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Tour de Georgia - 2.HC

USA, April 16-22, 2007

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Stage 3 - April 18: Rome to Chattanooga, TN , 190.2km

New stage turns Georgia upside-down and inside-out

Breakaway puts twenty-nine minutes (yes, twenty-nine) on peloton

By Mark Zalewski, North American Editor with Kirsten Robbins in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Gianni Meersman (Discovery) wins
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

Everyone knew that the first climbing stage of the Tour de Georgia, a new course from Rome to Chattanooga, was going to change the general classification - and even produce what is referred to as a 'laughing group' of riders, usually sprinters, off the back. What nobody figured was that the laughing group would be more than a hundred riders large. A group of riders broke away only 26 kilometres into the stage, and out of that came thirteen, amassing a lead of more than 29 minutes by the finish. In the end it was Gianni Meersman (Discovery Channel) catching a sprinting Jeffry Louder (Health Net-Maxxis) in the closing metres for the win. Also sprinting was David Canada Gracia (Saunier Duval-Prodir) who was the highest in the overall, taking the leader's jersey away from Daniele Contrini (Tinkoff Credit Systems.)

"It was really hard but my teammate Janez was really good today," said Meersman. "Without his efforts it would have been impossible to win the race today. He kept everything together today and was chasing down all of the attacks that were going in the end."

Meersman came around Louder in the closing meters after the American launched a last-ditch effort just inside of one kilometre. "It was expected that the guys were going to chase me down. I was hoping they wouldn't because I was sort of the least known riders on one of the smaller teams. I thought maybe they would look at each other a little more. I wanted to give a good dig because Tim [Johnson] worked really hard [for me] today. I was disappointed that I couldn't find it in the end to win."

The break starts to take shape.
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

Louder's Health Net-Maxxis teammate Tim Johnson was named the most aggressive rider today for pulling up all four of the rated climbs. However, on the last climb, Johnson admitted that it was more of a survival tactic. "The last time, that was self-preservation," he told Cyclingnews. "I was cramping and I wanted to go up the climb at my speed and maybe I can stay on a little longer. I was so close to getting back on over the top, it sucked so bad. Lucas Euser (Slipstream-Chipotle) and I chased like maniacs."

The highest-placed finisher in the sprinting group was David Canada Gracia who assumes the race lead by three seconds over five of his other breakaway compatriots. "Tomorrow is 30 kilometres and I think I can have a good day," he said regarding his chances in tomorrow's time trial. "I am strong in the climbs too but I know Janez is stronger than I am there so perhaps we can use my other teammates who are strong like Simoni and Millar in our tactics over the next days. I can climb well in these kinds of climbs here. If it were longer climbs like in Europe then it isn't possible for me to go with someone like him."

Janez Brajkovic (Discovery)
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

The rider Canada was referring to is Discovery Channel's Janez Brajkovic, who won the best young rider jersey in last year's race. "Originally there were four guys and a lot of counter attacks and bridges until we could not see the group anymore," he said. "We were working and new that the peloton was not chasing. I guess that is how it all happened. In the end I hope I can win this race and that would be a good race for me. I think my time trial is as good as my climbing so I am not too worried about the time trial. I know Canada is also a strong time trialist so we will see how that goes."

Saunier Duval-Prodir's directeur sportif Matteo Algeri is pleased with how things turned out. "I predicted Canada to be very strong here this week, even though we have other strong riders like Simoni and Millar," he told Cyclingnews after the stage. In terms of team strategy for the rest of the race, he said, "Absolutely we are going to try to use Simoni and Millar to help us in tactics to win this race. It will be a good change for Simoni to help another rider. He is going to enjoy doing this job because he really likes helping the other riders. He will help Canada here and then expect to be helped in the Giro later on."

"I think there are only two riders now that can win the GC, Canada or [Brajkovic]. They are both strong riders but either way it is going to be a fight. We are ready for that!"

2.5mph slower??

The bunch keeping things moving...
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

That was the rough calculation of difference between the breakaway and peloton over the 131 mile stage. There were many hypotheses as to why this was allowed to happen. Discovery Channel's Levi Leipheimer, a possible contender until today, had his own. "I think the story is we can't do everything and when there is a breakaway everyone looks to us. But this time the break was good for us so we had to let it go. Obviously it was great for Gianni to win the stage - we weren't expecting that. He was out there to motor the break for Janez. We are definitely counting on Janez - he was fifth at Tirenno and was a leader at the Vuelta, so we have a lot of confidence in him."

