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Spanish National Championships - CN

Alcobendas, Spain, June 26-29, 2003

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Day 3 - June 28: Elite Women/U23 & Junior Men's Road Race, 86.4/144.6/116.4 km

Sweet revenge for Iturriaga

Eneritz Iturriaga is the 2003 Spanish national champion in the women's road race, after beating Rosa Bravo and Joane Somarriba in the 86.4 km event Saturday. Iturriaga finished alone, 43" ahead of a chase group of nine riders, proving the strongest in a day of high temperatures and tough racing on the selective parcours. Finishing in the first chase in 6th place, Maribel Moreno claimed the U23 title.

Iturriaga already claimed the silver medal in the women's time trial, finishing just 4" behind Teodora Ruano in Thursday's test against the clock.

"After the time trial I was annoyed to have been so close to gold," Iturriaga commented after her road race win. "That's why I really wanted to win today, and I got my chance, since I do well in the heat."

Moreno was satisfied with her U23 win, if a bit frustrated by the overall race outcome. "There was no organisation in the chase, so in the end I had to ride my own race to win the U23 jersey," she said.

Lopez continues Murciana gold streak

José Francisco Lopez claimed gold in the junior men's race, ahead of Murciana teammate Miguel Rios and Mario Frias of Andalucia. The ride capped off a dominant performance for the team, which had four men in the decisive break, and successfully defended Lopez's attack with 20km to go. The team also took the gold medal in the time trial with Jose J. Rojas' win on Thursday.

Isaac Escola (Catalana) won the U23 men's road race, beating Pedro Castillo (Murciana) by seven seconds. Silvesre Callau (Valenciana) took the bronze medal.


