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Redlands Classic - NE

California, USA, April 1-6, 2003

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Stage 5 - April 6: Redlands Business Center Sunset Road Race, 142km/99.5km

Jeanson dominant, Danielson jubilant

By Chris Baldwin

The final stages of the Redlands Classic were won by Genevieve jeanson and Tom Danielson on a cool and sunny Sunday afternoon. The women rode eight laps of a 10.5k circuit that climbed for three-quarters of its length. The men rode 11 times on the same course, through the better neighborhoods of Redlands. At times they overlooked the San Bernardino Mountains, at others a green and scrubby canyon full of manzanita and eucalyptus.

Women: Jeanson gets some time trial practice

A little bit of shade
Photo: © Rob Karman
Click for larger image

Jeanson attacked at the base of the first climb and there was no response. A feeble chase was attempted, but through the feed zone on the second lap the women were riding at what can be charitably described as a glacial pace.

"The whole peloton actually came together on the second lap," said Amber Neben (T-Mobile). "We were riding so slow."

Lyne Bessette took second
Photo: © Rob Karman
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"We tried to stay with Genevieve the whole day," said Lyne Bessette (Saturn). "She was stronger and we let her go. We did our own race today, for GC and for Team GC."

Jeanson's gap after an hour was near six minutes, and the pace was threatening to lap the field. While the rest of the women rode the circuit in 20 minutes, Jeanson was making it around in 18.

Amber Neben on the hunt
Photo: © Rob Karman
Click for larger image

With two laps to go, T-Mobile was at the front and making obvious preparations to attack Saturn. Dede Barry started things off, and in a powerful burst separated the strong women from the others.

"Dede put in an awesome attack," said Neben. "I pulled through with Lyne, and then Lyne attacked me. I chased that down and Manon (Jutras, Saturn) was behind. Manon attacked me. We raced hard, especially that second to last lap."

Jeanson came into the start-finish aloe and won the race. Bessette bested Neben for second, and Jutras finished ahead of Magalie Lefloch (rona-Esker) for third.

Genevieve Jeanson celebrates her double win
Photo: © Rob Karman
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"There's days when I just follow," said Jeanson. "Like yesterday. Even though I was at the front, I was following at the front because at the back it's dangerous."

"There's days when I know I feel good, and I want to improve some things. Like today," she said. "I think I worked on my time trial today."

Jeanson's win was not unlike her stage victories at Oak Glen or the Panorama Point Road. Strong, superlative, solo. She said she does it that way because she thinks of things in the distance.

"I like to think more about the future," she said. "But I take it one day at a time, because if I want to race the Tour de France, I need to learn to go hard every day."

Men: Let's roll - Saturn trio annihilates disorganized field

Miguel Meza leads through the points
Photo: © Rob Karman
Click for larger image

Tom Danielson's victory in the men's race was not quite the same as Jeanson's. True, he was strong and superlative, but when he came across the line he was hardly solo. In fact, he was part of a trio.

What was essentially the first tactical move of the day, in this case the contest for a time bonus on the first lap, turned out to be checkmate in three.

"I was leading Dave Clinger out for the first KOM," said Jonathan Vaughters of his Prime Alliance teammate. "I just swung off to let him do the sprint. The three Saturn guys followed him and that was that."

Chris Horner launched off to chase down Vaughters, and soon he and his Saturn teammates Danielson and Nathan O'Neill were 27 seconds ahead and alone.

Saturn on the turn
Photo: © Rob Karman
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"The biggest thing for us was that time bonus at the top of the mountain sprint," said Danielson. "We were only eight miles in to the race, everyone was fresh, and with Vaughters only six seconds down on GC, we were really just protecting my third place."

The 27 second gap metastasized to a minute, and on a course with no true straightaways and only a few hundred meters of flat ground, what little organization there was to chase quickly petered out.

"There was no organization at all," said Vaughters. "None. The race was over with due to a little 150-meter booboo."

Within five laps the Saturn riders were up two minutes, then 3'10, then 5'17. Prime Alliance chased, but when their last man blew up, it became less than likely that anybody else would even bother.

Saturn takes the win
Photo: © Rob Karman
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"Once I heard Danny Pate was getting on the front, I knew that was the last domestique Prime Alliance had," said Horner. "It was basically a three-man race against Danny until he blew. From then on everyone was just trying to protect their own GC. There was no one left to do the work."

Team West Virginia's Michael Jones was in that chase group, riding hard and keeping pace to protect his own 14th on GC.

