Marco Pantani
Photo: © Phil O'Connor
The sudden death on Saturday of Italian climber and 1998 Tour de France
winner Marco Pantani shocked
the cycling world, and as Pantani's colleagues in the peloton paid
tribute, so his achievements and the tragic end to his life were high
in the minds of Cyclingnews readers too.
Here are some more of your letters about Marco Pantani.
The news arrives in Italian:
"Addio Pirata"
(what do they mean?)
it takes a few moments to grasp
"Marco Pantani is dead"
I stare into the screen
The climber of a generation
has left us at 34
He was the answer to an old desire
to witness, in my lifetime, a pure climber
swift and aggressive enough
to win the Tour de France
He was the rider I’d secretly wished to be,
a quiet hero who won in the mountains
where each rider is stripped of pretense and illusion
as their legs give sworn testimony before the court
No secret to his tactics; road goes up
Attack and attack and attack
Stand and sprint until the tempo drops,
then stand and sprint again
The beauty of that cadence
the dance of the mountains
piercing the clouds with a
cutlass-edged gaze
A grimacing visage,
peering through a river of sweat,
soaked to the skin by the fog and mist
vivid colors becoming clearer as he approaches the peak
I’d often imagined riding as his teammate
assisting on the lower slopes as he moved to the front,
handle over bottles, maybe setting the tempo,
then pulling over and watching him climb away to victory
I imagined riding with him on the mountains
I imagined cheering him on from below
I imagined being his friend and comrade
I imagined his shy smile of victorious delight
Alone amid the scree
Alone among the fans
Alone with his depression
Alone in a room in Rimini
I do not often allow myself heroes,
but in 1998? Yes. And now
I do not have to image the flowing tears
as I mourn the sad end of Pantani
Aldo Ross
Middletown, Ohio, USA
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land:
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.
Christini Rossetti (1830-1894)
I think I will go for a bike ride and smile.
Ciao Marco,
Mike Kosche
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
No words
For the last several weeks I have resorted to riding indoors due to winter
weather. I really dislike riding inside but know I need to to keep some
condition. The only thing that keeps me on the bike long enough to get
any benefit is watching recordings of Marco Pantani's great moments in
the Giro and the Tour. I know I'm not alone when I say that watching such
inspirational rides makes me ride better, ride longer, push through pain,
overcome boredom, and ignore the urge to quit. The news of Pantani's death
would always come too soon for me, just like the news of his retirement
from sport. To read his remarks in January proclaiming the end of Pantani
the cyclist was a major disappointment but I could never imagine that
weeks later I'd read of his death in these same pages.
Shock, disbelief, bewilderment? None of these words, in fact no words
accurately describe the overwhelming feelings of sorrow felt for such
a tragic hero untimely passing. Surely we'll learn more about the exact
medical cause in the days to come but who honestly doesn't attribute at
least some of the cause to the tremendous mental burden placed on Marco
by the venomous, incessant attacks made on him by those in the cycling
world who wanted to use him as the scapegoat for all that is wrong with
doping. We may never know if or to what extent doping played a role in
his or other great cyclist's victories, but we can see the evidence of
what constant harassment can do to a man with tremendous resolve, determination
and mental fortitude. It's undeniable that he had those qualities in order
to reach the level of sporting excellence he attained, yet the depth of
that strength has its limits in every champion. To those who pushed him
beyond any reasonable amount of punishment and suffering for any of his
possible misdeeds, may you feel sorrow for your inhumanity, and learn
from your mistakes and know when enough is enough the next time someone
faces your tribunal.
Thankfully I have the great memories of Pantani the Champion, riding
gloriously over the towering summits of Europe to inspire me still, and
will have those memories long after any of his detractors have any pertinence.
I know I speak for many with the same feelings when I say, "Thanks, Marco,
may you rest in peace."
Dave Hunt
Ivins, UT USA
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
I felt absolutely the same watching that stage back in 2000. That stage
and the stage to Ventoux in the same tour. What Pantani did there was
not only a sport achievement but also something "higher". As I watch these
stages on video again and again I see the pure passion for the sport.
A feeling of happiness and excitement that I otherwise only find when
I hear a beautiful piece of music or being out in the nature.
It might sound very sentimental. But then true cycling is not only about
rpm and pulse clocks - it is about sentiments and passion.
I will miss Pantani very much, as an inspiration and hero.
Johan Frössling
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Vincent Luongo & Marco Pantani
Huge loss
What a huge loss for not just the cycling world but all of humankind.
