Joseph Sunde Memorial Criteriums
Heffron Park, Maroubra, Australia, January 28,
Joseph John Sunde
1 March 1989 - 25 October 1993
Joseph was born 1st March 1989 and was two years younger than his brother
For the next three years Edward and Joseph tumbled through life together.
They played together, argued over toys together, went to childcare together
and were two very busy, robust little boys.
Joseph had a very special sense of humour and a most infectious laugh.
He was never short of courage, often defending his older brother on the
In July 1992 our lives changed forever when Joseph was diagnosed with
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). It was Joseph's tremendous courage
and determination which would help us cope with the gruelling challenge
he was about to face.
He accepted his change in life so willingly, never complaining about
his chemotherapy treatment or the numerous hospital stays and visits.
Despite bouncing into remission shortly after being diagnosed, sadly
Joseph relapsed in mid 1993 only to lose his courageous battle a few months
later. Joseph's sister, Portia was then born 12 months later.
Today's event gives us the opportunity to keep Joseph's memory alive
and also to give something back to the Sydney Children's Hospital and
Cancer Institute for all their expert and compassionate care.
We hope that through our loss others may benefit.
John, Christine, Edward and Portia Sunde