"Prime Alliance chased the best they could with who they had," said Jones. "But then the gap went from one minute to 11. We just rolled around for a few laps. It was fine with me to take it a little easy."

When Saturn's troika came sledding down the mountain at full gallop, the rest of the remaining men's peloton still had one lap left up top. While Tom, Nathan and Chris took two parade laps around Saturday's crit course, Michael, Jonathan and Danny and all those who still pedaled were rolling through a closed-up feed zone. When Danielson edged forward at the line to claim the stage, the end of the Sunset Road story had been reached. All that remained was the sprint for fourth.

Into Redlands they came. Jacob Erker (Schroeder Iron) led a hard charge up the first lap, pacing teammate Miguel Meza for the finish.

Saturn accept the overall team GC prize
Photo: © Rob Karman
Click for larger image

"We talked about how we could get to the end of the race and win the sprint," said Meza. "Once we got into the circuit he started leading the pack. He set a really good tempo. During the race (Gord) Fraser (HealthNet) and Charles Dionne (Saturn) had been the strongest, but when we got to the very end, they were out of the race. I was lucky to have Erker."

Nathan O'Neill took the red climber's jersey for his efforts, Meza the sprinter's green. Chris Horner became the first three-time champion of Redlands, with time bonuses from that first KOM sprint giving him a one second advantage over team-mate O'Niell.

"I was thinking we should throw down for two laps," said Horner. "And see what happens. When we were getting time splits of one minute, 1'10, 1'30, then back to 1'15, I thought 'Whoa, this is dangerous to put this kind of effort into this big of a move so early.'

"We had no idea today was going to happen," said Danielson. "The (KOM) line came and I looked around and Vaughters wasn't there anymore. Clinger was still there, but he was blown from the sprint. So we just turned it on and said 'Let's go.'"


Images by Rob Karman/

  • Genevieve Jeanson (Rona-Esker) attacks at the base of the climb on lap 1, never to be seen by the field again
  • Lyne Bessette (Saturn) turned in a fine performance for second place on the stage and in the overall
  • Tina Mayolo-Pic (Diet Rite) was sporting new colors along with the rest of her team today. They have three sets of team clothing to go along with the 3 new flavors of Diet Rite Cola.
  • Amber Neben (T-Mobile USA) was off the front with a pair of saturn riders in the hunt for 2nd place on the stage.
  • Genevieve Jeanson was in time trial mode all day
  • Genevieve Jeanson celebrates the stage victory and the overall
  • Miguel Meza (Schroeder Iron) is allowed to lead the field through the points sprint laps at the beginning of the race as he already has the points competition sewn up
  • Chris Horner leads Nathan O'Neill and Tom Danielson as they build up their lead over the Prime Alliance led peloton
  • Once the peloton gave up the chase it was clear sailing for the dominating Saturn Trio of Horner, Danielson and O'Neill
  • Horner, Danielson and O'Neill ride high above the city of Redlands as they round panorama point
  • The Saturn trio celebrates as they roll up to the line
  • Miguel Meza takes the field sprint for fourth by a mile as dozens of his family and friends watch and cheer
  • The super strong Saturn team lines up on the podium to accept the overall team GC prize