Pantani was more than just a great athlete, he was a great ambassador
for the sport and truly loved giving back to his fans. I went to Italy
this past year to see the Giro and to meet Marco Pantani. Pantani waved
me in to his staging tent, through an incredibly huge crowd of fans, where
we spoke briefly and took some pictures - what a gracious champion.
Marco - Keep dancing on those pedals in heaven, you will forever be remembered
in the hearts and minds of millions.
Vincent Luongo
New York
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Pantani was one of the most colorful riders to grace the sport of cycling.
It tore me apart to read the news of his passing. His personality and
individuality brought the fans back for more... Often imitated buy never
replaced as the original. God Speed!
Mark Jenne
Austin, Texas
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Make us dream
In Memoriam: Marco Pantani
It was just one of many slogans scrawled onto the homemade banners that
floated above a sea of cheering tifosi gathered atop the Passo Mortirolo.
But its truth rang though the chaos and sticks in my head today. It said,
"Pirata-farci sognare" make us dream.
This is the precious gift of sports heroes. Marco did make us dream-he
made us dream about what humanity could be. He was a shy, elfin, bald
guy who showed that ordinary men could fly... When Marco was in the race
and the road tilted upwards, even the cynical eyes of wrinkled Italian
men sparkled with joyous anticipation. He made anything, everything seem
possible for all of us. It's as if he was a god from Olympus, holding
up some magic mirror that reflected the potential in us all.
And so it seemed appropriate, a year or two ago, when I read that he
was training alone in those Olympian mountains of Greece. It was right
that he escape to those lofty, dreamy, peaks-because the world below had
done nothing but drag him down.
A jeep strayed into his high-speed path on a supposedly closed race-course,
mangled his leg and nearly took his life. But he rose from those ashes,
first to sing poetry on the broadcast of a Giro he should have won but
couldn't take part in, later to pedal perilously close to the heavens,
winning the Giro and the Tour, resurrecting our dreams again.
Then a legal scandal pulled him down. Guilty or innocent, he was chosen
to bear the brunt of a massive backlash against the drugs that had infested
his sport. For every would-be eagle inspired by his soaring, there seemed
to be two vultures waiting to feed upon his wounds. And as the wounds
multiplied so did the vultures - you could see them pecking at his soul
in that last, valiant, return to the Giro.
Well, they, we, finally killed him off. Today Marco was found dead in
a hotel. He didn't die at the peak of his beauty; the modern sports machine
had been sucking the life from him for years. Maybe he decided to take
the last part himself.
I'd like to imagine that he's really still in those hills, escaped from
the world of big-time sport, soaring among the peaks of Olympian gods.
You may say that's just a dream, but dreams are one of the best things
we have. And Marco made us dream.
Heather Reid and Larry Theobald
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Will there be a book we can sign perhaps with our e mails as a mark of
respect for Marco Pantani?
Please let us know we all feel that we have lost a great character in
such a tragic way.
Ann, Alan and Colin Sturgess
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
No return
We will all miss you.
For months now I have been looking at cycling websites, cycling magazines
to see if Marco Pantani was planning to race in 2004 without any luck.
Their was l couple of lines in the sporting section of the Guardian earlier
this year Pantani father was asked if Marco was going to return to cycle
racing he said in scale 1 to 10 I would put it at 1 the Marco would return
to cycling.
I read that and was disappointed that we may never see the great man
race again but I never gave up hope and kept looking for news of Marco
returning to racing.
I loved a mountain climbers before Marco we had Claudio as he was coming
to end of his career Marco took his place as the out and out mountain
climber. I know we will say there will never be another Marco Pantani
and I know he will be a very hard act or maybe impossible act to follow
but we must not give up.
I am that sad at the death of Marco Pantani I don't know if I can watch
cycling again without Marco being there but I know I will as I love cycling
but it will be very difficult to watch. When the peloton are in the mountains
and moves are going on and I will I think like a lot other people if Marco
was there he would attack now and not wait for the final 3 kilometres
to go he would go at the bottom of a clime.
We are going to miss a great cyclist Marco Pantani not being in the peloton
Marco I like ever one that have left messages we all hope you are at
peace with yourself.
God bless you and my deepest sympathy to your family.
Tony Flynn
London, England
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Before Lance
Before Lance, there was Marco. He is an inspiration to any and all who
ride a bike with effort. "The little pirate" lives forever.
