Results and Reports for November 10 - 11, 2001


Promoters wishing to submit results should send them to cyclingnews

Urban Cyclocross #3
River City Bicycles Cross Crusade Round 6
REI Seattle Cyclocross Series #7
Frank-N-Horst Cyclocross
Bio Wheels Cross #2
Kissena Doublecross

Urban Cyclocross #3

Schabarum Park, Los Angeles, CA, November 11, 2001

By Emilio Cervantes

The 'cross gods are with us this year. For the second week in a row, we were treated to a wet course under damp grey skies. Perfect. Running "uphill", the short technical Schabarum course features two hard run-ups and low hanging branches through the apricot grove.

In the Men's "A" (Elite) race, Garnet Vertican got his now customary holeshot to lead the first lap with Brent Prenzlow and Dane Jankowiak glued to his wheel. The combination of Prenzlow not having raced the day before and the very technical course turned the day into the "BP show". Four laps in and Brent began pulling away from the leaders on the 35ft high run-up to solo away. Jankowiak was unlucky to have his chainsuck on the very last hill on the last lap while leading Vertican by 15 seconds. Vertican seized the opportunity and jumped ahead of Jankowiak for second, who had nabbed a tiny spectators bike to finish on. Prenzlow's winning margin, 2:00.

Next week returns to the flatter Ridgcrest course with a new steep 40ft sand run-up and 1/2 mile more of grass field.


Men's Category A (Pro 1-5)
1 Brent Prenzlow
2 Garnet Vertican (ODI)
3 Dane Jankowiak (Roger Young's Training)
4 Joel Kath (Danger Boys Racing)
5 Paul Hernandez (Bicycle John's
Men's Category B  (3-5)
1 Dain Zaffke (Cycleworks)
2 Matias Mendigocho (La Grange/Bristol Farms)
3 Jeff Wilson (La Grnage/Bristol Farms)
4 Heath McGee (ODI
5 Brett Hondorp
6 Greg Page (Lightning)
7 Stefan Messelberg (BCA/Tosk
Women Beginner
1 Kim Nguyen
Men's Category C (4/5)
1 Thad Sparrow
2 Mike Fantacone (JAX Racing)
3 Jason Perkins (Syntace
4 Darin Tarikava
5 Curt Dosier
6 Mark Helms (Atimic Bikes)
7 Jason Vorell (Team Velocity)
8 Chris Stevens (Schroeder/Incycle)
9 David Bales (San Clements Velo)
10 Art Aguilar (Atomic Bikes)
11 Dave Reilly (SDBC)
12 Steve Brown (Schroeder/Incycle
13 Dean Ferrandini
14 Richard Murphy (Celo Pacific)
15 Eric Matthies
Men's Category D 30+ (Public/ & 5)
1 Paul Allen
2 Kevin Daley
3 Rey Torres
Women's Category A,B,C (Pro 1-4)
1 Dorothy Wong (Kelly Bikes)
Juniors 16 & Under
1 Matt Mussig (Unattached)
Master's 45+
1 Joe Crabtree (Open Air Bicycles)
2 Willy Bondurant (Team Velocity)
3 Rick Swanson (Radsport)
4 Brian Olson (Team Holywood)
5 Ricky Russell (La Grange)
6 Jim Cushing-Murray (Celo Pacific)
Master's 40+
1 Eddie Arnet (Mt. Bike Action)
2 Mark Sauer (Radsport)
3 Charles Morris
4 Jeff Steinhart (Team Hollywood)
5 Dorothy Wong (Kelly)
6 Gregory Townsend (Velo Pasadena)
7 Brad House (Team King's)
Master's 35+
1 Doug McWhinney (Celo Pacific)
2 Chris Gallup
3 Scott Kenned (SDBC)
4 Tom Hagood
Master's 30+
1 Erik Luk (Team King's)
2 Scott Evans (Outer Circle Racing)
3 Tim Kline II
4 Paul Welsh (Lightning)
5 Brad House (Team King's)
6 Rene Ortega
7 Brent Vandenberg

River City Bicycles Cross Crusade Round 6

Estacada Timber Park, Oregon, November 11, 2001

Wicks and Mazza Show Speed at Estacada Timber Park

By Chris Bright

As the River City Bicycles Cyclo-Cross Crusade Series builds toward its finale, Barry Wicks (Bike Gallery) and Rhonda Mazza (Team S & M) firmly established that they are the riders to beat following the sixth of eight rounds in the series with $10,000 in total prize money on the line. Held on the fast, wide-open Estacada Timber Park course on November 11, both Wicks and Mazza set blistering paces to cross the line first.

