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Stage 4, Newcastle - Nelson Bay, 60 kms

Complete Results

Average Speed: 48.85 km/h

1  Jans Koerts (Ned) Websdale Netherlands          1.13.05
2  Jeremy Hunt (GBr) Sportscover World              
3  Jonathan Hall (Aus) Festina                      
4  Franky van Haesebroucke (Aus) Qantas One World   
5  Martin Derganc (Slv) Slovenia                    
6  Piotr Wadecki (Pol) MROZ                         
7  Grzegorz Wajs (Pol) MROZ                         
8  Bart Hickson (Aus) Caravello                     
9  Gorazd Stangelj (Slv) Slovenia                   
10 Raimondas Rumsas (Lit) MROZ                      
11 Max Van Heeswijk (Ned) Websdale Netherlands      
12 Brent Dawson (Aus) NSW Institute of Sport        
13 Michael Rogers (Aus) Casino Canberra             
14 Andre Korff (Ger) Festina                        
15 Dennis Mungovern (Aus) Casino Canberra           
16 Martin Hvastija (Slv) Slovenia                   
17 Gary Heagney (Aus) NSW Sport & Recreation        
18 Jacque Fullard (SAf) Bates Bikes                  
19 Ryan Russell (NZ) Coca-Cola                      
20 Cameron Jennings (Aus) Casino Canberra           
21 Warren Clark (NZ) Coca-Cola                      
22 Huw Pritchard (GBr) DuPont                       
23 Kam Po Wong (HKg) Sportscover World              
24 Scott Sunderland (Aus) Qantas One World          
25 Uros Murn (Slv) Slovenia                         
26 Raphael Schweda (Ger) Bosch                      
27 Torsten Wilhelms (Ger) Bosch                     
28 Zbigniew Piatek (Pol) MROZ                       
29 Kosie Loubser (SAf) Bates Bikes                  
30 Tiaan Kannemeyer (SAf) Bates Bikes               
31 Jan Hordijk (Ned) Websdale Netherlands           
32 Cameron Hughes (Aus) Qantas One World            
33 Karl Moore (NZ) Coca-Cola                  
34 Angel Perez (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile             
35 Julian Winn (GBr) DuPont                         
36 Ryan Cox (SAf) Bates Bikes                       
37 Jorg Forster (Ger) Bosch                         
38 Nic Brown (Aus) NSW Institute of Sport           
39 Dan Smith (GBr) Sportscover World                
40 David McPartland (Aus) NSW Sport & Recreation    
41 Paul Esposti (GBr) DuPont                        
42 Harm Jansen (Ned) Qantas One World               
43 Pablo Gonzales (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile          
44 Colin Sturgess (GBr) Sportscover World           
45 Juan Fierro (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile             
46 Gonzalo Miranda (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile         
47 Heiko Szonn (Ger) Casino Canberra                
48 Jaime Bretti (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile            
49 Pelle Kil (Fra) Qantas One World                 
50 Ben Litchfield (Aus) Caravello                   
51 Michael Tolhurst (Aus) Casino Canberra           
52 Daniel Spence (SAf) Bates Bikes                 
53 Anthony Malarczyk (GBr) DuPont                   
54 James Griffith (GBr) DuPont                      
55 Ronny Jahn (Ger) Bosch                           
56 Tilo Schuler (Ger) Bosch                         
57 Steve Williams (Aus) Caravello                   
58 Michel Klinger (Swi) Festina                     
59 Piotr Pszydial (Pol) MROZ                       
60 Rene Post (Ned) Websdale Netherlands             
61 Patrick Claessens (Ned) Websdale Netherlands     
62 Steven Wooldridge (Aus) NSW Sport & Recreation   
63 Igor Kranjec (Slv) Slovenia                      
64 Trent Wilson (Aus) NSW Institute of Sport        
65 Baden Burke (Aus) NSW Sport & Recreation         
66 Stuart May (Aus) Caravello                   
67 Glenn Stojanow (Aus) NSW Institute of Sport      
68 Nicolas Reynauld (Fra) Festina                   
69 Karl Murray (NZ) Coca-Cola                         00.47
70 Henk Vaassen (Aus) NSW Sport & Recreation          00.52
71 Leung Chi Hang (HKg) Sportscover World           
72 Brad Mills (Aus) Caravello                       
73 Marcel W�st (Ger) Festina                          01.20
74 Tom Brook (Aus) NSW Institute of Sport             11.43