Lee Aulisio
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Brightest star
I too am saddened by the abrupt loss of a bigger-than-life personality.
I must say that while I got satisfaction from his losses and troubles
as I suspect he might have been using illegal enhancements, I always found
myself rooting for him to succeed and show us all.
Sport & music seem to suffer most from the tragedy of their brightest
stars burning out suddenly. One never gets used to it.
My condolences to the sporting community in Italy & of course his family.
R. Hylle
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Wonderment and despair
Marco Pantani created feelings of wonderment and despair, wonderment
for his marvelous exploits as a supreme climber but despair at the shadow
which hung over him due to implications of EPO and other dope use. Yet
was he any worse than so many in the peloton? I think not, but unlike
those who were able to shrug off the dope accusations and get on with
their racing he seemed to take it all very personally and for that I feel
very sorry for him. To spiral down into depression is terrible. He was
a great talent and yet clearly needed far more support both as a racing
cyclist and as a human being than perhaps anyone will ever realise.
To die alone in the manner in which he did is shocking and terrible for
his parents and family. Pantani will be remembered and talked about as
part of the history of cycling; but even that is so sad considering he
could have had so much life to live, he should still be here riding out
with the peloton, or having dinner with his mum and dad.
MP you were the ultimate climber, and a sensitive human being, every
one will miss you.
Tony Freeth
Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Great fondness
I am shocked and saddened to hear about the death of Marco Pantani. At
a young age, watching the tour de France, I always found it difficult
to follow American cyclists. Aside from the greats (Greg Lemond, Lance
Armstrong, etc... ), good American cyclists were few and far between.
But, having always enjoyed watching the great climbers, whenever the road
went up. I had a great fondness for Marco Pantani. Today... I still attribute
my love of the mountain... too him. Pro cycling has lost a legend. If
there is a heaven... And I'm sure there is. I would like to imagine Marco,
riding up and down the clouds. After all... Some clouds look quite mountainous.
God rest your soul Marco... You will be greatly missed!
Tim Chaille
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Not a fan, but...
I never liked the way Pantani raced, I always rooted against him. Pantani
was one of the riders in the peloton with a bad attitude, like Chiappucci,
always attacking for the wrong reason and racing on emotion more than
smart tactics. He has long been considered gone from cycling, but it always
seemed to me that he would come back, not as a champion, but a protagonist
in the races none the less if by nothing other than his presence. Now
that he is truly gone I am shocked, and for someone who never like him
much and never rooted for him, I sure do miss him and will always remember
the way he raced his bike.
Micah Morlock
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
I loved to watch him climb. A champion.
Ken A. Edwards
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Pantani's death
Goddamn it!
Vinnie Lattanzi
Wilmington, De
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 14:23:06 -0500
to this letter
A great champion
Ciao Marco,
What a great champion the cycling community has lost. Hopefully cycling
will learn from this tragic loss of life, I'll miss watching Marco ride
his bike the way he did, and I am sure many people will too.
Ciao Marco, ti vedo quando sono sul mia bicicleta.
Massimiliano Accaputo
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
A wake-up call
Marco Pantani's death is tragic, not because he was a champion, but because
he aspired to do something all of us enjoy -- ride his bike -- and to
make a living at it. In doing so, he had to become part of a system that
turns a blind eye to its own flaws, and that system killed him. There's
no question that the man had the heart of a champion, and while he did
win some fantastic victories, I am forced to wonder, following his ejection
from the '99 Giro whether or not any of them were won without the aid
of performance enhancing drugs.
This is not intended as a smear against Pantani, whom I will always admire
for having the wherewithal to chase his goals. This is intended as a wake-up
call to the UCI and to national governing bodies. Too many people are
dropping dead from the effects of performance enhancing drugs, and while
Pantani may not have been directly killed by them, the ramifications of
using them led to his demise (a suicide by the sounds of things). The
problem was out of control prior to 1998-1999, and it sounds like the
issue is still ongoing. The UCI has taken people who have lived their
whole lives chasing victory and superior performance, turned a blind eye
to their indiscretions, and then turned around and made those people into
scapegoats, usually resulting in the end of their careers, or as in Pantani
and Jiminez's respective cases, their lives.
It's time for the UCI to admit that the system of anti-drug testing is
severely flawed and to allow the WADA to step in and take control of the
testing and regulation. The system the UCI has put forward cannot function
any longer, nor should it be allowed to when a half-dozen of its athletes
die each year from "heart attacks" or "cerebral edema" or whatever the
side-effect of the newest drug is.
