
1 Laura Van Gilder (USA) TEAm Lipton                             10 pts
2 Kristin Armstrong (USA) TEAm Lipton                             9
3 Alex Wrubleski (Can) Team Biovail                               8
4 Shannon Willock (Can) Webcor-Platinum                           7
5 Christina Ruiter (USA) Victory Brewing                          6
6 Tina Mayolo-Pic (USA) Colavita Cooking Light                    5
7 Heather Labance (USA) Advil-Chapstick                           4
8 Kori Seehafer (USA) TEAm Lipton                                 3
9 Rebecca Larson (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing                   2
10 Stephanie Bourbeau (Can) Team Biovail                          1
1 TEAm Lipton                                              13.35.08
2 Webcor-Platinum Women's C                                   10.57
3 Team Biovail                                                     
4 Victory Brewing Cycling T                                   13.31
5 Colavita Cooking Light                                      15.52
6 TRIA                                                        28.42
7 Aaron's Corp. Furnishings                                   35.13
8 Advil-Chapstick Cycling T                                   36.42
9 PABW Powered by TIBCO                                       46.51
10 Equipe du Quebec                                           53.14
11 Cheerwine                                                  56.15
12 Team Kenda Tire                                          1.18.46
General classification after stage 6
1 Kristin Armstrong (USA) TEAm Lipton                      17.31.40
2 Alex Wrubleski (Can) Team Biovail                            6.14
3 Shannon Willock (Can) Webcor-Platinum                        7.02
4 Laura Van Gilder (USA) TEAm Lipton                           8.41
5 Tina Mayolo-Pic (USA) Colavita Cooking Light                10.57
6 Alison Powers (USA) Advil-Chapstick                         11.11
7 Kori Seehafer (USA) TEAm Lipton                             11.31
8 Katherine Sherwin (Can) Victory Brewing                     11.34
9 Kristin Sanders (USA) Cheerwine                             11.35
10 Iona Wynter (Jam) Colavita Cooking Light                   11.37
11 Rachel Heal (GBr) Victory Brewing                          11.38
12 Katheryn Curi (USA) Webcor-Platinum                        11.42
13 Anne Samplonius (Can) Team Biovail                         11.43
14 Rebecca Larson (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing                   
15 Beltina Hold (USA) Webcor-Platinum                              
16 Leigh Hobson (Can) Victory Brewing                         11.45
17 Marisa Asplund (USA) Colorado Premier Training             11.52
18 Kristen LaSasso (USA) TEAm Lipton                          11.57
19 Stephanie Bourbeau (Can) Team Biovail                      12.28
20 Grace Fleury (USA) TEAm Lipton                             12.44
21 Amber Rais (USA) Webcor-Platinum                           13.07
22 Jennifer Stephenson (USA) Team Biovail                     16.32
23 Sarah Tillotson (USA) Colavita Cooking Light               16.43
24 Heather Labance (USA) Advil-Chapstick                      17.20
25 Susan Haywood (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing               17.31
26 Katherine Carroll (USA) Victory Brewing                    20.03
27 Emilie Roy (Can) Equipe du Quebec                          21.16
28 Suz Weldon (USA) TRIA                                      21.45
29 Yukie Nakamura (USA) PABW Powered by TIBC                  22.21
30 Christina Ruiter (USA) Victory Brewing                     22.48
31 Megan Guarnier (USA) TRIA                                  23.58
32 Stacy Marple (USA) PABW Powered by TIBC                    25.56
33 Julie Marceau (Can) Equipe du Quebec                       26.09
34 Felicia Gomez (USA) Webcor-Platinum                        27.24
35 Anne Guzman (Can) TRIA                                     27.34
36 Sharon Allpress (USA) TRIA                                 31.47
37 Lauren Franges (USA) Victory Brewing                       31.54
38 Audrey Lemieux (Can) Colavita Cooking Light                36.29
39 Catherine Powers (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing            37.33
40 Robin Farina (USA) Team Kenda Tire                         39.16
41 Flacia Oliveira (USA) PABW Powered by TIBC                 40.53
42 Brooke Miller (USA) PABW Powered by TIBC                   41.04
43 Meshy Holt (NZl) Colavita Cooking Light                    41.22
44 Mackenzie Dickey (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing            41.29
45 Kristen Wentworth (USA) Team Kenda Tire                    42.23
46 Joell Numanville (Can) Team Biovail                        43.03
47 Arielle Filiberti (USA) TRIA                               43.50
48 Laura Yoisten (Can) Victory Brewing                        44.07
49 Caitlyn McCullough (USA) Advil-Chapstick                   44.16
50 Allison Beall (USA) TRIA                                   45.12
51 Liza Rachetto (USA) TEAm Lipton                            46.14
52 Brenda Lyons (USA) Victory Brewing                         47.49
