Nankervis throws to the line
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
That was a bit tougher
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
Murray Spink drives the chase
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
Ray Turner
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
Ryan Kelly had nothing left
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
Davis and Wise on the attack
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
Cam Winton leads Paul Logan
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
B Grade winner Logan
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
Wayne Evans
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
Steve Davis
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
Gemma Goyne and Apryl Epinger
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
Davis Lay won D Grade
Photo ©: Mal Sawford
Angus Cramp rides the dirt road
Photo ©: Mal Sawford