Elite Women - 86.4 km
1 Eneritz Iturriaga (Vasca)       2.12.58
2 Rosa M. Bravo (C.Leonesa)          0.43
3 Joane Somarriba (Vasca)                
4 Dori Ruano (C.Leonesa)                 
5 Gema Pascual (Madrileña)               
6 Maribel Moreno (Aragonesa)             
7 Azucena Sanchez (Catalana)         0.46
8 Cristina Alcalde (Navarra)             
9 Rosa M. Membrives (Murciana)       0.48
10 Montserrat Alonso (Catalana)      0.55
11 Agurtzane Elorriaga (Vasca)       0.48
12 Losune Murillo (Navarra)          0.59
13 Naiara Telletxea (Vasca)              
14 Anna Ramirez (Catalana)           1.15
15 Fatima Blazquez (C.Leonesa)       1.35
16 Mercedes Cagigas (Cantabra)       1.44
17 Sandra Santanyes (Catalana)       1.56
18 Teresa Costa (Catalana)               
19 Eva Clop (Catalana)               6.04
20 Maria P. Agudo (Andaluza)         8.11
21 Nekane Lasa (Vasca)               8.13
22 Alicia Palop (Valenciana)             
23 Maria Del C. Gonzalez (Andaluza)      
24 Clara Caballero (Catalana)        8.16
25 Marta Ponce (Catalana)            8.24
26 Arantzazu Azpiroz (Vasca)         8.26
27 Maitane Telletxea (Vasca)         8.29
U23 Men - 144.6 km
1 Isaac Escola (Catalana)         3.27.46
2 Pedro L. Castillo (Murciana)       0.07
3 Silvesre Callau (Valenciana)       0.10
4 Javier Garcia (Catalana)               
5 Daniel Navarro (Asturiana)             
6 Gorka Amoriza (Vasca)              0.17
7 Alan Perez (Navarra)                   
8 Carlos Barredo (Asturiana)         1.13
9 Carlos Capitan (Madrileña)         1.23
10 Moises Dueñas (C.Leonesa)         1.44
11 Jesus Hernandez (Madrileña)           
12 Raul Garcia (C. Manchega)         1.49
13 Cesar Garriz (Navarra)            1.52
14 Antonio Olmo (Andaluza)           2.00
15 Rafael Rodriguez (Valenciana)         
16 Isidro Cerrato (Murciana)             
17 Koldo Fernandez (Vasca)           2.02
18 Aketza Peña (Vasca)               2.14
19 Jorge Copovi (Valenciana)         2.20
20 David Garcia (Navarra)                
21 Carlos Nozal (Cantabra)               
22 Eduardo Ochoa (Riojana)           2.22
23 Vicente Perales (Valenciana)          
24 Angel Rodriguez (Extremeña)           
25 Manuel Vazquez (Andaluza)         2.32
26 Francisco Terciado (Madrileña)        
27 Victor Hernandez (Aragonesa)      2.34
28 Juan C. Escamez (Valenciana)      2.47
29 Josu Mondelo (C. Manchega)        2.48
30 Luis L. Sanchez (Murciana)        2.49
31 Pedro Romero (Extremeña)              
32 Ivan Gilmartin (C.Leonesa)        2.58
33 Fco. J. Ventoso (Cantabra)            
34 Jose A. Benitez (Andaluza)            
35 Eloy Teruel (Murciana)                
36 David Dominguez (Andaluza)            
37 Angel Vallejo (C.Leonesa)             
38 Fco. J. Pacheco (C. Manchega)         
39 Alejandro Graus (Aragonesa)       3.00
40 Ruben Perez (Vasca)                   
41 Jesus Tendero (C.Leonesa)             
42 Jose M. Garcia (Asturiana)            
43 Antonio Miguel (Catalana)             
44 David Gutierrez (Valenciana)          
45 Jorge Sanchez (Extremeña)         3.06
46 Ramon Troncoso (Gallega)          3.08
47 Jesus Rosendo (Andaluza)          8.58
48 Antton Luengo (Vasca)                 
49 Gabriel Hernandez (Valenciana)        
50 David Garcia (Aragonesa)              
51 Iker Mezo (Vasca)                     
52 Oscar Garcia (C. Manchega)            
53 Xavier Muriel (Vasca)                 
54 Gonzalo Rabuñal (Gallega)             
55 Jose M. Comino (Andaluza)             
56 Manuel Lloret (Valenciana)            
57 Daniel Moreno (Madrileña)             
58 Pedro Martinez (Murciana)             
59 Jesus Buendia (Murciana)              
Junior Men - 116 km
1 Jose Fco. Lopez (Murciana)      2.45.58
2 Miguel Rios (Murciana)             0.48
3 Mario Frias (Andalucia)            1.29
4 Daniel Lopez (Aragonesa)               
5 Jose J. Cano (Murciana)                
6 Gorka Apraiz (Valenciana)          1.34
7 Fernando Cachorro (C.Leonesa)      1.37
8 Aleix Zapater (Catalana)           1.40
9 Fco. J. Aramendia (Navarra)        1.44
10 Miguel Ochoa (Riojana)            1.47
11 Jose A. Baños (Murciana)          2.13
12 Luis E. Puertas (C.Leonesa)           
13 Jose L. Muñoz (Catalana)          2.15
14 David Gomez (Valenciana)          2.22
15 Fracisco J. Iruela (Madrileña)    2.27
16 Eduardo Escobar (Madrileña)       2.29
17 Jose Redondo (C.Manchega)             
18 Victor M. Jimenez (C.Leonesa)     2.35
19 Asier Mugika (Vasca)              2.37
20 Jose C. Lopez (Murciana)          2.51
21 Daniel Valle (Andalucia)              
22 Irwing Fernandez (Balear)             
23 Juan L. Negueruela (Cantabra)         
24 Bartolome Barcelo (Balear)            
25 Sergio Gonzalez (Gallega)             
26 Jaime Valdez (Cantabra)           2.56
27 Enrique Mata (C.Leonesa)          2.58
28 Francisco J. Echarri (Navarra)    3.00
29 Samuel Campos (Aragonesa)             
30 Edgar Granados (Catalana)             
31 Andrin Rubiera (Asturiana)            
32 Andres Antuña (Asturiana)             
33 Antonio Balmon (Catalana)             
34 Antonio Piedra (Andalucia)            
35 Antonio Dominguez (Andalucia)         
36 Jose Errada (C.Manchega)          3.04
37 Pedro Palou (Balear)                  
38 Juan F. Romero (Balear)           3.08
39 Fco. J. Iriarte (Navarra)         3.13
40 Jose E. Parra (C.Manchega)            
41 Juan C. Agut (Aragonesa)          3.17
42 Arcaitz Duran (Vasca)             3.31
43 Diego Milan (C.Manchega)          3.35
44 Jose C. Rojas (Murciana)              
45 Raul Santamaria (Asturiana)           
46 Mario Garia (C.Leonesa)               
47 Carlos Delgado (Navarra)          3.38
48 Sergio Carrasco (Andalucia)       3.56
49 David Abal (Gallega)                  
50 Jose A. Gutierrez (Cantabra)          
51 Egoitz Garcia (Vasca)                 
52 Ruben Garcia (Aragonesa)              
53 Miguel A. Cerrillo (Balear)           
54 Ivan Suarez (Madrileña)               
55 Jaime Garcia (Extremeña)              
56 Jesus Martin (C.Leonesa)              
57 Adrian Mateos (C.Leonesa)             
58 Miguel Barcelo (Valenciana)           
59 Javier Fernandez (Asturiana)          
60 Raul Roda (Navarra)                   
61 Daniel Ballestero (C.Leonesa)         
62 Izai Redin (Navarra)                  
63 Miguel Bergueda (Catalana)            
64 Juan Diaz (Catalana)                  
65 Esteban Plaza (Andalucia)             
66 Francisco J. Lopez (Andalucia)        
67 Maximo S. Cuesta (Cantabra)           
68 Ion Echarri (Navarra)                 
69 Mario Arribas (Riojana)               
70 Ruben Gonzalez (Madrileña)            
71 Nicolas Garcia (Gallega)              
72 Fracisco J. Carrasco (Madrileña)      
73 Carlos Soto (Valenciana)              
74 Igor Romero (Vasca)                   
75 Sergio Moreno (Madrileña)             
76 Anibal Fernandez (Asturiana)          
77 Ruben Reig (Valenciana)               
78 Raul Alarcon (Valenciana)         4.54
79 Hector Espasandin (Gallega)           
80 Mario Cortes (Madrileña)          5.02
81 Pablo A. Bernal (Murciana)       10.42