1 Tom Danielson (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                    3.23.00
2 Nathan O'Neill (Aus) Saturn Cycling Team
3 Chris Horner (USA) Saturn Cycling Team
4 Miguel Meza (Mex) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                 12.09
5 Brice Jones (USA) 7Up/Maxxis
6 Derek Wilkerson (USA) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing
7 Phil Dixon (GBr) Great Britain
8 Peter Mazur (USA) LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap
9 Danny Pate (USA) Prime Alliance
10 Jacob Erker (Can) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling
11 Russell Stevenson (USA) Health Net Cycling Team
12 Ben Jacques-Maynes (USA) Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar
13 Andreas Hestler (Can) Canada
14 Andy Jacques-Maynes (USA) Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar
15 Ben Brooks (Aus) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing
16 Christophe Sauser (Swi) Great Britain
17 Glen Mitchell (NZl) Navigators Cycling
18 Michael Jones (USA) Team West Virginia
19 John Lieswyn (USA) 7Up/Maxxis
20 Matt Decanio (USA) Prime Alliance
21 Burke Swindlehurst (USA) Navigators Cycling
22 Eric Wohlberg (Can) Saturn Cycling Team
23 Phil Zajicek (USA) Saturn Cycling Team
24 Jonathan Vaughters (USA) Prime Alliance
25 Will Frischkorn (USA) Saturn Cycling Team
26 Trent Klasna (USA) Saturn Cycling Team
27 Oliver Beckinsale (GBr) Great Britain
28 Greg Henderson (NZl) 7Up/Maxxis                           1.00.00
29 Eneas Freyre (USA) LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap              1.25.00
30 Charles Dionne (Can) Saturn Cycling Team                  1.34.00
30 David Clinger (USA) Prime Alliance
30 Justin Spinelli (USA) Navigators Cycling
30 William Steinbrecher (USA) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing
30 Chris Fisher (USA) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing
30 Brent Dawson (Aus) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing
30 Chris Pic (USA) 7Up/Maxxis
30 Chann McRae (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling
30 Liam Killeen (GBr) Great Britain
30 Zak Toogood (GBr) Great Britain
30 Troy White (USA) Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar
30 Benjamin Sharp (USA) Team West Virginia
30 Leigh Palmer (Aus) LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap
30 Gordon Fraser (Can) Health Net Cycling Team
30 John Hunt (USA) Health Net Cycling Team
30 Alex Koslov (Blr) Health Net Cycling Team
30 Jeff Hartmann (USA) Trek-VW All Stars
30 Victor Ayala (USA) MinuteMaid/Dasani/LaGrange
30 James Van Toever (USA) Morati-Honeywell
30 Hovey Carter (USA) Morati-Honeywell
30 Matt Usborne (USA) Morati-Honeywell
30 Christian Walker (USA) Morati-Honeywell
30 Hugh Moran (USA) Morati-Honeywell
30 Larry Perera (USA)
30 Matt Toulouse (Can) Canada
30 Roddi Lega (Can) Canada
30 Chris McDonald (USA) Squadra
30 Jon Tarkington (USA) Vitamin Cottage/DEAN
30 Blake Caldwell (USA) Vitamin Cottage/DEAN
30 Steve Tilford (USA) Green Mountain Sports
30 Frank Mapel (USA) Green Mountain Sports
30 Bill Stolte (USA) Green Mountain Sports
30 Carl Decker (USA) Green Mountain Sports
63 Christian Cuesta (USA) Morati-Honeywell                   2.00.00
63 Phillip Sublette (USA) Squadra
63 Bartek Fidelus (USA) Cyclery USA Trek VW
66 Peter Knudson (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling            2.04.00
66 Eddy Gragus (USA) Trek-VW All Stars
66 Patrick Fetzer (USA) Monax
66 Dane Jankowiak (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling
66 Ken Toman (USA) Monax
66 Geoffrey Rapoport (USA) MinuteMaid/Dasani/LaGrange
66 Josh Horowitz (USA) MinuteMaid/Dasani/LaGrange
66 Chuck Hill (USA) Vitamin Cottage/DEAN
74 Ricky Federau (Can) Canada                                2.06.00
74 Nicholas Trusty (USA) Squadra
74 Nathaniel Faulkner (USA) Trek-VW All Stars
77 Adrian Laidler (USA) LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap            2.25.00
78 Tim Carolan (USA) Trek-VW All Stars                       2.35.00
78 Drew Miller (USA) Trek-VW All Stars
78 Chris Zukowski (USA) Cyclery USA Trek VW
78 Andrew Padilla (USA) Cyclery USA Trek VW
78 Patrick Caro (USA) Squadra
78 Jason Klikna (USA) Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar
78 Brian Forbes (USA) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing
85 Matthew Svatek (USA)                       2.40.20
85 Adam Hodges Myerson (USA)
87 Tony Zarsadias (USA) Morati-Honeywell                     2.42.00
88 Michael Herdman (USA) Monax                               2.50.30
89 Jason Bausch (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling             2.57.00
89 Drew Deters (USA) Monax
89 Adam Livingston (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling
89 David Wenger (USA) Team West Virginia
93 Ryan Pinkham (USA)                         3.15.30
94 Michael Sayers (USA) Health Net Cycling Team
DNF Alex Candelario (USA) Prime Alliance
DNF Michael Creed (USA) Prime Alliance
DNF John Peters (USA) Prime Alliance
DNF Marty Nothstein (USA) Navigators Cycling
DNF Ryan Guay (USA) Navigators Cycling
DNF Mariano Friedick (USA) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing
DNF Kevin Monahan (USA) 7Up/Maxxis
DNF Oscar Pineda (Gua) 7Up/Maxxis
DNF Doug Ziewacz (USA) 7Up/Maxxis
DNF Todd Littlehales (USA) Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar
DNF Jonathan Hamblen (USA) Team West Virginia
DNF Bill Innes (USA) LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap
DNF Nathan Russell (Aus) MinuteMaid/Dasani/LaGrange
DNF Chris Sheppard (Can) Canada
DNF Charles Coyle (USA) Vitamin Cottage/DEAN
DNF Jon Sundt (USA) Green Mountain Sports
1 Saturn Cycling Team                                       10.09.00
2 Great Britain                                                36.27
3 Prime Alliance
4 7Up/Maxxis                                                 1.24.18
5 Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                                 1.58.18
6 Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing
7 Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar
8 Navigators Cycling
9 LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap                                  3.11.09
10 Health Net Cycling Team                                   3.20.09
11 Canada
12 Green Mountain Sports                                     4.42.00
13 Morati-Honeywell
14 Team West Virginia                                        4.43.09
15 Vitamin Cottage/DEAN                                      5.12.00
16 Squadra                                                   5.40.00
17 MinuteMaid/Dasani/LaGrange                                5.42.00
18 Trek-VW All Stars                                         5.44.00
19                                            6.54.40
20 Monax                                                     6.58.30
21 Cyclery USA Trek VW                                       7.10.00
General classification after stage 5
1 Chris Horner (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                    14.12.05
2 Nathan O'Neill (Aus) Saturn Cycling Team                      0.01
3 Tom Danielson (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                       0.59
4 Jonathan Vaughters (USA) Prime Alliance                      13.25
5 Danny Pate (USA) Prime Alliance                              14.24
6 Glen Mitchell (NZl) Navigators Cycling                       14.33
7 John Lieswyn (USA) 7Up/Maxxis                                14.56
8 Matt Decanio (USA) Prime Alliance                            15.36
9 Jacob Erker (Can) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                 15.42
10 Ben Brooks (Aus) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing              15.48
11 Oliver Beckinsale (GBr) Great Britain                       16.33
12 Russell Stevenson (USA) Health Net Cycling Team             16.39
13 Ben Jacques-Maynes (USA) Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar             16.43
14 Christophe Sauser (Swi) Great Britain                       16.58
15 Michael Jones (USA) Team West Virginia                      17.20
16 Burke Swindlehurst (USA) Navigators Cycling                 17.35
17 Andy Jacques-Maynes (USA) Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar            18.09
18 Miguel Meza (Mex) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                18.51
19 Andreas Hestler (Can) Canada                                18.55
20 Trent Klasna (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                      19.22
21 Phil Dixon (GBr) Great Britain                              19.23
22 Brice Jones (USA) 7Up/Maxxis                                20.10
23 Peter Mazur (USA) LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap                 22.37
24 Derek Wilkerson (USA) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing         27.09
25 Phil Zajicek (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                      31.47
26 Eric Wohlberg (Can) Saturn Cycling Team                     31.53
27 Will Frischkorn (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                   35.53
28 Greg Henderson (NZl) 7Up/Maxxis                           1.19.16
29 Liam Killeen (GBr) Great Britain                          1.39.31
30 Christian Walker (USA) Morati-Honeywell                   1.39.39
31 Hugh Moran (USA) Morati-Honeywell                         1.40.19
32 Chris Fisher (USA) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing          1.40.22
33 James Van Toever (USA) Morati-Honeywell                   1.40.24
34 Troy White (USA) Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar                   1.40.43
35 Alex Koslov (Blr) Health Net Cycling Team                 1.41.00
36 Steve Tilford (USA) Green Mountain Sports                 1.41.33
37 John Hunt (USA) Health Net Cycling Team                   1.41.53
38 Matt Toulouse (Can) Canada                                1.42.16
39 Gordon Fraser (Can) Health Net Cycling Team               1.42.24
40 David Clinger (USA) Prime Alliance                        1.44.47
41 Hovey Carter (USA) Morati-Honeywell                       1.47.39
42 Chris Pic (USA) 7Up/Maxxis                                1.51.18
43 Chann McRae (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling              1.51.45
44 Carl Decker (USA) Green Mountain Sports                   1.52.14
45 Zak Toogood (GBr) Great Britain                           1.52.56
46 Eneas Freyre (USA) LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap
47 Frank Mapel (USA) Green Mountain Sports                   1.53.17
48 Roddi Lega (Can) Canada                                   1.53.57
49 Larry Perera (USA)                         1.54.42