Another factor for letting the break go was its composition, with the majority of teams represented, including every ProTour team save for Predictor-Lotto. "I knew it was going to change the GC, I just didn't think it would be like that!" said Health Net-Maxxis' Nathan O'Neill. "That was a September kind of move, that many guys getting up the road with 20 minutes. Lotto chased and rode like maniacs - they almost caught them! But they rode so hard they blew themselves to pieces. If they had been a bit more gentle with it Tinkoff might have jumped in."

Heading towards Chattanooga.
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

Toyota-United also missed the move, but did not have the energy to chase after yesterday's stage win. "With the guys working so hard the past two days it didn't leave too many options for us to mark the early moves," said director sportif Harm Jansen. "But the primary object is still stage wins for us - that is what the team is built for."

With Predictor-Lotto burning all of its matches in a solo effort, and teams like Toyota-United unable to help, Tinkoff was left to do the work with only six riders. "I was tired from the other two days and with only six [riders] we couldn't do it alone," said Daniele Contrini. "My time in yellow was bellisimo! It has been a very special race. It is too bad no other teams wanted to chase."

Some discussion of the peloton in danger of being time cut circulated as the clock neared thirty minutes, with team liason Kevin Livingston remembering the second stage of the 1998 Tirreno-Adriatico in which 125 riders were eliminated. However, that was due to poor conditions and a rider protest. Today's stage was held under near-perfect weather, with light breezes and mostly sunny skies.

How it unfolded

The Darlington School in Rome, Georgia welcomed the Tour de Georgia back with open arms. However, instead of a time trial start, as it was two years ago, the school children sent the entire field off at once, for a new road stage to Chattanooga, Tennessee. The course was a welcome change to previous editions of the race, with four KOM climbs to ensure a break-up of the general classification.

It was a long lonely road
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

As in the two previous days the riders began attacking early, led mainly by the smaller domestic squads. However, the constant downward trend of the opening kilometres made it difficult for any group to get away. David McCann, the Irish national champion riding for the Colavita-Sutter Home team made a move along the winding and hilly section of the parcours, with Michael Lange (Slipstream-Chipoitle) and Kevin Seeldrayers (Quick Step-Innergetic) trying to join him. Unfortunately for them, the course turned onto a wide, five-lane highway which negated any advantage.

Counter attacks flew off the front with Karl Menzies (Health Net-Maxxis) and Valery Kobzarenko (Navigators Insurance) giving it a go, but to no avail. A few kilometres later, with the five kilometre-to-go sign for the first KOM ahead, Jeffry Louder (Health Net-Maxxis) and Scott Zwizanski (Priority Health) jumped up the road with about twenty others chasing. As the category four KOM climb kicked up the group thinned a little with thirteen surviving over the top: Janez Brajkovic and Gianni Meersman (Discovery Channel), Christian Vandevelde (Team CSC), Rubens Bertogliati and David Canada Gracia (Saunier Duval - Prodir), Ivan Santaromita and Kevin Seeldrayers (Quick Step-Innergetic), Tim Johnson and Jeff Louder (Health Net-Maxxis), Ciaran Power (Navigators Insurance), Lucas Euser (Slipstream-Chipotle), Tyler Wren (Colavita/Sutter Home) and Scott Nydam (BMC).

George Hincapie (Discovery)
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

The group held about a minute's lead on the peloton on top of the first KOM with Louder taking the points ahead of Brajkovic, Seeldrayers and Euser. The descent was a gnarly one, with tight and steep switch-backs. This was to be the theme of the day in terms of descending.

On the flats between the first two KOMs, the Predictor-Lotto team decided it wanted to be included in the action and put six riders on the front, bringing the gap down to under half a minute. "There were a lot of attacks and many breaks before the big one," said Johnson. "It went up to a minute right away and then went back down so I thought that was it for us."

But Predictor-Lotto went too hard, too soon, and no other team was interested in helping. Soon the break was back up over a minute... and then two... and then four...

As Radio Tour relayed the ascending time gaps the jaws dropped farther and farther. At one point the race officials were sure their time checks had to be wrong, but they were not. It was just a slow-moving peloton and a motivated breakaway. "I had to bridge to the break because we had nobody represented," said CSC's Christian Vandevelde. "I just tried to keep it going because it was in my best interest for the overall. It was just trying to keep the troops motivated out there."

