Rund um Koln, Cat 1.3

Germany, May 24 1997

1996 Results

Preview News

Call off by Johan Museeuw. The reason: His wife expects her first child this weekend. Of course the world-champion wants to be on her side when she gives birth to the baby. Chieforganizer Artur Tabat: "I can see part of the reason. Although I do not want to force him in spite of the contract. If I would, I can assure you that it would not take long before I could find a doctors' certificate on my desk; and next year the Mapei-Team would call me the bogeyman."

Now "Telekom-Aces" Zabel, Friedensfahrt-winner Steffen Wesemann, who is still fighting for being able to start at the "Tour de France", Rolf Aldag, Christian Henn, or Giovanni Lombardi are the big favourites. Wesemann says: "Our tactics are still to be discussed, but I assume, that we will all start for Erik." The Telekom-Team expects to test the sprint-arrival for the "Tour de France", which is scheduled to start on July 5 in Rouen, under race conditions at "Rund um Kvln".

Further top-starters are Andy Kappes from Cologne, Erik Dekker from the Netherlands (winner 1994), and sprintstar Tom Steels from Belguim, who was just barely beaten by Erik Zabel in the previous year.

But not only Musseuw's call-off gives Tabat reason to show his anger, the costs for shutting off traffic-lights are also part of what boosts his frustration. Bergisch Gladbach for example, a city for which the race plays an attractive role, asks 3800 DM just for turning off 8 lights! Tabat says: "It's ridiculous, the responsible officer offered me 1500 DM for doing it himself. But I would not even think of paying that much as well."

Race Distance - 200.3 kms:

 1. Frank Vandenbroucke (Bel) Mapei          4:35:05
 2. Artur Babaitsev (Rus) Lada                	0:10
 3. Ludo Dierckxen (Bel) Tonissteiner          	1:09
 4. Oskar Camenzind (Swi) Mapei             
 5. Kurt van Wouwer (Bel) Vlaanderen        
 6. Jan Schaffrath (Ger) Nationalteam         	1:19
 7. Matteo Tosatto (Ita) MG Technogym
 8. Danny Nelissen (Ned) Rabobank
 9. Sascha Henrix (Ger) Team Cologne
10. Christian Henn (Ger) Telekom
11. Maarten Den Bakker (Ned) TVM
12. Volker Ordowski (Ger) Oschelbronn
13. Bjorn Glasner (Ger) Continentale
14. Youri Sourkov (Rus) Lada
15. Rolf Aldag (Ger) Telekom
16. Steffen Gottschling (Ger) Adler Brandenburg
17. Daniele Nardello (Ita) Mapei               	s.t.
18. Jorn Reuss (Ger) Adler Brandenburg     	6:30