50 Bill Stolte (USA) Green Mountain Sports                   1.56.25
51 Blake Caldwell (USA) Vitamin Cottage/DEAN                 1.56.31
52 Jon Tarkington (USA) Vitamin Cottage/DEAN                 1.56.49
53 Chris McDonald (USA) Squadra                              1.56.53
54 Brent Dawson (Aus) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing          1.57.59
55 Charles Dionne (Can) Saturn Cycling Team                  1.58.15
56 Leigh Palmer (Aus) LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap              1.58.20
57 William Steinbrecher (USA) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing  2.04.44
58 Benjamin Sharp (USA) Team West Virginia                   2.08.02
59 Jeff Hartmann (USA) Trek-VW All Stars                     2.08.43
60 Matt Usborne (USA) Morati-Honeywell                       2.10.29
61 Justin Spinelli (USA) Navigators Cycling                  2.10.44
62 Victor Ayala (USA) MinuteMaid/Dasani/LaGrange             2.18.27
63 Bartek Fidelus (USA) Cyclery USA Trek VW                  2.19.18
64 Christian Cuesta (USA) Morati-Honeywell                   2.19.47
65 Eddy Gragus (USA) Trek-VW All Stars                       2.23.46
66 Dane Jankowiak (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling           2.25.39
67 Peter Knudson (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling            2.27.29
68 Josh Horowitz (USA) MinuteMaid/Dasani/LaGrange            2.29.09
69 Phillip Sublette (USA) Squadra                            2.30.39
70 Ricky Federau (Can) Canada                                2.34.14
71 Adrian Laidler (USA) LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap            2.34.33
72 Patrick Fetzer (USA) Monax                                2.42.17
73 Nicholas Trusty (USA) Squadra                             2.42.44
74 Geoffrey Rapoport (USA) MinuteMaid/Dasani/LaGrange        2.46.42
75 Nathaniel Faulkner (USA) Trek-VW All Stars                2.47.15
76 Drew Miller (USA) Trek-VW All Stars                       2.51.04
77 Ken Toman (USA) Monax                                     2.51.09
78 Chuck Hill (USA) Vitamin Cottage/DEAN                     2.51.28
79 Jason Klikna (USA) Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar                 2.56.14
80 Brian Forbes (USA) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing          3.05.57
81 Tim Carolan (USA) Trek-VW All Stars                       3.10.23
82 Patrick Caro (USA) Squadra                                3.13.11
83 Andrew Padilla (USA) Cyclery USA Trek VW                  3.14.12
84 Adam Livingston (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling          3.15.59
85 David Wenger (USA) Team West Virginia                     3.17.20
86 Jason Bausch (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling             3.18.32
87 Michael Sayers (USA) Health Net Cycling Team              3.24.09
88 Chris Zukowski (USA) Cyclery USA Trek VW                  3.26.27
89 Matthew Svatek (USA)                       3.33.43
90 Tony Zarsadias (USA) Morati-Honeywell                     3.39.55
91 Michael Herdman (USA) Monax                               3.40.41
92 Adam Hodges Myerson (USA)                  3.42.46
93 Drew Deters (USA) Monax                                   3.57.15
94 Ryan Pinkham (USA)                         4.16.00
Mountains classification
1 Nathan O'Neill (Aus) Saturn Cycling Team                        39 pts
2 David Clinger (USA) Prime Alliance                              39
3 Chris Horner (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                          33
4 Adam Livingston (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                24
5 Tom Danielson (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                         22
6 Michael Sayers (USA) Health Net Cycling Team                    18
7 Danny Pate (USA) Prime Alliance                                 11
8 Glen Mitchell (NZl) Navigators Cycling                          10
9 Jonathan Vaughters (USA) Prime Alliance                         10
10 Matt Decanio (USA) Prime Alliance                               8
11 John Lieswyn (USA) 7Up/Maxxis                                   8
12 Trent Klasna (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                          6
13 Ben Brooks (Aus) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing                  5
14 Jacob Erker (Can) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                    5
15 Burke Swindlehurst (USA) Navigators Cycling                     4
16 Miguel Meza (Mex) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                    2
17 Phil Zajicek (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                          2
18 Frank Mapel (USA) Green Mountain Sports                         2
19 Will Frischkorn (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                       2
20 Greg Henderson (NZl) 7Up/Maxxis                                 1
Points classification
1 Miguel Meza (Mex) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                    70 pts
2 Michael Sayers (USA) Health Net Cycling Team                    41
3 Brent Dawson (Aus) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing                24
4 Trent Klasna (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                          21