Christian Vandevelde (Team CSC)
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

But certainly some team would bring the break back... to at least a manageable gap? The short answer, no.

"I was completely shocked at the break today," Johnson continued. "I started laughing when the gap was grew from three to ten to fifteen to twenty minutes. This kind of thing doesn't happen that often in any race!"

"It was a very unexpected break today," said Saunier Duval-Prodir's director sportif Matteo Alegri. "We always wanted to have our riders in the break but we did not expect the time to grow so much. It is because the break away was well sorted many of the teams were happy with it."

The time rose near twenty minutes and held as the four riders ascended and descend the next two KOMs, with Louder taking the points and a $1,500 bonus just ahead of Euser on the second KOM. Finally, as the break neared the final KOM, putting them atop Lookout Mountain, the fate for the peloton was sealed. On the ascent, Johnson set the pace as he had done on the three previous climbs. Directly on his wheel was Vandevelde. "I think everyone was tired -- it was a long day," he said. "I was starting to cramp towards the end. I was just doing damage control -- being by yourself it is hard to control things."

Rubens Bertogliati (Saunier Duval-Prodir)
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

About half-way up the climb a few riders on the back looked to be struggling, including Tyler Wren. Soon, Seeldrayers attacked with Bertogliati giving chase. This broke the break with only seven riders hanging on to chase. The two lead riders held only a ten to fifteen second gap on top of the KOM and onto the dangerous descent into the city -- the same course as last year's time trial finish. On the descent the lead was only a few seconds as the tight curves wreaked havoc on the tired riders.

Half-way down disaster struck Ciaran Power as he overcooked one of the outward-facing turns. "I was behind Ciaran and I knew he was going too fast and braking too much," recalled Vandevelde. "I was saying to myself, 'Don't watch, don't watch, don't watch...' but saw it out of the corner of my eye -- he flew up in the air and went over the guardrail." Power managed to climb back onto the course and continue riding - eventually finishing and walking to the ambulance to be checked out at hospital.

Ciaran Power (Navigators)
Photo ©: Jon Devich
(Click for larger image)

Near the bottom the break regrouped and started the final kilometres of flat towards the finish along the river. With four kilometres to go, Louder launched an attack that lasted about a kilometre. But a strong ride by another domestic pro, Scott Nydam, brought the chase to Louder's wheel. Soon after reaching Louder's wheel, it was Brajkovic coming by and rolling off the front. But inside of two kilometres it all came back together. The eight leaders were obviously tired, not even pedaling, enjoying the huge lead to rest and play a little cat-and-mouse as they rode under the flame rouge.

Brajkovic was flanked on either side by the Saunier Duval-Prodir riders, waiting for him to make a move. Then, out of nowhere, it was Louder again from 700 meters, trying to surprise the ProTour riders. It almost worked as he held about a twenty meter lead up until he was inside 50 meters, when Meersman came past for the win. "This is my first pro win and I am so happy!" he said after the race.

Tomorrow's stage is the only time trial, which will play a major factor in deciding which of the remaining few riders will wear the yellow jersey to the top of Brasstown Bald, and maybe into Atlanta on Sunday. Tune in for Cyclingnews' live updates from the first rider, Garrett Peltonen (Priority Health) at 11:00 a.m. until the race leader David Canada Gracia (Saunier Duval-Prodir) crosses the line on top of Lookout Mountain, Georgia!


