Trofeo Attillio Strazzi, Cat 1.6

Italy, February 22, 1998

1997 Results

Race Distance - 149.7 km

 1. Denis Lunghi (Ita) Collpack-Polti	     3.57.00 (avs 37.722)
 2. Derganc 					2.20
 3. Ivan Basso (Ita) Zalf Euromobil-Fior
 4. Paolini
 5. Guerra
 6. Giordani
 7. Turraco
 8. Belohvosciks
 9. Ortenzi					5.05
10. Girelli					5.18


Another of the early season Italian races for elite riders without contracts. The decisive move came from Denis Lunghi riding for Collpack-Polti, who confirmed his good early season form with a win here and a second place behind Ivan Basso (Zalf Euromobil-Fior) in the Menton-Alassio classic the day before.

With 13 kms to go, Lunghi took advantage of a fall in the peloton and finished 2.20 ahead of a chasing group of 7.