5 Gordon Fraser (Can) Health Net Cycling Team                     18
6 Frank Mapel (USA) Green Mountain Sports                          9
7 Nathan O'Neill (Aus) Saturn Cycling Team                         7
8 David Clinger (USA) Prime Alliance                               7
9 Chris Horner (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                           6
10 Matt Decanio (USA) Prime Alliance                               6
11 Jacob Erker (Can) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                    6
12 Greg Henderson (NZl) 7Up/Maxxis                                 5
13 Chann McRae (USA) Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                    5
14 Eric Wohlberg (Can) Saturn Cycling Team                         4
15 Ben Brooks (Aus) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing                  3
16 Burke Swindlehurst (USA) Navigators Cycling                     3
17 Will Frischkorn (USA) Saturn Cycling Team                       3
18 Derek Wilkerson (USA) Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing             2
19 John Lieswyn (USA) 7Up/Maxxis                                   1
20 Leigh Palmer (Aus) LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap                    1
Teams classification
1 Saturn Cycling Team                                       42.37.10
2 Prime Alliance                                               41.39
3 Great Britain                                                50.16
4 7Up/Maxxis                                                 1.41.21
5 Jelly Belly/Carlsbad Clothing                              2.14.31
6 Sierra Nevada/Clif Bar
7 Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling                                 2.19.42
8 Navigators Cycling                                         2.22.06
9 Health Net Cycling Team                                    3.36.51
10 Canada                                                    3.42.50
11 LeMond Fitness/Cra-Z Soap                                 3.50.42
12 Morati-Honeywell                                          4.58.16
13 Green Mountain Sports                                     5.12.48
14 Team West Virginia                                        5.17.23
15 Trek-VW All Stars                                         6.16.51
16 Vitamin Cottage/DEAN                                      6.27.42
17 Squadra                                                   6.58.59
18 MinuteMaid/Dasani/LaGrange                                7.04.23
19 Cyclery USA Trek VW                                       8.54.06
20                                            9.00.00
21 Monax                                                     9.08.44
1 Genevieve Jeanson (Can) Rona-Esker                         2.39.38
2 Lyne Bessette (Can) Saturn Cycling                            6.39
3 Amber Neben (USA) T-Mobile USA
4 Manon Jutras (Can) Saturn Cycling
5 Magalie Lefloch (Fra) Rona-Esker                              7.33
6 Kimberly Bruckner (USA) T-Mobile USA
7 Tina Mayolo-Pic (USA) Diet Rite                              10.39
8 Erin Carter (Can) Canada
9 Alison Sydor (Can) Canada
10 Dede Barry (USA) T-Mobile USA
11 Kristin Armstrong (USA) T-Mobile USA
12 Katherin Maher (USA)
13 Helen Kelly (Aus) TDS
14 Susan Haywood (USA)
15 Elizabeth Begosh (USA) Contender Bicycles
16 Joan Wilson (USA) TDS
17 Amy Moore (Can) Saturn Cycling
18 Sandy Espeseth (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's
19 Chrissy Redden (Can) Canada
20 Cybil Diguistini (Can) Diet Rite
21 Kim Anderson (USA) T-Mobile USA
22 Rhonda Quick (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing
23 Leah Goldstein (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's
24 Gina Hall (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team
25 Kori Kelly (USA) Diet Rite
26 Lynn Gaggioli (USA) Velo Bella
27 Nicole Demars (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's
28 Alison Dunlap (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team
29 Katheryn Curi (USA) LGBRC
30 Katerina Hanusova (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team
31 Felicia Greer (USA) Velo Bella
32 Kelli Emmett (USA) Ford Outfitters
33 Barbara Blatter (Swi) Contender Bicycles
34 Andrea Hannos (USA) Rona-Esker                              13.30
35 Catherine Marsal (Fra) Rona-Esker
36 Julia Whiteside (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange
37 Hiroko Shimada (USA)
38 Meredith Miller (USA)
39 Kiara Bisaro (Can) Canada                                   16.59
40 Julie Emmerman (USA) Ford Outfitters
41 Jennifer Stevens (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing
42 Catherin Walberg (USA)
43 Maatje Benassi (Ned) Intermountain Cycling
44 Katie Safford (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange
45 Shonny Vanlandingham (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team
46 Jennifer Wilson (USA)
47 Ashley Kimmet (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing
48 Melissa Sanborn (USA) Intermountain Cycling
49 Amanda Lawrence (USA)                                       20.49
50 Martha Meyer (USA)
51 Lisa Magness (USA) Intermountain Cycling
52 Sarah Konrad (USA)
53 Nicole Freedman (USA)                                       24.52
54 Kele Hulser (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale               25.32
55 Desira Utzig (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange              28.02