I'll miss Pantani's personality in the pro peloton, but for me, his death
will only serve to remind me that the sport that I grew to love has become
the equivalent of giant, rolling crack house. I may never hang up my wheels,
but I'm seriously beginning to wonder if I'll ever race again -- as a
clean athlete, why would I want to?
So long, Marco. I hope you found the peace you were looking for and a
quiet place to ride. Allez.
Dan Bailey
Minneapolis, MN
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Never forgotten
Cela me fait beaucoup de peine d'avoir appris la triste nouvelle et toutes
mes pensées vont vers ce grand champion que j'avais pu encourager à plusieurs
reprises sur les routes du Tour de France.
Marco nous ne t'oublierons pas.
Elisabeth Harmey
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Overzealous police
This is what you get when you mix a sporting legend, and I do not use
the world lightly, with the overzealous ambition of Italian police looking
to make a name for themselves. They tried to do the same thing to the
Williams formula 1 team after the death of Ayrton Senna. Proven guilty
of nothing, Marco paid the ultimate price for the ongoing, bloodthirsty
witch hunt that passes for law enforcement when it comes to cycling in
Tony Liokossis
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Breathtaking climbing skills
Truly tragic. I had the privilege of standing at the road side witnessing
Marco's breathtaking climbing skills on three separate occasions. Only
in the flesh could you fully appreciate his talent. To think of the thousands
like myself who crowded remote mountain tops to watch him perform, and
now the little man dies a very lonely death in a hotel room. The most
desperate thing about it is that following the way his life has gone in
recent years you could almost see such an end coming.
Rory McEwan
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
We'll miss him
We will never forget our idol. He gave us many enjoyable moments over
the years that spanned his career. On the bike, he never gave up. We,
as a family in the U.S. will miss him very much.
I can't believe that it is over.
Our condolences go out to the Pantani family.
He will be missed.
Frank, Judy, and Jason Rossi
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
A halo and a noose
Not everyone who loves cycling can climb the mountains for themselves
or finish on the Champs Elysées, as those who have ridden in events like
the Tour 2000 randoneee or the Etape du Tour can. Many people watch from
the roadside, or on telly in distant countries, admiring what is possible
and what is impossible in races like the Tour, lassoed by "la Grande Boucle".
For all of us, who are not Tour riders, it is not real, the Tour is a
fantasy played out in front of us, whether we are alone in a cafe, a bar,
at home, or among the thousands who make yearly the route a cathedral.
It is a spectacle to entertain, like a Passion Play, and we are the disbelieving,
entranced audience. For those who ride it however, the Tour we love it
seems, sometimes, maybe a halo and a noose.
Many of us will never feel we can outclimb our own labouring breath,
or glance up on a long climb and confidently aim the wheel at the steepest
part of the hairpin, knowing we will crest the rise. He did. He could.
We will not know the adoration of thousands, feel the pain of winning
alone. He did. He could. We will not be able to stand in Italy this Wednesday,
mourning him, nor perhaps should we, we knew his part, what he signified,
we did not know the man.
Let us remember him instead, when we cheer the flickering TV screen,
or stand in the Rue de Rivoli, or stare down the shimmering mountains,
uncertain of what's coming up towards us; when we reach for the last gear,
the final cog. We do not know how tight a halo is, how easily it slips,
what it is to be undone.
Simon Murray
Booth, Halifax, England
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
My idol, my hero!
Thanks for the memories Marco.
Geoffrey C. Lariosa
Cebu, Philippines
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
to this letter
Tragic loss
Il Pirata has finally flown beyond the heights of Alpe d'Huez and Mont
Ventoux to eliminate his torture by the authorities, press, and race organizers
for unproven doping. He was one of the 2 or 3 greatest personalities and
pure climbers in modern cycling and ranks as possibly the greatest tragic
loss in modern sports in general. His fight with depression provoked by
"witch hunt" race organizers and polizia robbed the cycling and sports
world of one of its most colorful and talented athletes. Add a mausoleum
in his name at the top of Alpe d'Huez!
Charlie Settoon
Houston, TX
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
One of the greatest
I could not agree with you any more. Marco is one of the greatest cyclist
of all times. The endless attacks and the beauty of his climbs were some
of the greatest moments I have ever witnessed on a bicycle. I just hope
that some day people will respect and admire him half as much as I.