For a thumbnail gallery of these images, click here

Images by Jonathan Devich/epicimages.us

Images by John Pierce/Photosport International

Images by Trish Albert/www.southeasterncycling.com


1 Gianni Meersman (Bel) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                      4.33.18 (41.80 km/h)
2 David Canada Gracia (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                 0.01
3 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                             
4 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Team CSC                                                  
5 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                      
6 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                   
7 Scott Nydam (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                    
8 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                      
9 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                             2.20
10 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream                                                   
11 Ivan Santaromita (Swi) Quick Step - Innergetic                                  3.35
12 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                    
13 Ciaran Power (Irl) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                            5.05
14 Nick Reistad (USA) USA National Development Team                               29.07
15 Chad Beyer (USA) USA National Development Team                                      
16 Thomas Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                           
17 Charles Dionne (Can) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                
18 John Devine (USA) USA National Development Team                                     
19 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                            
20 Fred Rodriguez (USA) Predictor-Lotto                                                
21 Jacob Rosenbarger (USA) BMC Racing Team                                             
22 Steffen Weigold (Ger) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                        
23 Cameron Wurf (Aus) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell                
24 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                        
25 Jonathan Garcia (USA) BMC Racing Team                                               
26 Tyler Hamilton (USA) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                         
27 Craig Lewis (USA) Team Slipstream                                                   
28 Emile Abraham (Tri) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell               
29 Geert Steurs (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                                  
30 Sheldon Deeny (USA) USA National Development Team                                   
31 Christophe Brandt (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                             
32 Evan Elken (USA) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                     
33 Ben Jacques-Maynes (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell          
34 Brian Vandborg (Den) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                             
35 Eric Riggs (USA) USA National Development Team                                      
36 Richard England (Aus) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell             
37 Edward King (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell                 
38 Christophe Rinero (Fra) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                      
39 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                            
40 Ben Day (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                                     
41 David Mccann (Irl) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                  
42 Cody Stevenson (Aus) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                 
43 Kurt-Asle Arvesen (Nor) Team CSC                                                    
44 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) Quick Step - Innergetic                                    
45 Doug Ollerenshaw (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                               
46 Ian Mckissick (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                 
47 Phil Zajicek (USA) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                                
48 Scott Moninger (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                
49 Jackson Stewart (USA) BMC Racing Team                                               
50 Michael Blaudzun (Den) Team CSC                                                     
51 Tommy Nankervis (Aus) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                
52 Hubert Schwab (Swi) Quick Step - Innergetic                                         
53 Neil Shirley (USA) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                   
54 Valery Kobzarenko (Ukr) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                           
55 Cesar Augusto Grajales (Col) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                         
56 Ryder Hesjedal (Can) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                 
57 David Zabriskie (USA) Team CSC                                                      
58 Anders Lund (Den) Team CSC                                                          
59 Nathan O'neill (Aus) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                 
60 Matthew Harley Goss (Aus) Team CSC                                                  
61 Ivan Stevic (SCG) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                    
62 Maarten Wynants (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                       
63 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                            
64 Omer Kem (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell                    
65 Daniele Contrini (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                       
66 Peter Hatton (Aus) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                  
67 Olivier Kaisen (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                                
68 Danny Pate (USA) Team Slipstream                                                    
69 Dominique Cornu (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                               
70 Guido Trentin (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                          
71 Pavel Padrnos (Cze) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                              
72 Benjamin Brooks (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                             
73 Ivan Dominguez (Cub) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                 
74 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light               
75 Rory Sutherland (Aus) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                
76 Jonathan Patrick McCarty (USA) Team Slipstream                                      
77 Martin Pedersen (Den) Team CSC                                                      
78 Timothy Duggan (USA) Team Slipstream                                                
79 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                              
80 Viktor Rapinski (Blr) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                             
81 Adam Bergman (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                  
82 Stefano Zanini (Ita) Predictor-Lotto                                                
83 Michael Lange (USA) Team Slipstream                                                 
84 Jason Donald (USA) Team Slipstream                                                  
85 Eric Keim (USA) USA National Development Team                                       
86 Brian Dziewa (USA) USA National Development Team                                    
87 Thomas Peterson (USA) Team Slipstream                                               
88 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                   
89 David Millar (GBr) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                           
90 Scott Zwizanski (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell             
91 Alessandro Proni (Ita) Quick Step - Innergetic                                      
92 Alexandre Moos (Swi) BMC Racing Team                                                
93 Anthony Colby (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                 
94 Gustavo Artacho (Arg) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light               
95 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Team CSC                                                      
96 Elio Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                           
97 Justin England (USA) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                 
98 Garrett Peltonen (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell            
99 Caleb Manion (Aus) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                   
100 Glen Alan Chadwick (NZl) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                         
101 Chris Wherry (USA) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                  
102 Andrea Tonti (Ita) Quick Step - Innergetic                                         
103 Ruggero Marzoli (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                       
104 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step - Innergetic                                          
105 Caleb Fairly (USA) USA National Development Team                                   
106 Austin King (USA) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                   
107 Trent Wilson (Aus) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                  
108 Preben Van Hecke (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                             
109 Nick Gates (Aus) Predictor-Lotto                                                   
110 Henk Vogels (Aus) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                   
111 Matt Shriver (USA) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                  
112 Burke Swindlehurst (USA) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                            
113 Kirk O'bee (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                    
114 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team 


Sprint #1

1 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                5 pts
2 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                     3
3 Ivan Santaromita (Swi) Quick Step - Innergetic                                      1
Sprint #2 (finish line)