53 Alison Testroete (Can) Team Biovail                        48.07
54 Shannon Hutchison-Krupat (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing    49.13
55 Lara Kroepsch (USA) TEAm Lipton                            49.35
56 Gina Kavesh (USA) TRIA                                     49.58
57 Meredith Miller (USA) TEAm Lipton                          50.16
58 Mandy Lozano (USA) Cheerwine                               53.26
59 Anna Milkowski (USA) Advil-Chapstick                       54.35
60 Carli Figueroa (USA) Verducci Breakaway                  1.05.08
61 Andrea Myers (USA) Team Kenda Tire                       1.05.22
62 Marie-Pier Bedard (Can) Equipe du Quebec                 1.08.52
63 Rachel O'Connell (USA) Cheerwine                         1.18.03
64 Joanie Caron (Can) Equipe du Quebec                      1.35.35
65 Charmian Breon (USA) Cheerwine                           1.35.47
66 Chamblee Abernethy (USA) Team Kenda Tire                 1.39.43
67 Kelly Benjamin (USA) Cheerwine                           1.41.04
68 Katy Ligler (USA) Team Kenda Tire                        2.02.40
69 Abby Cooper (USA) Team Kenda Tire                        2.03.58
70 Kristin Keim (USA) Verducci Breakaway                    2.13.51
Sprint classification
1 Tina Mayolo-Pic (USA) Colavita Cooking Light                   62 pts
2 Laura Van Gilder (USA) TEAm Lipton                             53
3 Alex Wrubleski (Can) Team Biovail                              31
4 Brooke Miller (USA) PABW Powered by TIBC                       26
5 Brenda Lyons (USA) Victory Brewing                             21
6 Kristin Armstrong (USA) TEAm Lipton                            19
7 Rebecca Larson (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing                  18
8 Laura Yoisten (Can) Victory Brewing                            15
9 Anne Samplonius (Can) Team Biovail                             12
10 Felicia Gomez (USA) Webcor-Platinum                           12
11 Mackenzie Dickey (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing               11
12 Kori Seehafer (USA) TEAm Lipton                               10
13 Liza Rachetto (USA) TEAm Lipton                                9
14 Shannon Willock (Can) Webcor-Platinum                          8
15 Christina Ruiter (USA) Victory Brewing                         8
16 Alison Powers (USA) Advil-Chapstick                            8
17 Sarah Tillotson (USA) Colavita Cooking Light                   8
18 Heather Labance (USA) Advil-Chapstick                          7
19 Jennifer Stephenson (USA) Team Biovail                         6
20 Emilie Roy (Can) Equipe du Quebec                              5
21 Rachel Heal (GBr) Victory Brewing                              4
22 Lauren Franges (USA) Victory Brewing                           4
23 Beltina Hold (USA) Webcor-Platinum                             3
24 Alison Testroete (Can) Team Biovail                            3
25 Rachel O'Connell (USA) Cheerwine                               3
26 Leigh Hobson (Can) Victory Brewing                             2
27 Kristin Sanders (USA) Cheerwine                                2
28 Marisa Asplund (USA) Colorado Premier Training                 1
29 Stephanie Bourbeau (Can) Team Biovail                          1
30 Katheryn Curi (USA) Webcor-Platinum                            1
31 Grace Fleury (USA) TEAm Lipton                                 1
32 Audrey Lemieux (Can) Colavita Cooking Light                    1
Mountains classification
1 Kristin Armstrong (USA) TEAm Lipton                            31 pts
2 Rachel Heal (GBr) Victory Brewing                              21
3 Laura Van Gilder (USA) TEAm Lipton                             16
4 Shannon Willock (Can) Webcor-Platinum                          12
5 Felicia Gomez (USA) Webcor-Platinum                             9
6 Alex Wrubleski (Can) Team Biovail                               9
7 Leigh Hobson (Can) Victory Brewing                              5
8 Stephanie Bourbeau (Can) Team Biovail                           5
9 Christina Ruiter (USA) Victory Brewing                          4
10 Amber Rais (USA) Webcor-Platinum                               3
11 Rebecca Larson (USA) Aaron's Corp. Furnishing                  2
12 Emilie Roy (Can) Equipe du Quebec                              2
13 Marisa Asplund (USA) Colorado Premier Training                 1
Team classification
1 TEAm Lipton                                              52.49.51
2 Team Biovail                                                14.22
3 Webcor-Platinum Women's C                                   14.33
4 Victory Brewing Cycling T                                   17.28
5 Colavita Cooking Light                                      24.53
6 TRIA                                                        40.37
7 Aaron's Corp. Furnishings                                   51.17
8 Advil-Chapstick Cycling T                                   57.55
9 PABW Powered by TIBCO                                     1.06.58
10 Cheerwine                                                1.34.52
11 Equipe du Quebec                                         1.41.09
12 Team Kenda Tire                                          2.03.07