News for March 7, 1997

UCI gets tougher on EPO

Riders who refuse the blood controls will lose their licensee. The UCI decided this rule in the new regulations. Next Sunday the first investigations will start in Paris-Nice. This UCI-decision is heavier than the riders thought till now; the news was in January: when the rider has more than 50 percent hematrocriet value in his blood, he can't start in that race but there will be no suspension.

Jeroen Blijlevens in hospital

Jeroen Blijlevens didn't start in the Tour of Murcia because of a heavy virus. Instead of starting in Murcia; he was in a hospital in Eindhoven for investigation. Teamleader Cees Priem: "It's going better with Jeroen; but not good enough." He hopes Blijlevens can start in Catalonia (March 24) and "maybe some criteriums in Belgium before".