1 Gianni Meersman (Bel) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                           15 pts
2 David Canada Gracia (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                   12
3 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                           10
4 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Team CSC                                                 7
5 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                     6
6 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                  5
7 Scott Nydam (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                   4
8 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                     3
9 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                2
10 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream                                                  1


Climb #1 (30.6 km)

1 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                  4 pts
2 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                            3
3 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                     2
4 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream                                                   1
Climb #2 (109.3 km)

1 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                  4 pts
2 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream                                                   3
3 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                     2
4 Scott Nydam (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                   1
Climb #3 (144.9 km)

1 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                6 pts
2 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream                                                   5
3 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                  4
4 Scott Nydam (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                   3
5 Ivan Santaromita (Swi) Quick Step - Innergetic                                      1
Climb #4 (176.1 km)

1 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                     6 pts
2 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                     5
3 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Team CSC                                                 4
4 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                            3
5 David Canada Gracia (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                    1

Best Young Rider

1 Gianni Meersman (Bel) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                      4.33.18
2 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                         0.01
3 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                      
4 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream                                                2.20
5 Ivan Santaromita (Swi) Quick Step - Innergetic                                   3.35
6 Nick Reistad (USA) USA National Development Team                                29.07
7 Chad Beyer (USA) USA National Development Team                                       
8 John Devine (USA) USA National Development Team                                      
9 Cameron Wurf (Aus) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell                 
10 Craig Lewis (USA) Team Slipstream                                                   
11 Sheldon Deeny (USA) USA National Development Team                                   
12 Eric Riggs (USA) USA National Development Team                                      
13 Edward King (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell                 
14 Tommy Nankervis (Aus) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                
15 Anders Lund (Den) Team CSC                                                          
16 Matthew Harley Goss (Aus) Team CSC                                                  
17 Peter Hatton (Aus) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                  
18 Olivier Kaisen (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                                
19 Dominique Cornu (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                               
20 Martin Pedersen (Den) Team CSC                                                      
21 Michael Lange (USA) Team Slipstream                                                 
22 Thomas Peterson (USA) Team Slipstream                                               
23 Caleb Fairly (USA) USA National Development Team  

Most aggressive rider

1 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis


1 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                                           14.09.02
2 Prodir-Saunier Duval                                                             0.01
3 The Health Net Pro Cycling Team Presented by Maxxis                              2.20
4 Quick Step-Innergetic                                                            3.35
5 BMC Racing Team                                                                 29.07
6 Team CSC                                                                             
7 Team Slipstream Powered by Chipotle                                             31.26
8 Colavita/Sutter Home Presented by Cooking Light Team                            32.41
9 Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                                               34.11
10 USA Cycling National Development Team                                          58.13
11 Predictor-Lotto                                                                     
12 Priority Health Cycling Team Presented by Bissell                                   
13 Tinkoff Credit Systems                                                              
14 Jittery Joe's                                                                       
15 Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team      
General classification after stage 3