The scenic Estacada Timber Park is the setting of one of the most popular Cyclo-Cross Crusades rounds for both the 265 racers and the scores of spectators. With unseasonably dry weather for an autumn day in the Pacific Northwest, the 3.5 kilometer course was groomed for speed with a combination of hard-packed gravel road, asphalt and smooth turf. The signature feature at Estacada is a sloped outdoor amphitheater that the course criss-crossed four times, including three technical run-ups, and two off camber descents which attracted many enthusiastic onlookers.

The Category A Men rolled away from the start to tackle seven-and-a-half laps, which is the longest race distance of the Cyclo-Cross Crusade series. Throughout the first lap, the field stayed together. On the second lap, the cream rose to the top as Wicks, series points leader Shannon Skerritt (Bike Gallery), Eric Tonkin (Kona-Voicestream Wireless), Derl Miller (Bike Gallery) and Donald Reeb (Nutra Fig) pulled 10 seconds ahead of the field.

On the next lap, Reeb fell back as Team S & M's Jonathon Myers bridged to the leaders with an impressive effort to form a compact group. As the laps ticked off, attrition gradually thinned the lead group with Myers succumbing first on lap 4, followed by Miller the next time around. With two to go, Skerritt also lost touch leaving Wicks and Tonkin to duel for the win.

The two leaders shadowed each other throwing in occasional surges to test their legs. Heading toward the finish, Wicks and Tonkin played cat-and-mouse which nearly allowed Skerritt back into the fray at the top of the final run-up 300 meters from the line. With 250 meters to go, Wicks put the hammer down sprinting out of the saddle around the perimeter of a soccer field. Tonkin was unable to match the Bike Gallery rider's burst. As Wicks sprinted over the final set of barriers just before the finish, he expertly dismounted and carried his speed to the line two seconds ahead of Tonkin. Skerritt, Miller and then Myers rolled in to round out the top five.

Despite Wicks winning his third race, Skerritt continues to hold the top spot in the series standings due to his consistency. However, Wicks and Tonkin, who have each missed two rounds, as well as Miller, are still in competition. The championship is still up in the air since a rider only uses his six best results and the last round counts for double points.

The Category A Women's race played out much like the men's race as a leading group of four formed on the first group. Among the leading group were series leader Mazza, Bike Gallery teammates Naomi Gollogly and Alice Pennington and Karen Kenlen (Sunnyside Sports). After two laps, Gollogly dropped back leaving the trio vying to become the two-time winner among the evenly matched women's field.

Mazza pressed the pace by spending more than her share of time on the front. With one-and-a-half laps to go, the elastic broke and Mazza quickly pulled away from her pursuers. By the time she reached the finish, her advantage had stretched to an impressive 30 seconds.

Now the drama turned to who would take second from a group of four women who were setting up for sprint to the line. Pennington held the lead position into the final barriers and used her unique dismount of swinging her leg over the top tube to effortlessly glide over the barriers just in front of Kenlen, Emily Miazga (Hutch's) and Marjon Marik (River City Bicycles).

With just two more races to go, the seventh round of the $10,000 River City Bicycles Cyclo-Cross Crusade returns to the scene of the opening round at the Alpenrose Velodrome. The technical course winds its way through the sports park and includes a circuit on the apron of the velodrome. After taking a week off for the Thanksgiving holiday, the series finale offers riders double points at the King Estate Vineyard located south of Eugene, Ore.


