Tour of Serbia, Cat 2.5 Yugoslavia, September 21-27

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Stage 2, Belgrad - Celarevo, 205 kms

Report Stage 2, September 22.

Young Swede Stefan Adamsson, third generation Swedish top cyclist, had his most significant victory on the second day of Tour of Serbia, run over 205 kms from Belgrad to Celarevo. He was in a group of 13 riders that escaped with 15 kms to go, jumping away for a long 500 meter sprint to the finishing line.

"I had a great position and could attack from behind," he said. "Things are really going well right now and I have no problems keeping the pace with the best. It might be worse in the mountains the day after tomorrow, but right now it feels as if I could tag along even then." Adamsson's victory makes up for the first day when he fell whilst in a position to grab the leaders jersey by taking bonifications during the stage.

Polish rider Marcin Lewandowiski (Legia Siemens) took over the leaders jersey since the overnight leader Jan Kruzic finished in the peloton, some 38 seconds back.

  1. Stefan Adamsson          Wir    4.50.02
  2. Kejval Lubus             Psk      00.02
  3. Lewandowski Marcin       Leg    
  4. Dvorscik Milan           Nar    
  5. Rnjakovic Mikos          Yug    
  6. Dietel Klaus             Lau    
  7. Slobodnik Ondrej         Svk    
  8. Rebiewski Jaroslaw       Leg    
  9. Koj Robert               Leg    
 10. Davydov Vitaliy          Ukr    
 11. Kjell Carlstrom          Wir    
 12. Cerepan Tomas            Svk    
 13. Vanik Zoltan             Pos    
 14. Dekhtyar Sergiy          Ukr    
 15. Tesar Lubor              Psk       0.36
 16. Jezowski Krzysztop       Leg    
 17. Mutuc Peter              Clr    
 18. Dite Radek               Psk    
 19. Kejval Miroslav          Psk    
 20. Kruzic Andrej            Svk    
 21. John Nilsson             Wir    
 22. Specziar Viktor          Pos    
 23. Praznovsky Martin        Svk    
 24. Matthes Fabian           Lau    
 25. Nefyodov Stanislav       Ukr    
 26. Milenkovic Aleksandar    Yug    
 27. Cerepan Martin           Svk    
 28. Magnus Albertsson        Wir    
 29. Sipeky Jan               Duk    
 30. Eckert Timo              Lau    
 31. Jukka Heinikainen        Wir    
 32. Valach Jan               Nar    
 33. Kristoffer Ingeby        Wir    
 34. Eigner Alexander         Unn    
 35. Stevic Ivan              Srb    
 36. Sedun Dimitri            Nar    
 37. Bauer Axel               Lau    
 38. Beara Dusko              Yub    
 39. Dietel Andreas           Lau    
 40. Nicholas Giles           Mid    
 41. Marinkovic Dragomir      Srb    
 42. Redl Bernhard            Unn    
 43. Chris Spence             Mid    
 44. Solomko Olexandr         Ukr    
 45. Husar Radovan            Duk    
 46. Barkoczi Laszlo          Pos    
 47. Draskovic Danilo         Srb    
 48. Gazi Jan                 Svk    
 49. Zasada Krzysztof         Leg    
 50. Chrobak Jan              Psk    
 51. Kapidura Dariusz         Leg    
 52. Otto Jozsef              Pos    
 53. Gajicic Sasa             Yug    
 54. Simic Goran              Yug    
 55. Vasiljevic Darko         Yub    
 56. Chrapchynski Steve       Clr    
 57. Brkovic Mico             Yug    
 58. Southard Mark            Clr    
 59. Karsnicki Robert         Leg    
 60. Jovancevic Dobrivoje     Yug    
 61. Chmiruk Sergiy           Ukr    
 62. Martin Ford              Mid    
 63. Dychenko Igor            Ukr    
 64. Kruzic Jan               Duk    
 65. Laris Michal             Duk    
 66. Pejkovic Djordje         Yub    
 67. Riska Martin             Nar    
 68. Hotter Robert            Unn    
 69. Buchacek Tomas           Psk    
 70. Bruckner Ferdinand       Unn    
 71. Pajovic Igor             Yug    
 72. Milicevic Nebojsa        Srb      00.55
 73. Vinczeffy Zsolt          Pos      01.00 
 74. Radovanovic Slobodan     Yub       1.08 
 75. Nagy Robert              Duk    
 76. Steig Gabor              Pos    
 77. Legler Andreas           Unn    
 78. Bencik Petr              Psk       1.18 
 79. Mijailovic Sasa          Srb    
 80. Bilas Igor               Srb    