Mike Schopfer
Mi Wuk Village, CA USA
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Peace be with you soul of Marco. The future sons of Italy will lift you
up again sooner than we all know. The pain and suffering will be transposed
into a victorious climb. Your name will often appear in the years to come…
meraviglioso arrampicarsi!
Todd H Binkley
Nashville TN
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Every so often we are touched by the actions of others. Marco has touched
us. His charismatic way of ascending the mountains will never be forgotten.
So often when things go wrong we so easily point the finger. In Marco's
case no one stopped pointing. Right or wrong, the persecution of finding
evidence against him contributed to the breakdown of not only a truly
great cyclist, but also Marco the man. I did not know Marco and never
had the chance to see him race in person, yet I find myself very sad when
I heard of his passing. The next time I climb a hill or mountain faster
than I ever did before I know that Marco's angel is right there with me.
Godspeed Marco...
Rob Bisch
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
The purest climber
Marco Pantani's death certainly saddens me... the day after his 34th
birthday and on Valentine's day no less. My first face to face encounter
with Marco came at the start village at Pau in 1995. I had spent two weeks
following the Tour that year and my video shows a young man (even younger
than Phil O'Connor's photo) who had captured everyone's imagination. He
had already won 2 stages... his first win at the Tour on the legendary
Alpe d'Huez by 1m24 sec over Indurain and over in the Pyrenees cresting
a rain swept mountain at Guzet-Neige by 2m31sec also over Indurain. My
lens that day not only captured Marco in full flight in the rainy conditions
but also Fabio Casartelli who was to lose his life just 2 days later.
His performance in last year's Giro would have satisfied almost anyone
who was fighting to get back on top of his game. However, the opposite
result transpired as he became it seems almost a recluse in the last few
months, even his mates of many years Conti and Fontinelli unable to break
into his mindset.
He was the "purest climber" of his generation, with a flair that will
be hard to replicate.
I am sure the Italian cycling community will enshrine him (bike and jerseys)
in the Maddona d'Ghisallo church near Bellagio on Lake Como. When "The
race of the falling leaves" comes around in October and the group comes
up the hill to ride by the church, don't be surprised to see a gesture
a la the Tour at the Casartelli marker... or will the ASO finally acknowledge
Pantani by erecting a monument at the top of Alpe d'Huez... in time for
this year's TT... what a fitting tribute.
Barry Whitworth
Roseburg, Oregon, USA
Monday, February 16, 2004
to this letter
Remembering Marco Pantani,
Part 4
Recent letters pages
- February 20 letters
special: Remembering Marco Pantani - Cyclingnews readers' tributes
to Marco Pantani, part 1
- February 20 letters
special: Remembering Marco Pantani - Cyclingnews readers' tributes
to Marco Pantani, part 2
- February 20 letters
special: Remembering Marco Pantani - Cyclingnews readers' tributes
to Marco Pantani, part 4
- February 16 letters
special: Remembering Marco Pantani - Cyclingnews readers' tributes
to Marco Pantani
- February 13 letters -
Sevilla challenging for the Tour?, How will the Tour 2004 unfold?, Tour
de France 2004, Marion Clignet diary: Training with the boys, More to
cycling than the Tour, Teams & sponsors, Cross wheels, Doping, How to
lean in corners, Phil, Paul and Bob
- February 6 letters -
Tour of Qatar, Team names, Australian team, National & world jerseys
& regulations, Tour de France 2004, How to lean in corners?, Cyclo-cross
& more in Japan
- February 2 letters -
Australian team, Cofidis: All publicity is good publicity? Anyone Traveling
to TDF 2004? 24 hour race timing, World Jerseys, Team Names, Training
location, How to lean in corners? Mullet time again? Tour de France
2004, Aussies Around the World
- January 27 letters -
Embarrassing Team names presented by Corporate Sponsors, Cycling and
the heart, David McPartland, Tour de France 2004, Tour de France - Visiting,
24 hour race timing, How to lean in corners?, Mullet time again?, Riding
Etiquette, Tom Simpson Ventoux Monument, World Jerseys, Wust on Armstrong,