GC after Stage 4

1  Jeremy Hunt (GBr) Sportscover World              5.34.24 
2  Piotr Wadecki (Pol) MROZ                            0.13 
3  Gorazd Stangelj (Slv) Slovenia                      0.28 
4  Bart Hickson (Aus) Caravello                        0.30 
5  Jans Koerts (Ned) Websdale Netherlands              1.14 
6  Max Van Heeswijk (Ned) Websdale Netherlands         1.27 
7  Franky van Haesebroucke (Aus) Qantas One World      1.34 
8  Uros Murn (Slv) Slovenia                            1.34 
9  Jan Hordijk (Ned) Websdale Netherlands              1.41 
10 Steve Williams (Aus) Caravello                      1.44 
11 Jonathan Hall (Aus) Festina                   
12 Michael Rogers (Aus) Casino Canberra      
13 Paul Esposti (GBr) DuPont                           1.49 
14 Scott Sunderland (Aus) Qantas One World             1.51 
15 Raimondas Rumsas (Lit) MROZ                         1.54 
16 Zbigniew Piatek (Pol) MROZ                           
17 Grzegorz Wajs (Pol) MROZ                             
18 Piotr Pszydial (Pol) MROZ                           
19 Jorg Forster (Ger) Bosch                             
20 Ronny Jahn (Ger) Bosch                               
21 Tilo Schuler (Ger) Bosch                             
22 Raphael Schweda (Ger) Bosch                          
23 Warren Clark (NZ) Coca-Cola                          
24 Karl Moore (NZ) Coca-Cola                      
25 Ryan Russell (NZ) Coca-Cola                          
26 Daniel Spence (SAf) Bates Bikes                     
27 Jacque Fullard (SAf) Bates Bikes                      
28 Tiaan Kannemeyer (SAf) Bates Bikes                   
29 Ryan Cox (SAf) Bates Bikes                           
30 Kosie Loubser (SAf) Bates Bikes                      
31 Huw Pritchard (GBr) DuPont                           
32 Julian Winn (GBr) DuPont                             
33 James Griffith (GBr) DuPont                          
34 Brent Dawson (Aus) NSW Institute of Sport            
35 Trent Wilson (Aus) NSW Institute of Sport            
36 Nic Brown (Aus) NSW Institute of Sport               
37 Glenn Stojanow (Aus) NSW Institute of Sport          
38 Gary Heagney (Aus) NSW Sport & Recreation            
39 David McPartland (Aus) NSW Sport & Recreation        
40 Cameron Hughes (Aus) Qantas One World                
41 Harm Jansen (Ned) Qantas One World                   
42 Ben Litchfield (Aus) Caravello                       
43 Michel Klinger (Swi) Festina                         
44 Dennis Mungovern (Aus) Casino Canberra               
45 Heiko Szonn (Ger) Casino Canberra                    
46 Cameron Jennings (Aus) Casino Canberra               
47 Michael Tolhurst (Aus) Casino Canberra               
48 Colin Sturgess (GBr) Sportscover World               
49 Dan Smith (GBr) Sportscover World                    
50 Kam Po Wong (HKg) Sportscover World                  
51 Pablo Gonzales (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile              
52 Juan Fierro (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile                 
53 Gonzalo Miranda (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile             
54 Jaime Bretti (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile                
55 Martin Hvastija (Slv) Slovenia                       
56 Martin Derganc (Slv) Slovenia                        
57 Igor Kranjec (Slv) Slovenia                          
58 Henk Vaassen (Aus) NSW Sport & Recreation           2.46 
59 Anthony Malarczyk (GBr) DuPont                      3.08 
60 Brad Mills (Aus) Caravello                          4.00 
61 Baden Burke (Aus) NSW Sport & Recreation            4.09 
62 Torsten Wilhelms (Ger) Bosch                        7.07 
63 Rene Post (Ned) Websdale Netherlands                 
64 Patrick Claessens (Ned) Websdale Netherlands         
65 Andre Korff (Ger) Festina                            
66 Nicolas Reynauld (Fra) Festina                       
67 Pelle Kil (Fra) Qantas One World                    8.21 
68 Marcel W�st (Ger) Festina                           8.27 
69 Karl Murray (NZ) Coca-Cola                         10.29 
70 Steven Wooldridge (Aus) NSW Sport & Recreation     23.26 
71 Angel Perez (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile               23.38 
72 Stuart May (Aus) Caravello                     23.43 
73 Tom Brook (Aus) NSW Institute of Sport             38.01 
74 Leung Chi Hang (HKg) Sportscover World             38.32

Team's Classification

1  Slovenia					   16.47.33
2  Sportscover World				       0.05
3  MROZ Poland					    
4  Caravello Australia				   
5  Websdale Netherlands				       1.14
6  Bosch Germany				       1.21
7  QANTAS One World
8  Ekono Chile
9  Casino Canberra Australia
10 DuPont Great Britain
11 Bates Bikes South Africa
12 NSW Sport and Recreation Australia
13 NSW Institute of Sport Australia
14 Coca Cola New Zealand
15 Festina International			       6.34

GIANT Sprint King

1  Jeremy Hunt (GBr) Sportscover World                 11 points
2  Piotr Wadecki (Pol) MROZ                            10
3  Jans Koerts (Ned) Websdale Netherlands              10
4  Max Van Heeswijk (Ned) Websdale Netherlands         5
5  Franky van Haesebroucke (Aus) QANTAS One World      4
6  Gorazd Stangelj (Slv) Slovenia                      4
7  Uros Murn (Slv) Slovenia                            3
8  Jan Hordijk (Ned) Websdale Netherlands              2
9  Bart Hickson (Aus) Caravello                        2
10 Jonathan Hall (Aus) Festina                         2
11 Paul Esposti (GBr) DuPont                           1
12 Angel Perez (Chl) Team Ekono - Chile                1

Coca Cola King of the Mountains

1  Michael Rogers (Aus) Casino Canberra               10 
2  Steve Williams (Aus) Caravello                     10  
3  Jeremy Hunt (GBr) Sportscover World                 3     
4  Bart Hickson (Aus) Caravello                        3
5  Jan Hordijk (Ned) Websdale Netherlands              3
4  Scott Sunderland (Aus) QANTAS One World             2
7  Franky van Haesebroucke (Aus) QANTAS One World      1

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