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Mont Ventoux
Photo ©: Sirotti

Lance Armstrong (Discovery Channel)
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On the road before the Tour
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Behind the Blue Curtain

Inside the Discovery Channel bus with Chris Brewer

Chris will be bringing us daily updates from within Discovery Channel HQ, getting the lowdown from team management.

Discovery Channel is the team on everybody's lips at this year's Tour de France. Why?

One name - Lance Armstrong.

This network of riders and staff previously existed as the US Postal Service Pro Cycling Team, helping Lance win his six Tour de France crowns, and in 2005 they're gunning for a seventh title. Follow the progress of the team here on Cyclingnews.com from 'Behind the Blue Curtain'


Latest entry: July 28 - Lance's Tour curtain call


2005 entries - the Tour de France

  • July 28 - Lance's Tour curtain call
  • July 23 - Time Trial support
  • July 19 - How to become a pro
  • July 18 - All's well on rest day
  • July 16 - The Disco team car
  • July 15 - Iconography
  • July 14 - The team behind the team
  • July 13 - A little bit of Discovery tech
  • July 11 - Staying on guard
  • July 9-10 - Life at the start & Entering the Holy of Holies
  • July 7 - Coloured Lids
  • July 6 - Recovering after the TTT
  • July 5 - Stage 4 - Mystery Oakleys?
  • July 4 - Stage 3 and looking ahead to the TTT
  • July 3 - Discovery Channel Satisfied with Stage 1 Result

Previous Cyclingnews articles on the Discovery Channel team