Category A Men

1 Barry Wicks (Bike Gallery)
2 Eric Tonkin (Kona/Voicestream Wireless)
3 Shannon Skerritt (Bike Gallery)
4 Derl Miller (Bike Gallery)
5 Jon Myers (Team S & M)
6 Zac Houghton (Presto Velo)
7 Tim Evans (Gentle Lovers)
8 Mike Schindler (Sunnyside Sports)
9 Jeff Struck (Gentle Lovers)
10 Donald Reeb (Nutra Fig)
11 Chad Swanson (Bike Gallery)
12 Rich Cramer (Presto Velo)
13 Corey Stayton (Bike Gallery)
14 Caan Zarosinksi (Team S & M)
15 Michael Sylvester (Bike Gallery)
16 John Boelsems (G.S. Camerati)
17 Brody Anderson)
18 Sean Garvin (G.S. Camerati)
19 Graeme Mitchell ( Team S & M)
20 Doug Ollerenshaw (Gentle Lovers)

Category A Women

1 Rhonda Mazza (Team S & M)
2 Alice Pennington (Bike Gallery)
3 Karen Kenlen (Sunnyside Sports)
4 Emily Miazga (Hutch's)
5 Marjon Marik (River City Bicycles)
6 Suzanne King (Sunnyside Sports)
7 Naomi Gollogly (Bike Gallery)
8 Leah Toffolon (Bike Gallery)
9 Joanne Stevens (Sunnyside Sports)
10 Michelle Groez (Bike Gallery 

REI Seattle Cyclocross Series #7

Steilacoom Park, Seattle, November 11, 2001

From the high point of this course you can look down on the Puget Sound and watch to boats travel toward the Tacoma Narrow's bridge, then turn to see two of the best cross racers in North America blast by lap after lap as Jonny "The Cat" Sundt (K2) tries and then succeeds in getting in front of a charging Dale Knapp (Kona Voicestream) for the elite win after 60 minutes of back and forth throw-down action. There has been an odd recurrence of heavy rain whenever the elite men's race starts the last few races, but otherwise Sunday's race was classic fall leaf weather, complete with the sounds of Boston's first and only good album blaring from the Red Trailer onto the rolling grassy fields and high poplar trees of South Tacoma's Steilacoom park.

Pat Bentson again found fresh lines and completely changed a 10 year old course from the most wicked running event in regional cross lore to a nice mix of power riding and cornering prowess. From the middle of the course you could see 90% of the action, and the action was fast as 4 elite men stayed together for the first 3 laps of lightning fast sub 7 minute loops, and our Masters and B's fields continue to draw new racers in search of a good workout and a bike handling skills clinic.

The elite men benefited from an off weekend on the national calendar that allowed two home town heroes to go wheel for wheel after dropping the hard working Hanson Brothers (ATT Wireless) who were the only ones to match the quickening lap times of Knapp and Sundt. The pace was extreme from the gun, "at the UCI races the starts are full sprints, so I planned a fast start and took it out from the gun" said Sundt. For the last half of the race it was Dale and Jonny swapping leads as first one attacked, then the other. It came down to the final 200 yards of tight track where Dale clawed his way back up to Jonny after a 30 ft gap had opened, then got by him on the last downhill section. But Sundt The Cat was not discouraged and found a way around Dale on the last tricky off camber corner on the inside and held it for the win. World class fun for the spectators.

The women's race was easily won by Ann Grande (Kona Voicestream) over Ingrid Spies (K2). Ann was particularly happy with her new Mavic Ksyrium wheelset which is a popular choice this season. "I love the new course and racing with the Masters men, there are tons of places to pass and the guys really keep me working to catch them."

The masters fields continue to swell as more and more road racers start their 2002 training programs and the elite masters was a doozie. Big Daddy Jim Brown fired off the line in his typical attacking style, and it looked like he had made another winning move until he lost his traction and took a huge digger. The rest of the field blew past him and after a lap of mechanical difficulties he finally began his chase from the back...and ended up 4th!!! Randy Daniels had a super ride and after a few laps battling with Todd Anderson, moved clear for a decisive win. Dan Peterson (Aurora) fought his way up to Todd and in a finish replay of the elite men had trouble in the last turn and allowed Todd to score 2nd place.

