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Cycling News Flash for August 4, 2004

Edited by Chris Henry

Millar suspended, stripped of title

British Cycling announced Wednesday afternoon that David Millar has been suspended from competition and stripped of his 2003 world time trial championship title following a decision made by an independent disciplinary panel. The panel met according to British Cycling Federation by-laws and based its decision on several sources, including statements provided to the panel by Millar.

The panel's decision was that Millar's case, which came to light after his confession to French police that he had used EPO in 2001 and in 2003 while riding for Cofidis, constituted an admission of doping under Article 134 of the UCI Anti-doping Examination Regulations. Millar's case also met the criteria for intentional doping under UCI article 130.2.

The full extent of Millar's sanction is as follows:

  • Two year suspension from competition from August 5, 2004 to August 4, 2006
    Fine of 2,000 Swiss francs
  • Disqualification from the 2003 World Elite Time Trial Championship
  • Disqualification from the 2003 Dauphiné Libéré Stage Race
  • Disqualification from the 2001 Vuelta a España

Millar has no right of appeal through British Cycling, but may appeal to the Court for Arbitration in Sport.

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