56 Catherin Bearce (USA)
57 Natalie Scott (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale
58 Becky Broeder (USA) Intermountain Cycling
59 Nicole Brandt (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange
60 Shawn Heidgen (USA) TDS
61 Carla Koehler (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange
62 Taitt Sato (USA) LGBRC
63 Eryn Hanna (USA) LGBRC
64 Laura Weislo (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale
65 Trish Sinclair (Can) Canada                                 34.02
66 Kirsten Kotval (USA) Contender Bicycles                     45.22
67 Renee Eastman (USA)
68 Elizabeth Morse (USA)                   50.42
DNF Ina Teutenberg (Ger) Saturn Cycling
DNF Laura Vangilder (USA) Saturn Cycling
DNF Megan Elliott (USA) Saturn Cycling
DNF Mari Holden (USA) T-Mobile USA
DNF Sophie St-Jacques (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's
DNF Lauren Frances (USA) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's
DNF Gina Grain (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's
DNF Melanie McQuaid (Can) Ford Outfitters
DNF Jacqueline Scott (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange
DNF Susy Pryde (NZl) Velo Bella
DNF Gabriela Gonzalez De Ferrat (Mex) Velo Bella
DNF Vanessa Guyton (NZl) Velo Bella
DNF Anne Samplonius (Can) TDS
DNS Heather Mastrianni (Can)
1 Rona-Esker                                                 8.19.57
2 Saturn Cycling                                                2.54
3 T-Mobile USA                                                  3.48
4 Canada                                                       10.54
5 Diet Rite
6 Victory Brewing/Amoroso'
7 Luna Women's MTB Team
8 Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing                                          23.34
9 TDS                                                          28.17
10 Intermountain Cycling                                       33.44
11 Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange                                 37.28
12 Contender Bicycles                                          45.37
13 LGBRC                                                       45.40
14 Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale                               1.00.33
General classification after stage 5
1 Genevieve Jeanson (Can) Rona-Esker                        11.13.18
2 Lyne Bessette (Can) Saturn Cycling                           12.52
3 Manon Jutras (Can) Saturn Cycling                            12.56
4 Amber Neben (USA) T-Mobile USA                               14.24
5 Kimberly Bruckner (USA) T-Mobile USA                         17.26
6 Felicia Greer (USA) Velo Bella                               29.22
7 Lynn Gaggioli (USA) Velo Bella                               31.14
8 Katherin Maher (USA)                                         31.29
9 Leah Goldstein (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's               31.32
10 Alison Dunlap (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team
11 Nicole Demars (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's               32.02
12 Cybil Diguistini (Can) Diet Rite
13 Kori Kelly (USA) Diet Rite                                  32.17
14 Tina Mayolo-Pic (USA) Diet Rite                             32.43
15 Katheryn Curi (USA) LGBRC                                   33.16
16 Chrissy Redden (Can) Canada                                 33.34
17 Sandy Espeseth (Can) Victory Brewing/Amoroso's              33.58
18 Amy Moore (Can) Saturn Cycling                              35.29
19 Susan Haywood (USA)                                         35.34
20 Barbara Blatter (Swi) Contender Bicycles                    35.45
21 Rhonda Quick (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing                      35.59
22 Elizabeth Begosh (USA) Contender Bicycles                   36.54
23 Julia Whiteside (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange           37.17
24 Dede Barry (USA) T-Mobile USA                               37.38
25 Meredith Miller (USA)                                       38.33
26 Gina Hall (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team                       39.17
27 Katerina Hanusova (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team               39.42
28 Alison Sydor (Can) Canada                                   40.10
29 Kim Anderson (USA) T-Mobile USA                             41.12
30 Magalie Lefloch (Fra) Rona-Esker                            42.59
31 Joan Wilson (USA) TDS                                       43.15
32 Ashley Kimmet (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing                     43.37
33 Hiroko Shimada (USA)                                        44.00
34 Catherin Walberg (USA)                                      44.12
35 Kristin Armstrong (USA) T-Mobile USA                        45.39
36 Julie Emmerman (USA) Ford Outfitters                        46.03
37 Kelli Emmett (USA) Ford Outfitters                          46.11
38 Kiara Bisaro (Can) Canada                                   46.18
39 Jennifer Wilson (USA)                                       46.43
40 Erin Carter (Can) Canada                                    46.48
41 Helen Kelly (Aus) TDS                                       46.58
42 Jennifer Stevens (USA) Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing                  47.47