The Masters B's again was dominated by Team Novara/REI, but after Dana Parnello graciously upgraded himself to the A's, it was Dan Levine followed by Pat Weiler representing for the Co-op in a one two finish over Tom Holmes. A Weiler of a different stripe, son Grady Weiler (REI/Novara) pulled out his first win in the Junior C's over Travis Guthrie and Bryan Graver, he claimed it was Dad's pancakes that morning that fueled his large win.

The kids were excited, not only to race and get their REI water bottle and Rice Krispy treats but also because all of the 50 or so could win a new Redline BMX bike complements of race day sponsor Parkland Bicycle. Also given away were 2 scooters and a unicycle all won by a father and daughter duo Andy and Emily Wilson from Olympia who credit their good luck with Emily racing her first race and getting a top 10 in the junior C's.

The "Really Fast Kids", age 2-11, saw many training wheels and big jackets, this time the first squirt across the line was Zack McKenzie followed by Hunter Graver and brother Sean Graver. That's 3 Gravers in the top 3!!! Surely a name to watch.

In the Junior B category Aaron Wilkinson scored a big win over Jeremy Soltow and 3rd place Jonathan Jennerjahn in a hard fought race. In the Junior A race it was David Fleishauer staying somehow ahead of "Tall Mr. Tucker" Thomas (RAD Racing) and hard working Stephen Howard, also RAD racing.

Jesse Carbaugh was back to the front again this week after he lost the lead on the first lap with a crash that allowed "I have a 37 inch inseam" series leader Adrian Hegyvary to overtake him momentarily before Jesse put on the afterburners and waved "bye bye" to the field. Matt "Mr. Style" Kanaly was 3rd.

The Big Girls came out again with Wanda Howlett (Terrafazione) racing solo in the Masters Women, Nicola Mann having a great race and forcing Kathy Smith (Ti Cycles) to chase after a blistering start by Joyce LaGow (Armondo's) the entire race in Women's B's. And Jody Hess again rocked the course ahead of Leana Gerrard and Maribeth Evezich for the beginning women.

In the Killer B men's field cross crazy-man John Weller had a great race and stayed ahead of David Stonich and Mike Jancola for the win, while in the ever growing beginning men's field Justin Pierce looked strong over August Wheeler and Dave Reed (Bikefit) 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Race day sponsor was Parkland Bicycle. REI/Novara again displayed the big raffle prize for the last race in Federal Way, a Novara Buzz bicycle. Check out the spec. at

See you in 2 weeks for the State Championships at Lincoln Park in West Seattle. Look to for race directions and start times and for pictures and results.


Pat Bentson kindly supplied these images of the day's action

Hyun Lee was also there, as the following photos of the Elite Men's race reveal.