Zarrabeitia interview
- January 14 letters -
Cycling over-represented in heart fatalities, Fitness?, Tour de France
2004, Greatest of all time, Adham Sbeih, Clinger to fill Cipo's shoes?,
How to lean in corners?, Riding Etiquette, Tom Simpson Ventoux Monument,
Reader Poll - Best Bike, Tour de France - Visiting, The Ras
- January 4 letters - Greatest
of all time?, Reader Poll - Rider of the Year, Geniuses Feature, Flemish
Flags, Adham Sbeih, Mountain Biking and Doping, Tour 2004, Heras: Mission
Impossible?, Put me back on my bike
- December 24 letters -
Inverell Track Open, Tour 2004, Roberto Heras, Greatest of all time?,
Mountain Biking and Doping, Positive Tests, Geniuses Feature
- December 19 letters -
Heras: Mission Impossible?, Eating Disorders and Cycling, Tour 2004,
Garzelli, Greatest of all time?, Geniuses
- December 12 letters
special: Vale Jiménez - Cyclingnews readers bid farewell to Spanish
rider José María Jiménez (more
letters added December 24)
- December 5 letters -
Learning respect, Heras transfer, Beloki's choice of team, Roberto Heras,
Simoni's challenge, Greatest of all time?, Giro d'Italia stage for the
public, Put me back on my bike
- November 28 letters -
Anonymous sources, Simoni's challenge, Bobby Julich, Beloki's choice
of team, Floyd Landis, Punishing fatal driving, Roberto Heras, Greatest
of all time?, Italians spending €600 million/year on drugs, Put me back
on my bike, Tour climbers analysed, Giro d'Italia stage for the public
- November 21 letters -
Tour climbers analysed, Beloki's choice of team, Simoni's Challenge,
Floyd Landis, Roberto Heras, UCI plans, Cyclist of the year, Tour 2004
- TTT rule change, Punishing fatal driving, Hamilton world's, Italians
spending €600 million/year on drugs, Amateur racing in France, 2003
World's video wanted, Put me back on my bike
- November 14 letters -
Simoni's Challenge, Italians spending €600 million/year on drugs,
Cyclist of the year, Tour 2004, Heather French Henry, Drugs in Cycling
and in Baseball, VDB, Uphill Battle, Armstrong's inspiration?, Bobby
Julich at world's, IteamNova, The Hour, Whither Vinokourov?, Three Wheels?,
Hamilton world's, Amateur racing in France, 2003 World's video wanted
- November 6 letters -
Cyclist of the year?, Tour 2004, Bobby Julich at world's, Heather French
Henry, Whither Vinokourov?, Amateur racing in France?, Six Day Bike
- October 31 letters -
Charly Wegelius, $4000+ derailleur, Tour 2004 - TTT rule change, Bobby
Julich at world's, Closure on the Mario Cipollini reign, Heather French
Henry, Raimondas Rumsas debacle, Whither Vinokourov?, Six Day Bike Rider
- October 24 letters -
Tour 2004, New Pro Tour, What goes on the road stays on the road, Bobby
Julich at world's, The Brits, Closure on the Mario Cipollini reign,
World's absentees, Mario Cipollini, US media coverage, Heather French
Henry, Jan Ullrich to T-Mobile - Whither Vinokourov?, Kelme's real problem,
Every Second Counts--incorrect account?, Raimondas Rumsas debacle, Six
Day Racer, UCI outlaws CX disc brakes, US$4000+ rear derailleur, Amateur
racing in Spain
- October 17 letters -
What goes on the road stays on the road, THG, David Millar & the Brits,
Every second counts -- incorrect account?, Hamilton course, Heather
French Henry news piece, Viva Hein Verbruggen, Jan Ullrich to T-Mobile
- Whither Vinokourov?, Bobby Julich at world's, Kelme's real problem,
Lance Armstrong, Mario Cipollini, UCI rankings, What's that on Igor's
bike?, Two Grand Tours with two different riders, Cycling etiquette,
Amateur racing in Spain, Six-Day Bike Rider, Medal chewing
- October 10 letters -
Jan Ullrich to T-Mobile - Whither Vinokourov?, Hamilton race course,
Caffeine and sport, WADA rule changes, UCI rankings, Hein Verbruggen,
Roberto Heras, Mario Cipollini, Clear Channel, Two Grand Tours with
two riders, Vets distances, Oscar Egg bike, Six-Day Bike Rider, Cycling
- October 1 letters - Caffeine
and sport, Vuelta? What Vuelta?, WADA rule changes, A sleepy thank you
to WADA, Clear Channel, Roberto Heras, George Hincapie and Roberto Heras,
Goodbye Saturn, Gran Fondo del Monte Grappa, Greg LeMond, Lance Armstrong's
divorce, Suggestion for the big Tours, Supplements, UCI rankings, Ullrich's
comments on Luz-Ardiden, Cycling etiquette
- Letters Index The complete index to
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