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Tales from the Peloton

The Australian Junior Team prepares for the World's

As members of the Australian junior national team were undergoing physiological testing at the Mapei Sport Centre in Milan, Italy, Team Mechanic Allan Sieper got a glimpse of them in action.

To prepare themselves for the upcoming World Championships in Hamilton, Canada, each member is thoroughly tested in order to determine their level of fitness and recovery, often participating in what is commonly known as a VO2max test. VO2max is defined as the maximum amount of oxygen your body can take in, deliver, and use in one minute, measured in ml/kg/min.

To give you an idea just how fit elite cyclists are (and also what great genes they have), an average score for a person of good fitness is between 45.2 to 50.9 ml/kg/min. Most professional cyclists have VO2max values over 75; Bradley McGee has an incredible VO2max of 89 - and Will Walker recently recorded a VO2 of 94, which is simply astounding.

Will Walker before the VO2max test...
Photo ©: Allan Sieper
... and Will after the test. Bucket please...
Photo ©: Allan Sieper
The team go training with Mick Rogers
Photo ©: Allan Sieper
Andrew Wyper quenches his thirst
Photo ©: Allan Sieper


Images by Allan Sieper

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