1 David Canada Gracia (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                             13.34.21
2 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                  0.03
3 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Team CSC                                                  
4 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                             
5 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                   
6 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                      
7 Scott Nydam (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                0.23
8 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream                                                2.22
9 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                             2.51
10 Tyler Wren (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                3.57
11 Ivan Santaromita (Swi) Quick Step - Innergetic                                      
12 Ciaran Power (Irl) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                            5.23
13 Gianni Meersman (Bel) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                        6.31
14 Daniele Contrini (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                  27.47
15 Doug Ollerenshaw (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                          28.16
16 Ben Day (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                                28.25
17 Ivan Stevic (SCG) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                               28.54
18 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Team CSC                                                 29.00
19 Fred Rodriguez (USA) Predictor-Lotto                                           29.02
20 Charles Dionne (Can) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light           29.06
21 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                            
22 Thomas Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                           
23 Ryder Hesjedal (Can) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                 
24 David Zabriskie (USA) Team CSC                                                      
25 George Hincapie (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                            
26 Rory Sutherland (Aus) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                
27 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                              
28 Jason Donald (USA) Team Slipstream                                                  
29 Alessandro Proni (Ita) Quick Step - Innergetic                                      
30 Emile Abraham (Tri) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell          29.07
31 Andrea Tonti (Ita) Quick Step - Innergetic                                     29.08
32 John Devine (USA) USA National Development Team                                29.09
33 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                        
34 Christophe Brandt (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                             
35 Tyler Hamilton (USA) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                         
36 Geert Steurs (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                                  
37 Hubert Schwab (Swi) Quick Step - Innergetic                                         
38 Craig Lewis (USA) Team Slipstream                                                   
39 Cesar Augusto Grajales (Col) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                         
40 Nathan O'neill (Aus) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                 
41 Christophe Rinero (Fra) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                      
42 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) Quick Step - Innergetic                                    
43 Sheldon Deeny (USA) USA National Development Team                                   
44 Edward King (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell                 
45 Michael Blaudzun (Den) Team CSC                                                     
46 Valery Kobzarenko (Ukr) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                           
47 Danny Pate (USA) Team Slipstream                                                    
48 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                            
49 Phil Zajicek (USA) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                                
50 Scott Moninger (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                
51 Dominique Cornu (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                               
52 Maarten Wynants (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                       
53 Peter Hatton (Aus) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                  
54 David Mccann (Irl) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                  
55 David Millar (GBr) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                           
56 Anthony Colby (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                 
57 Tommy Nankervis (Aus) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                
58 Thomas Peterson (USA) Team Slipstream                                               
59 Neil Shirley (USA) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                   
60 Guido Trentin (Ita) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                          
61 Jonathan Patrick McCarty (USA) Team Slipstream                                      
62 Alexandre Moos (Swi) BMC Racing Team                                                
63 Benjamin Brooks (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                             
64 Preben Van Hecke (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                              
65 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                   
66 Trent Wilson (Aus) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                   
67 Ian Mckissick (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                 
68 Ruggero Marzoli (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                        
69 Justin England (USA) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                 
70 Christopher Baldwin (USA) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                            
71 Jonathan Garcia (USA) BMC Racing Team                                          29.29
72 Brian Vandborg (Den) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                             
73 Pavel Padrnos (Cze) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                              
74 Timothy Duggan (USA) Team Slipstream                                                
75 Gustavo Artacho (Arg) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light               
76 Henk Vogels (Aus) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                    
77 Jacob Rosenbarger (USA) BMC Racing Team                                        29.38
78 Olivier Kaisen (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                                
79 Ben Jacques-Maynes (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell     29.48
80 Michael Lange (USA) Team Slipstream                                                 
81 Jackson Stewart (USA) BMC Racing Team                                          29.51
82 Matthew Harley Goss (Aus) Team CSC                                                  
83 Nick Gates (Aus) Predictor-Lotto                                                    
84 Caleb Manion (Aus) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                              29.56
85 Ivan Dominguez (Cub) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                            29.58
86 Davide Frattini (Ita) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light               
87 Kirk O'bee (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                     
88 Cody Stevenson (Aus) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                            30.18
89 Chad Beyer (USA) USA National Development Team                                 30.20
90 Eric Keim (USA) USA National Development Team                                  30.47
91 Viktor Rapinski (Blr) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                        31.02
92 Eric Riggs (USA) USA National Development Team                                 31.55
93 Glen Alan Chadwick (NZl) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                     32.18
94 Steffen Weigold (Ger) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                   32.24
95 Kurt-Asle Arvesen (Nor) Team CSC                                                    
96 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step - Innergetic                                           
97 Anders Lund (Den) Team CSC                                                     32.34
98 Martin Pedersen (Den) Team CSC                                                      
99 Chris Wherry (USA) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                   
100 Burke Swindlehurst (USA) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                            
101 Matt Shriver (USA) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                             33.18
102 Adam Bergman (USA) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light            33.37
103 Evan Elken (USA) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                               33.40
104 Cameron Wurf (Aus) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell          34.11
105 Austin King (USA) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                              35.07
106 Elio Aggiano (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                     35.10
107 Scott Zwizanski (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell       35.37
108 Brian Dziewa (USA) USA National Development Team                              35.43
109 Richard England (Aus) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell       37.21
110 Nick Reistad (USA) USA National Development Team                              37.27
111 Omer Kem (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell              38.07
112 Caleb Fairly (USA) USA National Development Team                                   
113 Stefano Zanini (Ita) Predictor-Lotto                                          39.47
114 Garrett Peltonen (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell      41.01