GC after stage 2

  1. Lewandowski Marcin       Leg    8.59.48
  2. Dvorscik Milan           Nar    8.59.52
  3. Slobodnik Ondrej         Svk    8.59.52
  4. Kjell Carlstrom          Wir    8.59.52
  5. Kruzic Jan               Duk    9.00.20
  6. Gajicic Sasa             Yug    9.00.21
  7. Jukka Heinikainen        Wir    9.00.28
  8. Kapidura Dariusz         Leg    9.00.28
  9. Zasada Krzysztof         Leg    9.00.28
 10. Rebiewski Jaroslaw       Leg    9.01.05
 11. Stefan Adamsson          Wir    9.01.14
 12. Milenkovic Aleksandar    Yug    9.01.22
 13. Nefyodov Stanislav       Ukr    9.01.22
 14. Cerepan Martin           Svk    9.01.22
 15. Karsnicki Robert         Leg    9.01.40
 16. Valach Jan               Nar    9.02.08
 17. Mutuc Peter              Clr    9.02.10
 18. Sedun Dimitri            Nar    9.02.10
 19. Kejval Lubus             Psk    9.03.18
 20. Jezowski Krzysztop       Leg    9.04.02
 21. Tesar Lubor              Psk    9.04.02
 22. Kruzic Andrej            Svk    9.04.04
 23. John Nilsson             Wir    9.04.04
 24. Sipeky Jan               Duk    9.04.04
 25. Gazi Jan                 Svk    9.04.04
 26. Dekhtyar Sergiy          Ukr    9.04.44
 27. Koj Robert               Leg    9.04.44
 28. Matthes Fabian           Lau    9.04.58
 29. Brkovic Mico             Yug    9.04.58
 30. Kristoffer Ingeby        Wir    9.04.58
 31. Cerepan Tomas            Svk    9.05.10
 32. Rnjakovic Mikos          Yug    9.05.10
 33. Solomko Olexandr         Ukr    9.05.46
 34. Magnus Albertsson        Wir    9.05.46
 35. Dietel Andreas           Lau    9.05.46
 36. Southard Mark            Clr    9.05.46
 37. Jovancevic Dobrivoje     Yug    9.05.46
 38. Bilas Igor               Srb    9.06.29
 39. Bauer Axel               Lau    9.09.28
 40. Dietel Klaus             Lau    9.09.46
 41. Marinkovic Dragomir      Srb    9.11.04
 42. Beara Dusko              Yub    9.11.10
 43. Vasiljevic Darko         Yub    9.11.10
 44. Draskovic Danilo         Srb    9.11.10
 45. Chrapchynski Steve       Clr    9.12.35
 46. Kejval Miroslav          Psk    9.13.52
 47. Dite Radek               Psk    9.13.56
 48. Specziar Viktor          Pos    9.13.58
 49. Chris Spence             Mid    9.13.58
 50. Chrobak Jan              Psk    9.13.58
 51. Riska Martin             Nar    9.13.58
 52. Davydov Vitaliy          Ukr    9.14.16
 53. Buchacek Tomas           Psk    9.14.24
 54. Stevic Ivan              Srb    9.14.25
 55. Vanik Zoltan             Pos    9.14.38
 56. Praznovsky Martin        Svk    9.14.52
 57. Husar Radovan            Duk    9.14.52
 58. Bencik Petr              Psk    9.15.04
 59. Simic Goran              Yug    9.15.14
 60. Bruckner Ferdinand       Unn    9.15.14
 61. Nicholas Giles           Mid    9.15.40
 62. Eigner Alexander         Unn    9.15.40
 63. Dychenko Igor            Ukr    9.15.40
 64. Martin Ford              Mid    9.15.40
 65. Otto Jozsef              Pos    9.15.40
 66. Pajovic Igor             Yug    9.15.40
 67. Hotter Robert            Unn    9.15.40
 68. Chmiruk Sergiy           Ukr    9.16.03
 69. Steig Gabor              Pos    9.16.10
 70. Eckert Timo              Lau    9.17.05
 71. Redl Bernhard            Unn    9.17.05
 72. Radovanovic Slobodan     Yub    9.17.35
 73. Legler Andreas           Unn    9.17.35
 74. Mijailovic Sasa          Srb    9.17.45
 75. Pejkovic Djordje         Yub    9.18.47
 76. Laris Michal             Duk    9.20.02
 77. Barkoczi Laszlo          Pos    9.20.16
 78. Nagy Robert              Duk    9.20.32
 79. Milicevic Nebojsa        Srb    9.21.01
 80. Vinczeffy Zsolt          Pos    9.21.51

Team GC after Stage 2

  1. Legia Simens Warta-Polj. 26.59.36  
  2. Team Wirsbo - Svedska    27.00.10  
  3. De Nardi - Slovacka      27.02.30  
  4. Slovakia                 27.03.48  
  5. Jugoslavija              27.06.12  
  6. Ukrajina                 27.10.28  
  7. Rsg Lauf - Nemacka       27.18.48  
  8. Dukla Trencin - Slovacka 27.19.24  
  9. Colorado - Usa           27.20.31  
 10. Psk Unit Expert Ceska    27.21.30  
 11. Srbija                   27.28.09  
 12. Jugoslavija B            27.39.25  
 13. Postas-Matav - Madjarska 27.44.16  
 14. Midland-Engleska         27.45.18  
 15. Union Rc Kor. Austrija   27.46.34