A Men
1 Jonny Sundt
2 Dale Knapp
3 Loren Hanson
4 Mark Hanson
5 Narayan Mahon
6 Ronnie Schmeer
7 John Flack
8 Aaron Bradford
9 Steve Crosier
10 Rich McClung
11 Dale Plant
12 Trevor Morman
13 Rob Campbell
14 Steve Williams
15 Seth Davis
A Women
1 Anne Grande
2 Ingrid Spies
B Women
1 Nicola Mann
2 Kathy Smith
3 Joyce Lagow
B Men
1 John Weller
2 David Stonich
3 Mike Jancola
4 Michael Murdin
5 David Sawyer
6 Pain Lover(no points)
7 Mark Howlett
8 Alvin Nucum
9 Larry Doll
10 Lance Simenek
11 Matt Cary
12 David Sullivan
13 Brian Carver
14 Mark Beattie
15 James Healey
Single Speed
1 Jesse Carbaugh
2 Adrian Hegyvary
3 Matt Kanaly
A Juniors
1 David Fleischauer
2 Tucker Thomas
3 Stephen Howard
4 Collin Carbaugh
5 Mike Wentz
6 Walker Duval
7 Keith Robinson
8 David Volkert
9 Devin Anderson
C Juniors
1 Grady Weiler
2 Travis Guthrie
3 Bryen Graver
4 Brendon Anderson
5 Spencer Mahan
6 Cole Cutright
7 Christin Norwich
8 Garrett Anderson
9 Peter Weiler
10 Emily Wilson
Kids 2-11
1 Zach McKenzie
2 Hunter Graver
3 Sean Graver
4 Jacob Oppenheimer
5 Keith Lambie
6 Derrick Howlett
7 Cecelia Lambie
Master A
1 Randy Daniels
2 Todd Anderson
3 Dan Peterson
4 Jim Brown
5 Ted Mittlestadt
6 Pat Bentson
7 Doug Graver
8 Kurt Sorensen
9 Ed Arthur
10 Derek Shiers
11 David Browning
12 Jeff Aken
13 Michael Smith
14 Glen Conley
15 Dana Parnello
Master B
1 Dan Levine
2 Pat Weiler
3 Tom Holmes
4 Jim Clevenger
5 Nathan Kiger
6 Mike Albright
7 Frank Manfre
8 Alex Roade
9 Phil Oppenheimer
10 David Neubeck
11 Brian Wentz
12 Dave Stanton
13 Kevin Myette
14 Kelly Hobkirk
15 Bob Ling
Master Women
1 Wanda Howlett
Beginning Women
1 Jody Hess
2 Leana Gerrard
3 Maribeth Evezich
4 Jadine Rilely
5 Paulel Roberts
6 Paige Beckley
7 Christy Haney
Beginning Men
1 Justin Pierce
2 August Wheeler
3 Dave Reed
4 Calvin Hin
5 Jeffery Moran
6 Greg Streun
7 Tom Frank
8 Steve Crawford
9 Andy Wilson
10 Chris Johns
11 Brian Volkert
12 Jeff Graibok
13 Rob Larsen
14 Tye Melanson
15 Keith King
B Juniors
1 Aaron Wilkinson
2 Jeremy Soltow
3 Jonathan Jennerjahn
4 Joshua Hansen
5 Grady Nace
6 Drew Schick
7 Grant Boursaw
8 John Larsen
9 Amara Boursaw
10 Tela Crane

Frank-N-Horst Cyclocross

Keene, New Hampshire, November 10, 2001


Category A Men
1 Mark McCormack          57.27
2 Justin Lillie
3 Josh Anthony             0.22
4 Michael Broderick        0.27
5 Rob Hult                 1.10
6 Kirt Fitzpatrick
7 Jesse Anthony            1.33
8 Matt Svatek              1.51
9 Max Kullaway             2.01
10 Troy Michaud            2.31
11 Scott Plante            2.34
12 Jon Holm                2.55
13 Ben Turner              3.05
14 Michah Thompson         3.40
15 Brant Hornberger        3.58
16 Jeff Craddock           4.05
17 Lawrence Percra         4.57
18 Todd Rowell             5.29
19 Ryan Larocque           5.39
20 Daniel Coady            7.09
Category B Men
1 Eugene Ruiter           54.43
2 Alex Ajtken              1.28
3 Pete Soukas              2.35
4 Joe Saperstein           2.37
5 Mark Donahue             2.41
6 Tim Gilbert              3.17
7 Chris White              3.28
8 Justin Torrella          3.33
9 James Conopask           3.39
10 Coley Cole              3.55
11 Art Roti                4.11
12 Ethan Parsons           4.24
13 Brendan Sullivan        4.31
14 Jonathan Murray         5.03
15 Isaac Martin            5.21
1 Mary McConneluug
2 Shauna Gillies-Smith
3 Kathy Savary
4 Anna Milkowski
5 Susan MacLean
6 Alicia Genest
7 Katrina Davis
8 Stephanie Roussos
9 Kate Northcott
10 Elizabeth Lefavour
Masters 35+ years
1 Paul Curley
2 Scott Wade
3 Bevan Quinn
4 Michael Bernard
5 Paul Lynch
6 Peter Brennan
7 Sam Morse
8 Tom Stevens
9 Kevin Callahan
10 Tim Groesbeck
1 John Hanson
2 Chris Hill
3 Ben Coleman
4 Kevin Wolfson
Category C Men
1 Scott Stanback
2 Gene Garneau
3 Chris Northcott
4 Chris Owen
5 Jim Grasso
6 Thomas Harp
7 Charles Marzot
8 Paul Hachoyan
9 Mike Van Randinyk
10 Matt Berian

