Austrian National Championships

Salzburg, Austria, June 25-27, 1999

Men's Road Championship, Neumarkt am Wallersee, 188 kms, June 27:

Hannes Hempel won the Austrian road championships held at Neumarkt am Wallersee, near to Salzburg. The 25-year old climber took his first national title after attacking in the final metres. Peter Wrolich was second again. After 5 large laps around the town, 13 riders were in a top group chasing Bruckner. His lead oscillated back and forth between 30 seconds and a minute. Georg Totschnig (43rd at 4.17) and Gerrit Glomser (44th) were not in the chasing group. The top group contained all the stronger amateur riders with the exception of defending champion Josef Lontscharitsch (18th at 4.13) as well as the Gerolsteiner professionals Wrolich and Thomas Muehlbacher. They worked well together.

Hempel, who knew he would have no chance in a sprint, attacked 2 kms out and maintained a small margin until the end. He benefitted from the fact that the chasers could not agree and the Elk Wien trio of Kaspret, Riebenbauer (6th) and Buxhofer (7th) were not interested in helping.

Hempel gained 60 UCI points.

AVS: 43.8 km/h

 1. Hannes Hempel (Bosch Mattighofen)	     4.17.27
 2. Peter Wrolich (Team Gerolsteiner)		0.01
 3. Arno Kaspret (Elk Wien)			0.01
 4. Jochen Summer				0.01
 5. Werner Faltheiner				0.01
 6. Werner Riebenbauer				0.01
 7. Matthias Buxhofer				0.01
 8. Hannes Gerngross				0.01
 9. Florian Wiesinger				0.01
10. Thomas Mühlbacher				0.01
11. Gerhard Trampusch				0.01
12. Martin Moser				0.01
13. Martin Fischerlehner			1.25

Men's ITT Championship, 32 kms, June 26:

Florian Wiesinger, who was third last year behind ONCE's Peter Luttenberger and Roland Garber, won the Austrian Open ITT Championships held at Salzburg on Saturday. It is his second ITT title since 1995 when he won the title as a 19 year old. He riders for the Bosch Mattighofen team.

32 riders started in the ITT. Team Gerolsteiner rider Rene Haselbacher was second at 34.4 seconds. There were a number of top riders absent. Luttenberger, the best of the Austrian riders was not present due to health problems. Harald Morscher was also absent as he is still serving a suspension for an excessive hematocrit level. Georg Totschnig did not get back from the Tour of Catalonia and Peter Wrolich was missing. Both will start in the road race on Sunday.

 1. Florian Wiesinger     		39.44.0
 2. Rene Haselbacher      		40.18.4
 3. Josef Lontscharitsch  		40.51.9
 4. Arnold Eisel          		41.29.2
 5. Bernhard Gugganig     		41.33.5
 6. Hannes Hempel         		41.37.6
 7. Thomas Mühlbacher     		41.42.0
 8. Jochen Summer         		41.44.1
 9. Mattias Buxhofer      		41.54.5
10. Kurt Schwarzlmüller   		41.59.7

Men's Berg Title, Bischofshofen - Uttendorf, 95 kms, June 25:

The Austrians also contest a national mountain climbing championship. This year it was won by 20-year old Gerhard Trampusch. The race was held on Friday over a 95 kms route from Bischofshofen to Uttendorf. Title holder from 1998 Thomas Muehlbacher was absent as was Georg Totschnig.

Trampusch, Buxhofer, Hannes Hempel and Gerrit Glomser caught the breakaway riders - Obwaller and Martin Moser, who attacked in the first 40 kms. The first 40 kms was flat. With the final 6 kms ride to the top of the 664m finish, Trampusch attacked and dropped Obwaller to go on to a solo victory.

 1. Gerhard Trampusch      	     2.34.38
 2. Matthias Buxhofer      		0.29
 3. Hanspeter Obwaller     		0.30
 4. Hannes Hempel          		1.20
 5. Martin Moser           		1.30
 6. Gerrit Glomser         		1.35