Sprint classification

1 Daniele Contrini (Ita) Tinkoff Credit Systems                                      23 pts
2 Gianni Meersman (Bel) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                           15
3 Ivan Stevic (SCG) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                   15
4 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Team CSC                                                     14
5 David Canada Gracia (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                   14
6 Viktor Rapinski (Blr) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                            13
7 Doug Ollerenshaw (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                              13
8 Ben Day (Aus) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                                    11
9 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                             11
10 Glen Alan Chadwick (NZl) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                        10
11 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                          10
12 Fred Rodriguez (USA) Predictor-Lotto                                              10
13 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                    9
14 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                               7
15 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Team CSC                                                7
16 Alessandro Proni (Ita) Quick Step - Innergetic                                     7
17 Ryder Hesjedal (Can) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                7
18 Ivan Dominguez (Cub) Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                6
19 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                           5
20 Karl Menzies (Aus) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                  5
21 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                 5
22 Austin King (USA) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                                   4
23 Garrett Peltonen (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell           4
24 Charles Dionne (Can) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light               4
25 Scott Nydam (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                  4
26 Emile Abraham (Tri) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell              3
27 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                    3
28 Rory Sutherland (Aus) Health Net presented by Maxxis                               3
29 Ciaran Power (Irl) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                               3
30 Ivan Santaromita (Swi) Quick Step - Innergetic                                     1
31 Andrea Tonti (Ita) Quick Step - Innergetic                                         1
32 Thomas Danielson (USA) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                          1
33 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream                                                  1

Mountains classification

1 Jeffry Louder (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                                12 pts
2 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream                                                  9
3 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                    8
4 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                    7
5 Timothy Johnson (USA) Health Net presented by Maxxis                               6
6 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                           6
7 Christian Vandevelde (USA) Team CSC                                                4
8 Scott Nydam (USA) BMC Racing Team                                                  4
9 Ben Jacques-Maynes (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell         4
10 Nathan O'neill (Aus) Health Net presented by Maxxis                               3
11 Ryder Hesjedal (Can) Health Net presented by Maxxis                               2
12 David Canada Gracia (Spa) Saunier Duval - Prodir                                  1
13 Ivan Santaromita (Swi) Quick Step - Innergetic                                    1
14 Sergey Lagutin (Uzb) Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                            1

Best young rider classification

1 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                    13.34.24
2 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step - Innergetic                                     
3 Lucas Euser (USA) Team Slipstream                                               2.19
4 Ivan Santaromita (Swi) Quick Step - Innergetic                                  3.54
5 Gianni Meersman (Bel) Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                        6.28
6 John Devine (USA) USA National Development Team                                29.06
7 Craig Lewis (USA) Team Slipstream                                                   
8 Sheldon Deeny (USA) USA National Development Team                                   
9 Edward King (USA) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell                 
10 Dominique Cornu (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                              
11 Peter Hatton (Aus) Colavita/Sutter Home presented by Cooking Light                 
12 Tommy Nankervis (Aus) Jittery Joe's Pro Cycling Team                               
13 Thomas Peterson (USA) Team Slipstream                                              
14 Olivier Kaisen (Bel) Predictor-Lotto                                          29.35
15 Michael Lange (USA) Team Slipstream                                           29.45
16 Matthew Harley Goss (Aus) Team CSC                                            29.48
17 Chad Beyer (USA) USA National Development Team                                30.17
18 Eric Riggs (USA) USA National Development Team                                31.52
19 Anders Lund (Den) Team CSC                                                    32.31
20 Martin Pedersen (Den) Team CSC                                                     
21 Cameron Wurf (Aus) Priority Health Cycling Team presented by Bissell          34.08
22 Nick Reistad (USA) USA National Development Team                              37.24
23 Caleb Fairly (USA) USA National Development Team                              38.04

Team Classification

1 Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team                                          41.12.08
2 Prodir-Saunier Duval                                                            0.07
3 The Health Net Pro Cycling Team Presented by Maxxis                             1.37
4 Quick Step-Innergetic                                                           3.41
5 Team CSC                                                                       29.10
6 BMC Racing Team                                                                29.16
7 Team Slipstream Powered by Chipotle                                            31.32
8 Colavita/Sutter Home Presented by Cooking Light Team                           32.47
9 Navigators Insurance Cycling Team                                              33.38
10 Tinkoff Credit Systems                                                        57.15
11 Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team                                                58.17
12 Predictor-Lotto                                                               58.19
13 Jittery Joe's                                                                 58.22
14 Priority Health Cycling Team Presented by Bissell                             59.01
15 USA Cycling National Development Team                                         59.33

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