Bio Wheels Cross #2

Cincinnati, Ohio, November 11, 2001

Warm temperatures prevailed once again for the second and final race put on by Cincinnati bike shop Bio Wheels. This is the fifth year for the Ohio Valley Cyclocross Series, with two left to go this year. CityDash provided the payouts today and riders came in from five states to take part in the festivities. Harbin Park always dishes out a tough race on the competitors, and this race was no exception. The experts were doing eight minute laps on a course that witnessed some deep sand, off-camber dismounts, plenty of grinding climbs, fast wooded doubletrack, and a killer downhill to top it all off. In all, 64 riders came out to compete.

The A field was quite possibly stacked greater than any cross race ever in Cincinnati, with plenty of firepower coming in from out of state to try and hand local pro Phil Noble (Airborne) his first loss in years. Toby Swanson (Lindsey Wilson College), Eric Anderson (Children First), and Ben Sharpe (Go Mart) formed the first group along with Noble early on in the race, with two or three others dangling close behind.

A mid-race wreck in the sand pit between Noble and Sharpe split the lead group in two. Anderson and Swanson accelerated while Noble and Sharpe (2001 National Amateur Crit. Champion) both dealt with dropped chains. Within a lap Noble was back on track, coming straight by Anderson and taking up second position just behind Swanson. The two of the them looked squared up for a close finale.

A close finale was not to be though, as Noble put forth the winning move within two laps from the finish in securing his umpteenth straight win in the series. Swanson came through 45 seconds down in second, with Anderson and Sharpe coming through third and fourth. Earendel Fingerson (City Scape/High Gear) came through next to round out the top five.

The addition of a women's A field seems to have bumped up the women's numbers this year a noticeable amount, and some good competition has been the result. Courtney Bollman (Mercy Cycling) put away the competition again this week in taking her third straight win. Look for bigger and brighter things again in 2002 for Bio Wheels cyclocross racing, among them a return to three races. We'll work on new venues as well. Thanks for partaking and see ya all next year!