43 Catherine Marsal (Fra) Rona-Esker                           49.37
44 Andrea Hannos (USA) Rona-Esker                              50.12
45 Lisa Magness (USA) Intermountain Cycling                    50.16
46 Shonny Vanlandingham (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team            51.55
47 Melissa Sanborn (USA) Intermountain Cycling                 54.28
48 Trish Sinclair (Can) Canada                                 59.20
49 Maatje Benassi (Ned) Intermountain Cycling                1.00.42
50 Carla Koehler (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange           1.05.33
51 Amanda Lawrence (USA)                                     1.07.43
52 Laura Weislo (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale            1.08.54
53 Shawn Heidgen (USA) TDS                                   1.11.17
54 Sarah Konrad (USA)                                        1.13.00
55 Martha Meyer (USA)                                        1.16.28
56 Nicole Brandt (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange           1.19.28
57 Nicole Freedman (USA)                                     1.20.02
58 Katie Safford (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange           1.21.02
59 Catherin Bearce (USA)                                     1.27.48
60 Kele Hulser (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale             1.31.03
61 Desira Utzig (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange            1.35.43
62 Renee Eastman (USA)                                       1.41.04
63 Natalie Scott (USA) Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale           1.41.07
64 Becky Broeder (USA) Intermountain Cycling                 1.52.29
65 Taitt Sato (USA) LGBRC                                    1.59.30
66 Eryn Hanna (USA) LGBRC                                    2.12.42
67 Kirsten Kotval (USA) Contender Bicycles                   2.20.29
68 Elizabeth Morse (USA)                 3.17.01
Mountains classification
1 Genevieve Jeanson (Can) Rona-Esker                              60 pts
2 Manon Jutras (Can) Saturn Cycling                               33
3 Lyne Bessette (Can) Saturn Cycling                              30
4 Kimberly Bruckner (USA) T-Mobile USA                            22
5 Amber Neben (USA) T-Mobile USA                                  21
6 Dede Barry (USA) T-Mobile USA                                    9
7 Helen Kelly (Aus) TDS                                            5
8 Katherin Maher (USA)                                             5
9 Lisa Magness (USA) Intermountain Cycling                         4
10 Elizabeth Begosh (USA) Contender Bicycles                       3
11 Alison Dunlap (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team                       1
12 Cybil Diguistini (Can) Diet Rite                                1
13 Magalie Lefloch (Fra) Rona-Esker                                1
Sprints classification
1 Helen Kelly (Aus) TDS                                           33 pts
2 Nicole Freedman (USA)                                           26
3 Genevieve Jeanson (Can) Rona-Esker                              14
4 Melissa Sanborn (USA) Intermountain Cycling                     14
5 Manon Jutras (Can) Saturn Cycling                               12
6 Dede Barry (USA) T-Mobile USA                                   12
7 Elizabeth Begosh (USA) Contender Bicycles                        7
8 Lyne Bessette (Can) Saturn Cycling                               7
9 Kristin Armstrong (USA) T-Mobile USA                             5
10 Amber Neben (USA) T-Mobile USA                                  5
11 Kimberly Bruckner (USA) T-Mobile USA                            4
12 Alison Dunlap (USA) Luna Women's MTB Team                       3
13 Cybil Diguistini (Can) Diet Rite                                3
14 Kirsten Kotval (USA) Contender Bicycles                         3
15 Maatje Benassi (Ned) Intermountain Cycling                      3
16 Lynn Gaggioli (USA) Velo Bella                                  2
17 Magalie Lefloch (Fra) Rona-Esker                                2
18 Julia Whiteside (USA) Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange               1
19 Kim Anderson (USA) T-Mobile USA                                 1
20 Lisa Magness (USA) Intermountain Cycling                        1
Teams classification
1 Saturn Cycling                                            34.40.55
2 T-Mobile USA                                                  8.46
3 Rona-Esker                                                   31.45
4 Diet Rite                                                    36.10
5 Victory Brewing/Amoroso'                                     36.27
6 Canada                                                       40.16
7 Luna Women's MTB Team                                        49.30
8 Vaniqa/Red 5 Racing                                        1.06.22
9 TDS                                                        1.33.25
10 Intermountain Cycling                                     1.37.24
11 Minute Maid/Dasani/LaGrange                               1.47.10
12 Contender Bicycles                                        1.58.04
13 Team Bike Doctor/Cannondale                               3.19.39
14 LGBRC                                                     3.44.27