Cat A
1 Phil Noble (Airborne)                             58.56
2 Toby Swanson (Lindsey Wilson College)              0.51
3 Eric Anderson (Children's First)                   2.32
4 Ben Sharpe (GoMart)                                2.52
5 Earendel Fingerson (City Scape/High Gear)          3.29
6 Dave Peterson (IF)                                 3.39
7 Roger Wilson (Squadra)                             4.09
8 Al Senft (Rapid Transit)                           4.10
9 Matt Walczak (City Scape/High Gear)                4.33
10 John Gatch (Airborne)                             4.42
11 Jeff Stewart (Lindsey Wilson College)             6.19
12 Matt Bell (Airborne/Bio Wheels)                   7.36
13 Christopher Herndon (Lindsey Wilson College)
1 lap behind
14 Adam Krause (Wilton/Snell)
15 John Adams (Reser/UDF)
16 Roger Bowersock (BGI/Trane)
Cat A 35+
1 Todd King (St. Paul Bike Club)
2 Kevin Noone (Children's First)
3 Vince Clune (Dayton 2003)
DNF Chip Ellison (QCW/Wright Brothers)
Cat B
1 Andy Bracke (Montgomery Cyclery)                  48.07
2 John Minturn (S.C.O. Djon)                         1.47
3 Bill Tankovich (Ohio State Univ.)                  3.03
4 Andrew Millard (Cavo Fuori)                        3.21
5 Pete Bauer (Unnat.)                                4.18
6 Bob Combs (Bio Wheels Racing)                      5.03
7 Chad Irey (Bio Wheels Racing)                      6.50
8 Chris Freter (Bike Source)                        11.05
9 Tom Hanley (Bike Source)                          11.24
Cat B 35+
1 Greg Maddux (Cycle Sport)                         50.35
2 Scott Stanford (Cycle Sport)                       0.05
3 Greg Maness (Bio Wheels Racing)                    0.28
4 Jim Roegge (Unnat.)                                1.13
5 Rick Toler (Team Dayton 2003)                      1.32
6 Jim Scholefield (Revolution)                       3.06
7 Harry Wicks (Bio Wheels Racing)                    3.25
8 Paul Keller (Buffalo Bicycle Club)                 3.55
9 John Riedel (IF)                                   4.26
Women's Cat A
1 Courtney Bollman (Mercy Cycling)                  43.38
2 Jennifer Dean (Unatt.)                             2.39
3 Sheila Senft (Morris Trucking Velo)                3.51
4 Mary Beth Reisenberg (Revolution)                  4.52
5 Janine Verstraeten (Trek)                          5.02
6 Nicole Clune (Dayton Cycling 2003)                 6.49
DNF Nicole Arner (BGI-Trane)
Women's Cat B
1 Hope Proctor (YMCA)                               38.54
2 Sally Harmon (Miami Univ.)                         1.34
3 Kate Menke (Unatt.)                                8.48
Men's Cat C 35+
1 Matt Wind (Unatt.)                                32.00
2 Doug Dobroszi (QCW)                                2.11
3 Richard Arnoldy (Miami Valley BRA)                 2.23
4 David Nissen (QCW)                                 3.06
5 Mike Otting (QCW)                                  3.47
6 Joseph McAffee (Unatt.)                            4.12
7 Doug Hamilton (Unatt.)                             4.29
Men's Cat C
1 Bryan Gehrum (Team Nimrod)                        31.45
2 Joe Bellante (Bio Wheels Racing)                   2.49
3 Kevin Jorg (Unatt.)                                3.51
1 Tyler Hendershot (Unatt.)                         28.00
2 Tyler Hoffer (Unatt.)                              5.21
3 Ambrose Dobroszi (QCW Youth)                       8.22

Kissena Doublecross Cyclo Cross

November 10, 2001


Category 1, 2, 3
1 Kevin Molloy                      55.01
2 Robert Campos                     00.17
3 Eric Ragot                        00.39
4 Basil Moutsopoulos                02.17
5 Inson Wood                        04.10
6 Lee Moser                         04.20
7 Nathaniel Horne                   04.23
8 JP Partland                       05.47
9 David Wiswell                    -1 Lap
10 Robert Brugna                  
11 Vicki Huffman                  -2 Laps
DNF Leyton Murray                  
Category 4
1 Braulio Jerez                   35.01.8
2 Igor Misicki                    00.05.9
3 Charles Lapunzina               00.26.3
4 Michael Shuloch                 00.28.0
5 John Hourigan                   01.27.4
6 Joe Saling                      02.21.1
7 Samuel Garcia                   02.31.1
8 Luis Trevino                    02.33.1
9 Dusan Strika                    02.44.8
10 Benny Ma                       02.45.8
11 Paul White                     02.59.9
12 Jack Briggs                    04.01.4
13 Viachslav Miloridor            05.04.0
14 John Lindsay                   05.17.5
15 Joseph Szokoli                 05.46.5
16 Regina Hammond                 06.20.6
17 Elizabeth Whitney              06.29.5
18 Tamara Damon                    -1 lap
DNF Peter Baiamomte
Category 5
1 Matthew McGregor               23.33.8
2 Daniel Kennedy                 02.04.3
3 Evan Marks                     03.33.9
4 Karl Dittebrandt               04.25.7
5 Kerri Martin                   04.53.5
6 Scott Haspel                   04.57.7
7 Paul Salerini                  04.58.8
8 Ira Mitchnick                  05.41.5
DNF Benny Ma                     05.52.4

Results courtsey of Eric Ragot

Previous results from USA